Odonatological Abstract Service published by the INTERNATIONAL DRAGONFLY FUND (IDF) in cooperation with the WORLDWIDE DRAGONFLY ASSOCIATION (WDA) Editors: Dr. Klaus Reinhardt, Dept Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, UK. Tel. ++44 114 222 0105; E-mail: [email protected] Martin Schorr, Schulstr. 7B, D-54314 Zerf, Germany. Tel. ++49 (0)6587 1025; E-mail: [email protected] Dr. Milen Marinov, 7/160 Rossall Str., Merivale 8014, Christchurch, New Zealand. E-mail: [email protected] Published in Rheinfelden, Germany and printed in Trier, Germany. ISSN 1438-0269 waterfall spray (open spray, forest spray), and two of 1997 which were not affected directly by the waterfall (forest and riverine sites). The highest arthropod diversity was 10679. Carl, M. (1997): Die stillgelegte Kiesgrube Je- found in the forest spray, whereas the open spray con- senwang - Artenreservoir für den Landkreis Fürstenfeld- tained the least. The forest spray area harboured the bruck (Oberbayern). 1. Bestandsaufnahme der Wasser- rarest arthropod orders. Arthropods are most abundant insekten (Ephemeroptera, Odonata, Heteroptera, Plani- in the riverine site where 31 % of all sampled arthro- pennia, Coleoptera, Trichoptera). Nachrichtenblatt der pods were recorded. The forest spray channel, forest Bayerischen Entomologen 46(3/4): 81-89. (in German, site and open spray channel follow with 28%, 23 % and with English summary) [The aquatic insect fauna of a 18 % of the sample respectively. It is suggested that the gravel-pit in southern Bavaria was studied. The 80 spe- Mhalala Stream should be diverted to the gorge to re- cies include 11 common Odonata species.] Address: place the dammed Kihansi River. This would maintain Carl, M., Gollnbergstr. 12, 82299 Türkenfeld, Germany at least partially the extraordinary micro-climate of the gorge and possibly retain the specialised arthropod 10680. Onore, G. (1997): A brief note on edible insects community." (Authors) A single zygopteran specimen in Ecuador. Ecology of food and nutrition 36(2-4): 277- (no species details) was found.] Address: Zilihona, I., 285. (in English) ["Ecuador still conserves the ancestral Tanzania Forestry Research Institute, Silvicultural Re- tradition of entomophagy, notably in the countryside search Centre, P.O. Box 95, Lushoto, Tanzania where the native population is relatively isolated from technological progress. Eighty-three (83) edible species are listed for the country; none of them are a main dish but many of the insects are used to complement other 1999 animal protein sources in the diet. The most common 10682. Sierro, A.; Keim, C. (1999): Activité entomo- edible insects belong to the orders Coleoptera and Hy- logique valaisanne pour 1997 et 1998. Observations menoptera, which are consumed either in the larval or rassemblées dans le cadre de la Société ento- adult stage." (Author) Aeshna brevifrons is reported as mologique valaisannne (SEV) sous l'expertise de Gilles part of the food of the ethnic group of Quichuas.] Ad- Carron, Paul Marchesi et Christophe Praz. Bull. Murith- dress: Giovanni Onore, G., Departamento de Biología, ienne 117: 61-71. (in German/French) [Switzerland. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Apartado Records of the following species are documented: 17.01.2184, Quito, Ecuador. E-mail: GONORE@pu- Sympecma paedisca, Ischnura elegans, Coenagrion ce.edu.ec puella, Erythromma najas, E. viridulum, Somatochlora flavomaculata, Libellula depressa, Orthetrum cancella- tum, Sympetrum depressiusculum, and S. fonscolombii] 1998 Address: Sierro, A., Chelin, 3978 Flanthey, Switzerland 10681. Zilihona, I.; Heinonen, J.; Nummelin, M. (1998): Arthropod diversity and abundance along the Kihansi gorge (Kihansi River) in the southern Udzungwa Moun- 2000 tains, Tanzania. Journal of East African Natural History 10683. Kefford, B.J. (2000): The effect of saline water 87: 233-240. (in English) ["Arthropod diversity and disposal: implications for monitoring programs and abundance at the order level was investigated along the management. Environmental Monitoring and Assess- Kihansi Gorge in the southern Udzungwa Mountains ment 63: 313-327. (in English) ["In an effort to combat between June and August 1997 by using sweep netting, rising groundwater tables and expanding saline lakes, timed Lepidoptera counts, malaise-traps, solar powered saline water has been disposed of into the aquatic envi- lighttraps, baited pitfall-traps, sticky-traps and baited ronment, despite there being little information as to the butterfly traps. The study was undertaken to predict the environmental effects. Monitoring of the effect of saline possible effects of damming the Kihansi River above lake water disposal on aquatic macroinvertebrates and the fierce waterfall in the gorge. The gorge was divided water quality was conducted in the Barwon River, south into four micro-habitats, two of which are affected by west Victoria, Australia, in association with toxicity tests. Odonatological Abstract Service 33 (December 2011) - page 1 The disposal of saline lake water was associated with from Yahata-kogen, northwestern Hirosima Prefecture, changes in macroinvertebrate community structure. excepting a record at Izumo, Shimane Prefecture, Ja- Contrary to expectations, increases in electrical con- pan. In the spring of 2000, several adults and larvae of ductivity (a measure of salinity) was not the only water this subspecies were collected from a valley in northern quality parameter associated with saline water disposal. Okayama Prefecture. This habitat is 150 km distant An experiment was conducted where the toxicity of sa- from the east end of Yahata-kogen. Some features of line lake water was compared to that of a prepared so- the morphology of this subspecies and the habitat are lution of the same electrical conductivity. Toxicity was briefly described." (Authors)] Address: Karube, H., Ka- greater in the saline lake water than the prepared solu- nagawa Prefect. Mus. Nat. Hist., 499 Iryuda, Odawara, tion. The results suggest that saline water disposal is Kanagawa, 250, Japan. E-mail: paruki@nh-kanagawa- impacting on macroinvertebrate fauna but electrical museum.jp conductivity is not the only factor responsible. These results have consequences for both management of 10688. Rademacher, M. (2001): Steiniges Ödland – aquatic resources and for monitoring programs which Das verkannte Paradies. Publisher: HeidelbergCement are discussed." (Author) Odonata (Nososticta, Austro- AG, Berliner Straße 6, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany: 24 lestes annulosus and Ischnura heterostrieta) were re- pp. (in German) [This is a tie-in to a film produced by ported with an increase in abundance.] Address: Kef- the HeidelbergCement AG, Heidelberg, Germany to ford, B.J., Dept of Biotechnology and Environmental Bi- demonstrate biodiversity in excavated quarries. Odona- ology, RMIT University, PO Box 71, Bundoora, 3083, ta are represented by Orthetrum brunneum, Libellula Victoria, Australia. E-mail: [email protected] depressa, Anax imperator, and Enallagma cyathigerum. They are illustrated and briefly introduced into habitat 10684. Sierro, A.; Keim, C.; Marchesi, P. (2000): Activi- and habits.] Address: HeidelbergCement AG, Werk té entomologique pour 1999 et 2000. Observations ras- Schelklingen, Zementwerk1/1, 89601 Schelklingen, semblées dans le cadre de la Société sous l'expertise Germany. E-mail: [email protected] de Gilles Carron. Bull. Murithienne 118: 93-103. (in German/French) [Switzerland. records of the following 10689. Wada, S. (2001): The first records of Macromia species are documented: Calopteryx virgo, C. splen- daimoii from Fukui Prefecture. Tombo 43: 37-38. (in dens, Lestes viridis, Sympecma fusca, S. paedisca, Japanese, with English summary) [Some larvae and Erythromma najas, E. lindenii, Ischnura pumilio, Aeshna adults of M. daimoji were collected at the Mmamigawa caerulea, Anacieschna isosceles, Anax parthenope, A. River, Obama-sni, Fukui Prefecture, Japan. These are ephippiger, Cordulegaster bidentata, C. boltonii, Soma- the first records of the species from Fukui Prefecture.] tochlora arctica, S. flavomaculata, Orthetrum coeru- Address: not stated lescens, Leucorrhinia albifrons, Sympetrum fonsco- lombii, and S. depressiusculum] Address: Sierro, A., Chelin, 3978 Flanthey, Switzerland 2002 10690. Eislöffel, F. (2002): Die Fauna des Soonwaldes. In: Kirschner, Monika & Hans-Werner Ziemer (Redakti- 2001 on): Die Soonwaldkonferenz. Zukunftsregion zwischen 10685. Kawashima, I. (2001): Description of the female Hunsrück und Nahe 25. Oktober bis 26. Oktober 2002: adult of Oligoaeschna niisatoi Karube, 1998 (Aeshni- 22-26. (in German) [The paper gives a condensed dae). Tombo 43: 18-20. (in English) [The female adult of overview on the regional fauna and highlights in the O. nusatoi is described, based on materials from north- eastern part of the Middle range mountain Hunsrück, ern Vietnam: Materials examined: 2 females, Mt. Pia Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany. Extensive odonatological Oac, Cao Bang Province, N. Vietnam, 17-V-1998.] Ad- studies on the Soonwald-Odonata were published by dress: Kawashima, I., Nagasawa 1-50-9, Yokosuka-shi, the author in 1985 and 1989. Special emphasis is given Kanagawa, 239-0842 Japan to the species of brooks and boggy ponds.] Address: Schlotmann, F., Weserstraße 11, D-55296 Harxheim, 10686. Naraoka, H. (2001): Discovery of Ischnura ele- Germany. E-mail: [email protected] gans elegans (Van der Linden) in Aomori Prefecture (Coenagrionidae).
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