Thirty-Ninth Annual Commencement YOUNGSTOWN U N IV~ RSITY STAMBAUGH A UDITOR I UM THURSDAY EVENING, JUNE FIRST NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SIXTY-ONE SEVEN-THIRTY O ' CLOCK P1/'ogram University Awards PRELUDE 1961 Three Seventeenth Century Dutch Tunes arr. Hans Kindler L In Time of Stres_s n. See H ow Strong YU Pins III. Wilt Now Walk Before the Lord CAROLE RUTH ALBRIGHT DANJEL PATRICK MURPHY Rosam unde Ballet Music Schubert V (CTOB ANTHONY BELL, JR. 1\-iABY PELLIZZERI Toccata Frescobaldi-Kindkr The University Orchestra '. DOLORES ANN LAruCCIA JOlIN FRANCTS USLlCK Alvin Myerovich, Director ELINOR A. WALSH ACADEMIC PROCESSIONAL Tbe Youngstown Vindicator Awards Swedish Coronation March St!ensen For the best all-around student: VTeTOR A.NTHO~-Y BELL, JB. INVOCATION The Reverend Albert L. Linder For scholarship in the humanit; e ,~: LAtmy EUGENE ESTERLY Protestant Chaplain of the University For scholarship in English: RITA ELIZABETH NOLTE INTRODUCTION OF THE SPEAKER Raymond J. Wean For scholarship in the social science sequence: ANullEW STANKEWICB Chairman of the Board of TI1lBtees ADDHESS - Science in PoHties Dr. Bentley Glass The University Seminar Honors Professor of Biology, J ohns nopkins University LAMY EUGENE ESTERLY JOl-IN FRANCIS USLICR Panis Angelicus Cesar Franck Rohert L. Gardner, baritone, The Henry Roemer Prizes for Men Assistant Professor of Music Samuel S. Badal, Jr.• Organist For scholanhip: LARRY EUGENE ESTEnLY In chemistry: CBESTER STEWAltT PATTERSON A..NNOlJNCEMENT OF AWARDS AND HONORS Dr. HowaI·d W. Jones President of lhe University Tn mechanical er~{{ineer;ng : JAMES PAUL CARR In metallurgical engineering: AN'l'HONY B. S TRINES PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES FOR COMMISSIONS For scholarship and for leadership an,cl sportsmanship in athletic.~: PE1'E ARLOW Lt. Col. Richard J. Bestor Chairman of the Department of Military Science The Joseph E. and Mary Boyer SDlith Award PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES AND TITLES MAIULYN ESTHER BILES Rohert L. Miller, Dean of the School of Business Admiuistration Charles H . Aurand, Dean of the Dana ScllOOI of Music J oseph F. Swartz, Dean of the School of Education The Sigma Kappa Phi }~ratemity Scholastic Award Joseph E. Smith, Dean of the University In business administration: KErrH EUGENE BAKER M. Jean Ch arignol1, Dean of the William Rayeu Sch ool of Engineering CONFERRING OF DEGREES AND TITLES The President The Accounting Prize Given by the Natiomd Association. of Ar:countants: KEITH EUGENt: BAKER BENEDICTION The R everend Paul M. P etrie Catholic Chaplain of the University The Alpha Tau Gamma Fraternity Award ALMA MATER Mr. Badal KEITH EUGENE B AKEH RECESSIONAL L1thalia March of the Priests M endel.s sohn The Distinguished Military Graduate Honor Awards The audience is requested to refrain from applause during the presentation of CADET J ERlli'tlAH F. McCARTHY CAllrn CARL A. NUNzCATo canwdates, to h e seated after the singing of the Alma Mater, and to remain seated during the recessional. CADET n~XIE.L P. MURPHY C ,\.DET JAMES A. R n.EY CAOET LADISLAV J. NOVA K C ADET EDWARD O. YAUGO P1/'ogram University Awards PRELUDE 1961 Three Seventeenth Century Dutch Tunes arr. Hans Kindler L In Time of Stres_s n. See H ow Strong YU Pins III. Wilt Now Walk Before the Lord CAROLE RUTH ALBRIGHT DANJEL PATRICK MURPHY Rosam unde Ballet Music Schubert V (CTOB ANTHONY BELL, JR. 1\-iABY PELLIZZERI Toccata Frescobaldi-Kindkr The University Orchestra '. DOLORES ANN LAruCCIA JOlIN FRANCTS USLlCK Alvin Myerovich, Director ELINOR A. WALSH ACADEMIC PROCESSIONAL Tbe Youngstown Vindicator Awards Swedish Coronation March St!ensen For the best all-around student: VTeTOR A.NTHO~-Y BELL, JB. INVOCATION The Reverend Albert L. Linder For scholarship in the humanit; e ,~: LAtmy EUGENE ESTERLY Protestant Chaplain of the University For scholarship in English: RITA ELIZABETH NOLTE INTRODUCTION OF THE SPEAKER Raymond J. Wean For scholarship in the social science sequence: ANullEW STANKEWICB Chairman of the Board of TI1lBtees ADDHESS - Science in PoHties Dr. Bentley Glass The University Seminar Honors Professor of Biology, J ohns nopkins University LAMY EUGENE ESTERLY JOl-IN FRANCIS USLICR Panis Angelicus Cesar Franck Rohert L. Gardner, baritone, The Henry Roemer Prizes for Men Assistant Professor of Music Samuel S. Badal, Jr.• Organist For scholanhip: LARRY EUGENE ESTEnLY In chemistry: CBESTER STEWAltT PATTERSON A..NNOlJNCEMENT OF AWARDS AND HONORS Dr. HowaI·d W. Jones President of lhe University Tn mechanical er~{{ineer;ng : JAMES PAUL CARR In metallurgical engineering: AN'l'HONY B. S TRINES PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES FOR COMMISSIONS For scholarship and for leadership an,cl sportsmanship in athletic.~: PE1'E ARLOW Lt. Col. Richard J. Bestor Chairman of the Department of Military Science The Joseph E. and Mary Boyer SDlith Award PRESENTATION OF CANDIDATES FOR DEGREES AND TITLES MAIULYN ESTHER BILES Rohert L. Miller, Dean of the School of Business Admiuistration Charles H . Aurand, Dean of the Dana ScllOOI of Music J oseph F. Swartz, Dean of the School of Education The Sigma Kappa Phi }~ratemity Scholastic Award Joseph E. Smith, Dean of the University In business administration: KErrH EUGENE BAKER M. Jean Ch arignol1, Dean of the William Rayeu Sch ool of Engineering CONFERRING OF DEGREES AND TITLES The President The Accounting Prize Given by the Natiomd Association. of Ar:countants: KEITH EUGENt: BAKER BENEDICTION The R everend Paul M. P etrie Catholic Chaplain of the University The Alpha Tau Gamma Fraternity Award ALMA MATER Mr. Badal KEITH EUGENE B AKEH RECESSIONAL L1thalia March of the Priests M endel.s sohn The Distinguished Military Graduate Honor Awards The audience is requested to refrain from applause during the presentation of CADET J ERlli'tlAH F. McCARTHY CAllrn CARL A. NUNzCATo canwdates, to h e seated after the singing of the Alma Mater, and to remain seated during the recessional. CADET n~XIE.L P. MURPHY C ,\.DET JAMES A. R n.EY CAOET LADISLAV J. NOVA K C ADET EDWARD O. YAUGO University Honors Candidates for Degrees and Titles Jlm e 1961 June 1, 1961 SUMMA CUM LAUDE Marilyn Esther Biles Phyllis May Kemm TITLE OF ASSOCIATE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Louis Michael Colella Betty Jane Kranz Louise Jean Cutler Betty Lois Levick R obert Pintt Annstrong Linda Ann Johnson Anila Carole R obinson Lnrry Eugene Esterly John Terrence Westbrook Alico Mae Bu:rqu:ist Roanna Marie McConnell An n Marie Rucarean Marcia Ann Fine Martha Elisabeth Maloney Ellgenia Anne Sniezek Edward Adam Gunther Arlell e Joan Mnnilla Donna Jean Vecchione h net Carole llinchcliffe Marcia Lou Ray Andrew John Voytko MAGNA CUM LAUDE Joyce Elaine Brooks Priscilla Florence Meyer James Paul Carr Constance Rose Mucci BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Helen Shirley Chevlen .1 ames Ronald Rose RosEmma Johnson Charles L. Stenger Pete Arlow Jolrn Wesley Hall Charles Clem Pecarro Joe Morrison Btlker Floyd Edward Rendenen l\'Iary Pellizze.ci Dolores Ann Lariccia Zoe C. Thompson Keith Eugene Bake.r John William Reston John Anthony P etrella Jean Eleanor Maher Jacob Nick Bakuhn, Jr. James Anthony Hohan Willinm S. Peyko Peter Terrill Baldwin Lowell Jack Holmes Donald E. Pikkaroine Thomas J oseph Banish Robert Dale IIomer Fred Norman Polonus Willinm Martin Banish. Jr. Raymond Th()mas Hughes Gerald. LeRoy Purrini John Patrick Barrow Bruce Robert Irwin Donald Lane Preston CUM LAUDE Soiliert Lee Bn rth James E. Ju~ti c e Anthony Thom"ls P~1.cnny, Jr. Jerry Richard Beavon Richard Paw Kalat:. Wnlter John Pyle, Jr. .\Inrian Bailey Ivan Stewart Bell James Scott Kerr Da,id H. Reed Loyal B. McDermott, Jr. Mich.lel Alan BlI1'ks Donald Melvin Kornsplin Jomea Aloy~il1s Riley Keith Eugene Baker IIal'iJyu Marshall John David Benmrd Edward J. Kuliuh Ricardo Roea John Patrick Barrow· Thomas Michael Murray Alexander Berley Charles Latcheran, Jr. John ~Iichael Ryan Victor Anthony Bell, Jr. Robert E. BIoIJ ey Rnymond Paul Laysbock Lee Francis Seliurrer Bar:lJara Jane Nageottc Ronald John Bodnar lilltoltl ll. Layt.on Donald Eugene Sebo Jolln Dayid Cm'dille Julius Joseph Nemeth Don Richard Brothers Charles Francis Lehnerd Theofilos Seferi:uliil Virginia Rae Casto Raymond James Pack Willinrcl LeGrand Bundy William F. LePore James Raymond Sekinger, Jr. Kathleen Ceroli Rollert Joseph B uror.ky Jerry Cliut Lommalzsch John Nicholas Seniek David Jude Panena Normnn Donald Caldwell Thomas Robert Luhrick Dale Ernest Shook Andrew Conti, Jr. John Anthony Petrena Joseph ArnDld Campnua Carl William Lumpp, Jr, Andrew Jay Simonik Eugene Paul Lupi Sm'ilcr William Edward Davis Anne Marie PhillijlS Josepll ChertoIf Ronald Edwnrd Leonard W. Dershllw William Thomas Collin!>, Jr. Walter Grn.nt Lutz Pnul R. Sp:mgler . Lee Francis Scharrer Thomas James u 'a1ey William James McCabe Hugh Terrence Sterns Theresa A. DiPlllcido Donald Eugene SeLo Carl 1. D'Angelo llichnrd Lewis McGowlln Rol,ert H enry StevtlUB nannuh R Findlay 1\I[arcia He]ene Se~inak Richard F. Darland F. John Macauley Waller W. Stoddord Patricia Lee Flynn Donald Arthur DeAngelis John Vincent ?tLlglery, Jr. Do.nald Edward Swartz, Jr. Hol)ert Joseph Shoaff Leonard W, Dershaw Rohert Kenncth Marsteller SLelihen Juhn Szabo, Jr. Peler Dcan Ford Anthony Bencdict Strine!! Paw Domenick Howard A. MOllon JosC]1b Tambucci Joan Gagliardi Ravenna Cay Swetts Robert Allan Doyle Joseph A. Masters George Louis Toth Lows Michael Greco StepJlen Dnnchuk, J.-. Anthony George Mostrangelo n. William Trigg, Jr. [{elen TllOwas Url:lctLa Donald Eugene Dusza Joseph Richnrd ?fcnster John Wayne Vlosich Roberta A. Pool Johnson Lillie Francis Wall Alhert Rich.ard Edcburn Ronald James Mikelo James Richard Wilding Joanne Beverly Kaliney William Ashton Wilcon Rouert William Fini Jose])h John Milano Roher t J. Wiley Uelen K. Kivljghan John Chnrles William Foley Ponayiotis Kyprou )l:ilas David Edwin Willioms John Woloschak., J r. Anthony Jolm Gae1l:mo Frank Napolitan PlIul Linwood Williamson Charlene Lightner Janis A.
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