AND llEIIIMD TOU• To Rud the Special Feature From The Glen ercury · The Pnkersburr Ne.,... of October 4, 1903. OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF CLDVILLE STATE TEACHUS COLLEGE Price '11oree C..ta College Alumnus GEORGE C. ROWELL Student President DENZEL GARREll TALKS IN CHAPEL WILL HEAD '37-'38 ON 'TUBFBCULOSIS' STUDENT COUNC[ Preaenta Sound Film, 'Behind Four Boya and One Girl Choaen the Shadowa'-lntroduced Aa College Governing Body By Prea. Rohrboqh ia Recent Election MAY GIVE SKIN TESTS 308 CAST BALLOTS Say• AU Hi1h !!lclll.. l aad Colleae John Bara.elt, Carnet Reed. Broelc.a Stu.dea.ta Slunalcl Ha•• Sheppard and Clifton HalfiDaD P •7• ieal E ....i natio•• Will Aid Pr-idea.t By ELWIN WILSON By ROBERT DAVIES George C. Rowell, exe~uti·ve seer&• Denzel Garrett of Fletcher, tary of the W08t Virginia Tubercul­ a junior in the College, Armoa cl Stalaake.r, 5 . N. '36, of osis and Health Aasoeiation, Char· was chosen president of the We.toa, i• one of lh.e ID&IlJ' cot. leston, presented the talking picture. student body in t he t hird an­ leae alumai to be ,... ploy-.d ia •'Behind the Shadows," in assembly nual election held the past the l.ewi• C ouaty •chool •rate m Wedne.sday mornina in the Collego Tuesday from 8 a. m. to 5 p. for the comi.. year. Auditorium. Jle was introduced by m. in theY. M. C. A. Room in President E. <G. Rohrbough. the basement of the Old Build­ Before presentinr the Aim, Mr O en.ael Carrett, abo•• • wa a ch.o­ ae a. preaiclen.t of the Studea.t Coua.· ing. Garrett polled 189 votes SENIORS URGED TO Rowell quoted f\cuns from man:1 to give him a lead of 72 over n&tion-wide aurveys showing · the c.il in. the aeneral electioD he ld the JOIN AIR CORPS paat Tuesday. his opponent, Nathan Calla­ enormous rate of deaths due to tu· han, of Richwood. Three hun· Lieut. M. B. Johnaon Say• beTculos.i.s, and said, "Things are fa_r dred eight persons, or seventy­ Ariation Ia ia Ita huaDc:y; wrong when sevellt$"-ftve per certt of FAVORS-- VISITING seven per cent of the student See• Future ia It the inmates of oar sa.nitoriums ar~ DAYS AT COLLEGE body, voted. between tbe ages of 16 and 36, an~ Mr. Garrett, who recently wa! Lieut. M. B. Johnson, of the Unit­ tubPrculosU is ta.kinc a greate!' Mra. lc:ie Hope Mc:Cune lm· elected president of the West Vir­ ed Stlltes Naval a.nd Marine Co<ps, death toll between tbue ages t.hac ginia Intercollegiate Press Associa~ W ashjngton, D. C., wu hue thP any other disease. Tbia is a aerious p reued W ith Work Done ia Tr.W.m r School lion at its ann.ual meeting in Chal·­ put week to discuss aviation with catastrophe for young men ant! leston, is a member of the Mereury members of the Senior Cia» at a women just enteriD.r the age of ma~ st.atf, a member of this year's Col­ HCounty visiting days give one a meeting in, Room 101. turity." lege debating team and a member opJ)Ortunity to obsel"VVe stu~ .llr.. Johnlon aa.id, ''In the con.quevt P W.. f - Ciol,ac Skia Te al of the 41 Kanawhac.hen" sta.ff. He auc­ dents' work in the Training StRoot," by man o£ tbe problemt of modern Tbe executive eecretary told of c.e.eds Bantz \V. Craddock, Jr. complex dvl1iz.ation, one of the out plans being -made to make it l)OSSi· suggested MT"S. :lcie Bop& McCun~ . John Barnett. of Charleston, de­ standing phue.s, still in its inJanc:,·, ble !dr all high school and college asshstant superintendent of school'S feated Marjorie Craddock, of Glen­ in Cl1ly County, who was a guest of is aviation. In lhe development ol .to be given the tuberculin ville, tor the vice·presidency, 168 tu t.his sc:ienee, trained, inteUigent skin test, a fairly accurate method the College one day last week. Mn. 139. Mr. Barnett is a member of the McCune, who is a siste·r to R. Y. minds. .snd physically perleet bodies of determining symptoms of the football, basketball, and tenni> Clark, instructor in education, also are equally needed. Both are re· disease. When the teet showa a posi­ team&. His position as vice-president qu_i:red o! the Naval a.nd Marine tive reaction, t.he individual i'5 a f . suggested that the opportunity tJ of the student body automaticolly Shirley Temple par&de ba.ri Corps aviator, whose training is see· fected. pouibly only in the early observe in the Training School give3 m-akes him chairman of the Social lll•imr-<>ne c:onteatanta and was won ond to none. Thi• career training is (Continued on page 6) "one a basis for sound judgment of Committee. future possibilities." Anna Lou LuudeT, small 'daugh­ made available to those young men For secretary, Garnet Reed, o! ot Jlr. and Jfrs. James Lu.zade1 psychologi<ally, edu<ationally, and JAMES L. CREASY County Day visitors here the pa~t Procious, was elected over Roben Glenville. Mro. Luuder is a fo'­ physicalJy qualified, at the expense Wednesday were: Fred L. Teal, s:u· Shreve, of Glenville, 222 to 86. Miss only of their devoting tbe required shdent in the College. SUBMITS PROGRAM perintendent of schools in Kanawha Reed is a freshman in the CoDe~ White and the Ha..rmonic'l time for t.he study and practical County; J . .Stuart Erwin, !principal and one of the leaders in scholastic training, and of being earnest in Sa ya Teac:her·Trainiag for One of Clendenin High Sebool, Kanawha standings. their desire !or this ecience. This ad· Room School lnotruc:tora County; and W. W. Lovell, s uperin­ Brooks SheJ~pard. of Elizabeth, vantage has eome through the ne~.?d Should Be Revi.ed tendent of schoo l ~ in Lewis County was elected treasurer over Russell of the Navy to provide an adequate, A visitor here Tuesday was Jame!l Porterfield, of Richwood, 188 to 117. trained reserve force of competent By MARIE ELLYSON Creasy, assistant superinten<lent oi Mr. Sheppard is a member of the aviatOT.s, and the. entire facilities o ~ James L. Crea.sy, A. B. '33, 'a.'!· schools in Nicholas County. football team. He has the honor of Na-val Aviation are utilized ln dev()I- sistant superintendent of schools in Today is the last County Day with twice in two years selling more prot!­ (Conlinued on page 6) Nicholas County, who was a Yi.sitor representatives expected from Web­ ucts for n national silk company here the past Tuesdny, suggesta tl>ot ster, Calhoun, Pocahontas, and than any other salesman in thl' there should be some modifications Roane counties. United States. y Rollers Provide Four Hours of and additions to the teacher-train­ ----o---- For sergeant-at-arms, Clifton ing work for students who expect to M iss Elizabeth Andrews, Miss Huffman, of Reedy, defeated Louie 'Swing' at Formal P arty Friday Night teach id one--room school$. Sally Young, Miss Fay Strickland, Romano, of Cla·rksburg, 199 to 10'7. His prog:rsm, which he. s ubmitted and Miss Ima Wilson spent the pas': 1\tr. Huffman is a junior and a mem- A c:.olor motif of blue. and w'hil ,.. to Dean H. Lnban White !or consid­ week-epd in Clendenin. (Continued on page 6) "W1l-S carried out in the dec.oratiom. crntion, is bnsed on the !ollowir:g Hear ye! Bear yo/ 1~9 couples Crepe l)aper streamers dangled from four observations: the summons of the Bol;:r the nine ceiling lights, while on the 1. The environment in rural di ~­ Students May T ry Out For Operetta at it.s annual •ession, north banking board over the wit- trich, which is served by npproxi­ llltoJnV<Ini•oa: at 9 p. m. Friday i~e th• ness stand appeared the names of ma.tely 140,000 one-room tea.c.h&rs, Tomorrow; Rehearsals Begin Thursday &'YD'JDUium, whUe A1 Goo1! the Court members. On the banking should be a determining :factor West Virginia ColonelB gave. board at the opposite end of tl,c eurricuJu.m making; hence, nature illle•lti,nor•y of awingmania !"tom the By AGNES FLEMING pursue his duty in life which is to gymnasium were the wo'IXI.s "Holy st.udy shQuld be give 'more .tpromi­ completely extenminate the pirates. stand and Judg' "Paul Fullu Try-outs for p3Tts in "Th~ RoUer Court" made of blue crepG nence. Frederic is almost on the verge of &entence of four hours of Pirates of Penzance," a com ic oper­ _paper on a white background. 2. No elementary teacher should making Ruth his bride when a train frolic. completely exterminate the pirate ~. In charge of the decorations WC1 e be highly specio.Jized, but "well­ of beautiful young girls appear. H{' 9 p. m. until 1 a. ,;,. the hap­ whcih be presented here th13 H. Laban White, Jr., Nathan Calla- grounded'' in all basic subjects. wm forsakes her and falls in love with which included many Col­ gpring as one of the {eature.s oi thl! han, John W. Mowrey, Jr'., and An- 3. Students should be given spec­ Mnbel, one of the daughters cf •lumni and former audents, annual commencement activities, drew EdwaTds. Patrons and patron- ial training in playground supervis­ Major...-General Stanley. Upon learn­ to the gay tones wb.icb ema­ will be held tomorrow under the di· eases were President and Mn.
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