VOL. XLV.—No. 322. ATT.AWTA, PBTGB, JJIVil! CALIFORNIA GIVES NOTGliIY,SAY "BoMes Come fo Girant Park And All the Animals Are WILSON'S REQUEST BOTH_ WILL BE CLEARED ijwjisjwpwiii Leo M. Frank and the Night OF GRAFT CHARGE TOLD ASSET" CHILLYRECEPIION Watchman, Newt Lee, Re- iterate Declarations of In- ! Four Separate Senate Refuses to Pass Reso- Committee, It Is Understood, Protests Against tMe Revision nocence in Phagan Crime.) Bodies to Hold Here lution Deferring to Presi- Will Report Fire Chief Was Bill Are Coming From Leo M. Frank yesterday morning in Not Guilty of Accepting Special Interests, Not the j First Joint Gathering yjffff! dent's Wishes Regarding his cell in the Tower reiterated his: plea of innocence to a reported for $400 From R. E. Davidson. History, May IS to 23/'.%|?|ff Alien Landholding Bill. The Constitution. Masses, He Thinks. "1 swear I'm not guilty," he declare-1, "I could not conceive of such a hideoua murder. n>uch less commit It. I am REYNOLDS NOT PRESENT HOLD MASS MEETINGS jf|fi OBJECTIONABLE PHRASE, accused unjustly. The report that I WILSON OPENLY DEFIED have made a confession is totally and DURING INVESTIGATION IN BIG HOWEVER, IS CUT OUT basely faJse. I have no confession to BY JERSEY ASSEMBLYMEN make." Newt L,ee, the suspected night watchman, also repeats tils statement that he is innocent. Committee Will Recommend 1McDermbtt Fires Such a Se-j Atlanta Will Be Host to Amendment Adopted Permit- "White Vollu, I Aln*t Guilty." "White folks," he said in lila char- That More Care Be Used Commissioners and Qv£r ting Ineligible Aliens to acteristic dialect, "I ain't gruilty. If ries of Questions at Presi- them detectives is any good, they'll to Get Best Price Possible 3,000 Visitors, Lease Lands for Period Not find aut I didn't have a thing to do dent That Acting .Governor ( with killln' that little girl. I don't in All Purchases of Hose. Many Eminent Men. Exceeding Three Years. know nothing 'cep-t I found her body. Has to Intervene. N \ That was ail. I swear 'Core God it was." Chief William B. Cuminlngrs. of the By jr. Walter LeCrmw. V" I In pursuance of ;m independent in- Jersey City. N. J., May 2. — President fire department, will be exonerated Wilson tonight Interpreted the fight" Atlanta is to be the scene of a hla-' BILL. WILL PROBABLY PA.SS ve&tfl'gratioii' Jie is marking into the tory-makingr event when four of the Phagan mystary. Solicitor (ieneral of the charge that he received |400 in New Jersey for jury reform and THE SENATE DURING >IGHT. from liSbert IS. Davidson, agent Cor constitutional revision as a part of great Presbyterian bodies of the Hugh it. Dorsey yesterday conferred world—the northern, the .southern, the Sacramento, Cal., May 2.—Twen - with a number of detectives from po- the Webb Fire Apparatus company, the struggle of the American people united Presbyterian and the AasOcla- ; lice he-udiiuarters who are working on according to reports which leaked to obtain through the democratic ty-eight to five was the strength party equal justice to all and special ted Reformed churches—send their ' the case. They gave him an insight from executive session of the fire de- representatives to tbJs city for, toe. tonight by which the majority vot- privilege to none. Though he made into the situation as It thus far has partment probera yesterday afternoon. first joint-gathering of these four or- • ed down minority amendments d6- been developed by tfieni. no reference to legislative policies ganizations that has ever been held In, signed to alter the alien land-hold- Jt way announced that the solicitor has Aa to the charges made by Mayor pending in Washington, the president the history of Presbyterianism. ing bill materially when It came- up James G. Woodward that the city indicated that the protests being p-ut a number of investigators from his N From May IB to May 23 there will.'' for consideration. office at work on the murder, and, that lost approximately $1,927 in rebates voiced against the tariff bill were be at least 4,000 or 5,000 visitors In There was some talk of shutting although but little hits been devel- because Chief Cummlners boug-fct all those oE the special Interests and not Atlanta, and the cJty will have alKtoe off debate, but the majority leaders the masses. j oped aa yet, his staff is following his hose from, the Eureka Fire Hose religious fervor of a veritable cross- preferred to gfve no ground for the "•Some of my fellow citizens and roads camping ground for tbe ten days number of important cluea. company without getting competitive cry of "gag rule." Graud Jury XLay Act Monday. some of their colleagues In- "Washing- that the army of Frepbyteriana wtJl It seemed certain that the bill It was stated positively that there bids, the committee will recommend ton city, he said, "now think that be in oar ml-dst. Atlanta, "toe felty would pass tonight, bait at what they are hearing the voice of the peo- ot conventions," proving herself -a» will be no grrand jury action until that In the future more, diligence be Photo b? Francis E. Prlco Staff Photographer. hour was g-uess work. Monday. The jury met Friday, took used to «et the best prices tor the. ple of the United States when they adaptable to this as she has to dozens action on a number of matters, but did are only hearing the part that has Sacred cow of India and the latest arrival at the zoo. of other great gatherings of widely - department. become vocal by moving down to different nature, will throw open her Sacramento, Cal.. May 2.—The Cali- not take a hand In the Phagan case. Check for *4OO Introduced. j Old Dr. Stork has had a busy .time The aebu family are the real aristo- fornia senate today showed a resolute It Is said, though, that they will prob- Washington arid Insisting upon Hs homes to entertain the 1.600 commis- R- E. Davidson, who charged at a special interests. at the aoo> at Grant park for the last crats at Grant park, and Mama Zebu sioners appointed "by the four bodies, determination to p-ut aside the rec- ably take It up Monday morning. holds her chin high as she calmly ommendatlonB of President Wilson a The attitude ot the plnkerton agen- former hearing- of the committee that "As I sit in my office in Washing- several weeks. Four new babies have and will make every one of the thous- ton there are windows only on one chewa her cud and gazes upon her ands of visitors giad of the opportunity hia envoy, Secretary Bryan, and PS cy has incited widespread comment. he gave Chief Cumming-s a present of arrived, and. three of them within the : an a/ct prohibiting Japanese and other They were employed by the National $400, was recalled to the stand. Mayor side of the room and those windows last week. They are a baby llama, a new born. afforded for visiting the "Gate Clty of look out upon a park and the Potomac the South." .. aliens ineligible to citizenship from Pencil company through the suspected Woodward, in a statement bearing on baby zebu, a baby leopard and a baby In Induia the zebu family circulated superintendent. In order that the river and the shores 'ofVIrglnia on the Three of these great organizations holding land by purchase or by leaae the Davidson charge, produced a monkey. In very high society, and were,leaders will hold their annual assemblies het!#, for more than three years. correct position of the Pinkertons other side and I cannot see Washing- check drawn by Davidson in favor of ton from these windows, though I The little baby at the llama home is in the church. In fact. Mama Zebu, In while the fourth, the Associated' Re- In phraseology, the bill as redrafted might be made known. Detective Har- ; think the old days somewhere east of Suea, formed, has appointed a special com- ry Scott said to a reporter Cor The himself for $400 on the Fourth Nation- sometimes that I can, because only three days old this morning. ;< by Attorney General Webb after many Washington mission of twenty-five to meet ln.At- conferences with Governor Johnson and Constitution Friday aJternoon: al bank. The check bears the date behind me is seething There w-as muqh ado and stirring about enjoyed the distinction of being called with special representatives of little lanta In order to be present at tb* the administration f3oor leaders, omit- "We don't care who our investiga- April 28, 1911. out at ttee aoo last Thursday morning. the "sacred cow of India." For that Joint sessions in the Auditorium. 'I tion hits. We have been employed.to things who are almost storming at reason she la very proud of the baby. ted the words "ineligible to citizen- Davidson told the committee that All th.e antmala whispered to each World Will Watch Atlanta. : .' ship" which are offensive to Japan, but flnd the guilty man. and the guilty the doors of this office Itself, whereas The baby leopard is getting to ue he drew the check to give the money out here are the cool, large spaces other and winked knowingly. Mean- those in charge of the bill repeatedly man we're going to flnd. We are quite a husky child now. It Is the old- These Auditorium gatherings wia bi admitted in dtft-ate that the end sought going to give every bit of evidence we to Chief Cummings.
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