July 22, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1507 H.R. 3684 FOOD ALLERGEN AND can all be proud of. It is a very significant part I am proud to honor this distinguished cou- CONSUMER PROTECTION ACT OF of the culture that I cherish and is as much ple and their long-standing commitment to the 2003 Kentucky as horses and basketball. There is community and to one another. one man we can all recognize for this pride, f HON. RAHM EMANUEL the father of Bluegrass music, Bill Monroe. Mr. Monroe is the creator of a musical art TRIBUTE TO FILM AND TELE- OF ILLINOIS VISION COMPOSER JERRY GOLD- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES form that is focused, and often composed, of the family. In 1939, he founded the legendary SMITH Thursday, July 22, 2004 band the Blue Grass Boys, which at times in- Mr. EMANUEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong cluded the guitarist Lester Flatt, banjo picker HON. MARK UDALL support of H.R. 3684, the Food Allergen La- Earl Scruggs, fiddle player Chubby Wise, and OF COLORADO beling and Consumer Protection Act. This act his son, bass player James Monroe. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES mandates clear labeling to protect consumers In 1970, Mr. Monroe was inducted into the Thursday, July 22, 2004 from medical problems caused by the eight Country Music Hall of Fame. The following major food allergens: milk, eggs, fish, crusta- year, he was recognized for his songwriting Mr. UDALL of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, I rise cean shellfish, tree nuts, peanuts, wheat, and craft and was entered into the Nashville Song- today to note the passing of one of this na- soybeans. These irritants are found in a wide writers Association International Hall of Fame. tion’s great cinematic artists, composer Jerry variety of packaged foods, and account for an Mr. Monroe was also rightfully recognized with Goldsmith. Mr. Goldsmith died on July 21, estimated 90 percent of all food allergies. the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award. 2004 at the age of 75. He leaves behind a dis- Food allergies can drastically affect the Mr. Monroe’s songs like ‘‘Kentucky Waltz’’ tinguished repertoire of outstanding and mem- quality of life for the seven million Americans bring back pleasant memories of the past that orable film scores and television themes that who suffer from them. Approximately 30,000 we tell our children about. Because of the in- are as recognizable as they are innovative. individuals each year require emergency room fluence he has had on me and many others I Scoring movies and television programs is a treatment for food allergies, and about 150 die am honored today to introduce legislation that vastly underappreciated art form. Too often each year. The eight percent of all children in names the post office in Rosine, KY after Mr. this music is considered as just another part of America who have these allergies and their Monroe. This is one small way that I, as a things that are popular but are only entertain- families deserve our help and support in deal- Member of Congress, can recognize a lifelong ment, not art. However, his scores, like the ing with the challenges they face in their daily idle who is a proud part of the lives of many work of his colleague film and television com- lives. Kentuckians. posers, are essentially classical music pieces. As there is no cure for food allergies, the f As such, they should not be dismissed simply only protection against reactions to these because they happen to be associated with foods is to avoid them altogether. But without HONORING JOSEPH AND ANNE films and television shows, which in fact are proper labeling, parents cannot ever be sure QUINN ON THEIR 50TH WEDDING valid art forms. their children are safe. One mislabeled prod- ANNIVERSARY As anyone in the entertainment industry can uct, one misleading claim, can be fatal. We attest, music is an essential and integral part need tough standards to ensure that food pro- HON. TIMOTHY H. BISHOP of the final artistic product. It sets appropriate ducers provide adequate information on pack- OF NEW YORK moods and tones and can help make action aging. This legislation provides those stand- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES scenes more thrilling and tense as well as stir the emotions in more quiet interludes. Mr. ards by requiring that foods containing any of Thursday, July 22, 2004 the eight major food allergens be labeled in a Goldsmith was a master at the full range of clear and easy-to-understand way, so parents Mr. BISHOP of New York. Mr. Speaker, I his craft often creating path-breaking and inno- can feel confident in their choices. rise today to honor Joseph and Anne Quinn of vative scores. This bill also addresses trace allergens, an- Smithtown, New York, who will observe their The sound of his echoing trumpets for the other major concern of those who live with 50th wedding anniversary on August 15th, soundtrack of the movie ‘‘Patton’’ has so per- food allergies. Products which claim to be al- 2004. Born in New York City, they met as meated the culture that this music is now syn- lergen free can still be contaminated with freshmen in college. Joe was a student at onymous with military leaders. His spooky and these products during the manufacturing proc- Iona College in New Rochelle and Anne at- menacing chants for the film ‘‘The Omen,’’ for ess. This bill requires the Department of tended St. John’s University. They were mar- which he won the Academy Award, is now Health and Human Services to effectively ried on August 1, 1954 at St. Joan of Arc standard for horror films. And his experimental track which foods are unintentionally contami- Church in Jackson Heights, New York. The use of electronics, woodwinds and percussion nated with major food allergens during the Quinns moved to Suffolk County in 1955 when helped create the sense of ‘‘other worldliness’’ manufacturing process, and to recommend al- Joe began a thirty-three year career in edu- in the film ‘‘Planet of the Apes.’’ The fact that ternate processes to reduce such contamina- cation with the Middle Country School District. these musical themes and many others of his tion. The couple has lived in Smithtown since 1958. are so widely recognized and copied not only Mr. Speaker, food allergies create a major The Quinns have ten children—Kathleen, acknowledges his versatility and genius, but obstacle for allergy sufferers and their families. Terence, Brendan, Marybeth, Patrick, Neil, also underscores the legitimacy of the scoring The dangers of allergic reactions restrict op- Regina, Timothy, Lawrence, and Julianne—all craft. tions for travel, socializing, working and learn- of whom are married. They are the proud Jerry Goldsmith was born Jerrald Goldsmith ing. This legislation can help prevent avoid- grandparents of twenty-two. on February 10th 1929 in Los Angeles, Cali- able allergic reactions and provide additional Joseph retired in January 2003 from a sec- fornia. At the beginning of the 1940s, he took peace of mind to families. I commend the ond career as Staff Assistant to Congressman piano lessons from Jakob Gimpel and Mario gentlelady (Mrs. LOWEY) from New York for GARY ACKERMAN. Anne retired in December Castelnuevo-Tedesco. While attending the bringing this legislation to the floor, and I urge 2002 from her position as a New York State University of California, he took classes with my colleagues to support it. Taxpayer Service Representative. Mr. Quinn Mikols Rozsa, the famed composer of such f was Chair of the Smithtown Democratic Com- films as ‘‘Ben-Hur,’’ ‘‘Ivanhoe,’’ ‘‘El Cid’’ and mittee for twenty-two years and is still greatly ‘‘Spellbound.’’ INTRODUCING LEGISLATION TO interested in politics. Mr. Goldsmith started his career at CBS tel- NAME A POST OFFICE IN The Quinns have been active members of evision in the early 1950s as a clerk typist and ROSINE, KENTUCKY, AFTER BILL St. Patrick’s Parish since moving to eventually got assignments composing music MONROE Smithtown. They plan to continue travelling all for radio plays, and later for television broad- over the country to visit their widespread fam- casts. He eventually wrote music for such fa- HON. RON LEWIS ily. mous television shows such as ‘‘The Twilight OF KENTUCKY The Quinns will mark their fiftieth anniver- Zone,’’ ‘‘Dr. Kildare,’’ ‘‘The Man From IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES sary with a renewal of vows at St. Patrick’s U.N.C.L.E.,’’ ‘‘The Waltons,’’ ‘‘Barnaby Jones,’’ Church and a dinner at the Bellport Country ‘‘Star Trek: Voyager’’ and ‘‘Star Trek: The Thursday, July 22, 2004 Club. Their children have also planned a fam- Next Generation.’’ Mr. LEWIS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, the ily trip to Colorado as a reunion to celebrate Mr. Goldsmith’s first motion picture score tradition of Bluegrass music is something we this landmark anniversary. was in 1957 for a long forgotten B-western VerDate May 21 2004 05:46 Jul 24, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00035 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A22JY8.171 E22PT2 E1508 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 22, 2004 named ‘‘Black Patch.’’ However, his first major guilty of genocide or ethnic cleansing to jus- tive Chen has used his vast experience to pre- recognition as a film composer did not occur tice. serve and expand ties between Taipei and until 1962 for his score of the Kirk Douglas f Washington. Representative Chen’s advice film ‘‘Lonely Are the Brave.’’ That same year, and counsel have always been sought by he got his first Academy Award nomination for INTRODUCTION OF POVERTY Members of Congress who have a keen inter- the film ‘‘Freud.’’ STATS LEGISLATION est in matters involving the Taiwan Straits.
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