1579 TRADES' DIRECTORY, 1891. BRO Ilowyer(F.W.)& Ba.rtleet, 147 Fenchrch.stE:. C Marks Thomas, 28 Fenchurch street EC Herzog Fredk. 20 London Comcl.sa.le rms EC Broadhurst Wm. &. Co. 9 Mincing lane EC Marshall & French, 37 Mincing lane EC Hume Jonathan Ranken & Co. 27 London Brookes & Green, 21 & 25 Mincing lane EC Mess & Co. 3 Brabant court, Philpot lane E: C Commercial sale rooms, Mincing lane EC BrownArthr.&Co.70&71Bishpsgt.st. wthnE C Mildred William, 37 Mincing lane EC London Cotton Brokers' Association (Robert Brown James Albert, liO Mark lane EC Miller & Tindal, 36 Mark lane EC James Hossack, 800.),10 & Il Mincing laE C Bryant&Aitkens,5Markt.bldgs.Mincng.laE C Milne James John & Sons, 14 Mincing la EC Noyes Thomas & Son, London Commercial CalogriaBros.9 Mincing lane EC Molineux & Walker,9 Mincing lane EC sale rooms, Mincing lane EC Carroll D. D. & Co. 43 Mincing lane EC Nell G. E. &00.10 & 11 Mincing lane EC Rutherfoord & Co. 32 Fenchurch street EC Cherr.v Jas.&Edwd.7Lond.Comrcl.sale rms EC Niemann & Co. Dunster ho. Dunster ct EC Tetley&Moore,19LondonCommrcl.sale rmsE C Churchouse & Co. Monument buildings EC Nokes Theodore, Dnnster ho. Mincing la EC Thorburn Thomas & Co. 20 London Commer- Coles C. & C. J. 7 Mincing lane EC Paines & Reid, 32 Fenchurch street EC cial sale rooms EC Collins & Bastone, 4 Cullum street EC Parker, Wellesley & Co. 23 Rood lane EC 7.eyen G. & Co. I) Philpot lane E" C Collyer, Thirvell & Bell, 141 Fenchurch et EC Parsons & Keith, 14 Mincing lane EC . Colman Clement, Dunster ho. Wncing la E C Peters Francis Savill, 23 Rood lane EC. Brokers-DIamond & Pearl. Cook James &. Co. 40 Mincing lane EC Peyer Bros. 9 Mincing lane EC Bonas Henry & Co. 16 Hatton garden EC Corey & Garford, 21 St. Helen's place EC Phillips & Webb, 4, D & 6 Gt. St. Helen's EC Brann Isidor. 44 Hatton g'arden EC Cornish John, 9 Mincing lane EC Phillipson Alfred, 21 London Commercial Cullmann William, 70 Hatton garden E C Cornwell F. J. Son & Huctt, 25 & 26 Crosby sale rooms, Mincing lane EC Daniel Sigismund, 9lA., Hatton garden E C builllings, Crosby square EC Pitt Squire John, 20 Mark lane EC Davids Alexander. 32 Hatton garden EC Cortie, !Ioon & Co. 31 Mincing lane EC Powell Bros. & 00. 27 Mincing lane EC Drayson SydneyHerbt. 39 Gt. Marlboro' st W Cottam & Hill. 7 Mincing lane EC Pralle & Co. 21 Mincing lane EC Dufon & De Bassompierre,104 Hatton gdnE C Cox, Patterson& Co. 4 Fenchurch avenue EC Price, Hickman & Co. 11 Mincing lane EC DUnkelsbl1hler Anton& Co. 1 St.AndrewstE C Craven Alfred William. 27 Mincing lane EC Prior T. A. & Co. 9 Mincing lane EC Ehrmann & Bahlsen, 91 Hatton garden EC Craven Henry, 27 Mincing lane EC Puddy J. & Co. 1} Mincing lane EC Fauser Eugene, 27 Holborn viaduct EC Czarnikow Edmond C. & Co. 29 Mincin~ laE C Raschen Hermann, jun. & Co. 34 Bishopsgate Gomperts Edward,103 Ratton garden EC Czarnikow Cresar, 29 Mincing lane EC street within EC Gray W. M. & 00. 35 Hatton garden EC Dalton & Young, 29 Mincing lane EC Redford & Co. 131 Fenchurch street EC Harris Henry Wm.John. Warnford courtE C Davis Edward & Co. 2 Fen et. Fcnchrch.stE C Reynolds & Sellers, 3 Mincing lane E (; Herbert Richard, 31 Holborn viaduct EC Delpech 11. & 00. 21 Mincing lane EC Roberts Walter, 9 Mincing lane EC Hinderlich August, 20 Hatton garden EC Devitt&Hett,16MarklaE C&37Mincng.laE C Rogers Brothers, Dunsterho. Mincing la EC Joseph (Lewin) & Co. 1 Hatton garden EC Dipnall & Axford, li9 Eastcheap EC Rouse R.J. &Co.130 Fenchurch street EC Josephi Benj. Henry, 109 Hatton garden EC DixGeo.9 Mincing'laEC&89BermondseystS E Rucker (1. A.) & Bencraft, 31 Mincing la EC Kaufmann &Bessinger,9 UnionBank bldgs EC Douglas Chas.Crokat&Co.38 Fenchurch st EC RuckerS. & Co. 11 & 12 Great Tower st EC Levy M. J.&Nephews. 22Holborn viaductE C Drake John V. & Co. 10 & 11 Mincing la EC Sanderson & Co. 31 Mincing lane EC Markowitz J. 28 Ely place EC Duttson William H. 14 Mincin~ lane EC Sargant (W. T.) & Sons, 6 Mincin~ lane EC Martin Wilham, 101 Hatton garden EC Emanuel Henry,28Commercial salerooms EC Schultz William, 9 Mincing lane EC Mayer Brothers, 11 Hatton garden EC Farley & Co.lli Philpot lane EC Scott, Simpson & Wallis,21 Mincing hneE C Mossell Samuel Solomon, 106 Ratton gdn E C Fenton, Levy & Co. 27 Mincing lane EC SlannCornelius Blanchard, 61 & 52 Fenchurch Myers J aques Daniel, 25 Hatton garden EC Field & Co. IJunster house. 12 Mark lane EC street EC Pittar, Leverson & Co. 1 Queen Victoria stE C Figgis S. & Co. 3 Mincing lane EC Souratty G. N. & Co. 38 Fenchurch street EC Posthumus Henry, 97 Hatton garden EC Firminger & Howard, 10 & 11 Mincing la EC Spen~.der August, 7 Mincing lane EC Ricardo Joseph, 106 Hatton garden EC Fletcher Henry Theophilus,7 London Com- Thomas In. S.Monumentbldgs.Pudding laE C Roeg & Van Praagh. 103 Hatton garden EC mercial sale rooms, Mincing lane EC Thompson Brothers & Co. 29 Mincing la EC Romyn Jac, 103 Hatton garden EC Fox, Roy & Co. 70 Graceehurch street EC Tolme & Runge, 16 Mincing lane EC Rosen Louis, 11 Grafton street E Foxall & Peacock, 21 Mincing lane EC TownendAlex.& Co.Dunsterho.DunsterctE C Shalcross Ohas. Meredith, 89 Rattongrdn EC Pranks &Gandar,28 Mincing lane EC Usmar John H. & Co. 34 Palmerston build- Speight William, jun.l Hatton garden EC Fra.'ler & Co. 40 Mincing lane EC ings, 93 Bishopsgate street within EC Spink & Son, goldsmiths &I silversmithsp GardinerArthurEdwd.&Co. 21 MinciAg la EC Van Eeghen Donald, 3 London Commercial appraisers &c. wholesale & retail dealers & Garrard & Sons, Dunster house,Dunster ctE C sale rooms EC buyers of diamonds, pearls, rubies, sap.. Garret~ Frederick, 7 Mincing lane EC Walker HenryBird, 41 Eastcheap EC phires &c. 2 Gracechurch street, CornhiU Geere Alfred & 00. 10& 11 Mincing lane EC Watt Hodgson, 12 Commercial sale rooms, E C. Established 1172. Telephone 11127 General Produce Brokers' Association of Lon- Mincing lane EC Tannenbaum L. &; Co. 25 Hatton garden EC don (Robt. James Hossack, see.), 10 & 11 Webb Edward & Co. 4 Eastcheap EC Tom Max, 91A, Hatton garden EC Mincing lane EC Westgarth W. & Co. 8 Finch lane EC Triefus Simon & Edwd. 4 Holborn circus EC Goodison Brothers, 36 Eastcheap EC Wheatley Henry P. & 00. 34, Gt.St.Helen'sE C Wachmaim David, 14 Hatton garden EC Gray Frederic Wm. & Co. 7 Catherine court, White, Bluhm & McEwen, 39 Mincing la EC Warwick Benjamin, 11 Queen Victoria at EC Seething lane EC Whiting Noel, 14 Mincing lane EC Watson Wm. Jas. Rymer, 21 Holborn vdctE C Gray Mortimer Thomas & Co. 7 Mincing Williams John&Edwin,10 & llMincingla EC Wild Wm.Charles& Co. 23 Hatton gardellE C lane EC& 34 Fencburch street EC Williams Arthur Frederick, 4 London Com- Gray Nephew & 00. 37A, Mincing lane EC mercial sale rooms EC Brokers-Discount. Green H. J. &; 00. 16 Mincing lane EC Williams Edwin, jun. 6 London Commercial See also Brokers-Exchange; &: Agentl- Grigson & Co. 10 & 11 Mincing lane E C sale rooms, Mincing lane EC Discount. Guedalla & Dorrington. Botolph house, East· Wilson, Smithett & Co. 41 Mincing lane ECB ke C rt' &C 36 L b d t tEe cheap EC Wimble Charles & Co. 21 Mincing lane E Car, u IS .0. om ar s ~e Hale & Son, 10 Pench::lrch avenue EC Wood Charles, 3 London Commercial sale Blockey (A.)•.GreIg & Co.33Cleme~t s laneE C Hamilton DouglasC.W.7Lon.Omcl.salermsE C rooms, Mincing lane EC Bruce & Mellish, 11 & 12 Clement s lane EC Hanbury Fredk. Barclay.9 Mincing la.ne EC Woodhouse C. M. & 0.30 Mincing lane EC Burt & ~sborn~, 9 GrS?eeh~Ch street EC Hancock HenryHallett. &Co.21Mineing laE C Wright Wm. Shaw & Co. 63 Fenchurch stE C Chat~lam Bugene Damel, 72 Newman st W Hanson Frederick Wm. 9 Mincing Jane EC Wylie & Co. 16 Mark lane EC 00rg.IalegnoM.&Co.10George yd.Lmbrd.stE C Hardy George & Son, 14 Mincing lane EC Young James Henry, 13 Cuilum street EC Come Ed~ar & Co. 16 Change ~ll~y EC Harman John & Co. 14 Mincing lane EC Elles JamIeson, Leadenhall b~l1dmgs EC Harnett & Co. 1 Fenchurch avenue EC Brokers-Colonial Fibre. Freese, Son & Pryce,3& 4 Gt.Wmcheste!stEC Hart H. B. & E. L. 9 Mincing lane EC Loon MarcUB, 67. Br:oad s~reet avenue ~ ~ Harvey,Lockie & Co. 16 Mincing lane EC Bee Broker. Hemp &:c. London & ProvlllClal DIscount Co. limIted,. Herschhorn F. & Co. 71 Eastcheap EC 61 Broad street avenu~ EC.. HewittWm.&Co.4Londonooml. saleroomsEC Brokers-Cork. Ma~donald~J.R.) & Hamllton,2 BlrcbmlaEC Horsman Frederick '12 Ma.rk lane EC Colmll.nWltr.&Oo.13&14George st.Towr.hIE C National DIscount Co. LIm. (Wm. Hancock. Htittenhein Panl, 9'Mincing lane EC E'avets John, Sheppy yard, Minories E, for man.; CharlesHenry Hutc,hins, suo-man.; Ide & Christie, 72 Mark lane E C spanish & portuguese cork Chas.Woolley,see.),35CornhlllE C.Seeadver"5 Imperio,] Produce Co. of Toronto Limited Smith (Hope) & Co. 3, I) & 7 Leman street E P,,?e.& Gwyther, 3 Georgeyd.Lomba~.st EC (Edwin Brown, manajl;er), 63 'I'ooley st EC Van WeedeJacquesGabriel,1 Jewry streetE C Phi!hps &; Co. 19 Chanl?e alley, CornhIll EC Jackson& Till,24to26 Lond.Comcl.sale rmsE C SmIth Cbaries, 181 BaU s Pond roa;d N. J ackson Ohas. Harrow, 10 & 11 Mincing laEC Brokers-Corn. Steyens ~ohnRobert& Son, 2 Austinfriars. E C J ames Richard & Co. I) & 1 Fenchurch st EC Alexltnder & Co. 19 Old Broad street E CUmon DIscount Co.
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