'SYMPHONY PANCE’ TO BE ROADRUNNERS TO PLAY HELD IN ROCKWOOD POMONA SATURDAY, MONDAY, 8:30 CARPINTERIA GYM VOL. XI Santa Barbara, California, Wednesday, February 24,- 1932 No. 22 COLLEGIANS PLAN FOR ARMS MEETING * * Musicians Prepare for College Symphony Here Tuesday _________ «>_________________ ____________ _____________________________________________ ;_____________ <$> __________ Noted Thinkers to Speak in Mass Peace Meeting The three world famous men who will speak at the all-college mass meeting “in the College Musicians interest .of student opinion” in Pasadena Civic auditorium Saturday night. Left to right, Beard, Einstein to they are Dr. Charles Beard, student of international relations; Dr. Albert Einstein, known for his theory of relativity; and Dr. Robert A. Millikan, Cal-Teeh Research physicist. Sev­ Come Here Sunday; eral Santa Barbara State students plan to attend the meeting which is sponsored by the Speak in Pasadena Eichheim to Direct Southern California College Student Body Presidents’ association. On World Problems All-College Concert Will Be Given in High Student Session Planned for Saturday in School Auditorium for Second Time; Rose City Auditorium; to Work for Many Rehearsals Are Scheduled Interest in International Affairs Ninety-eight southern California college musicians will Climaxing previous student world peace discussions and convene on the local college campus Sunday afternoon to reg­ marking the most comprehensive attempt toward an under­ ister for the second Southern California All College Symphony standing of world events ever inaugurated by students, south­ art. Sunday will be taken up largely with registering, ern California college students will conduct a “Program in the getting’settled in living quarters, trying out for orchestral chairs Interest of Public Opinion” in the new Pasadena Civic audi­ and rehearsals, according to Cliff Leedy, music instructor at torium on Saturday night, February 27, 8:15 o’clock. Dr. Chas. State and instigator and manager of the All College Symphony. A. Beard, Dr. Robert A. Millikan, and Prof. Albert Einstein are Registration will begin promptly at one o’clock, according the internationally-known figures who will be featured on the - to Shirley Mercer, registrar off program. Dean McHenry, Stu­ musicians. After registration, dent Body president at the Uni­ the visiting musicians will be Concert Will Staters Will versity of California at Los An­ directed to the homes in which geles, and prominently identi­ they will stay during their Attract Many Attend Peace fied with international student visit. Oscar Trautz, housing Accommodations Outing Club to movements, will represent the chairman, assisted by Ella Good Players Band and Glee Meet in L. A. students’ viewpoint on the pro­ Cornwall and Dick MacQuiddy For Orchestra Clubs Score Hike to Mount gram, in his talk on “The Am­ will be on hand to conduct the Leading Student Musicians of Players Asked La Cumbre Sunday Local Students Will Study How erican Student and World musicians to their quarters. Southland Will Take Part to ‘Plan World Affairs’ in Peace.” Tryouts for chairs will take place Under Eichheim An appeal is being made by Hit on Tour “Bring your own food and sleep Unitarian Conclave The program is intended primar­ immediately following registration. members of the College Symphony late Saturday morning,” says Ar­ ily for young people, and it is ex­ Amfmg the 98 college students Approximately fifteen Santa Bar­ pected that the auditorium, which Antoni Van der Voort, local violin­ housing committee for aid in pro­ State Musicians Return-After chie Way, president of the Outing who will participate in the secpnd viding accommodations for the 90 bara students plan to attend the seats 3,000 persons, will be com­ ist will have charge of the first vio­ Hearty Reception in Cities club, by way of preparing club pletely filled, with large numbers annual Southern California All visiting students who will be in Southern j California Inter-Colleg­ lin chair tryouts. Fred Beidleman, . of San Joaquin Valley members for the moonlight hike present from Los Angeles and vi­ College Symphony orchestra are Santa Barbara February 28 to iate conference on “Planned World” head of the music department of March 1 to participate in the Sec­ to Mount La Cumbre, which is cinity, and delegations also attend­ many experienced musicians. Topping off a five-day tour of to be held at the Unitarian church ing from such points as Redlands, San Diego State will conduct the Leonora Jenkins, violinist and ond Annual Southern California scheduled to start at one o’clock coast and valley cities, the Santa in Los Angeles Feb. 27 and Feb. Santa Barbara, and San Diego. Ad­ tryouts for the chairs of second vio­ concert master of the inter-college All College Symphony orchestra. Sunday morning from the college Anyone who can accommodate Barbara - State college combined 28. mission is free, but tickets will be linists. Harold Wahlberg, head of orchestra last year, will hold the Band and Glee club presented three campus. same position this year, according one or more students with room Among the speakers at this distributed in advance through the the music department of Fullerton concerts in Bakersfield Friday aft­ Plans for the trip include an auto various colleges and the Pasadena Junior college will try out the ap­ to Clifford Leedy, general manager and breakfast for the three days meeting will be Gramhan A. Laing, is requested to communicate at ernoon and immediately* boarded drive to the tunnel and a hike Professor of Economics at the Cali­ Chamber of Commerce, or may be plicants for viola chairs and Harry of the Symphony. Miss Jenkins is their special bus to arrive home obtained by communicating direct concert-master of the San Diego once with a member of the hous­ from there to the top of La Cum­ fornia Institute of Technology; Ed­ Kaplun, director of orchestras in that night at 11:30. Reports indi­ with Laramee Haynes at Occidental the Santa Barbara High school and State college orchestra, and is a ing committee. The committee con­ bre, according to Way. win P. Ryland, former executive sists of Oscar Trautz, Ella Corn­ cate- that the tour was an unpre­ secretary of the Federated Chur­ college. President James L. Kent Junior High school will handle the member of the San Diego Civic cedented success, from the stand­ Way warns prospective hikers to Symphony. Last year she took first wall and Shirley Mercer. ches of Los Angeles; George M. of the Student Body, will give out tryouts for cèllo chairs. ■» point of evidenced approval from note that the time has been sched­ tickets here. Dinner will be served at 5:30 p.m., place in the Los Angeles Welsh This, is a school activity and the uled as one o’clock Sunday morn­ Day, Professor, of Economics and situation can be successfully han­ all audiences, and from that of the Sociology a t Occidental collfege. A fifteen minute portion of the in the college dining hall, after Eisteddfod. At the age of eleven, participants. The concert at Bak­ ing, in other words, very late Sat­ Miss Jenkins won second prize in dled only with the full cooperation They will speak on such subjects as program willj>e broadcast over the which, at 7 p.m., the first rehearsal ersfield High school was the last urday night Pacific coast area, with the program . (Turn to Page 3, Column 1) (Turn to Page 3, Column .5) of the students, according to Trautz. “A Planned World Economy;” “The of a series of 16 given over a period English and Scottish .Cooperatives”; originating through KHJ in Los of five days, dinring which’ time the REPORTER w e e p s (Turn to Page 3, Column 4) (Turn to Page 3, Column 3) FROSH ACTORS 40 men traveled nearly 800 miles. World News of the Week SCORE HIT IN Fresno was th e northernmost AT LACK OF NEWS point on the route. Four concerts IN DEPARTMENT .Japanese Fail to Gain France Wants 'Policeman’ FIRST PROGRAM were staged there, two at the Local News of the Week The Sino-Japanese situation re­ At the disarmament conference schools, one at a church, and one The reporter assigned to cover now in session at Geneva, France, The Freshman class gave its class at a Kiwanis club luncheon. Other Schools Split Honors Drive Succeeds mains practically unchanged. A the Industrial Arts department is Santa Barbara’s community chest has proposed the establishment un­ day program in the college audi­ cities on the route were Santa on the verge of a nervous collapse Santa Maria High school won Japanese ultimatum demanding the der the League of Nations of an in­ torium yesterday morning during Maria, Arroyo Grande, San Luis drive went over the top by $5,485 brought about by the definitely both sides of the argument in an according to figures given out at retirement of the Chinese army, to ternational military force. Such a the regular assembly period. Most Obispo, Atascadero, Lindsay, Por­ negative response he receives when inter-school debate with the Paso a distance of 121-2 miles from force, it is claimed, would remove of the entertainment was given by terville,' Kingsburg, Lemoore, and the close of the drive Saturday inquiring for news. After numerous Robles High school last week. The Shanghai was rejected. The Nip- the need of individual countries the Frosh students themselves. Bakersfield. Excellent weather was night The quota was $194,853 and trips he has reached the following subject was, Resolved: ‘That the the amount raised $200,338. onese army, greatly re-enforced maintaining large armed forces of Nathan McCray, social chairman enjoyed except for the second day, conclusions: that E. E. Ericson is during the week, began an attack their own.
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