B _|vLongstreet Library VOLUME LXXXIII HIGHTSTOWN, MERCER COUNTY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, APRIL 28, 1932 NUMBER 48 VICTOR HERBERT DOC’S ROLLER PROGRAM GIVEN BY JohnIlMojecki Fatally Hurt CLUB IN CRANBURY Barlow^s Men Winning Two Doc borrowed a roller. He re­ The Cranburv Woman's Club spent a cently planted a lawn about bis delightful afternoon last Wednesday at When Truck Crashes Pole new home and- wanted to roll it the home of Mrs. Cora .‘Mien. The Games Lead C--J League as he had heard a new lawn music department presented a program should have thi^ treatment. Doc on Victor Herbert as follows: reading, consulted a friend and arranged "The Life of Victor Herbert, "itiss An­ STATEN ISLAND YOUTH a deal whereby he could borrow toinette Clallin; solo, "Neath the Sonth- KISSINGER WILL PITCH the much desired roller, agreeing ern Moon” from “Naughty Marietta,” to return the same promptly in Mrs. W. H. Grafton; reading, "Victor good order. Doc drove his car Flerbcrt’s Own Love Story,” Miss M. Hdmeward Bound With Laundry—Grazed Sand to his friend’s home and tied the Anna Chamberlin ; three piano selections Hamilton Defeated By Narrow Margin While roller fast to the rear of the car. from “Babes in Toyland,” Miss Jane Truck And Then Hit Pole—Skull and Jaws Doc is familiar with pills hut not Holden; musical recitative, ".'Mways Do Cornhuskers Were Shut Out. Camden Pitcher with sailors’ knots or strength of As People Say You Should,’,’ 5frs. Fred Fractured-Unconscious for Three Days. ropes. Brunner, Jr.; “Sweet Mystery of Life” Will Be Tried Out on Saturday. ^ Doc started merrily along the from “NaughlT Marietta” and “The side was finally retired when Bouk- John Mojccki, 22 years old, of 3 highway, Route 25. Suddenly the Gipsy Love Song” ffom "The F’orttme Central Jersey League David Place, Port Richmond, Staten rope "busted.” The roller rolled hoLlt skied to Horner. Teller” sung by Mrs. K. H. Grafton, Sunday box score : ; Island, died Monday ttftcrnoon, at St. BALLOT POSITIONS along the highway. Another au- Mrs. Clarence Perrinc and Mrs. Russell Saturday's Results Francis Hospital, Trenton, from injuries FOR MAY PRIMARIES toist crashed into the rolling roll­ John.son; reading, "Sea and Shore," by New Egy|)t, 8; Cadets, 7. Hightstown sustained at 7:30 o’clock Friday morn­ er. A dented fender and a deflat­ Henry Hoffman and "The Rosary,” trio. .Morrisvillc, 6; Hopewell, 5. al) h o a ing, when his light laundry truck crash­ CHOSEN ON FRIDAY ed tire. Doc settled the damages Mrs. Howard J. Biitclicr and kirs. Hightstown, (i; H:imilton Township, 5. Regan, Lf .... ed into a pole near James Taylor’s on as far as the autoist was concern­ DeTgica, If ... 0 0 Drawings Made by Borough Clerk for William Hoffman were appointed as Sunday’s Results the Hightstown-Windsor road. ed. How to return the damaged delegates and Miss Anila Chamberlin M ainco, ef .... 3 Mojecki suffered a compound fracture Local Candidates and by County Clerk rollej^ to his friend is bother­ Higlitslown, 6; New Egypt, 0. Hunieft, 2b . 2 for County Aspirants—Sample Bal­ and Mrs. .'\Tina Spaulding as alternates Cadets, 6; Morris\'ille, -1. (ID innings') of the skull, fractures of the lower and ing' Doc. A neighbor says tha to the state comenlion to be held in RogrTS, rf .... T upper jaws and other head injuries. Dr. lots Will Soon Be Mailed to Voters. as yet the lawn has not been roll Hopewell, 5; llamiUon Townsluiv -I. Hooklioidl, lb 13 -Atlantic City. Tea was served by iiiein- (ID innings) T/ E. Camper rendered first aid and The ballot positions for 'local Repub­ ed. Dcr.s of the niusic dcparlmcnt. Xi’wnou, e 3 (ordered him rushed to the hosjsital. He lican and Democratic candidates at the Standing of Teams XIeI’.nlei’, ss . remained in an unconscious condition May Primaries were settled Friday af-' FIRST M. E. CHURCH I.auterbaeher, until his death. MOUNT & CRAIG DISPLAY W. IM' ternoou when the drawings were made GIBSON REFRIGER-ATOR Hightstown ... ) l.ono Mojecki was enroute -home with a in the' office of the Borough Clerl^ The GWYNN H. KELLER, Pastor . 37 10 27 14 load of laundry. He was traveling on (The l-riemlly Cluirch) I New Iggypt -- 2 .(>o7 names will appear as follows Cadets ......... T ,.500 New Egypt Route 25. Hightstown State Police in­ One of 'the most beautiful refrigera­ 7:4,^ 1’. M., 'rimrsday. nayll^ht Sav­ I M ayor—Republican : William H. tors in the world has arrived at ^loll^t ^^orrisviiIe .... 1 ,5(K) ah vestigated. It was stated that Mojecki Thompson, James S. Turp; Democratic: ing Time—Oiir tiud-wcek prayer and going north grazed a sand truck owned & Craig Co. store, according to ^tillon Mfoprwcll ...... 1 .3.53 Ibjrner, ef ... 3' 4 Richard D. Norton, John W. West. p'raise service. Like a spring in the-des­ II lamilton Tsj». 0 m ) *Raiigst( m, 1 0 by the Garford Tnicking Company, of Craig of this pO])ular'store. The new ert. Subject, “The UiUrustworthy ITiis- Council—Reiiuhlican: Tliram Van- Gibson Monounit has made pos.siblc the Hurke rf ........ I South River, which was going south. Nest, James^ I. Hutchinson, F..^ Drew bamlman.” Saturday’s Schedule 0 The Mojecki truck continued along the conception of beauty and efficiency, tf'.ardner......... Silver; Democratic: Nelson C. Schlott- richly fini.shcd and .graciously propor­ Next Sunday llighislow'ii vs. Hope\yell al WiiuRor. Ixicalto. 3b ... ’ 1 road for a 100 yards and then crashed man, Harold C. Cox. 9:45 A. M.—Sunday School. Our Morrisvillc at New Kgyiit. 7 into a pole on the left of the driver. tioned electric refrigerator. Back of i'raiikentii’hl, s- Assessor—Republican : Calvin H. Per- aim—everyone a member of our Sun­ Hamillon at (kidet.s. K\erliani, p . II The pole was broken off at the ground' this matchle.ss beauty have proven prin­ day School who is a memberour rine, Calvin L. Chamberlin, John H. ciples of dependability, convenience, and Krricksoii, If . 0 and about two-thirds of the way up. Dorrance; Democratic: Addison Rob­ church. We have a elass and a teacher Sunday’s Schedule Hoyiog lb . 13 lire'truck was wrecked, Mojccki was economy. There arc only tliree mov- for you. bins. in.g parts, machines to watch-like pre­ New Kgyjit at Hamilton. 'j'iiulx-nnan, e .1 evidently crushed by the side of the car County Committee—Republican for 11 :(H) ^f.—Morning Worsliip. Sul)- Cadets at 1 lojU'wrll. I.awrem'e. 21) . 3 when it hit the pole. His com|ianion, cision. No noisy belts or complicated ject, “The Cost of Saving a Sijul.’ h'ive Third District: George J, Burch, Fred mechanism, just a quiet direct ])iston Hightstown al Morrlsville. Edward Reezko, l8, of 386 Morning PI. .Appleget. minute sermon for the children Our 'L .U ls...................ID 4 27 14 Star Road, Staten Island, suffered lacer­ drive. The Gibson Memoiinit is mount­ choir will sing. Jack Harlow's men nosed out Hamil­ Other candidates are without opposi­ ed comidctely in the lo]) of the cabinet * ' B.ittcil f"i' I lonirr in Dili. ations of the scalp and was treated at tion. 6:45 P. M.—Devotional Service of our ton on the ^Vind.‘ior hold S:iturday af­ i'Hnttcil i"i' Burke in Dih the hospital. The victims were taken to occupyng only a small portion of s|iace Epwirth Dcaguc.' A worthwhile mes­ ternoon. 6 to .5, This was the opening County Candidates less than nine inches high. ili'nhtslnwn . I n D 0 I D 0 1 3- 6 the hospital in the Heyer ambulance. sage, by young people' for everyone. game for the local lioys. vSehwaii/, New I'lnyiU . 0 II D 0 (I D 0 0 0- 0 The laundry truck was labelled Mo­ Drawings for positions for the county The new Gibson ifonounil cTmstruc- southpiaw ace from Newark, tailed to candidates were made at t|hc Counly Come. jecki Laundry /Service, Hooker Place tion eliminates waste space ami gives 7:30 1’, 1\F.—lAening Worship, IS comjilcte seven innings, Hi- was rr- Kri'i'i's: Rii'.id'i, l■'ra.nke^^n•|ll, llnruei', and Winant Street, Port Richmond, S. Clerk’s office, as follows: greater shelf area.- F'lal wire shelves lived by Frank Knsh. of South .‘Vmhoy, Two-liasc hit'-: Manu'n, 'Burnell. Three- Congress—Republican: JJ, Lane Pow­ minutes of inspirafioual song singing. I. thus prevent disjies from lippin.g am! Subject, “W’hat 'ritink Yv of Christ," who was credited with the victory. li;ise liil--: Unvei'. K'ee.ets. Runs: Ke- John Krosnowski, of 33 Prentice Ave­ ers, pio-ward P'. Horner, J. Horace Pla­ many other added features conihined TMiil Wagner, pitching for Hamilton, 'n:m, NLunen, Burnell, 2; L;inti'nb;ielie',', ton and Hiram C. Gilbct; 1 leniocrptic : Music hy ou;‘ choir, nue, South River, was held under $5(X) plus years of concentrated .research in 8:(X) 1*. MoiuUia'—Monthly busi­ W'alked ten men. in the ninth inning lli'l.nea. Saerilie.'.: .Maine", Burke. Re­ bail las a material witness to appear be­ Moiiell Sayre and William T, Love. the electric refrige-ration field. Sizes ness meeting of the Ol'fieial .Hoard at with the score tied. 5-5. tw" men out gan. Runs l):ill('d in: Kuei'i's, 2: M:i- fore Judge Hiland on Friday. His County Clerk—Repnblioan: Charles ran.gc frtmt four cubic feet up to nine ami bases full, Wagner nleke<l Mameo nu'", Burnell, left "ii Bnises- lliehls- P.
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