Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord April 9, 2017 Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord The Commemoration of the Lord’s Entrance into Jerusalem The Solemn Entrance 5:15 PM, 9:00 AM & 6:30 PM 5:15 PM Hosanna Michael Burkhardt Archdiocesan Boy and Girl Choirs Hosanna, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, Hosanna! The Procession 11:00 AM Fanfare for Palm Sunday Richard Proulx Cathedral Basilica Choir 1937-2010 Hosanna! Hosanna to the son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna! O King of Israel! Hosanna! Hosanna in the highest. The Greeting, Address, Blessing and Sprinkling of Palm Branches Gospel Matthew 21:1-11 Invitation to begin the Procession Dear brothers and sisters, like the crowds who acclaimed Jesus in Jerusalem, let us go forth in peace. 11:00 AM Pueri Hebraeorum Liber Usualis Cathedral Basilica Choir English translation, sung in Latin The children of the Hebrews, carrying olive branches, went to meet the Lord, crying our and saying: Hosanna in the highest. 2 The Mass Processional All Glory Laud and Honor St. Theodulph Collect 3 Liturgy of the Word Word and Song Page 134 First Reading Isaiah 50:4-7 My face I did not shield from buffets and spitting knowing that I shall not be put to shame. Responsorial Psalm Psalm 22 Christopher Willcock 6:30 PM Owen Alstott Second Reading Philippians 2:6-11 Christ humbled himself. Because of this God greatly exalted him. Acclamation Before the Gospel James Chepponis Christ became obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross, Because of this, God greatly exalted him and bestowed on him the name which is above every name. Gospel The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ According to Saint Matthew A LAMP FOR OUR FEET A LAMP FOR Matthew OUR FEET 26:14-27:66 DavidWord Haas and Song, DavidPage Haas136 Homily 3 & 43 ˙ œ &œ 4 œ œ ˙ œ ˙œ. œ œ ˙. A LAMP FOR OURœ œFEET œ œ œ œ 5:15 PM Dismissal of theMay Electthe W ord Davidbe Haasa lampMay thefor Wourord befeet,a lamp for our feet, 3 œ œ œ ˙. ˙. œ œ ˙. ˙. & 4 œ œ ˙ & ˙ œœ œ œ ˙ œ œ˙. œ& ˙ œ œœ ˙ œ œ May the Word be a andlampa forlightour tofeet, guide andoura lightpath!to guide our path! Copyright © 1991 by GIA Publications, Inc. CopyrightAll Rights © Reserved1991 by GIA Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved œ œ ˙. ˙. & ˙ œ œ ˙ œ œ 4 and a light to guide our path! Copyright © 1991 by GIA Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved Profession of Faith (Apostles’ Creed) Word and Song Page 13 Universal Prayer Richard Gibala 5 CCH pew Holy Thur/CreatLiturgy 7/30/02 of11:30 the AM PageEucharist 153 5 CCH pew Holy Thur/Creat 7/30/02 11:30 AM Page 153 Preparation of the Gifts 5 CCH pew Holy Thur/Creat 7/30/02 11:30 AM Page 153 Anthem5 CCH pew Holy Thur/Creat 7/30/02 When 11:30 Jesus AM PageWept 153 William Billings 5:15 PM Archdiocesan Boy and Girl Choirs 1746-1800 5 CCH pew Holy Thur/Creat 7/30/02Were 11:30 You AM TherePage 153 5 CCH pew HolyWhen Thur/Creat Jesus wept, 7/30/02 the Werefalling 11:30 tear You AMIn mercy TherePage flowed153 beyond all bound, When Jesus groaned, a trembling fear Seized all the guilty world around.� ��� 4 Were You There � � 4 � � Were� You� There� � � � �� Offertory� �1. Were 4 � you there Werewhen Youthey There?cru - ci - fied my Lord? Spiritual 11:00 AM� 2. Were� 4 you� there� Werewhen� Youthey� There?nailed� him � to� �arr. theRobert� tree?� A. Benson �1. Were� you there Werewhen Youthey Therecru - ci - fied my Lord?� � 3. Were4 you thereCathedralWerewhen You theyBasilica piercedThere Choirhim in the side?� � �4. Were2. Were� 4 you� there� when� theythe� nailedsun� himre� - fusedto� � theto� shine?tree?� � 3. Were1. Were� 4 � you there� when� they� piercedcru - himci - fiedin� � mythe Lord?side? � �5. Were you� there when they laid� him� in the� tomb?�� � 6. Were4. Were1. Were2. Were� 4 � you there when theythe nailedrolledsuncru - himthereci - - fusedstonefiedto� mythetoa-shine?Lord?way?tree?� � ��5. Were2. Were3. Were4 you� there� when� they� piercednailedlaid� him� into� the� tomb?side?tree?� � 6. Were3. Were4. Were1. Were� 4 � you� there� when� theythe� piercedrolledsuncru� - himthereci� - - fusedstonefiedin� � mytheto�a-shine?Lord?way?side?� 4. Were5. Were1. Were2. Were� you there when theythe nailedlaidsuncru - himreci - - fusedfiedinto mytheto shine?tomb?Lord?tree? ��5. Were6. Were2. Were3. Were� you there� �when �they piercednailed�rolledlaid � himthe� �stoneinto thea-tomb?way?side?tree? � 6. Were3. Were4. Were4. � you� there when theythe piercedrolledsun himthere - fusedstonein � theto�a-shine?way?side? ��4. Were5. WereWere you therethere� when�whenthey�theythe cru�laidsun - ci� him -refied� - �fusedinmy Lord?theto shine?tomb? � 5. Were6. Were� Were� you� therethere whenwhentheytheynailedrolledlaidhimhimtheto stoneinthe� tree?the�a-tomb?way? ��6. Were� Were you therethere� when�whenthey�theypiercedcru�rolled - himci� the - fiedin� �stonemythe Lord?side?a-way? � � Were� you� there when theythe nailedsun� himre - fusedto� theto� shine?tree?� � � Were you� there� when� they� piercedcru - himci� - fiedin� mythe� Lord?side? � � Were� you there when they laid him in the tomb?� � � Were you there� when� theythe� nailedrolledsuncru� - thehimreci� - -fusedstonefiedto� � mythetoa-shine?Lord?way?tree? � �� Were� you� there� when� they� piercednailedlaid� himhim� toin� � the� tomb?side?tree?� � � Were� you� there when theythe piercedrolledsuncru - thehimreci - -fusedstonefiedin mythetoa-� shine?Lord?way?side?� Were you there when theythe nailedlaidsuncru -himhimreci - -fusedfiedinto mytheto shine?tomb?Lord?tree? �� Were� you� � there� � when they �piercednailedrolledlaid� himthehim stoneinto thea-tomb?way?side?tree? � � Were you there when theythe piercedrolledsun thehimre - fusedstone�in theto�a-� shine?way?side?� � � �� WereOh!� you� � there� � when theytheSome-times� laidsun� himre - fused itin caustheto shine? -tomb? es me to � � Were you there when they rolledlaid himthe stone�in the�a-� tomb?way?� � � � Oh! � � Some-times it caus - es me � � Were� you there� � when they �rolled� the stone a-� way? to � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � �� Oh! Some-times it� caus�� - es� me� to� ��� Oh!� � � � � Some-times� � it caus - es me �to � �� ��� � � � � � � � � � �� � � � � � � trem-ble,Oh!� trem-ble,� Some-timestrem-ble,� � � it� caus��� - esWere me youto � � � ��� � � � � � � �� � trem-ble,Oh! trem-ble, Some-timestrem-ble,� � � it caus� - esWere me youto ��� 5 � � � � ��� � � � � � � � � � � � trem-ble,��� trem-ble,� � � trem-ble,� � � � Were� you � � � trem-ble,� � � trem-ble,� � �trem-ble,� � � Were� you� � �� there���when they � cru� � - ci - fied my Lord? � � � � trem-ble,���� � � trem-ble,� � � �trem-ble,� � � � � Were� you� � theretrem-ble,when theytrem-ble,nailed� him� to � �the�� tree?�� Were� you �� there when they piercedcru - himci - fiedintrem-ble,mythe side?Lord? � �� there� when� theythe� nailedsun� himre� - fusedto�� theto� shine?tree?� � � � there� when� they� piercedcru - himci - fiedin�� mythe side?Lord? � � there when they laid� him� in the� tomb?� � � � there� when� theythe� nailedrolledsuncru - himthereci - - fusedstonefiedto�� mythetoa-shine?way?Lord?tree? Text:� African-American�� there spiritualwhen they piercednailedlaid� him� into the� tomb?tree?side?� � Tune:� WERE� there YOU� THERE,when 10� 10 with theyrefrain;the� African-Americanpiercedrolledsuncru� - himthe spiritual;reci� - - harm.fusedstonefiedin� by� Robert J.mytheto Batastini,a-� b.1942shine?way?side?Lord?� � Text: African-Americanthere spiritualwhen theythe nailedlaidsuncru - himreci - - fusedfiedinto mytheto shine?tomb?Lord?tree? Tune: WEREthere YOU THERE,when 10 10 with theyrefrain; African-Americanpiercednailedrolledlaid himthe spiritual; harm.stoneinto by Robert J.the Batastini,a- b.1942tomb?way?tree?side? Text: African-Americanthere spiritualwhen theythe piercedrolledsun himthere - fusedstonein thetoa-shine?way?side? Tune: WERE YOU THERE, 10 10 with refrain; African-American spiritual; harm. by Robert J. Batastini, b.1942 Text: African-Americanthere spiritualwhen theythe laidsun himre - fusedin theto shine?tomb? Tune: WEREthere YOU THERE,when 10 10 with theyrefrain; African-Americanrolledlaid himthe spiritual; harm.stonein by Robert J.the Batastini,a- b.1942tomb?way? Text: African-Americanthere spiritualwhen they rolled the stone a-way? Tune: WERE YOU THERE, 10 10 with refrain; African-American spiritual; harm. by Robert J. Batastini, b.1942 Text: African-American spiritual Tune: WERE YOU THERE, 10 10 with refrain; African-American spiritual; harm. by Robert J. Batastini, b.1942 5 CCH pew Holy Thur/Creat 7/30/02 11:30 AM Page 153 5 CCH pew Holy Thur/Creat 7/30/02 11:30 AM Page 153 Were You There Were You There � ��� 4 � � � �� 4 � � � � � � � � � � 1. Were� 4 � you� there� when� they� cru� - ci� - fied� � my� Lord?� 2. Were� you there when they nailed him to the tree? 5 CCH pew Holy1. Were Thur/Creat you 7/30/02there 11:30 AM whenPage 153they cru - ci - fied my Lord? 2. Were3. Were you there when they piercednailed him toin the side?tree? 3. Were4. Were you there when theythe piercedsun himre - fusedin theto shine?side? 4. Were5. Were you there when theythe laidsun himre - fusedin theto shine?tomb? 5. Were6. Were you there when they rolledlaid himthe stonein thea-tomb?way? 6. Were you Werethere You whenTherethey rolled the stone a-way? � 4 � � � � �4 � � �� � � � �� � � � � � � � � � 1. Were�� � �you there� when they cru - ci - fied my Lord? � � 2. Were� � Wereyou youthere therewhen� theywhen�nailedthey�him tocru� the - ci� -tree?fied� � my Lord?
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