City Council ends parking ban I 2a Corbit Goff knows value of communityI 3a January 29, 1986 Newark, Del. Council., alderman TIS at odds ~ America's ole lest paper mill Newark Alderman Vance Funk and City Council are at odds over a proposed change in the opera­ : has reputati< )D for quality tion of the city court. ;. Funk, the city's alderman since ' ' 1975, wrote council to ask members to consider changing an ·by Antho11y Arcaro ordinance which limits the number of times an alternate can serve in place of the formally .T he Cuttis Pa11er Mill which stands on designated alderman. the banks of ' Nhite Clay Creek is the He cited a growing law practice oldest paper . nill in continuous opera­ which makes it difficult for him to tion ln the Urltited States, according to handle alderman's duties on the Alfred L. Saindon, vicE ~ president and resident same scale as in past years. manager of the Newar It plant. Currently, a city ordinance The mOl has been in production ever since states that an alternate can ap­ the Curtis family boug ht it in 1848, said Sain­ pear no more than 30 days in one don. calendar year and no more than · But according to an article by Francis A. 15 days consecutively. Cooch which appeare<l in The Newark Post of Funk asked council in a letter Feb. 9, 1933, the mill s tood along the creek in . written about two weeks ago to ~80lt an.d.was pi'Qbfbly bJ.illt earJ~e.r . .Howev$!f, 1 allow him to sit 60 percent of the records wer~ not avail able to determine exact­ time, with current alternate ly when it opened. Richard Franta presiding the re­ "We are a prodUcer of the ~-inest text and maining 40 percent of the time. cover grades of paper made anywhere," Sain­ Council considered Funk's re- don said. "We are at t·1e top of the line in the 9uest in executive session during printing paper field." ls't White Clay creek white paper 1ts regular meeting Monday night. The peace treaty th~ ~~ t ended the war with makes? . After 45 minutes behind closed Japan was signed on C :urtis paper, he said. Or white hands of young Anna, doors, coucil emerged and voted "We have made perso.1al stationery forthe Curtis Mill, the namesake of That take the pulp in snowy flakes, Paper Mill Road which to reject Funk's request. king of Saudi Arabia, 1 md paper for a reproduc­ As though she gathered manna? Mayor William Redd and Coun­ tion of the Gutenberg 1 Uble." 'stands along scenic White Down flows its mild as to her breast, Clay Creek, was the inspira­ cilman Orville Clark were in ~<A lot of our paper ~ ·oes into reproductions The fountain's foam returning, tion for this poem by George favor of altering the ordinance to like Wil~burg prin ts and to first and Or comes the dairy milk to rest Alfred Townsend (1841-1914). Where Anna sits a 'churning. comply with Funk's request, limited edition books,'' he said. ''First editions while Councilmen Olan Thomas, 9f books by Presidents Truman and It was found in his book, "Poems of the Delaware Oft in my boyhood truantingt. Louise Brothers and John Eisenhower were print ~d on our paper.'' Peninsula, " during a 1976 Beneath the long bridge idling, Suchanec voted against the pro­ Most of the paper ml .de here is used in an­ I saw her like a pigeon wing, posal. nual reports, advertisir 1g portfolios, and Bicentennial survey of Her white flock guiding, bridling. locally-produced work by the Funk said Tuesday morning Christmas cards, said ~ l :aindon. Unto her hand the pulp canal that he was "totally shocked to The mill, which empl >ys 69 people, produces firm of Reese, Tomases & Moved on from vats of vapor­ find that they had discussed this 20 tons of paper a day, >perating round-the­ E~lick Inc. It was provided to A cascade frothing from a dall without talking to me." clock, he said. Some of the machinery is 100 The NewArk Ppst by Bob To calmest lakes of paper. "The truth is " he said " I'm years old and still runru ng, although it has been Thomas, president of the not very happy' right no~ . " N~wark Historical Society Sheet after sheet beneath her eyes upgraded, he added. 1 They come to rest as I do Funk said he has three options. "As far as paper milln go, this is a small and author of the weekly col­ Newark: Past and Pre- When in the humming mill my sighs They are: one," Saindon said. "No one would build a mill ':::ft. Are hushed as by Queen Dido; • To resign. this size today because t he cost would be too Her ann a sceptre waves her hands • To continue with the situation great CQmpared to what it would produce. Across the sheets as free as as it now stands. "There are mills in tht ! South that are runn­ That Queen dismissed on Carthange • To change court hours to bet­ ing 6,000 feet per minute (over 60 miles per sands ter fit his schedule, possibly mov­ hour). We only run 150ft !et per minute." The sails of fleet Aeneas. ing one night session to Saturday "People have to go to: :mall mills like Curtis morning. to get specialty paper thllt most mills don't We college lads our writing tasks Compose on Anna's moulding, Funk is not sure which direction make or can't afford to," said Saindon. "We do to take. "I haven't had time to not make that much papE r, but we make And all our Latin barely masks The poesy she's foldin~; think about it," he said. specialty grades in small runs of high quality We come to watch her w1th heart still "I like the job," Funk added, and in special textures all d color." Where she's the day adorning, "and I hope I'm doing a good job. Since 1977, the .mill has been owned by the Folding within the raper mill I hope that's not the reason they James River Corp. In 193f : the Curtis family The white light o the morning. acted the way they did. sold the mill-and it changt d hands before until "I hope we can work it out so I lt was_.bought by its preser t owner. can do the job." 'INDEX FACT FIL E ·:::.I KEEP POSTED . · . News .............. 2a N ewarkers ........ 3a Who to call U.D. lectures on tap · News .............. 4a The University of Delaware's "Focus on Global Schools ............ 5a Fire and ambulance .......... 911 Challenges" lecture series will end this week with two Newark Police .... ... ... 366-7111 pr~senta~ions. Zhang Zai of the People's Republic of University ......... 6a Library .......... .. .. ... 731-7550 Chma Will discuss Sino-U.S. relations at 7;30 p.m. Community ........ 8a Christina schools ......... 454-2000 Thursday, Jan. 30 and Dr. Yonah Alexander will . Entertainment .... lOa Mayor and council ....... 366-7070 discuss terrorism at 7:30 p.m . Monday, Feb. 3. Both : Community ....... lla UNICITY bus service .... 366-7030 presentations will be in Clayton Hall/see 6a . :Business .......... 12a Refuse collection . ..... 366-7045 Street maintenance .. .... 366-7040 : Campus .......... 12a Voter registration ... ... .. 366-7070 : Opinion ........... 14a City committees to meet Electric service .......... 366-7050 The Newark Planning Commission and the Newark :Sports ............. lb Water service ............ 366-7055 Conservation Advisory Co~m~ttee ":'ill, meet Tuesday, · Lifestyle ........... 6b Business license . .. .. .... 366-7080 Feb. 4. The Planning Comm1ss1on meeting will begin at Lifestyle ........... 8b Human services ......... 366-7035 City manager . ......... 366-7020 8 P:m: in council chambers of the Newark Municipal Church ............ 8b Bulldn~g, . 220 Elk~on R~ . The Conservation Advisory : Classified .......... 9b Weeds and litter .. ...... 366-7075 Comm1ss1on meetmg w1ll begin at 7: ·30 p.m. on these­ Zoning information . ... .. 366-7030 cond floor of the Municipal Building. : Lifestyle .......... 14b Street lights ..... .. ..... 366-7050 Tax Information ... ..... 366-7088 2a The New Ark Post January 29, 19B6 NEWS MADD founder to be honored in Nel1vark Candy Lightner, founder of administered by Bank of A panel of faculty from the solutions to impaired driving. In University of California, and She i:> the recipient of the Mothers Against Drunk Driving, Delaware, were established under University of Delaware con­ 1980 and 1981, in Washington, serves of the Safety Committee of Freedo•m Foundation's Individual has been selected to receive the the will of Ralph Hayes, a Coca­ stituted the nominating body for D.C., Lightner asked President the National Sheriffs' Association. Achievement Award. Ronald Reagan to establish a Blue Common Wealth Award of Cola Co. executive and director of the first Common Wealth public Lightner has been hono1·ect Lightne r also 1·eceived the Distinguished Service for her con­ Bank of Delaware and the New service award. Ribbon Commission on Drunk and repeatedly for her dedication to Drugged Driving. prestie;ious Black and Blue Award tributions and dedication to York Community Trust. Hayes In May 1980, Candy Lightner drunk driving r eforms a nd from the Thomas J effferson drunk-driving reforms and died in 1977 at the age of 82. founded MADD and since that He did so In 1982 and appointed highway safety. In 1982, the The awards can be made an­ her to serve as a member. She was Unive1·sity Hospital Emergency highway safety. time has dedicated herself to California Jaycees recognized her Medicit ne Society. She will receive a $16,000 cash nually to reward and encourage maintaining a strong public and also appointed to the Board of as the fi1·st woman of the state's award and a commemorative outstanding achievement in the legislative voice on behalf of the Directors of the National Commis­ "Five Outstanding Ca lifornians." In 1.985, Lightner was honored sculpture in ceremonies on Sun­ fields of dramatic arts, govern­ victims of drunk drivers.
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