THE KEY Official Organ of Kappa Kappa Gamma Octob e r, Ninetee n T we nty -Fo ur V olume Forty -O n e Number Thr ee B OARD OF E DITORS Editor-in-chief RosALIE B. GEER PARKER (Mrs. William B.) . 476 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. A l!tuuuE Editor VIRGINIA RoDEFER HARRIS (Mrs. Chas. A.) ·, 5355 U niversity Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. E.1:chang e Editor and Editor's Depnty H ELEN B EIDERWELLE . 25 37 H omestead P lace, Cincinnati, Ohio B11siness Manager-ExeC11tive SecHta1·y DELLA LAWRENCE B uRT (Mr s. H oward) . Box 920, Bryan, Tex. CONTENTS Convention m Canada . 245 Silhouettes . 252 The Business of Convention . ... 254 From Our Oldest Member ·at Convention . 257 "Letters"' The National Council The National Vice-President. 263 The Rose McGill Fund of Kappa Kappa Gamma. 265 An Opportunity for Service ... .. ... .· . 266 Chinese Life and Scenes . 273 Kappas Known to Fame . 277 Editorial Comment . 279 News Items Alumnre Department . 284 Afterthoughts . 307 The Spirit of Convention. 309 In Memoriam . 310 Kappa's National and Olympic Tennis Champion..... .. .... .. 312 Review of "Fidelia" . 313 Exchanges . 314 Chapter Letters . 322 Entered as second-class matter November 3, I9IO, at the postoffice at Menasha, Wis., under the Act of March 3, 1879· Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in section I 103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized July 31, 1918. Subscription price, one dollar per year. Published four times a year in February, April, October, and December, by George Banta, Official Printer to Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity, 450-454 Ahnaip Street, Menasha, Wisconsin. Material intended for publication must reach the editor before the twentieth of August, October, December and February. FRATERNITY DIRECTORY NATIONAL COUNCIL National PreBident-MAY C. WHITING W'ESTERMANN (Mrs. Theodo1·e), 11 Kraft Ave., Bronxville, N. Y. National Vice-preBident-VIRGINIA RODEFER HARRIS (Mrs. Chas. A.) 5355 Uni'l'ersity Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. ' Executive Secretary-DELLA LAWRENCE BURT (Mrs. Howard), Box 920, Bryan, Tex. National Director of Provinces-GEORGIA H. LLOYD JONES (Mrs. Richard Lloyd), 1424 W. Cameron St., Tulsa, Okla. National Registrar-MARY H. DEEVES, Brampton, Ontario, Canada. liJdlitor of Key-ROSALIE B. GEER PARKER (Mrs. William B . ), 476 Clinton Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y. CHAIRMEN Historian-FLORENCE BURTON ROTH (Mrs. A. H.), 629 Myrtle. St., Erie, Pa. Chairman, Students' Aid Fund--CHARLOTTE POWELL GODDARD (Mrs. Richard I-I.), 401 E . 11th Ave., Dem·er, Colo. Custodian of the Badge-Executive Secretary. Custodian of the Songbook-CAROLINE McGOWAN NORTON (Mrs. H. W . ), 3258 Observatory Road, Cincinnati, Ohio. Chairman, Endowment Fund--IRENE FARNHAM CONRAD (Mrs. Sherman) , 39 W elles St., Forty Fort, Wilkes Barre, Pa. Chairman, Rose McGill Fund--MARION V . ACKLEY, Burr, Patter son and Co., D etroit, Mich. National Extension Chairman-MARIE LEGHORN BALLINGER (Mrs. Douglas T. ), 120 Prospect, Set\ttle, Wash. National Finance Chairman-ANNE GOODFELLOW (Mrs. Forrest), 5032 22nd Ave. N. E., Seattle, Wash. · NATIONAL ACCOUNTANT MR. GRANT B UTTERBAUGH, Commerce H all, University of Washington, Seattle, Wash . DEPUTIES National Pusident's D e1JUty-MINNIE ROYSE WALKER (Mrs. Guy Monison), 924 W est End Ave., New Yo1·k, N. Y. · National Vice-prcBident's Deputy-LUCY LEWIS VONNEGUT (M1·s. Theodore F .), 1340 Park Ave., Apt. 2, Indianapolis, Ind. · Executive Secretary's Deputy-FRANCES VANZANDT MORGA~ (M1·s. Charles Lewnlling) , 1620 Hill Crest, Fort Worth, Tex. National Registrar's Deputy-MARY ROWELL, 134 Crescent Road, Toronto, Ont. Editor's Deputy-HELEN BEIDERWELLE, 2537 Homestead Place, Cincinnati, Ohio. PANHELLENIC Chairman of Nation al Cong,·ess-DR. MAY AGNESS HOPKINS, 619 Medical Arts Bldg., Dallas, Tex. Kappa Kappa Gamma Delegate-ESTELLE KYLE KEMP (Mr·s. Frank A. J r:. ), 2516 Ash St., Denver, Colo. CORRESPONDING SECRETARIES For time and place of meeting of chapters or alumnm associations, write to the secretaries. ALPHA PROVINCE PreBident-MRS. WILLIAM BRAY, 1023 Ackerman Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. BOSTON (Phi), Ruth Ruyl, 688 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. ST. LAWRENOE (Beta Beta), Fernabelle C. Brandow, Kappa Lodge, Canton. N. Y. SYRAOUSE (Beta Tau), Helen F. ·Cheney, 758 Allen St., Syracuse, N. Y. CORNELL (Psi), Eleanor Graves, 508 Thurston Ave., Ithaca, N. Y. MIDDLEBURY (Gamma Lambda), Doris E. Houston, Park Lodge, Middlebury, Vt. TORONTO (Beta Psi), Bessie Hubbell, 81 Charles St. W., T or onto, Ont., Can. BETA PROVINCE PreBident- EDITH BAKER HUNT (Mrs. Clifford R.), 119 W est Mt. Airy Ave., Mount Airy, Philadelphia, Pa. ADELPHI COLLEGE (Beta Sigma), Adelaide Meyenose, 8410 110th St., Richmond Hill, N. Y. SWARTHMORE COLLEGE (Beta Iota ), Dorothy Merrill, B ox 411, Swarthmor e College, Swarthmore, Pa. PENNS'l!LVANIA (Beta Alpha), Margar et Carroll, 3323 W alnut St., Philadelphia., P a . .ALLEGHENY (Gamma Rho), Martha E . Bordwell, Hulings H all, Meadville, Pa. PITTSBURGH (Gamma Epsilon), Agnes Hewitt, 7940 Westmoreland St., Swissvale, P a. WEST VIRGINIA (Beta Upsilon), Hope De Main, 115 High St., :Morgantown, W . Va. WILLIAM AND MARY (Gamma Kappa), Mary N. Tatem, Box 27, Williamsburg, V a. GAMMA PROVINCE PreBident-VIOLA PFAFF SMITH (Mrs. Geo.), Sta. M., B ox 166, R. R. No. 1, Cincinnati, Ohio. MUNICIPAL UNIVERSITY OF AKRON (Lambda ), Frances Osbor ne, Un iver sit.y of Akr on, Akron, Ohio. FRATERNITY DIRECTORY OHIO STATE (Beta Nu), Ruth G-ebhart, 90 13th Ave Columbus, Ohio. CINCINNATI (Beta Rho), Helen B. Wehman, 246 Oak St., Cincinm•ti, Ohio. KENTUCKY (Beta Chi). Jane Enrle Middleton, 210 Arlington Ave .. Lexington, I< ~· . DELTA PROVINCE President-EDITH E. HBND&EN, Apt. "o. 2, Alberta Manor, 504 W . Drh·~. Woodt·uff Place, Indianapolis, Ind. PURDUE (Gamma Delta), Betty De H ass, 102 Andrew P lace, \V. Lafayette, Ind. DE PAUW (Iota), Helen Preston, Kappa Hou se, GreeJ l Cast l ~. Ind. BUTLE& (1\fu), Mary V . Black, 1019 N. Keyst<>ne Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. INDIANA S •rA1' 1 ~ (Delta), Beneta C. Cox, 210 E. Fifth St., Bloomington, Ind. MICHIGAN (Beta Delta), Ellen Van Zandt, 1204 Hill St., Ann Arbor, Mich. ADRIAN (Xi) , Leon(!. Spielman, Box 204, Adria.n, Mich. HILLSDALE (Kappa), Glndys Smith, Ambler House, H illsdale, Mich. EPSILON PROVINCE Presidenlr-- MINNESOTA (Chi}, Lorraine Long, 2115 E. Lake of I sle B lvd., Minnenpoli s, Minn. WISCONSIN (Eta), Arloene Kennedy, 425 N . P ark St., Ma dison, Wis NORTHWESTE&N (Upsilon), Mildred Bodach, 1833 Juneway Terrace, Chicago, Ill. ILLINOIS WESLEYAN (Epsilon), E leanor Read, 412 E. Monroe St., Bloomington, Ill. Ir,T.INOIS (Beta Lambd'a,), Marjorie Davis, 809 S. Wright St., Champaign, Ill ZETA PROVINCE President-MRs. N . L. R. TAYLO&, 3522 W yandotte, Kansas City, Mo. NEBRASKA (Sigma ), Bessie Alice Yort, 464 N. 1flth St., Lincoln, Neb. -- KANSAS STATE UNIVF.RSI'TY (Omega), R uth B ond, 1602 Louisiana, Lawrence, Kan. KANSAS STATE . .A:G&ICULTU&AL COLLEGE (Gamma Alpha), Marjorie H ubner, 311 N. 14th St., · Ma nhattan, Kan. WASHINGTON (Gamma Iota), E lizabeth Richey, McMillan Hall , Vvashington Un i vers i t~ · . St. L ouis, Mo. MISSOU&I (Theta), Virginia R eid, 600 R ollins, Columbia, Mo. DRAKE (Gamma Theta). Priscilla Pt·att, 620 Countt·y Club B lvd., D es Moines, Iowa. IowA (Beta Zeta) , Willian Nelson, Kappa House, Iowa City, Iowa. ETA PROVINCE President-ALICE BURROWS , 1266 Clayton St., Denver. Colo. COLORADO (Beta Mu), Dorothy Westby, Kappa Kappa Gamma House, Boulder , Colo. ARIZONA (Gamma Zeta), Sylvia Lewis, 541 N. P ark Ave., Tucson, Ariz. NEw MEXICO (Gamma Beta), Katherine Owen, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico. THETA PROVINCE President-BERTHE LATHROP, 7205 Broad Pl., New Orlean.s, La. OKLAHOMA STATE (Beta Theta), Dorothy Burwell, Kappa Hou se, Norman, Okla. •rEXAS (Beta Xi), Virginia H allinan, 2400 Rio Grande Ave., Austin, 'l.'ex. TULANE (Beta Omicron), B lanche Foster, Newcomb College, New Orlea n•, La. IOTA PROVINCE P1·esident-DORIS B. MOR&ILL (Mrs. G. S.), 2921 36th Ave., Seattle, Wash. WASHINGTON STATE (Beta Pi), Dorothy Musgrave, 4504 18th Ave. N. E., Seattle, Wn h. MONTANA (Beta Phi), Catherine R eynolds, 520 S. 3rd St. W., Missoula, Mont. IDAHO (Beta Kappa) , Gertrude Shepard, Kapp" House, University of Idaho, Moscow, Jrlnho. WHITMAN (Gamma Gamma), Cleora Fouts, 1711 Isaacs Ave., Wall a Walla, Wash. WASHING1'0N STATF. CoLL"GE (Gamma Eta), Charlotte Walker, 614 Campus Ave., Pullman, Wash. OREGON (Beta Omega), K athryn Inwood, 754 E. 13th St., Eugene, Ore. OREGON STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE (Gamma Mu), 242 N. l Oth ~t., Corvallis, Ore. KAPPA PROVINCE Preside11 t-ELEANOR BENNETT, Box 436, Carmel, Cal. CA LIFO&NIA (Pi'), Dorothy Storey, 2725 Channing Way, Berkeley, Cal. LELAND STANFORD (Beta Eta), Elizabeth Simmons, Box 1354, Stanford Univer ity, Ca l. ALUMNAE ASSOCIATIONS • ALPHA PROVINCE Vice·president-BEAT&IOE S. WOODMAN, 217 B ellevue St. Newton Mn s. Boston Association--Ruth Stickney, Chaske Ave., Auburndale, M~ss. ' Syracuse Association-Florence R. Knapp, 410 Wescott St., Syracuse, N. Y. Western New York Association--Jean Cameron, East High School Rochester N. Y. St. Law rence Association-Lowse Reynolds, Canton, N. Y. ' ' Toronto Club-Mrs. ,T. B. AII~n , 108 R anleigh Ave., Toronto, Ontario Canada. Middlebury A.<.9ociatior•-Barbar:t H. Smith, JJevi Herwood Jlf~morial Library, Gardner, Mass. FRATEHJN I TY DIREC10RY B ETA PROVINCE l'ice-pre•itlr11 1-PAL'l. l :< ~e lTAil'l' (Mrs. John R., J'r. ), oGO l \\' alnnt St., Phil aclplphia, Pn. New Yol'k A .• sociation-E'rance Hall, 101 Jewett Ave., .Jersey City, N . J. Philadelphia Associatio1l-Margarct Savin, 316 V\T. Duval St., Ge1·mnntown, Philadelphia, Pa. Beta Iota Association- Dorothy Haines, 212 S . Chester Rd., Swarthmore, P a. Beta Sigma Club-Mr s. 'Will iam Mackenzie, 530 E. 22nd St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Pitthburgh Association-Mrs. S . D. Fli nn, 734 S. Mill\'ale Ave., Pittsburgh, P a . .llo >· gantown Associnlion-Katherine Alger, 196 Park St., :Morgantown, W .
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