r9BrI JOHNSON: RAPOSA PLANTATION REVISITED 133 Principes,25(3), I98l' pp. 133-139 The RaposaPalm Plantation Revisited* DeNwrsJoHNsolt [Jniaersity of Houston, Houston, Texas 77004 The Raposa plantation near Forta- The survey included enumeration of leza, Brazil, was a research facility of the fields of introduced species to as- S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc., from 1937 certain the losses which had occurred to 1970. During that period research since the previous survey in July 1970. was conducted on the native carnauba Some palms had died and their re- by wax palm (Copernicia prunifera) and mains were destroyed completely 14 introduced congeners, in an at- decay, while others were dead and still tempt to identify high wax-yielding standing. Palms exhibiting a stunted palms for plant breeding. In 1970 S. growth form, judged bY an absence of of C. Johntott ended their research on Lunk development after a minimum form, waxy palms and donated Raposa to the 25 years or by abnormal trunk Federal University of Cear6 in Forta- were counted as losses. Stunted palms leza. On the occasion of the gift, a ter- apparently never reach botanical ma- minal report of botanical research con- turity and do not live as long as normal ducted and a detailed survey of the specimens. Selected palms which had plantation were completed (Johnson been photograPhed during the 1970 1970). Short papers about RaPosa survey were rephotogpaphedto obtain were published in Principes by K-itzke an approximate record of the, rate of (1970) and Johnson (1971). The pur- growth. pose of this paper is to report the find- Losses among the introduced Palms ings of a follow-up survey of Raposa in are listed in Table 1. Total losses for August 1980, which focused on surviv- the ten-year period are overstated al ind growth rates of the introduced somewhat because certain specimens species of Copernicia. counted as viable in 1970 already were At Raposa the introduced Palms are exhibiting abnormal characteristics; planted in eight individual fields, these same palms were considered as which were established from 1947 to losses in 1980 even if still alive. The 1955. Currently they are in fair.to good species names in Table I have not condition in terms of undergrowth. been changed from those used in 1970 Almost all of the palms are tall enough (Johnson 1971). However, two species so that they are not experiencing com- misidentifications now are evident petition for light, but undoubtedly are from the character of mature trees. experiencing some competition for soil The palms designated as Copernicia -oi.tnt". Precipitation in Northeast tectorum appear to be C. fallaense ; rhe Brazil was below normal for both the palms identified as C. x uespertilion- 19?9 and I9B0 rainY seasons' and the um d.o not resemble that species and condition is being described as a mini- possibly are C. Burretiana. More de- drought. tailed botanical study is needed to re- solve these problems. Accurate iden- * S. C. Johnson & Son, Inc., Racine, Wis- tification of several species is difficult by providing consin, supported this research because they are or may be natural travel expenses to Brazil. I am indebted to E' D. Kitzke for his suggestions and encouragement. hybrids. r34 PRINCIPES lVor. 25 Table 1. Losses of introduced Copernica palms by species, 1970-80 1970 1980 Percentage Species Population Population Losses Lost Copernicia alba 286 263 ZJ 8.0 C. Baileyana 62 58 4 6.5 C. Burretiana z 0 0.0 C. Cowellii ,2 l6 7 30.4 C. Curtissii l0 10 0 0.0 C. glabrescens 4l 40 I 2.4 C. hospita 853 7i4 79 9.3 C. macroglossa 47 47 0 0.0 C. rigida z 1 I 50.0 C. x Shaferi 28 24 / 14.3 C. tectorum z z 0 0.0 C. x textilis t4 I4 0 0.0 C. X uespertilionurn z 2 0 0.0 C. Yarey 89 BI B 9.0 Total number of specimens t,461 1,334 127 8.7 For discussion purposes, the intro- plantings in the Fortaleza area. A few duced species can be divided into of the palms now are large enough to three groups: Group l-no losses; show an exposed trunk beneath the Group 2-losses of l-8 percent; Group dense skirt of adhering dead leaves. 3-losses of 9 percent or greater. Figure 2 provides photographic evi- Croup 1 consists of C. Bunetiana, cdence for the redesignation of C. tec- C. Curtissii, C. macroglossa, C. tecto- torum as C. fallaense. Over the ten- rum (?), C. x textilis and C. x aes- year period, the palm has produced a pertilionunt. (?). These palms are trunk of about 1.4 m in height. healthy in appearance and perfectly C. x textilis, one ofthe natural hy- adapted to the climate of coastal brids, is pictured in Figure 3. This Northeast Brazil. Figure I shows a specimen has increased its trunk specimen of C. Burretiana which in- height from about 1.5 m to 3.0 m. One creased its trunk height from about 1.1 specimen of C. x aespertilionum (?) m in 1970 ro 2.5 m in 198Q.The palm was measured and showed an increase in the photograph is 25 years old and in trunk height from 1.0 m to 3.3 m in ultimately may reach a height of 4-5 ten years. m (Dahlgren and Glassman 1963). All Group 2 includes C. alba, C. Bai- specimens of C. Curtissii are produc- leyana and C. glabrescens. The sec- ing suckers vigorously, whereas in the ond largest number of specimens at native habitat in Cuba they are de- Raposa belongs to C. alba. Wide vari- scribed as occasionally producing ation in size is found among the trees, them (Dahlgren and Glassman 1963). with no apparent pattern which can be The more vigorous suckering habit related to environmental factors. The could be some type of environmental occurrence of stunted palms is ran- response. dom; no plant parasites were observed C. macroglosso is the showcase to account for the stunted growth. Fig- palm at Raposa and seed reportedly ure 4 shows a mature C. alba with has been collected for ornamental trunk height of about 8.0 m in 1970 JOHNSON: RAPOSA PLANTATION REVISITED kt * s i.tj: : t. :,:': l',li .]i::l: ':* 1.. { )'"j i$ l'-,- L copenticia Burretiantt. a. 1970. Man is 1.76 m tall; b. 1980. Man is 1.65 m tall; 2 tectorum.(ftLLlaense ?). a. 1970; b. f980. PRINCIPES 3. Copernicia x textilis. a. 1970; b. 1980; 4. Corternicia alba. a. 1970; b. 1980. 137 JOHNSON: RAPOSA PLANTATION REVISITED itt BuileturttL.a. 1970; b. 1980; 6. Copernlcia hospita' a' 1970;b' 1980 PRINCIPES lVor..25 and 10.7 m in 1980. In Paraguay the most promising waxy palm in the col- palm reaches up to 30 m in height lection. Despite the losses experi- (Dahlgren and Classman 196l). enced, it does appear to be adaptable C. Baileyana also shows consider- to the environment providing it is able variation in size at Raposa. The planted in more favorable sites. palm in Figure 5 increased its trunk C. x Sltaferi also has suffered rel- height from 4.5 m to 5.7 m in ten atively high losses ,at Raposa. A few years. Other specimens are even tall- specimens are botanically mature, but er, with two reaching l0 m, as tall as all are rather srnall in stature. The those in Cuba (Dahlgren and Glassman largest plant has a trunk about I m 1963). C. glabrescens is described as tall, whereas in Cuba this natural hy- occasionally producing suckers in brid reaches heights of 2.0-3.5 rn Cuba (Dahlgren and Glassman 1963), (Dahlgren and Glassman 1963). This but all specimens at Raposa are suck- species does not appear to be well ering vigorously. Once again, this adapted. The loss of one of the two could be some type of environmental specimens of C. rigida occurred re- response. Despite the loss rates within cently in the same field where the Croup 2, the presence of numerous group of C. hospita also died, and mature healthy specimens indicates probably for the same reason. The sur- that the species are adaptable to coast- viving palm appears to krehealthy, but al Northeast Brazil. with only a single specimen no conclu- Croup 3 consists of C. Cowellii, C. sions can be drawn. hospita, C..With x Shaferi, C. rigida and C. Yarey had a loss rate of9 percent, C. Yarey. losses of over 30 per- but one-half of the losses occurred in cent, C. Cowellii is the least success- Field C where conditions are most.se- ful of the species introduced to Rapo- vLre. Measurement of a specimen in sa. Several of the plants have reached another field showed an increase in botanical maturity, but the largest is trunk height from 1.1 m to 2.8 m. Like only I m tall, although it is 30 years C. hospita, this species appears to be old. Normally this species in Cuba adaptable to more favorable sites in reaches a height of 1.2-2.5 m (Dahl- coastal Northeast Brazil. gren and Classman 1963). In conclusion, it should be men- C. hospita represents more than tioned that the Raposa plantation is one-half of the introduced specimens the largest collection of cultivated at Raposa. A loss rate of over 9 per- Copernicia palms known, and its cent indicates that some problems of species list is exceeded only by the adaptation exist. Losses due to death Fairchild Tropical Garden in Miami.
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