Annex A: River Classification Scheme for Scotland Water Chemistry a Biology Nutrients a Aesthetic Toxic Comments Condition d Substances (Contaminate) b c Class Description DO BOD NH4-N Fe pH Lab Analysed Bankside SRP (%sat) (mg/l) (mg/l) (mg/l) %ile (μg/l) 10%ile 90%ile 90%ile Mean Mean ASPT TAXA ASPT Field EQI EQI Score A1 Excellent > 80 < 2.5 0.25 <11 5%ile>6 > 1.0 > 0.85 > 6.0 > 85 < 20 No A Complies with Sustainable salmonid fish Minor B e Dangerous population. Natural 95%ile Substances Ecosystem <9 EQS’s A2 Good > 70 < 4 0.6 <1 10%ile > 0.9 > 0.70 > 5.0 > 70 < 100 Trace/Occasion Complies with Sustainable salmonid fish >5.2 al A or B f Dangerous population. Ecosystem Substances may be modified by EQS’s human activity B Fair > 60 < 6 1.3 < 2 10%ile > 0.77 > 0.55 > 4.2 > 50 > 100 - Complies with Sustainable coarse fish <5.2 Dangerous population. Salmonids Substances may be present. Impacted EQS’s ecosystem. C Poor > 20 < 15 9.0 > 2 - > 0.50 > 0.30 > 3.0 > 15 - Gross A or B g > EQS for Fish sporadically present. dangerous Impoverished ecosystem substance D Seriously > 20 > 15 > 9.0 - - < 0.50 < 0.30 < 3.0 < 15 - - > 10 x EQS for Cause of nuisance. Fauna Polluted dangerous absent or seriously substance restricted Notes relating to classification scheme a - Based on 3 years data, minimum of 12 samples, unless there has been a significant change in circumstances (eg a discharge eliminated) which justifies a 1 year assessment. - Estimation of percentiles for more than 19 samples to be by the non-parametric Wiebull Method. Otherwise the parametric method is used, assuming DO and pH are normal distributions, and BOD and Ammonical Nitrogen are log normal. - For pH the 5, 10 and 95 %iles must be determined from the 3 years data and compared with the class determining limits in the Classification Table. Again, where there are more than 19 samples the percentiles should be estimated by the non- parametric Wiebull Method. Otherwise, the parametric percentile estimation must be made, using the method of moments, and an assumed normal distribution. b - RIVPACS assessment based on data for 1 year, preferably 3 samples (Spring, Summer, Autumn), minimum of 2 (Spring and Summer). c - Based on 1 year’s monitoring data, preferably 3 samples, minimum 2. The overall class to be determined from the mean field score and mean ASPT of the individual samples. d - Aesthetic conditions to be based on 1 year’s monitoring data and will be assessed and recorded during biological and/or chemical visits. The points should be representative of the general quality of the watercourse reach. Aesthetic contamination to be assessed as either discharge related (List A) or general (List B). List A contaminants List B contaminants Sewage derived litter and solids, including General non sewage derived litter - faeces Builders waste - toilet paper Gross litter, including - contraceptives - shopping trolleys - sanitary towels - furniture - tampons - motor vehicles - cotton buds - road cones Oils - bicycles/prams Non natural foam, scum or colour Sewage fungus Sewage or oily smells e - No List A contaminants, possibly minor List B litter present. f - Traces of List A and /or occasional List B contamination, especially at easy access points. g - List A contamination widespread and/or occasional conspicuous quantities, and/or gross amounts of List B contamination. Likely to be the cause of justified public complaints. Annex B - Overall River Class results 2000-2006 MAIN PARAMETER(S) AFFECTING WATER CATCHMENT RIVER_NAME CATCH_NO RIV_NO HYDRO_DIST STRETCH NAME LENGTH_KMY2000 Y2001 Y2002 Y2003 Y2004 Y2005 Y2006 QUALITY IN 2006 NORTHERN SCOTLAND River Leven (Lochaber) River Leven 111 10 0.149 6066 LEVEN RIVER BELOW B.A. KINLOCHLEVEN 0.149 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 Biology; Aesthetics; pH; River Leven (Lochaber) River Leven 111 10 1.777 6067 LEVEN RIVER BELOW B.A. KINLOCHLEVEN 1.628 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 Biology; pH; River Leven (Lochaber) River Leven 111 10 5.946 7272 LEVEN RIVER BELOW B.A. KINLOCHLEVEN 4.169 * * A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 Biology; pH; River Leven (Lochaber) River Leven 111 10 6.382 7274 LEVEN RIVER BELOW B.A. KINLOCHLEVEN 0.258* * * * * A2 A2 Biology; pH; River Leven (Lochaber) River Leven 111 10 7.372 6150 LEVEN RIVER BELOW B.A. KINLOCHLEVEN 0.838* * * * * A2 A2 Biology; pH; River Leven (Lochaber) Black Water 111 10 24.793 7277 un-named 4.239* * * * * * * River Leven (Lochaber) Black Water 111 10 27.808 6154 un-named 2.515* * * * * * * River Leven (Lochaber) Allt na h-Eilde 111 11 4.617 7282 LEVEN RIVER BELOW B.A. KINLOCHLEVEN 2.84 * * A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 Biology; pH; River Leven (Lochaber) Allt na h-Eilde 111 11 8.386 7284 un-named 0.563* * * * * * * River Leven (Lochaber) Allt na h-Eilde 111 11 10.974 6155 un-named 1.39* * * * * * * River Leven (Lochaber) Ciaran Water 111 12 14.151 7280 un-named 2.616* * * * * * * River Leven (Lochaber) Ciaran Water 111 12 19.497 6156 un-named 4.738* * * * * * * River Leven (Lochaber) Allt na Caim 111 13 29.418 6157 un-named 8.963* * * * * * * Fort William Coastal 112 9.14 2.602 250006 Caledonian Canal above Neptunes Staircase 2.602 * * A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 River Lochy 113 9.13 1.555 250004 Caledonian Canal @ Laggan Locks 1.555* * * * * * A1 River Lochy 113 9.14 12.335 250007 Caledonian Canal above Neptunes Staircase 9.733 * * A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 River Lochy River Lochy 113 10 0.673 6072 LOCHY - RIVER AT H.M. STATION 0.673 A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 A2 A2 Biology; Aesthetics; River Lochy River Lochy 113 10 1.485 6073 LOCHY - RIVER AT H.M. STATION 0.812 A2 * A1 A2 A2 A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy River Lochy 113 10 8.652 6074 LOCHY - RIVER AT H.M. STATION 7.167 A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy River Lochy 113 10 13.453 6075 LOCHY - RIVER AT H.M. STATION 4.801 A1 A1 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy River Lochy 113 10 14.155 6076 LOCHY - RIVER AT H.M. STATION 0.702 A1 A1 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy Kilfinnan Burn 113 10 36.024 7324 un-named 6.298* * * * * * * River Lochy Kilfinnan Burn 113 10 37.196 6163 un-named 0.995* * * * * * * River Lochy Allt a Mhuilinn 113 11 8.097 6159 Allt a Mhuilinn Nevis Distillery 7.424* * * * * A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy River Lundy 113 12 2.411 6079 River Lundy below Torlundy Sewage Treeatment Works 0.926 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy River Lundy 113 12 3.439 6080 River Lundy below Torlundy Sewage Treeatment Works 1.03 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy River Lundy 113 12 3.522 6081 River Lundy u/s Torlundy WWTP 0.082 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 River Lochy River Lundy 113 12 7.598 6082 River Lundy below Bottom Ski Station 4.076 A2 A1 A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 Nutrients; River Lochy River Lundy 113 12 9.615 6161 River Lundy u/s Torlundy WWTP 2.017 * * A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 River Lochy River Lundy 113 12 14.094 6162 River Lundy u/s Torlundy WWTP 4.479 * * A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 River Lochy Allt Achadh na Dalach 113 13 13.299 6160 River Lundy u/s Torlundy WWTP 9.776 * * A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 River Lochy River Loy 113 14 22.119 5546 River Loy Glen Loy 13.466* * * * * B A1 River Lochy River Spean 113 15 20.297 6083 River Spean below Spean Bridge/Roybridge WWTW 6.844 * * A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy River Spean 113 15 21.982 6084 River Spean above Spean Bridge/Roybridge WWTW 1.685 * * A1 A1 A1 A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy River Spean 113 15 22.894 6085 River Spean above Spean Bridge/Roybridge WWTW 0.912 A2 * A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy River Spean 113 15 24.904 6086 River Spean above Spean Bridge/Roybridge WWTW 2.01 A2 * A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy River Spean 113 15 34.288 6087 SPEAN RIVER BELOW TULLOCH STATION 9.384* * * * A1 A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy River Spean 113 15 35.405 6088 SPEAN RIVER BELOW TULLOCH STATION 1.117* * * * A1 A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy River Spean 113 15 37.184 6089 SPEAN RIVER BELOW TULLOCH STATION 1.779* * * * A1 A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy River Spean 113 15 45.03 6092 Lower Loch Laggan. 0.199 * A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 River Lochy River Pattack 113 15 57.894 7312 RIVER PATTACK BY BRIDGE 1.451 B A2 A1 A2 A2 A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy River Pattack 113 15 59.395 6096 RIVER PATTACK BY BRIDGE 1.278 B A2 A1 A2 A2 A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy River Pattack 113 15 73.015 7314 RIVER PATTACK BY BRIDGE 13.62 * * A1 A2 A2 A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy Allt a' Chaoil-reidhe 113 15 82.987 7317 RIVER PATTACK BY BRIDGE 8.471* * * * * A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy Allt a' Chaoil-reidhe 113 15 86.036 6165 RIVER PATTACK BY BRIDGE 1.395* * * * * A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy Allt Coire an Eoin 113 16 24.504 6097 The Cour Corriechoille 2.522* * * * * A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy Allt Coire an Eoin 113 16 36.446 6166 The Cour Corriechoille 11.942* * * * * A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy Allt Choille-rais 113 17 27.597 6098 The Cour Corriechoille 3.093* * * * * A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy Allt Choille-rais 113 17 33.509 7286 The Cour Corriechoille 5.912* * * * * A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy Allt Choille-rais 113 17 33.631 7288 The Cour Corriechoille 0.042* * * * * A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy Allt Choille-rais 113 17 34.176 6167 The Cour Corriechoille 0.514* * * * * A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy 113 17.3 31.596 6430 The Cour Corriechoille 3.999* * * * * A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy 113 17.3 31.808 6431 Allt na-H-Aire below Top Ski Station 0.211 A2 A1 A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 River Lochy 113 17.3 32.202 6432 Allt Na H Aire u/s Ski station 0.395 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 A1 * River Lochy Allt Leachdach 113 18 29.273 6168 River Spean Corriechoille 6.379 * * A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy River Roy 113 19 27.598 6099 River Roy Roy Bridge 2.694 A2 * A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 Biology; River Lochy River Roy 113 19 30.044 6169 River Roy Roy Bridge 2.446 * * A2 A2 A2 A2 A2 Biology; River
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