r i , - T.t ■-'?>v* fi*<*-1*'*"’ ■• PAGE TWENTY - MANCP’^-^^t r r EVENING HERALD. Manchester, Conn., Fri., March 2S, 1973 South Windsor Banks, Police Foxgrove Developer The Weather Packers ' Gear ton i^ t with lows 3040. Sunday Sp;]p)enkel Aska $3,420,434 Report (Continued from PagA Gni) fair with highs 6045. Precipitation chance Builds First Models passed along to the consumer at 10 per cent Sunday. Winds variable. Mon­ Alan H.Gpldstein of Cook Hill supermarkets. day cloudy with chance of showers. “ The council expects siadi FoP General Governmemt Rd., Columbia, was charged The first model homes in an homes a year, will be either The subdivision was original­ with failure to ^ant half the ly proposed and Planned by decreases to be passed tteou|h ' * I ' ' ____ * 1. ____ ______ ir_________ $18.7 million, 375-lot subdivision raised ranch or colonial styles. JUanchM ler-i CUy o f Village Charm six t e e n pa g es - 2 tv - 2 MINI PACES PRICE. FIFTEEN CENTS departments. These to bring welfare and health ser­ highway Wednesday in connec­ Lavitt and McCarthy. In 1971, toe dlstribuUon chain topM ul­ A general mvemment budget, off Keeney St. will be ready for Home buyers will have a choice departments include libraries. vices into one full-time depart­ tion wiU an accident on McKee they sought to develop toe tract timate consumer,” Dunlijp MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 24, HITS - VOL. XCH, No. 147 of $3>n0,434, reflecting a 1.25 public inspection between Apr jl of nine exteriors, according to Public Health Nursing, recrea­ ment. The mayor p r o p o ^ a St. south of W. Center St. when under CUD (Comprehensive said. '. decrease in mill rate, has been 15 and May 1, according to the developers, and all of the tion, fire department. Com­ budget allocation of $17,000 for his car, southbound, struck Urban Development) zonibg The regulation previously Had recommended to the Town deveiopers of the housing. houses have four or five munity Services Council and the proposed department. northbound vehicles ^ iven by p^epplied to meat ^ c k e r s with Council by Town Manager Project. bedrooms. regulations, but the CUD the microfilming of town Mayor Sprenkel has also Ruth Brennan of 92 Campfield 'm ore than $250 miilion in an­ Terry Sprenkel of South Wind­ The single-famiiy homes, to application touched off much recommended an increase in Rd. and Carol A. Buccino of The homes are being built on nual sales and toe new order T - t records. be built at the rate of 100 to 120 public opposition, and the sor. the two-mill per year allocation a 270-acre tract on the west side extended it to virtually all meat Viet Releases According to Sprenkel, School Rd., Bolton. The acci­ In his message accompanying application was subsequently department requests received for the Capital Reserve Fund dent occurred at 3 p.m. Golds­ of Keeney St., formerly the Fox packers. the proposed budget, Sprenkel withdrawn. by him totaled ^,786,288 and he noting this is to reflect more ac­ tein is scheduled to a appear in Grove golf course. Th^ Herbert Stein, chairman of explained that a combination of Lavitt and McCarthy then cut the requests by $395,778. He curately the growth in the Cicuit Court at Manchester developer is a new firm, the President’s Council of Revenue Sharing fdnds resulted UAW Seeks 'proposed a subdivision under said the budget proposal was Grand List. He is recommen­ Foxgrove Ltd., headed by a Economic Advisers, said in his being able to present the April 9. Residence AA Cluster zoning. written in anticipation of a $6,- ding an allocation of $225,000 New York developer. The Manchester Planning and Thursday that consumer, Conditional budget reflecting the tax 30 And Out 300,000 increase in the Grand which is $5,000 more than ap­ Cars driven by Paul A. White Four model homes are now Zoning Commission approved a boycotts against high costs may decrease. under construction at the site, List which is expected, to total proved in the current budget. of Coventry and Charles For­ zone ch an^ in April 1972, and have contributed to the decline He explained that operation and full-scale construction is $118,000,000. Sprenkel is also recommen­ mica of 127 School St. collided Retirement toe same commission panted in whoiesale meat prices. of the general government will expected to start in mid-April. Sprenkel has also ding four new, full-time yesterday at 8:45 a.m. on subdivision approval in Oc­ Stein predicted the rate of in­ require $124,617 lebs than raised Foxgrove will employ a total of recommended a 100 per cent in­ positions in his budget request. Center St. near Love Lane when tober. crease in food prices, which last year by property taxes. New personnel would include a DETROIT (AP) — United 700 to 750 persons on the List Of POWs crease in the funds for highway White signaled for a left turn The 63-Page set of plans on was 2.2 per cent in February However, he noted that the Auto Workers demands for a development, with 200 to 250 ,n- prisoners held by North Viet- ment and the protocols” of the construction programs. This full-time engineer, an assistant and pulled to the right, accor­ file with the town clerk shows alone, will decline to an annual SAIGON (AP) - The United proposed gross budget reflects “ 30 and out” retirement plan people working at any one time. ■ nam nd toe Viet C!ong could Jan. 27 cease-fire. amount would be $255,000 and mechanic for the town garage, ding to police, and was struck in 375 lots, ranging in size from rate of 2.5 per cent or less by States announced today it has an overall increase when com­ an additional clerk-typist at the will be teamed with a $650 per Foxgrove Ltd. was created begin Monday if toe conditions The spokesman emphasized includes an appropriation of the rear. 12,000 to 100,000 square feet. December. He said this would received a list of 32 American pared to last year’s budget Town Hall and a social services month penison, UAW Preisdent earlier this month to handle the that Brig. Gen. John A. $75,000 for industrial road con­ Five parcels of undetermined be an acceptable Increase prisoners from toe Viet Cong are met. proposal of $3,265,418. advisor for the proposed new Leonard Woodcock has housing project, and many of A spokesman for toe U.S. Wickham Jr., deputy chief of struction. Cars driven by Richard Steb- acreage inside toe development because real wages should be but indicated that new con­ Sprenkel explained that promised. the details in the firm haven’t the U.S. delegation, “ accepted The budget also includes a Department of Social Services bins of Plainville and Herve E. tract will be deeded to the town increasing faster. delegation to the four-party Revenue Sharing funds totaling yet been worked out. ditions attached to their release toe list on the basis that there recommendation to form a as well as a part-time library Fortier of East Hertford as open space land. “ It is only when they hit 2.5 Joint Military Commission said $315,255 have been directly The retirement plan and the Foxgrove is headed by Emil are unacceptable and must be are absolutely no conditions at­ Department of .Social Services page. collided Thursday at 9:17 a.m. The housing project is being per cent in a month that that a letter accompanying toe applied to the operating acccompanying peqsion have Ramat of Rockland 0)unty, negotiated. tached to it.” on Center St. east of Trotter St. financed by ^ i e t y for Savings everybody knows there is a food list “ appears to set forth con­ expenses of several of the town top priority here as UAW The Communists proposed Wickham, the spokesman when Stebbins pulled from toe N.Y., who was President of a crisis,’’ he said. ditions, some of which are not delegates meet to decide what of Hartford. that the repatriation of toe last curb into the traffic lane, police large New York development . f'Mi in accordance with the agree- said, advis^ toe North Viet­ demands they wiii present in corporation until last year. His group of 139 American namese and Viet Cong r e p o r t . ______ upcoming contract taiks with Partner in toe venture is Ber­ Kathy aaya: •‘Spring hat tprung at Paro’a, coma In and aaa delegations that the accom­ the Big Three automakers. nard Waldman, president of the our hna aalaedon o f Iraah produea.” panying letter “ will be con­ Sentenced To Jail Vehicies driven by Robert D. Herald photo by Oflara Stoneham Construction Co. of sidered by his authorities just Jensene of West Hartford and The “ 30 and out” proposai West Hartford. ....OHa HBA Cri« Mn. RW m trim MBNi, MMii. iMm WASHINGTON (A P )-G . own lawyers and the judge Watergate was not a CIA Peter A. Bull, of Rockville Wetlands Act as would other four-party Joint would allow an assembly plant Stoneham bought the subdivi­ Bicycle Safety Road Test Military Commission cor­ Gordon Liddy, 42, described recessed court for 20 minutes operation,” said McCord, a were involved in a collision at worker to retire after 30 years before proceeding with the sion land from Sol Lavitt last respondence.” as the mastermind of the long-^ime former agent for the 10:30 a.m.
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