AUGUST 2, 2018 – 21 AV 5778 JEWISHVOL 42, NO 27 JOURNALJEWISHJOURNAL.ORG Youth to Israel trip shows Jewish teens a place where they belong Y2I teens at Masada, and at the Western Wall (right). By Michael Wittner have been fully subsidized since 1996. JOURNAL STAFF For North Shore Jewish teens, the free, whirl- wind tour of their homeland, accomplished The Western Wall on a Friday night is beyond its mission of enhancing Jewish identity. “It’s description. incredible to watch how teens, most of whom “There were 1,000 people there, and the hardly know each other, open their hearts to atmosphere was just unbelievable,” said Sam new friendships and open their minds to learn- Zuckerman of Sudbury. “You could feel the ing about Israel,” said Debbie Coltin, executive emotion in the air, and it was probably the most director of the Lappin Foundation. surreal moment of my life.” “Before this trip, I didn’t have any real opin- The collective ecstasy surrounding Judaism’s ion on Israel,” added Katie Hubbard of Arlington holiest site on the Sabbath was just one of many in a personal reflection. “I knew that it was the unforgettable moments for the 100 teens from homeland for the Jews, but I hadn’t really felt 29 communities who returned on July 15 from that. But during this trip, I truly understood. I the Lappin Foundation’s two-week Youth to realized that I had never been in a place where Israel adventure. The trips initially were par- being Jewish wasn’t different. It was an amazing tially subsidized when they began in 1971, and continued on page 4 Taking a walk into Chelsea’s Jewish past By Michael Wittner ing, since the majority of its Jewish population left JOURNAL STAFF in the decades following World War II. However, for Dr. Ellen Rovner, a cultural anthropologist CHELSEA – In front of a nondescript park- and adjunct professor at Brandeis University, the ing lot in Chelsea, Ken Isaacs of Kingston, N.H. memory and legacy of Jewish Chelsea lives on. reminisced about a world that no longer exists. “I’m really seeing it now as a way to revisit The slice of asphalt was once the site of the Young early Jewish history in this country,” said Rovner, Men’s Hebrew Association, a cultural hub of a Rovner, who lived in Chelsea with her extended large and thriving Jewish community. “This build- family until 1959, and started the monthly walk- ing was the single most important institution in ing tours last year after showing the city to a group my development as a kid,” said Isaacs. “This build- of interns at the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute. She ing had social events, athletic events… I can’t even then applied for a grant from the city of Chelsea, begin to measure how important this building and used the funds to publicize the tour. was, and when this came down, it was like it tore a “Jews dominated the city for the first half of the piece of my heart out.” twentieth century … and I believe that the memo- Many of the landmarks that once comprised ries and stories from that time are really impor- Dr. Ellen Rovner leads a walking tour of Jewish Chelsea. Chelsea’s Jewish community are no longer stand- continued on page 6 The Jewish Journal is a nonprofit newspaper supported by generous readers, committed advertisers and charitable organizations. Email [email protected]. 2 THE JEWISH JOURNAL – JEWISHJOURNAL.ORG – AUGUST 2, 2018 For Mr. Kravitz, class is dismissed By Steven A. Rosenberg teacher. “I thought, how cool would that JOURNAL STAFF be, teaching at my old school! And I would be closer to my dad and back in If this area has a modern-day Gabe Swampscott,” he explained. Kotter it is Bernie Kravitz. The Georgetown For the last 21 years, much of his daily man, who grew up in Swampscott, went routine has been the same. He’s up at 4 on to lead high school science depart- a.m., sipping his first coffee in the quiet ments in Beverly and Swampscott. of the dawn, and by 5:30 in his car, going Kravitz believes in experiential learning over the daily lessons of his five classes, and on any given day for the last 34 years, as he heads to school. By 6:30 he’s one he could be found in the classroom of the first teachers in the building, con- teaching kids how to build solar ovens tinuing his class preparation. and wind turbines, or leading environ- “It’s probably one of the only jobs mental science trips that took students where you’re dealing with many indi- canoeing on the Ipswich River or waist- viduals in blocks of time and you have to deep in a murky pond to measure the keep track of all of the students,” he said. depth of the waterhole. “The most rewarding part about teaching But in June, Kravitz attended one last is knowing you’ve helped people along graduation at Swampscott High and bid the way.” adieu to his alma mater. Kravitz usually The biggest difference he sees in stu- spends part of the summer tutoring other Bernie Kravitz at the Swampscott High School graduation ceremony in June. dents is just how scheduled they are teachers or preparing for the academic compared to previous generations. Still, year, but on a recent afternoon in his over the years and can’t walk down a He met his wife, Patty Clark – now most want feedback, guidance, and a Georgetown home, he flipped through street in Swampscott without being rec- the music director at the First Church mentor who will listen to them. “They the channels on his TV and watched a ognized by a former or current student, in Swampscott and a music teacher at want to know there’s someone there for back-to-school ad, and sighed. “It’s going or parent, or old friend. the Glen Urquhart School in Beverly – them in their corner, and for some, it’s so to be different in a few weeks when kids Kravitz spent his early years in New when they were undergraduates at the important. Kids have a challenging day go back to school. That’s when I think Jersey and Ohio before his parents, University of Puget Sound in Washington. – a day in the life of a kid now is very dif- retirement is going to set in,” said Kravitz, David and Amelia, moved the family to Seeking a post in marine science or wild- ferent from when I was a kid in the 1970s. who has taught thousands of students Swampscott. Once there, Kravitz – along life biology, he enrolled in graduate school There’s a lot more pressure on kids now,” with his brother, at the University of he said. Arnie, and his late sis- Hartford. As part of the Over the years, Kravitz also immersed ter, Cyndy – became “I liked the human part graduate program he himself in afterschool projects. For 16 fixtures at the for- about teaching. I liked being was assigned to teach years, he was a class adviser; he organized mer Temple Israel in undergraduates biolo- senior proms and senior talent shows, Swampscott and the present when a kid said, gy and anatomy cours- and for many seasons stood on the side- JCC in Marblehead. ‘Oh, I get it!’” es. That’s when he real- lines and took photos of Swampscott Big For the family, Judaism – Bernie Kravitz ized he connected to Blue football games. was a bond that helped the students. “I liked Kravitz is unclear of his next step, but ease the transition. His the human part about like his late father, it will probably be in bar mitzvah party was held in the fam- teaching,” he explained. “I liked being a volunteer role. He’ll continue to pho- ily’s modest living room, and much of the present when a kid said, ‘Oh, I get it!’” tograph high school football, and may food came from neighbors who cooked Soon, he found himself back on the return to college and get a PhD in Wildlife special recipes for the occasion. North Shore, teaching at Beverly High Biology. He also would like to volunteer “Judaism was a big part of my growing School. After 13 years in Beverly, he rose to drive elderly residents to the morning up. We had Friday night dinner together, to department head and seemed content. minyan. and my dad would do the kiddish. On Then the offer to teach science came “A group of men used to drive my dad Shabbes I went to shul and was in the from Swampscott High School. By then, to the morning minyan,” said Kravitz. “It junior congregation, and later in the reg- his late father, a retired General Electric was a vital part of the day for him. So to ular congregation,” said Kravitz, who is engineer, had become a fixture at the drive a couple of seniors to the minyan Photo by Steven A. Rosenberg 59, and resembles the late Beatle George school – volunteering to tutor kids in would be cool to do. A few might be par- Kravitz outside Swampscott High. Harrison. math, and also working as a substitute ents of classmates.” Here for you CJP is your North Shore connection to: JEWISH LEARNING AND ENGAGEMENT From our Welcome Baby! program to teen travel to Israel to adult learning of all kinds, we’re ready to inspire you. SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL Get informed, engaged, and empowered with Strategic Israel Engagement and CommUNITY Israel Dialogue events locally and across the Greater Boston area.
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