^ lit 'I * % "For a much MILDER i smoke -I like Chesterfield Its MY cigarette" Oo-S(/n'>'(na in "MONTANA'' /v: PROMINENT TOBACCO FARMERS SMOKE CHESTERFIELD "Chesterfield buys the best mild, mellow tobacco that I can grow. I like Chesterfield «*.^ I the best of them all. It always leaves a clean, fresh taste in my mouth." .,/ FARMVILLE, N. C. %^ Me Besf C/yare/fe /Sa YOU fo smoAe Copyright 1949, Licciht & Mm:rs Tobacco Co. AND TELEVISION MIRROR OCTOBER . 25< rHEY'RE BACK ON THE AIR: 37 Top CBS Stars -Color Pktures and Stories! h>^ } \ v^^^t^'t ' ^^'^ V / in J u§f Seconds —with this fragrant new Lotion that Pries Fast, without Sticiciness ! Prove It for Yourself with This 10-second Test! There's a Cashmere Bouquet Cosmetic for Almost Every Want hands that are soft as any flower petal ? Beauty Needl Just as fragrant, too ? Then it's New Cashmere Bouquet Hand Lotion (jinth lanolin) for you! Do this and you'll understand why! •* * Use Cashmere Bouquet on one hand, any old-styjle lotion on the other. Wait, then compare. Your "Cashmere Bouquet" hand? This fast- LIPSTICK drying lotion that softens like «,% Creamy, clinging in 8 fashionable shades! a cream has already c^one its wonderful "• ^K FACE POWDER work. Not a trace of stickiness or tackiness. I Cashmere Smooth, velvety texture I Your hand feels smooth, is excitingly j - 6 "Flower-Fresh" shades! fragrant, excitirtgly soft to the touch! ALL-PURPOSE CREAM Bouftuet For radiant, "date-time" Your other hand? No comparison, of course! In loveliness —a bedtime beauty "must"! just 10 seconds you've peen for yourself, that -Hand Lotion TALCUM POWDER caressahle hands call fo'r Cashmere Bouquet! A shower of 25*, 39*a,.(79* spring flowers I ! ! ) Take this Most Important Step to Save your Teeth "Most tooth loss comes from gum troubles ," say dentists. So guard your gums as well as your teetti-ttiis dentist-approved Ipana way!* Think of the pain, trouble and embarrass- fective care for your teeth and gums both! ment it could cost you to lose just one tooth Ipana dental care* does just that. No Then think of this: dental authorities other paste or powder can clean your teeth DENTISTS WARN YOUTH: GUARD GUMS! say more than half of all tooth losses to- better and brighter than Ipana. And Ipana America's top dental authorities issue this day come from gum troubles. And gum is the only leading tooth paste specially timely warning: you can't have healthy troubles can strike anyone, even healthy designed to aid, the health of your gums, teeth without healthy gums. They urge you teen-agers, with little warning! too! Its unique formula actually stimu- to start fighting gum troubles and guarding That's why the most effective step you can lates circulation—protnotes healthier gums. your teeth while you are still young! take to save your teeth is to guard your See your dentist regularly. Follow his gums. That's why tooth brushing alone — NATIONWIDE REPORTS: DENTISTS SAY advice. And remember — /pane is the tooth dentifrice is not enough. Your paste more dentists recommend and per- with any — THE IPANA WAY WORKS! sonally use than any other! complete dental routine must provide ef- PROTECTS HER DATE-WINNING SMILE THE IPANA WAY! In thousands of recent reports from dentists all over the country, 8 out of 10 dentists say the Ipana way not only promotes brighter teeth, but healthier gums as well. What better evidence that Ipana dental care is doubly ef- fective? Try it — see what it can do for you! HERE'S ALL YOU DO -EASY AS 1.2: Pretty Barbara Ann March of Roselle, N. J., smile. So she foUows the Ipana way to health- has a beau-catching smile and wants to keep ier gums and brighter teeth both — hecause *The Ipana way is simple. 1. Between regular visits to your dentist, brush all tooth it! As a successful (and popular) junior dentists say it works! Give yourself the bene- surfaces with Ipana at least twice model, Babs knows the importance of firm, fits of this dentist-approved care. Get Ipana a day. (This helps dulling, healthy gums to sound teeth and a sparkling Tooth Paste today. remove bacteria-trapping coating that invites decay. Leaves your teeth cleaner, brighter.) 2. Then massage gums the way your dentist advises. (Ipana's unique formula stim- ulates circulation — promotes healthier gums. CLEANER TEETH- You can feel the invigorating tingle HEALTHIER GUMS. ! IPANA for Both! P.$. For correct brushing use the DOUBLE DUTY Tooth Brush Product with the twist in the handle. 1000 dentists helped design it! of Bristol-Myers vV S^ AJVM> TELEVISnUV OCTOBER, 1949 JUIDIO MIRROR VOL. 32, NO. 5 KEYSTONE PEOPIE ON THE AIR Lesley Woods 21 My Boss, Arthur Godfrey by Mug Richardson 26 Red Skelton & Co 30 The Face Is Familiar — .by Frances Kish 32 "If I Did Teach School " by Eve Arden 34 Manhattan Rain—A First Nighter Drama 36 He's Made His Marx 38 We, the People I Remember Best by Dan Seymour 40 Beulah 42 Come and Visit Ed Murrow by Patty de Roulf 44 "All Three of Us—" by Hazel Shermet 54 On The Cover 56 Helen Trent 58 My Favorite Actress by Desiree Ball 60 What's New From Coast to Coast by Dale Banks 4 Facing the Music by Martin Block 10 Look At the Records by Joe Martin 17 Salute To CBS 23 The Life and Times of CBS by Lowell Thomas 24 Inside Radio 68 Quiz Catalogue '. 71 FaRaBETTIfetlMMG Traveler of the Month by Tommy Bartlett 12 When a Girl Marries by Joan Davis 14 Between the Bookends by Ted Malone 20 Their Favorites—And Yours 66 Family Counselor—Entertaining Economically by Terry Burton 72 ...because HOLD-BOB bobby pins There's Variety 46 There's Drama—And Fun For the Children 48 really hold. The perfection of this There's Music 50 There's News beauty is assured because those 52 There's Sports 53 perfect curls are formed and held in place gently, yet so very YOUR LOCAL STATION securely, by this truly superior bobby WCBS: This Is Bill Leonard 6 pin. There is nothing finer. KDKA: The Question Men 8 WFIL: "Pops" Is Tops 16 More women use WBEN : Living Is a Serious Business 19 HOLD-BOB than all other pins bobby combined The Marie Wilson Story by Pauline Swanson 62 PAGES 66, 67—Dinnerware, Courtesy Of American Dinnerware. Silver. Courtesy Of Oneida, Ltd. Editorial Director Editor Art Director FRED K. SAMMIS DORIS McFERRAN JACK ZASOKIN Associate Editor Associate Art Director JOSEPHINE PEARSON FR.\NCES MALY Editorial Assistants: JOAN POLLOCK, TERC GOTO, MARYANNE CKOFTON Television: FRANCES KISH Chicago Office: Editor, HELEN CAMBRIA BOLSTAD Hollywood Office: Editor, ANN DAGGETT Managing Editor. FRANCES MORRIN Stafi Photographers. HYMIE FINK, STERLING SMITH Assistant, BETTY JO RICE "SADIO AND TELEVISION MIRROR, pxibUshed monthly by MACFADDEN PUBLICATIONS. INC., New York. N. Y. Advertising Oflices, 205 East 42nd Street, New York 17, N. Y. HollyW'OOd^Beverly ;?iei-al Business, EdHorial and Vice lilis Office- 321 S. Beverly D- ive, Beverly Hills, California. O. J. Elder, President; Harold Wise, Executive •resident; Herbert Drake, Vice President; Ernest V. Heyn, Vice President: James L., Mitchell, Vice President: Jever Dworkin. Secretary and Treasurer; Edward F. Lethen, Advertising Director. Chicago Office: 221 North La Salle St.. Leslie R. Gage, Mgr. San Francisco Office: 1613 Russ Building, Joseph M. Dooher, Mgr. Los Anseles South Flower St.; George Weatherby. Mgr. Charles O. Terwilliger. Jr.. Eastern Advertising Manaier. Office: 612 at »05 East 42nd St., New York 17, N. Y. Reentered as Second Class matter March 1, 1948, at the Post Office ^ew York. N. Y.. under the Act of March 3, 1879. Authorized as Second Class mail. P. O. Dept., Ottawa, Canada. Subscription rates: U. S. and Possessions. Canada. $2.50 per year. All other countries $5.00 per year. Price per opy: 25c in the United States and Canada. While Manuscripts, Photographs and Drawings are submitted at the >wner's risk, every effort will be made to return those found unavailable if accompanied by sufficient first class jostage and explicit name and address. Contributors are especially advised to be sure to retain copies of tlieir hair beauty aid ontributions; otherwise they are taking unnecessai-y risk. The contents of this magazine may not be reprinted •ither wholly or in part without permission. (Member of Macfadden Women's Groupl ::opvright, 1949, by Macfadden Publications. Inc. All rights reserved under International Cop\Tight Convention. reservados segun La Convencion PRODUCTS, INCORPORATED \ll VigTits reser\-ed under Pan-American Copvriglu Convention. Todos derechos GAYLORD ^anamericana de Propiedad Literaria y Artistica. Title trademark registered in U. S. Patent Office. CHtCAGO. ILI.. Printed in U. S. A. by Art Color Printing Co., Dunellen. N. J. <^mlff'1^hiMjlliJJr,,/m Sfy i ^H, PLENTY of Others would Listerine Antiseptic before any be at her first real grown-up date. party, but not Jim—not the one Listerine Antiseptic is no make- she wanted! Here was his note shift of momentary effectiveness. with its phony sounding "I am It's a tried and true extra-careful eorry ... I know you will under- precaution against offending. stand.". But Ann didn't under- Simply swish it in the mouth stand; no woman does, when, for and, lo, your breath is fresher no apparent reason, she sees a and sweeter . stays that way, romance that started so sweetly too, not for seconds . not for end up so sour. minutes . but for hours usually. While some cases of hahtosis How About You? are of systemic origin, most cases, Nothing turns a man away from say some authorities, are due to you so quickly as halitosis (un- the bacterial fermentation of tiny pleasant breath).
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