MONDAY, FEBBUARY t , 1 9 6 9 Average Bally Net Press.Ran The Weather r t m FOliRTEEK F « r Um Week Ending Foroendt of O. 8. WentOer B«rnM mmtrl|p0tpr lEttPttUtg l^eralb dnnonrjr SI. IBM Not no e*ld tonight. 1/iw S5-8d. Milder Wedneodny. nreMitonal m is The DAV tadias AuxllUry will Stamp Collectors 12,879 po«Ribl.y beginning no lig h t freesin g Income Tax Agenta Here sponsor a kitchah aocial at tha MemlMr of Um A udit roln enrty Wedneodnjr. High About Towo homa of Mrs, Cord Blow, 7 Flor­ Will Hear Kehrj Baronu of CircalnUon. 46. ence St., tonight at 8 o’clock. Re-1 Internal Revenue agents will ______ I Manche$t€r——A City of Village Charm he In Manchester this week to Rii The** Sim pler »t » * » • f i r - freshments will be served by Mrs. i Th# Hartford Collectqra Club haa | Thnt Interpret The Anne .Stepard and her committee. help townspeople prepare their n i Phi wlU mftBt.tonirht »t T:S0 axtendad an invitation to the mem- j Wishe.s Of The Family at th* horn* of Miss Rita Rutaon. Wednesday night, the Auxiliary income tax. VOL. LXXVIII, NO. 105 (FOURTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TITESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 19.59 (CInMitled Advorttatng on Pngo It) PRICE FIVE CBNIR ^T4 S u m m it St. will hold a regular business meet­ Two agents will be at' the Mu­ bera of the newiy formed Manchea- ing. with election of officers, at the ; nicipal Building toi'iorrow and ter Philatelic Society to attend It* JOHN B. BORKE The wcwuUva board of the Hol- VFtV Home at 8 olclock, j Wednesday from 8:30 a m. to 50th anniversary banquet on Tues­ lUstar PTA u’iU meet tomorrow 4:30 p.m. .Similar taxpayer as­ FUNERAL HOME In Salurdav’s Herald it was re­ day, Feb. 17, at 6:30 p.m. at the n lr h t a t 8 o'clock |j» the school li­ sistance will be given April 7 TEL. MI S-6868 b ra ry . ported that the Women'a Christian and 8 during the same hours. SoiUh Park Methodist Church. 75 President May Delay offer Red Claims *7 EAST CENTER ST. Fellowship of the Second Congre­ Main St., Hartford. Ernest Kehr, gational Church would meet to­ AMBCLANCE SERVICE Mr. and Mrs. John tarrabee, IS Members of the 8th District Fire ' New York Herald-Tribune stamp Pitkin St., left today by plane for night at 8 o'clock. Tha meeting \ tonight is for the members of the Department are asked to meet at I editor, will be guest. a one month’s vacation in Florida the firehouse sf 7:30 tomorrow j Reds Bar U.S. Convoy executive board only, and the all-' Kehr is universally recognized Giving Cdngress His -Plan on -Berlin group meeting of the Fellowship night to proceed to the W. P. \ as one of the world s foremost spe­ M anchester Em blem Club \ldH Qiiish Kiinersl Home lo psy re-' hold a business meetlngr Wednes­ will be held Feb. 12. cialists in the field of EgjT)H*o RANGE ‘Too Short’ sp e d * to M i s . John W, Ros.si, : postal hi.story and stamps. His Washington, Feb. 3 (/P)— day nirht at 7-.4.S at U-.e Knlfrhts of whoss hint her. Paul Cervini, la a Columbus Home Officers will meet Sunset Council, Degree of Poca­ personal collodion ha* won medals Secretary of State Dulles flie.8 hontas. will meet tonight at 7:,3fi member of the department. and special awards of honor at in­ r U E L O I L Proposals on Rights AVashington. Feb. .1 — at 7:80. Followinj the business ternational competitions sin ce to Europe today, apparently The two top U.S. Defense of­ meeting G eorge Krause of in Tinker Hall. A aocial hour will in a bid for .Allied support of Krause's Greenhouses will rive a follow the meeting. The Ward Circle of the South •1935. His five handbook.* on vari­ GASOLINE ficials said today they do not talk and shoa* movies on "Green­ Melhodiat WSCS will meet at the j ous phases of this specialty have Washington, .Feb........... .3 (/P)— ftion plan w-ould not go to the '*'’*^*^ i believe Soviet claims that the On East German Line The Ladies of the Assumption been accepted aa the standard ref­ houses." home of Mrs. Kenneth Strum, 299 ; Annarentlv nUgued bv a di-I^*P'^'Capitol befor* next week. German prob- Red forces can Are interconti- will hold their monthly bustnesa P a rk e r .St., tom orrow nighf at 8 erence works on the subjects cov- Apparenuj. s , piaguea -i.,oj • a 1at ■ |: DirksenDjrksen and Haileck aamsaid mat lent. A rm v P i't. John J. K osky, 21. meeting tonight at 8 15 in the o'clock Miss Beth Hoffman, achool ’ ered>‘He has been gues^ editor of BANTLY OIL Vision of opinion within his^^|,j white Houae the proposal.* ,,„niWhat null** haa ...in mind, ..if ...In- missiles with whose wife, EaixsbeUi, lives at 119 church hall. After the meeting aocial w orker, will spe.-ik on the recent special Egyptian and administration. President E l- win refleot what they called prog-| deed it ia in final fni-m. remained Pinpoint accurac.v Swiss editions of Linn's Weekly ( iiMP W i . I\C. Love Lane, completed the lO-\veek the ladies Hill play games, and re- "Roota of Happines.s ■’ Friends of ^ senhow'er probably will delay, resa being made m the c i V i 1 to be aeen. It appeared he ha* a Secretary of Defenst McEI- pow er equipment maintenance i freshmenla will be served Mrs. the' circle are invited. Stsmp News, ; ;i M \ IN ^ I Id 1.1 5 Soldiers sending his Civil Rights pro- right* field. Dirkaen *aid they number of ideaa to try out on the rov and Gen. Nalhan F. Twi- course Jan. 23 at the SoutheMtern Charles McDonnell is chairman for \ Reservations must he made by I the evening, and Mrs Robert La- TEL. M itchell 9 .4 5 9 5 posals to Congress for two representative of the top Official* at London. Pari* and chairman of the .loint Signal School, Ft. Gordon, t.a. A Mystic Rsview. WBA, will meet f>b. 9, and ticketa are available ' 1 * * ba.aic thinking of the greatest Bonn. 1955 graduate of Mimchestei High ' Croix will provide prises tomorrow at 8 p m. in Odd Fel­ front George A. Fister. 91 Lyness ROCKVILLE TR 5-3271 weeks. number of people. " Haileck said nulle* and a sm all o a rtv of »*- G"iefs of Staff, both reacted Detained at School, he is the son of Mr. and low.* hall, when the new officers | I St., or George Cochran. 837 W. Sen. Styles Bridge* of New be believe* moderate would he a ghviser* head first for Lon- i A Union College rally will be “skeptically to (he claims made Mrs. Edward W. Kosky. 49 Hyde will occupy their stations. Fol­ ; Center St. Hampshire, chairman of the Senate: th* moe-ram leMcd ad\i.sers neaa nisi rot uon . 'Mosrnw hv Sn- St., and formerly worked as s tool­ held in Hartford Thursday for all R*ni.hiir.n Pnlipv f-ommiti** r*.' * “ p io g ram . , nil. going next to Pan* and then m a s p e e c n in .Moscow 04 i?io- lowing the business session. .Mrs.! The next meeting of Manchester Republican Policy Committee, re-■ ............... „8__ x ___ Defense Minister Rodion maker for the r.oyal-McBef (’orp. alumni in the area a.' well as pro­ ported the prospective delav after' *’‘’""evei\ that it prob- to Bonn. In all Irens LaPalme. the new prealdent j Philatelic Society will be held on Um Checkpoint In Hartford. spective student.s and their 'M o n d ay , Feb. o, a t 7:,30 p.m. in a White Houae conference of GOP "*’'v will go somewhat beyond a away for about a week Malinov.sky. father.* The rally will include a will conduct a new game, for Your congressional leader* with the sponsored^bvJ3en. Gyn- jb* state Department, mean- whu h the memhera are reque.sted the social room of t'le Community j I ( ktail hoiir at Schnler's Rrs- President today. Such a delay | Johnson of Texa*. the while, high-ranking official* of the By .4. I. GOl.DBERfl ! By SEYMOUR TOPPINO The Willing Workers Group of 0 In bring trinkets or articles for; Y. All stamp collectors are in­ Chorgo Flon the South Methodi.si Church \nll taiirant. beginning at a p.ni . and vited to attend. would hold off the White House ”^riate Democratic leader. four Allied governnunl* stall Mo.sc'OW. Feb. .t (/P)—Soviet! i Horlin, F'ob. .3 (/P)~Th* ! dinner and entertainment at the re-sale .Mr* Irene Vincek and] For meet In the chapel Wednrsda.v af­ .Mrs Belly .'tohiski, head the rer proposals right up to the atari of In all probability. Haileck said, draflthg a reply to Rii.saia's Jan. 19 Defense Minister Rodion Mai-! j Rii.Hsian.s today held a U.S. ternoon at 2 o'clock. 'Maple Hill Restaurant at 7:.30. Dolivorios the Senate hearing*. Sen. Thomas the administraion bill will be note. The' first .aession of this inlH I bo W'o'l tnilnv ’ freshment committee. i C. Hennings (D-Moi announced somewhere between the Johnson "working group" convene* lomoi- lArni.v convoy of four cargo T oyvii Tax Board •lust telephone your order for they will start March 18.
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