\ REGISTERED FOR TlUNSIMISSION ABROAD. PRICE 3n·} :� 4» No. 540 LIVERPOOL, SEPTEMBER l, 1926. BOOSEY'S IMPORTANT! NOTE! · A FEW LEFT ,, � ,,,.STILL � You buy a Cornet, Trumpet, Trombone, New Numbers or ANVcan OTHER of the Famous BESSON BOO SEY'§= "PROTOTYPE" Instruments ON EASY TERMS for Brass Band OF PAYMENT direct from the Makers. INSTR_U_MENTS Smd BOOSEY'S for Catalog11e and full particulars. BESSON & COa, LIMITED, THIRD So11e Fox-Trot 196-198, Euston LONDON, N.W. again! 'I Never See Maggie Alone' Rd., t SOUVENIR LYNTON TO.lVI PROCTOR, 'Bygone Melody' ROYAL MATIOMAL EISTEDDFOD Of WALES SOLO OORNETIST, ALBUM EVANS BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDIOATOB.. of (Mr. T. ]. Rees) REGEN'!' STREET, lst - Gwaun-cae-Gurwen Band 24 - 4/6 17, ;BkCUP, LANOS. PLAYING ON A FULL SET OF WILLIAM LAYlVIAN BOOSEY'S INSTRUMENTS BAND TEACHIDR AND ADJUDJ:CATOR. Vocal Waltz Life-long Experience. Terms modera . Five Shillings- worth Including IMPERIAL BASSES 'My Irish Home Sweet Home' te 22, NORTH A VENUE, PYLE, SOUTH of Cornet Parts for W.A.LRS LEE HANLEY and HAL SWAIN WILLIAM POLLARD ��-Band of 24 · 4-/ . � SOI.. O CORNET, BAND TRAINER, AND � Post 8d. Free. � �� ADJUDI•CATOR. __- � � Winner of over 50 Gold and Silver Medals: aln Crystal Palace Championship. 20 years' experience with first-class band�. For terms apply- ARROCK STREE!I', ORA WSHA WBOOTH, p Near Rawtenstall. BESSON SUPREME THROUGHOUT THE EMPIRE J. G. DOBBING, SOLO CORNET, BA!ND TRAINER and JUDGB PENTRE, RHONDDA, SOUTH WALES. - ---THE-- J. A. GREENWOOD BAJND TEACHER AND ADJUDilOATOR. "THE LAURELS," VICTORIA ROAD, Australian Commonwealth Silver Band TRANMERE, BIRKENHEAD. (Mr. A. Baile, Conductor) H. GEORGE NICHOLLS BAND TRAINER, JUDGE, AND CORNKT SOLOIST. Lessons Speciality.) (Correspondence Cornet a. PLAY A BESSON "PROTOTYPE'' SET with CATARACT VILLA, MARPLE BRIDGE ,., DERBYSHIRE. J. EDWARD BAND TEACHER AND FIDLER,ADJUDIOATO-:R. NEW STANDARD BASSES and EUPHONIONS 32, DINGLEY AVENUE, OR,R.ELL PA..RK, LIVERPOOL. WHICH THEY HAVE USED THROUGHOUT THEIR TOUR in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and in this Country WM. HALLIWELL BAND TEA.O R AND ADJUDIOATO&. OAK LEA,BE Sl'RING BANK, WIG.AX. For Tune & Tone They tand lone ) FRANK OWEN, ( S A L.L.C.M. BESSON By Test the Best 196-8, EUSTON ROAD, LONDON, N. W. 1. Principal of the Lonu:sight Academy of :Muaio. Military, Brass, a.nd O he r l Bands, Oholra, or So o s s tkil!ully ropreparedet a for all l i tkinds of oompetition1. Adjudicator of Band and Ohoral Oonteat.e. RKM NSHU ME LANE, T B 3, K.I A MANOL' HE STER. LONGSIGHT. ES A LISHE D -1842_. BIGBAlVl_ __- --- __ BIG BAM J. MANLEY, Brass Band Instruments BAND A HER AN,D ADJUDIO.A.TOll. Wood Instruments and Drums TE O years Oonduotor. Aberdare Town Band. 20 AB:SRD QUALITY The Choice of the Experienced DURABILITY AR111. T. MORGAN, JUST THE DIFFERENCE It is Comparison that the Experienced Instrumentalist Estimates Value. JUST THE DIFFERENCE 217b, LATOHMERE RO.A.D VBNDB1l by J. Between an ordinary Instru­ HILL, LONDON, LA l).W. ment and one embodying Copy of Letter received from Mr. J. B. COOPER, the Well-known Between an ordinary Instru­ BAND TEAOHER AND AD.JUDIOA.TOa. Notts Orchestral and Brass Band Trombone Soloist. (Late H.M. Coldstream Guard• Ba.nd a.nd Londoo Brilliance of Tone, Perfect ment and one giving years of Orohestral Profession.) Tune, Ease -0f Blowing, solid service and satisfaction, To Joseph Righu.m, Huthwaite, near l\fansfielll, Notts. Perfect Valves and Valve Manchester. 17th June, 19£6 low upkeep, and always a GEO. H. MERCER, TESTIMONIAL. Action-that's the TRUMPEII' OORNBT, BA.ND Dear Sir, . , treat to play on-that's the I cannot speak too highly of the .. Paragon , 'lrombone, I recently purchased from you-both TEAOHER AND CONTEST .A.D.JUDIO.ATOB. for Orchestral and Brass Band work. The tone is brilliant and easy to produce and I can get Addresa- a HIGHAM sil without using Mute. HIGHAM MONA VILLA, BURNG'R:FlAVl!: STBBBT, ca make of Trombone for PPPAfter - :vplaying another a number of years. I realise the ease I have SHEFFIELD. fh1 B11t In 1842. Thi Best To-day • .. missed 1 The B11t in 1842. The Beat To-day Now do not dread heaYY programmes, for in my Higham I have a perfect Instrument at last. I BRADY, 'Phone City. I remain, your,s faithfully, Tel. Add. '1TROMBONE, MANCHESTER." J J. 3839 (Signed) J. B. COOPER. A.MuL V.C.M. BAND TEACHER AND ADJUDIOATO&. OL A V L SPRIN G WOOD ESTATl!J, ERSKINE BTR.E 81, A LEER'DL RD.,ON near LIVERP.OOL. NEW WORKS, H, T, MANCHESTER L 1 · , BIG BAM STRKTPORD ROAD, BIG BAM JOHN FINNEY (Late 127, Strangewaye, Manoheeter.) OOM·POSER AND ARRANG , SILVER-PLATING of REPAIRS TRAINER AND .A.DJUDIOA.TOR.ER BA.ND - Lif&-lons Experlenoe. BOROUGH ROAD, SE.A.CO.MBB, - ----· -----·- ----· -----·- 85, CHESHIRE. - ----·- -----·1 • A.MUS.L.O.ll. A • TIFF ANY ' llonoun Composer of the popula.r S.O. Serl.T.O.II. of Comvosition11.) OONTBST .A.DJUDIOATa:a.. Anywhere-Any Time. Write f�r Term.a. HAWKES' CLIPPERTONE CORNET OUTFIT Addre s- ·· LINDLEY, HUDDERSi'IELD.s BRITISH MADE THROUGHOUT RUFUS FLETCHER ADJ D OA OPIJNTEA.OBER TO TEAC:J: AND AN AMBITIOUSU I BAND,TOll. I world-famous Cornet Outfit-already in use by practically t visit the HIS DO NOT FAIL o I ANYWHERE. OK T JUDGJ!l every soloist of renown-is now made available to every RAILWAY HOTEL, BLACK LANE, RA.DOLI7J'H. HAWKES' EXHIBIT MANCHESTER. bandsman under a new Extended Payment Plan by which I AT THE TOM EASTWOOD, ed- you may take it, play it, and pay for it in convenient I SOLO CORNPll', I instalments. Full details with handsome new Catalogue post free. BAND TEAOH.E•R AND ADJUDIOA.'1'01 BELLE I HO R INN. VUE S ULDE 011' 'MUTTON I I MANCHESTER. STREBT, HUDD�. CONTEST NOEL THORPE September 6th SOLO OORNET, TEACHBR ADJUBANDDliOA TOR, .AllD HAWKES & SON 12, U H and secure the novel Contest Souvenir CHURCH STREET, ELM:6.AJ.4.. Near SO T Denman Piccadilly Circus, that is to be presented free to all bandsmen PONTEFRAOT. St., LON DON, W. 1. FRIEND F RR ND A A , AOH R AND JUDGE. BAND TB E -- -----·- ----·-----·- ----· - - 18, SOIENNES ROAD, EDINBURGH. 2 ,WRIGHT AND RouNn's YlRAss BAN� NEws SEPTEMBER 1, 1926 a . •1• CJ ::EC,•1•L FI, RELIABLE BRASS MUSICAL INSTRUMENT MANUFACTURER, TO THE BAND COMMITTEE DOUGLAS LIMERICK SILVER-PLATER, GILDER, AND ARTISTIC ENGRAVER. No. •2. Gentlemen,-Being official Repairers and Platers to the LONDON ROAD, MANCHESTER. EST�=i��HED If you want your fiddle to go, 86, World's Champions, we would ask you when considering having Warllu-1, BRITAIN STREET. With a thoroughly up-to-date Bow, • NAVE YOUR INSTRUMENTS REPAIRED, PLATED, AND ENCRAYED BY US • your instruments renovated, to study our claims. We have recently Send to Doug-las for the very best THI � IS .!:!!• THE � I• HICH, AllOLUTE SATISFACTION ALWAYS QIYEN, renovated the instrumen.ts for the band of the World Famous 10 class, Always a large quantity Second Hand Instruments in stock, Brass and Plated, all make1. Firm of Messrs. Baxendale, of Manchester, and1 have received a Trial Solicited. Oatalocuee and Eetimatee eent Poat P'ree. At a price exceedingly low. A glowing testimonial regarding the workmanship. Our work rn unequalled and the pnces most moderate, consistent with our IF YOU WANT THE BEST CORNET you must have a A revelation in prices. and quality. Please ask us to call upon you. excellent workmanship. 2/3 to 50/- '' ole SEND FOR LIST NE'W" l:M:PERATOR '' S ]\!fakers of the " Soloist " instruments and the " Tom ! SOMETHING NEW I A REVELATION I THE ZENITH OF BRASS INSTRUMENT CONSTRUCTION I Reynolds " mouthpieces to fit the man. Guaranteed and on approval. Space does not pei'mlt of details but we will be pleased to send full Post and Packing extra. particulars, quite free, of the " NEW INIPERATOR " Cornet, upon Please send P.C. for lists of everything a bandsman requires. 6d. receipt of your enquiry. The only item in our lists that can be beaten is our splendid drums. lEPAIRS to any make of INSTRUMENT. Estimates Free. DOUGLAS 8c SON , LTD. Silver Plating and Engraving. Brunswick Street, Glasgow. SENR. WOODS CO., 176, Westgate Rd,, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE. & THOMAS REYNOLDS, & SONS W. H. FAIRHURST BAND INSTRUMENT MAKERS. SPECIALISTS IN CORNETS, TRUMPETS AND TROMBONES. 43, CHAPEL STREET, OONDUC'l'OR AND ADJUDIOATOR ESTABLISHED FOR NEARLY ARS. IN E MOS'B LANB, 60 YE SALFORD, MANCHESTER GL KNO'lT , Me. che te OA.DIBHK..U).. Band Teachers, Adjudicators, and Soloists. n 1 r. GEO. E. GUY (Continued from page 1.) 20 word• 1/8. Id. for each additional Romlttanoe muet aacompany advertisement,10 word•. OORNET AND TRUMP1ln' 80.LOl and reach us 24th of the month. B.AND TEA01l!l1m AND .ADJUDICATOB."''I'. MIHOR ADVERTISEMENTS. Far Box addroseb11 at our Offloe count •Ix word1, S BANDS CHARLES ANDERSON, a11d add 3d for forwarding of repllee. ROEBA.NK T REET, Thie rate does not apply to Trade Advts 24, GLASGOW..ALill .LA.NDR.A PAUK ILeqwring any of Selectio s arranged by BAND AD A . n TEAOHEB. .AND JUDIC TOR., KINGSWOOD, BRIS'fOL. - FIFTH ANNUAL TRI<-:A'fISE ON CONDUCTING: (12,000 words). the late EIST'l!JDDFOD the . (promoted by the Wesleyan A ls. 9d. Post 2d. C.O.D. 2s 6d. Illustrated & W D, 37 Fm&N STREET, OLDHAll. Circuit Sunday School Council). Saturday October W. , • �'1thoroughly explained. 800 copies sol in 1925-26. 0 0 ��h.
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