CITATIO Editor- Director. 2011. Rec, =001. Sun'. India. IIl(Part e3) : le 1l 2 (Published by the Dlr'ector. Zool. ,Sun '. l1/.cha , Kolkata) Publi hed - January,20 12(1ulYeSept,emb r.20111ssue) © ,Government o.l Jndia , 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED • INo part of th"s publlication may be r'eprod uced, stored lin a retrieval system or transmit(.ed, in any form or by any means, electronic" mechanical, photocoPYling" recording .or otherwise without the pliior permissi,on of ~he publisher. • This boo:k lis so~d subject to the condition that it shan not, by way of trade, be lent re-sold hir'ed out or otherwise disp'osed of wUhout the publishers consent, in any form of binding arcover other than that lin which it is published. • The correct price of this publicaUon lis the price print,ed ,on th:is paige, Any revised prli oe indicated by a f1ubber stamp ,or by a st i c~er 'or Iby any other means j's linoonrectand slhoud Ibe unacceptable., PRICE India : ~ 550.00 Foreign: $ 35; £ 25 Published at the Publication Division by the Dir,ector, Zoological Survey of India, 'M' eBlock, New Alipore, Kolkata e 700 053 and printed at East India Photo Composing Centr,e, Kolkata e 700 0.06. C01\-lP TERISED DATA ON NATION, L ZOOLOGICAL COLLECTIO The ational Zoological CoHections compdsing ncady 15 000 types are housed in the Zoo~ogjcal S:urv~y of India, Calcutta and are prop fly mairHained. All these specimens hav,c Registration numbers and are readily available for study as and \\ hen required. Data pertaining to Jo'catiry date .of coUcclion, name of collector, sex, lip to date valid sped s name., name of th'e host (for parasite) c«.' .. of each ~rp<: (~( CO/hCI;OIl have already been computerised. The computerlsed data are stored in the computer centre of Zoological Stlrv y of India. ScientistsfNaturalist intere ted for any information on typc'pcclcs present in Zoological Survey of India may contact the Direct01: Zoological Slln'~l' o.l llldia. 'lv!' Block, New Alipore Ko/kala-70a 053. Dr. K. V ENKATARAMAN Director Zoological Survey of India A . APPEAL In order to lenrkh tbe "lVational Zoological Collection ,. (NZC) and to up date information on the oc,currence and distribution of animal sped,es in India Scientists I _ aturalists and res,earchers working on anitnal taxonomy/systematics are requested to deposit their identified spedlnens t.o the Zoological Surv1ey of India at the foHowing addr1ess : Offi,cler-in-Charge, Identification and Advisory Section, Zoological Survey of India. M-Block. ,ew Alipore. Kolkata-700 053. These specimens will be registered and th if data will b computerised. They are req,ue· ted to depo· it their type collection posilil'el), to ZSland use the Registration numher in their publicati.on .of the neH taxon. Dr.K. V EN KATARA MAN Director Zoological Survey of India Re('. ::00/. SlilT. Illdia: IlI(Part-2): 1-6,2011 TWO NEW SPECIES HYDRO VA TUS SRINGERIENSIS AND COPELATUS JV4 YANADENSIS (COLEOPTERA: DYTISCIDAE) FROM WESTERN GHATS OF SOUTH INDIA D. MANI\,ANNA~ AND J. ISSAQuE MADANI* P G & Re5;earch Department oj'Adl'al1ced Zoology & Biotechnology GOl'ernl11ent Arts College, Nandanam, Chennai-600035, India INTRODUCfION banga/orensis, C. assamensis, C. ceylonicus, C. The genus Hydrovlltlls was introduced by mysorensis and C. nee/umae were described and 10 Motschulsky (1853), with type species Hyphydrus species were redescribed, with a key to 3 groups (·u. ...pidatlls Kunzc. It comprises about 500/0 of the species Haemorrhoides, Irinus and Duodecistriatus. Balke known from the African contient. Another closely (1998) has reported a new subgenus Papuadytes under rl'latcd genus Qucda occurs in South Amcrica. Later, the genus Copelatus and he described 31 new species the genus ffn/rOl'lItlis was divided into 2 subgenera with illustrations and species ecology was summarized. fh·drm·(lflis S. str and Valhydrus depending on the The genus Copelallis has 468 species examined from appearance of the frontal part of head margined, not Australia, Africa, Nearctic, Neo-tropical, Oriental and margincd or frontal margin reduced (Guignot, 1954 & Palearctic regions. The subfamily Copelatinae comprises 1956). Guignot (1959) separated 7 sub groups of the about 540 species (Nilsson, 2001). The present study suh genus I 'athydrlls on the basis of body size, colour adds one more species in the genus Hydrovalus and pattcrn and elytral microsculpture. Oomer Cooper Cope/alliS which is delineated from rest of the species ( 1963 & 19()5) divided the gr't1LlS into two main groups of pustulatus and Irinus group by the structure of male on the basis of body length. Bistrom (1996) described genitalia respectively. the genus Hydrol'atlls and he reported 202 species MATERIALS AND METHODS under I 5 species groups. in which 37 new species and Hydradephagan beetles were collected from ponds, new synonymies to 104 species were noted. Nilsson puddles, rivers and streams from Western Ghats of (~OO 1) has stated that the genus Hydatonyclllls Kolb, South India. The D-net (300X 400X 330 mm) with a (hTI1Ol'filis Schaum. Vathydrus Guignot are synonyms mesh size of 0.5 mm was used for collection. The of }~l·d"Ol'(lfllS. Subfamily Copelatinae was mentioned preserved specimen is observed under compound as a tribe of Colymbetidae with type genus Copelalus microscope. Trinocular stereozoom microscope and (Branden. 1X85). Vazirani (1970a) treated Copelatini as a camera lucida along with eye piece lOX and objective tribe under subfamily Colymbetinae. Miller (2001) raised lOX used for morphological illustrations. The Holotype it to subfamily in which a single tribe Copelatini that 'species were deposited in Southern Regional Station, has 4 genera Agaporomorphus. Ag/ymbus, Cope/atus Zoological Survey of India, Chennai. (subgenus : Cope/allls and Papuadyles) and Laccol1t'ctliS. Erichson (1832) reported the genus Hydrovatlls sringeriellsis sp. 1101'. C(}Pt'/lIfl1S \\"ith type species Dytiscus posticatus Diagnostic characters: Length 2.8 mm; breadth 1.8 Ll1-. T·icius. Gucorguiev (1968) gave a modem description mm; Form : oval, convex and slightly acuminate of the genus Cope/allis. Vazirani (l970b & 1973) has posteriorly (Fig. 1 & 7). Head testaceous: c1ypeus feebly reported only Cope/alliS, as having longitudinal rows raised anteriorly and rebordered; puctures fine. sparse of striae on elytra, under which 5 species C. irregular and more close along the inner margin of eyes; *P.G. of Research Department of Zoology, The New College, Chennai-600014. Ke)'words : Coleoptera, Dytiscid::le. Hydroporinae, Copelatinae. 2 Rcc, ::oo!. ."JIIT. Illdiu reticulation fine, distinct polygonal and simple: antenna not emarginated; punctures tine. sparse and separated 3-10 segments distinctly enlarged. Pronotum testaceOllS, about 3-4 times of its own diameter: a tranS\Cr"l' anterior and posterior border black in the middle, side cervical stria at the posterior margin 01 thl' l·\l'~. nan-owly rebordered, almost straight a transverse line reticulation fine distinct with hexag(lnal Illc"hcs. along the anterior margin: punctures large, uniformly Pronotum brownish black~ a row of pUnL:tufcs ollly dense and impuncture area nalTowly on the anterior along the anterior margin~ punctures tine. sparse and margin in transverse but irregular on the disc; separated by about 3-4 times of its own diameter: sides moderately curved; reticulation fine, distinct and reticulation fine and indistinct. Elytra black with hexagonal meshes: lateral anterior margin with spinulae: testaceous marking as under : lateral marginal lines anterior margin, posterior margin and both sides pale extending in\vards (i) subbasally (ii) post medially (iii) testaceous. Elytra black, lateral margin testaceous; 6 ncar the apex, all the three ilTegular in shape and not dorsal stria abridged at base (i) 1 and 2 not abridged at approaching the suture. sublateral carina from median the apex (ii) 3-6 stria abridged at the apex, submarginal to apices; punctures large rather sparse and ilTegular; stria absent; punctures fine, sparse and irregularly reticulation fine, polygonal meshes not well impressed; distributed; reticulation fine, distinct. hexagonal meshes: apices acuminate. Ventral side testaceous without any sutural stria present~ apices not acuminate: epipkura stridulatory files on the sternuln; punctures large, without oblique cavity. Ventral side brownish black, pale distinct and moderately dense on metacoxal plate aned testaceous at the margin: punctures fine, spar;.;e on abdominal steillites; reticulation indistinct; prostemal Inetacoxal plate and abdOlninal steillitcs; reticulation process broadened at the apex. Proleg testaceous, coxa fine, hexagonal meshes; striation on metacoxal plate with sparse punctures; femur dorsally with a row of and abdominal stemites; a row of stridulatory files on sparse spines, ventrally with a row of spines on the the lnargin of mesocoxal cavities; prostemal process posterior half and three setae anteriorly; tibia dorsally lanceolate. Proleg testacous; coxa and trochanter with a row of swimming hairs and sparse spinulae, ahnost smooth; femur with a row of spinulae at the ventrally a row of spines, distally with 5 long spurs; anterior margin as posterior margin has a row of spinulae first three segments of tarsi with sucker palettes and sparse swilnming haris; tibia with a row of spines underneath in male, fourth segment reduced, fifth at the anterior margin and a row of weak spines on segment with sparse spines, claws equal (Fig. 4). posterior margin, with 4-5 distal spurs; tarsi 5- Mesoleg testaceolls, coxa with sparse punctures; femur segmented, first 3 segments fringed with 4 rows of with short setae on dorsal side and three long spines sucker palettes, 4th and 5th segments with sparse ventrally; tibia and tarsi similar to proleg (Fig. 5). Metaleg spinulae; claws equal (Fig. 13). Mesoleg testaceous;p testaceous; felnur smooth; both sides of tibia with coxa and trochanter smooth; femur with a row of spines sparse spines, distally one long and four small spurs; on the posterior margin, innerface (facing abdomen) tarsi five segmented.
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