WWW.GRANITEQUILL.COM | OCTOBER 2012 | SENIOR LIFESTYLES | PAGE 17 Tips for seniors on managing health care costs Finding the Medicare coverage that year by switching drug plans. "I thought best fits their needs and their pocket- a mail-order prescription plan was best books is challenging for many seniors. for me, but their specialists proved me Health care plans make changes to their wrong about this, and I am so happy," coverage. People's health conditions she says. change. Not keeping on top of these 3. Be proactive. Having known changes can mean problems. Suddenly and been around seniors, Hercules says seniors may find they don't have needed she is saddened that so many settle for coverage, their doctor no longer takes high costs or keep the same Medicare their plan, or they face steep medical or plan year after year because of a lack of prescription drug costs. niors can capitalize on those savings by understanding. That's why it's essential to review knowing exactly what they are paying Just as seniors review their finances Medicare coverage and individual needs for and shop around for better prescrip- or taxes each year, Medicare annual each year, and to use the Medicare an- tion prices and ask about costs. For addi- enrollment is the ideal time to review nual open enrollment period to make tional savings, use generic medications. health care coverage, Walters says. "It's changes to coverage. 2. Ask for help. In addition to guid- OK to admit it's confusing and that help 1. Be an informed consumer. ance on retirement, estate and long- will be valuable. Look at all your Medi- Millions of seniors, their families and term care planning, seniors can rely on care options and take charge of your caregivers will be pleased to know that professionals to help them with health health care." for the third straight year the average care choices. If you need assistance sort- In addition to annual Medicare basic Medicare prescription drug premi- ing through the overwhelming number enrollment, special enrollment periods ums will remain steady. Since enacted, of options, it' s important to know that happen throughout the year for specific the Affordable Care Act has helped more help is out there for you and don't be situations. For an evaluation of Medicare than 5.4 million people with Medicare afraid to ask. Grace Hercules used Allsup options, call an Allsup Medicare Advi- save more than $4.1 billion in out-of- to research her Medicare needs and sor specialist at 866-521-7655, or go to pocket prescription drug expenses. Se- found she could save more than $1,000 a medicare.allsup.com. (ARA) 7DWHZHOO*DOOHU\ Tatewell Gallery 4XDOLW\FXVWRPSLFWXUHIUDPLQJaQuality Custom Picture Framing ~2ULJLQDODUWa*LFOpHSULQWV Original Art ~ Giclée Prints EURQ]HVaSKRWRJUDSK\a8QLTBronzes ~ Photography ~ UniqueXHJLIWVIRUPDQ\RFFDVLRQV Gifts for Many Occasions ³&RIIHH%HDQV´"Coffee Beans" %\/DXULGV³%XG´/DXULGVHQBy Laurids "Bud" Lauridsen /LPLWHGHGLWLRQJLFOpHSULQWLimited edition giclée print Signed6LJQHGDQGQXPEHUHGE\ and numbered by Mrs. Lauridsen 0UV/DXULGVHQ Now)URPQRZWKUX$XJXVWSUHVHQWWKLVDGNow thru thru November November 17, 2012 17, 2012present present this ad this ad andDQGUHFHLYHDGLVFRXQWRQ\RXUIUDPLQJSURMHFWand receive receive a 10% a 10% discount discount on your on framingyour framing project. project. 1HZSRUW5RDG &RORQLDO3ODFH a1HZ/RQGRQ1HZ+DPSVKLUH 255 Newport Road (Colonial Place) ~ New London, New Hampshire ~ 526-2910 PAGE 18 | SENIOR LIFESTYLES | OCTOBER 2012 | WWW.GRANITEQUILL.COM Indulge Yourself in the surroundings that you have dreamed of... You’ve Earned It! Envision the grandeur of a fine hotel: the exceptional appointments, plush amenities and premiere service. Everything is dedicated to your indulgence and pampering. Now imagine making your home in such a place... The Regency Collection 55+ active adult luxury apartments Regency Heights - Regency Place - Regency West Resort Style Amenities: Elegant Homes: Æ Underground Heated Garages Æ Fully Applianced Kitchens with & Elevators Hardwood Cabinetry Æ Well Equipped Fitness Centers Æ In-Suite Laundry* Æ Posh Lounges & Game Rooms Æ Private Balconies & Patios Æ Comfortable Computer Areas Æ Just minutes from I-93, I-293 & Libraries & downtown Manchester Æ Splendid Living & Dining Rooms Outstanding Service: Æ Concierge* & Courtesy Patrol Æ 24-hour Maintenance Æ 1 bedroom from $1,000 Includes Heat, hot water, storage & more! Æ 2 bedrooms from $1,200 Æ 2 bedrooms w/den Call: 603-644-3549 from $1,400 www.RegencyByCPM.com The Regency Collection 55+ active adult luxury Condominiums Regency North - River’s Edge Æ Exceptional Manchester locations Æ Heated Underground Parking Æ Spacious 1 & 2 Bedroom Floorplans Garages & Elevators with Premium Features Æ Special Financing Available! Æ Resident Lounges & Recreational Æ Eligible for the Federal Home Amenities Buyer Tax Credits - ask for details! Realtor’s Welcome! Properties Æ1 bedroom condos from $119,900 Æ2 bedroom condos from $157,500 Unlimited is assisting in the Call: 603-231-1701 sale of these condominiums. www.RegencyNorthCondos.com *May not yet be available at Regency North or Regency Place. Prices subject to change at any time. WWW.GRANITEQUILL.COM | OCTOBER 2012 | SENIOR LIFESTYLES | PAGE 19 Many adults are not aware of important vaccinations they need Even though many diseases can now contagious respiratory tract infection be prevented by vaccines, there are still HPV - Protects against human pap- nearly 1 million cases of shingles (which illomavirus, which is a sexually transmit- is caused by the chickenpox virus) in the ted infection that can cause common United States every year, and almost one conditions, such as warts, as well as out of three people will develop shingles more serious diseases, such as cervical in their lifetime. cancer Also, cases of whooping cough have MMR - Protects against measles, increased significantly within the last mumps and rubella (also known as Ger- year - there have been 26,000 cases of man measles) whooping cough reported in the United Meningitis - Protects against States as of early September, which is meningococcal disease, which is a more than twice as many reported at this (also known as the flu), which is a conta- serious bacterial illness that can cause time last year. gious respiratory illness bacterial meningitis To help people get the vaccinations Pneumococcal - Protects against Hepatitis A - Protects against they need, Sam's Club is offering 10 vac- pneumococcus, which can cause several hepatitis A virus infection, which causes cines this cold and flu season at all loca- infections, such as pneumonia a liver disease tions with a pharmacy. In partnership Varicella - Protects against chick- Hepatitis B - Protects against with Mollen Immunization Clinics, the enpox hepatitis B virus infection, which also retailer is providing an expanded menu Herpes zoster - Protects against causes a liver disease of vaccines administered by registered shingles, which is caused by the chick- Many adults have not received one nurses through Nov. 15. enpox virus or more of the vaccinations that they Specific vaccines include the follow- Tdap - Protects against tetanus, should be getting, and undervaccinated ing: diphtheria and pertussis (also known communities are at a higher risk for local Flu - Protects against influenza as whooping cough), which is a highly outbreaks of disease. (ARA) TERRAPIN GLASSBLOWING STUDIO t -FTTPOTGPSBMMMFWFMT t 4UVEJP3FOUBMT t 'SFF%FNPOTUSBUJPOT t (JGUTGPSBMMPDDBTJPOT tJOGP!UFSSBQJOHMBTTDPN 'JU[HFSBME%SJWFt+BòSFZ /)tXXXUFSSBQJOHMBTTDPN PAGE 20 | SENIOR LIFESTYLES | OCTOBER 2012 | WWW.GRANITEQUILL.COM Continue doing what you love to do ... and maybe even learn something new! 547 Central Street • Winchendon, MA 01475 www.broadviewassistedliving.com 978-297-2333 WWW.GRANITEQUILL.COM | OCTOBER 2012 | SENIOR LIFESTYLES | PAGE 21 Depression: not a character flaw but a real illness Depression is a serious illness affect- ings last two weeks or more, they could Thoughts of suicide, suicide at- ing one in 10 Americans. And while the be signs of actual depression (formally tempts medical establishment has long known called major depressive disorder or clini- Looking at the list, it's not hard to see how serious depression can be, it still cal depression). how someone suffering with depression remains something of a mystery to many According to the National Institute of could conceivably "explain away" their people. Mental Health, symptoms of depression depression. But this situation is gradu- Often, the advice to someone who may include the following: ally changing. If you, or someone you admits to a friend that they have Difficulty concentrating, remember- know, may be suffering from depression, depression is "it'll pass" or "shake it ing details and making decisions you can visit www.helpyourselfhelpoth- off." Because there are no bandages or Fatigue and decreased energy ers.org to take a screening. It crutches involved, there's a tendency for Feelings of guilt, worthlessness is free, anonymous and friends, colleagues and even family to and/or helplessness available 24/7. Another step along the mistake clinical depression as simply a Feelings of hopelessness and/or education road is National Depression case of the "blues." While studies vary pessimism Screening Day, which occurs on the somewhat on the exact percentages, it is Insomnia, early-morning wakeful- Thursday of the first full week of each generally believed that about 50 percent ness or excessive sleeping
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