^ i:;. MONDAY^ AUGUOT 26,1««.^ AVERAGE DAILY CmOTJLATIOM wearing a gingar crepe dress with for tbo Month of July, 16U ABOUT TOWN Manchester n TURN HALL BRINGS POLICE COURT brown accessories. They will be at ACCIDENTS RECORD PAINFUL FEET home after September 26 at Takoma Olovdy, probably ohowers tonight Park, Washington, D. C. Leg, Riiee and Back Aches Date Book Bfoceea of roatoriBB aore. pafn« 5 , 4 6 8 and Wedneoday morning; not nnirh A siMtlDr of tbe Rad Uen'a clatn Simon Hildebrand, 66, who Uvea fal, ahnaoS feet to aormal Old metk* Member ct the Audit change in temperatnre. $ 4 ,9 0 0 AT AUCTION In tbe rear of 55 Blasell street, was HERE NEAR P E R F E a o ^ do not toko into coBaJdrratloB bake committee will be beld to­ Bnroan of Otroolatlono night at the Red Men’i Social club Tonight fined 810 and coste for intoxication that BO two feet are oaanly alike, aot HOSPITAL NOTES ovcB tke rlRkl aod left foot of (h o on Bralnard place at 8 o'clock. The Aug. 26-81—Fourth annual Mar- In Town Court today. He waa ar­ aame peraoa. following are the committee mem- dl Gras o f Nutmeg Forest, No. 116, rested early Sunday morning by NORMAL S e n a ltivo narklBea a ho w aaaet e o n - (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS ban; Nick TOvlgno, Francis Tour- Tall Cedars of Lebanon at Dougher­ Kerry Street Man Pnrehases Policeman Walter Cassells after he Fenders Bmnped In One at dItloB of eaek foot. No eoeaeworlu VOL. LIV., NO. 280. (Ulaoolfifd Advertloing on Pago lU.), MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1935. naud, James Foley, Peter Urbanettl ty’s Lot. had created a disturbance at the David Gebeau of 100 Woodland S o ro poaltlTO relief. No rhoriie for Tomorrow Blasell street address. eonaaltncloB. Peter Flynn. Alec Blozle, Walter street, Mrs. Hattie Helbig of Broad IRVING H. HALPRIN, Technopedist Aug. 27 — East .Side and West Property, Sold to Satisfy Charged with driving without a Brook were admitted and Louise OuBtafBon, Cleve Ellington, Thomas Center;-. Other Involves DR. C. Q. BERGHINZO Brennan,-Fred Soblelo, William C. Side all-star game at West Side for license, Russell Evarts, 18, Milford Ackerman of Rockville was dis­ benefit of Shoe Fund. high school pupil, was fined 810 and charged Saturday. Chiropodist and Podiatrist Battle Planes Bolster Britain's Naval Strength In Mediterranean! Schleldge, William Leggett, Joseph Phone 4236 03rien , Frank Qulsh and Barney This Week Claims. costs for operating a motor vehicle Robert Blevins of 47 Eldridge Rnnaway Antomobile. ABNORMAL McVeigh. The clambake will be held Aug. 29 — Y. M. C. A. annual without a license. He was arrested street was admitted and William At NORTON SHOE CO. SEN. LONG BLOCKS LAVAL IN NEW MOVES September 8 and tickets arc now on Field Day. Friday by Policeman Raymond Douglas of 50 Woodbridge street, S4T Mala S tn.t Rahlaow Bids. Griffin. sale at the Red Men’s Social club- Sept. 1—Annual banquet of Sons Attorney George C. Lessner, act­ Mrs. Annie Boggln of Congress of Italy at Keeney Street clubhouse. A roadMer parked In front of 91 rooms. ing as agent for the Superior Court street, Mrs. William Kronick and Valley street Saturday night by Coming Events infant daughter of 18 Stephen DEFICIENCY BILL Sept. 10 — Republican and Demo; of- this county, on Saturday sold at Joseph G. Bedard of 62 West street, Carlo, the Oerman abepherd dog street, Mrs. WllUam A. McKinney cratic primaries. auction tbi so-called Turn Hall WEDDINGS and Infant daughter of Rockville, Rockville, slipped Its moorings while TO AVERT A CONFUCT owned by Captain Herman Schen- Sept. 16-21—Knights of Columbus property on North street to Kon- carnival at Main and Delmont Mrs. Salvatore Cerriglone and In­ he was absent and rolled across the del, was again a winner at the North fant son of 137 Prospect street. street Into the woods o f Center Shore Kennel Club show, held at streets. stanty Oiekshlnskl of Kerry street. ContiDues His Filibostef Un­ The bulldlnr and land were sold at Mrs. T. Walter Relchard and Infant Springs Park. It stopped against KEEN PRIMARY Hamilton, Mass., on Saturday. At Bochman-McKinney son of 149 East Middle Turnpike a tree without damage to the car French Fremier Holds Con­ the ahow Saturday the dog won the auction, the highest bid being 84,- 900 and a 10 per cent deposit was and Mrs. Joseph LaShay of 19 Wel­ except for a bent front bumper. best of breed honor, this being the Miss’ Sarah Elizabeth McKinney, til Midnight When Con­ made to guarantee the purchase of daughter of Mrs. Margaret McKin­ come Place were discharged Sun­ The only other accident reported U. S. Took Right Path second time that be has won tt)ls day. to the police over the week-end In­ CONTESTS SURE ferences With British and REHRING MAILMAN the property. The building and ney of 91 Laurel street and the late standing. The competition was keen. land were owned by Joseph Kuroski Joseph McKinney, waa married Sat­ The hospital census today Is 56 volved two cars at the Center. Bent gress Is Forced to Ad jonm Carlo won five ribbons Saturday. of North street and liens totaling urday afternoon-to William O. Boch- patients. ’ ’ fenders were the only damage. Says Bertrand Russell Italian Ambassadors Oh HONOREDATPARH 85,600 had been filed against the man, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Gustave A dental clinic will be held at — Dramatic Scene. WITH 49 HUNG Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. March and property, Thj Superior Court or­ T. Bochman of 89 South Quaker the Health Center, Haynes street, sons Robert and John George of dered the property sold to pay the Lane, West Hartford. T h e cere­ at 9 o'clock and a tonsil and adenoid Colonial Possessions; Suez Diexel Hill, Pa., returned to their claims. Before the eale can be clinic at 10 o’clock tomorrow. By BERTRAND BUSSELL 3 appears to me Imperative to the In- August Simonsen Given Din­ mony wa.s performed at 4 o’clock at * terests of ..kicivilization. Halt I 41 AM home this morning. They have been completed the approval of the court St. Mary’s Ephscopal church by the lUPUEPE Washington, Aug. 27.—(AP) — May Move Polling Place to (Copyrisht, 193S by Asauclated Prcia) will have to be given. On one hand I feel, of course, that Canal Focal Point in To­ spending the summer at the Pas­ rector, Rev. James Stuart Nelli, who fot Expert f jTurbulent and tense to the very last Telegraph House, Hartlng Peters Italy's behavior is totally Indefensi­ tures, Columbia Lake, taking trips ner at Villa Louise Satur­ used the single ring service. John Instant of its strife tom first ses­ Field, Eng., Aug. 27 — (AP) — 1 ble. The Italian cause has only de­ to Cape Cod, Maine and tbe White S E R V IC E ! State Armory; Six More Wllby of Rockville gave a short or­ sion, the government's Congress think America is wise In determin­ merits. A case doesn’t exist. day’s Developments. Mountains. Ralph March la the son gan recital aa the guests were Like Most Men headed homeward today leaving ing on neutrality. If I were an On the other, I don’t think It will of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. March of Oak­ day Evening. FERA EXECUTIVES assembling and played the bridal Large Voting Machines American I would support the meas­ be possible to stop Italy except music. anxious Roosevelt leaders seeking land .street. He Is on the faculty of You W ill ures which have been before Con­ through threat, perhaps even the By ASSOCIATED 'PRESS Glratd College In Philadelphia, Pa. ways to obtain millions in funds cut gress with a view toward securing actuality of war. The bridal attendants were Miss Ordered; 11 for Collector. Premier Laval of France held August H. Simonsen, one of the Margaret McKinney, sister of the Prefer A off by a five-hour filibuster of Sena­ the nonparticipation of America In If there were war on thli Issue, SEEK WPA OFFICES It would very likely become a gen­ three conversations with the British Mrs. Charles H. Jones of 27 Proc­ three orlglnaT letter carriers In bride and Mrs. David- M. Bldmead tor Long, Democrat of Louisiana. European quarrels. tor Road left Saturday for Cleve­ Manchester, who is to retire on Sat­ of 191 Vine strict, Hartford. Gus­ I should, in fact, wish to see Eng­ eral war. I do not think Ethiopia Is and Italian ambaasadort In Paris CAMP Talking on despite taunts, gibes and ABOVE—-Heavy reinforcement land. Ohio, as a delegate to the con­ urday, was the guest of honor at a tave T. Bochman, Jr., waa best man Preparations were started this land adopting a similar policy. 1 sufficiently Important to justify during which he endeavored to have earnest pleas. Long held the Senate of Britain’s stern warning to the risk of such an appalling catas­ vention of the Daughters of St. party held at the Villa Louise Sat­ for his brother and the ushers were If you require a sup­ morning for the primary elections think It will be possible for America Premier Mussolini’s venture ei- urday night, given by employees of floor until the Senate adjourned at to remain neutral providing no trophe. It Is said we should at all George. Hope to Be Transferred to David M. Bidmcad and Arthur And­ port — if your ab­ two weeks from today, expected to Italy was the dispatch of the bibllshed as a colonial expediUen.
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