H3822 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE June 17, 1997 A motion to reconsider was laid on throughout the Nation. The celebra- I also want to thank the chairman of the table. tion of Juneteenth provides an oppor- the Subcommittee on Civil Service of f tunity for all Americans to learn more the Committee on Government Reform about our common past and to better and Oversight, the gentleman from CELEBRATING THE END OF understand the experiences that have Florida, Mr. JOHN MICA, whose leader- SLAVERY IN THE UNITED STATES shaped our Nation. ship was instrumental in bringing this Mr. PAPPAS. Mr. Speaker, I move to Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of bill to the floor today during suspend the rules and pass the joint my time. Juneteenth week. I sincerely appre- resolution (H.J. Res. 56), celebrating Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I yield ciate his hard work in making that the end of slavery in the United States. myself such time as I may consume. happen. The Clerk read as follows: Mr. Speaker, first of all, I want to Mr. Speaker, as has been described thank the gentleman from Oklahoma here on the floor today, Juneteenth is H.J. RES. 56 [Mr. WATTS] for his leadership in guid- the traditional celebration of the day Whereas news of the end of slavery came ing this bill to the House floor. I also on which the last slaves in America late to frontier areas of the country, espe- cially in the American Southwest; thank the gentleman from Indiana [Mr. were freed. In September of 1862, in my Whereas the African-Americans who had BURTON], chairman of the Committee opinion our greatest President, Abra- been slaves in the Southwest thereafter cele- on Government Reform and Oversight, ham Lincoln, the Great Emanicipator, brated Juneteenth as the anniversary of and the gentleman from California [Mr. issued the Emancipation Proclamation their emancipation; WAXMAN], the ranking member, for which officially freed the slaves as of Whereas their descendants handed down their support of this measure. January 1, 1863, a full 87 years after the that tradition from generation to generation For more than 100 years, African- War of Independence began, with the as an inspiration and encouragement for fu- Americans all over this country have support of thousands of black Amer- ture generations; been celebrating a very special day, ican patriots. Whereas Juneteenth celebrations have Juneteenth. Juneteenth, on June 19, But the official act and the actual thus been held for 130 years to honor the memory of all those who endured slavery and commemorates a joyous day in 1865 liberation were separated by months of especially those who moved from slavery to when many of the slaves in the State of continuing war, and long distances and freedom; and Texas first learned that they had been news of freedom was slow to travel dur- Whereas their example of faith and freed. Juneteenth is sometimes known ing those remaining years of the Civil strength of character remains a lesson for all as the African-American 4th of July. War. It was not until June 19, 1865 that Americans today, regardless of background President Abraham Lincoln's Eman- word finally reached the people in one or region or race: Now, therefore, be it cipation Proclamation went into effect of the farthest corners of the South, Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep- on January 1, 1863. However, as most Galveston, TX, when Gen. Gordon resentatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, ThatÐ Americans know, the Emancipation Granger marched into the city and an- (1) the celebration of the end of slavery is Proclamation freed only those slaves in nounced that the State's 200,000 slaves an important and enriching part of our coun- the States fighting against the Union were free. That day has since been try's history and heritage; in the Civil War. However, it was not coined Juneteenth Independence Day (2) the celebration of the end of slavery until General Gordon Granger of the and has been celebrated as such by tens provides an opportunity for all Americans to Union army arrived in Texas in 1865 of thousands of Americans and families learn more about our common past and to that many of the slaves were informed for over 130 years. better understand the experiences that have that they had already been emanci- Today this congressional resolution, shaped our Nation; and pated for over two years. House Joint Resolution 56, seeks to (3) a copy of this joint resolution be trans- honor the memory of all those who en- mitted to the National Association of As the news spread, African-Ameri- Juneteenth Lineage as an expression of ap- cans celebrated. Festive foods were dured slavery. It seeks to remind us of preciation for its role in promoting the ob- prepared. Music was played. People their faith, their strength of character, servance of the end of slavery. danced and sang. Mr. Speaker, most and their long struggle for freedom and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- importantly, they prayed. for equal rights. It seeks to remind us ant to the rule, the gentleman from Then began the long journey down that America needed a second Inde- pendence Day to complete the work New Jersey [Mr. PAPPAS] and the gen- the road towards equality and justice, that was begun by our Founding Fa- tleman from Maryland [Mr. CUMMINGS] a journey we still find ourselves travel- thers on the Fourth of July, 1776. each will control 20 minutes. ing on more than a century later. That I hope all Americans will take a mo- The Chair recognizes the gentleman is why African-Americans and all peo- ment to recognize this Juneteenth from New Jersey [Mr. PAPPAS]. ple of goodwill and humanity pause to celebrate this special day in history. Independence Day by remembering Mr. PAPPAS. Mr. Speaker, I yield those who suffered, those who strug- b myself such time as I may consume. 1600 gled, and those who finally triumphed Mr. Speaker, ``Juneteenth'' has long My good friend, the gentleman from over ignorance and hate to make a bet- been recognized as the date to cele- Illinois, Mr. JESSE L. JACKSON, has de- ter world for their children and for brate the end of slavery in the United fined these kinds of events as faith their grandchildren. This is an oppor- States. I congratulate my friend and events. More than a celebration, Mr. tunity to remember that we, too, are in the distinguished gentleman from Speaker, the commemoration of the process every day of our lives of Oklahoma [Mr. WATTS], for introducing Juneteenth is a faith event. It is a time leaving a legacy to our own children this resolution to underscore the im- to thank our Creator for the renewal of and grandchildren. portance of that development for our our people's strength, their tenacity, This Juneteenth perhaps is a time to Nation. their determination, and the amazing consider whether our legacy will be as Juneteenth is the traditional celebra- grace which has sustained their souls noble as those before us. Three months tion of the day on which the last slaves and their faith through this great hard- before General Granger rode into Gal- in America were freed. Although slav- ship. veston and 1 month before he was as- ery was officially abolished in 1863, it Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of sassinated, President Lincoln gave a took over two years for news of free- my time. second inaugural address where he dom to spread to all slaves. On June 19, Mr. PAPPAS. Mr. Speaker, I yield 4 challenged his countrymen to strive on 1865, U.S. General Gordon Granger rode minutes to the distinguished gen- to finish the work we are in, ``with into Galveston, Texas and announced tleman from Oklahoma [Mr. WATTS]. malice towards none, with charity for that the State's 200,000 slaves were Mr. WATTS of Oklahoma. Mr. Speak- all, with firmness in the right as God free. To make the date unforgettable, er, I thank the gentleman for his kind gives us to see the right . to do all the former slaves coined the nickname words, and for the two gentlemen that which may achieve and cherish a just ``Juneteenth,'' mixing the word ``June'' have just articulated the thoughts on and lasting peace. and ``nineteenth.'' Juneteenth, I thank them both for A just and lasting peace. That chal- This holiday originated in the South- their kind words and for their support lenge reaches out across the genera- west, but today it is celebrated of this legislation. tions. It is the reason we remember and June 17, 1997 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H3823 honor the great men and women who ica. Although it took the Civil War and When Texas heard the news, those who fought for the legacy of freedom that three constitutional amendments to se- were slaves did dance, they did sing, we honor on Juneteenth. cure equal status for all U.S. citizens, and they prayed. As I said, for many Mr. Speaker, again I would like to Lincoln's moral leadership saved the years individuals thought we should thank the gentleman from New Jersey last best hope of Earth from division not say that, we should not acknowl- [Mr. PAPPAS]. and destruction. edge that there was a celebration, but Mr. CUMMINGS. Mr. Speaker, I yield The end of slavery is one of the most I can surely say that freedom should be myself such time as I may consume. significant events in U.S.
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