ig.• •< tij!.-' - ST, - - - i ^ ; I U t a h E a g l e i Sun Vca l l e y q uJ t h o r p o l i t i cI S - A 8 C S I b ee a t s B Y lU-Bl j w e a v ee s t a l e co f t e r r o) r r - C l ■■ -‘<‘r - i - A I w K liTTTSlC L 2 5 ^ K =year. No. 28 T w in Fails, idahcih o Friday.ay. January 28.1983 y g . ; --------- ] • ' 1 rQSI' ti W t I 1 V " 0 m i r C I > - ■ I ■ r V ' * ' '■ / dI ' Stcorm rravagees Qailifonnia I :ked oul the back window, j ByJO/\NGOULDlNGJ homes intonto the churning ocean and T h e c h airm a n ' oT th e I^s /\ngeles waves knocke ilonging to actors Rod |J United Press Internettlonal lon d a m a ^ nlg g tdo z en s m o re, County Board of Supenjrvisors de- Homes belor d Bruce Dem were also E C oastalll residents were reeling dared a state of emerger;ency due to Steiger and I amaged. < I LOS /\NGELES - A ifierce storm from lhe: st(s to r m — th e fourth to pound . slorm destruction. Local:al officials seriously dam up all nlghl." said Miss I • battered the lengUi ofif theU; California lhe stateJ itin a week - and officials throughout the slate t ^^ the same : "I was up hose film credits include I coast Thursday with waveswa up lo 20 warned thaLhat h ig h tid e s a n d big w av e s aclion In their cities ana to'U3wns. Cannon, who: a n W alt." ■ fe e t d e s tro y in g tje a c hI houses,hoi forcing will hit thcthe southern portion of the A U s A ngeles S h e r if f ssspokesman s "HeavenCan to l>ed a b o u t 5 in lhe i " families to flee floodedded homcs and state withith-even greater ferocity said high surf collapsod Uth" founda- “I went tc nd 1 heard a crash .,. The crumbling a portionI of the famed Friday moin o m ln g . • lion of one five-roon")m Malibu morning and knocked It (the window) ________S n n tn Mfinlpn n ipr______— •" ■_________ I n ^ u t[hpm h t California, two homes ___ beachfront home_and_wa.sia.she<l It Into CK:can j u s t lm w e re w ashashed away Thursday, one the Pacific. Four other hoi he water started flooding H Hurricane forcc wjnctinds hammered hotel wass e v a c u a te d , p ie rs sh u t dow n area pounded by waves up lo 15 feet area and lhe expensive seaside ' h<homes from and 450 reresidents along a two-mile w e r e ba d iy da m ag e d . th e h o u s e ." agan's Malibu home was S tin so n B e a c h a b o v e the Golden Gate stretch of the Seal Beach area in Actress Dyan Cannonm said 'her Becky Hag; H ig h w in d s to p p le d this tree near Stanfordord. Above. left, BrIdRe to San Diego,). ccasting th re e O ra n g e CoiCounty were evacuated. M a lib u house w a s floo<)oded when 'SeoS0 STORM on P a g e A2 w a v e s w ip e o u t bea<achfront houses near' StStinson Beach New joble>ss figjures offerr encc[)urag{ing mlews B y D R E W VON B E R G E: Nn Republican ic:leader Howard Baker United Press International said. “1 don’lI’l (doubt there wlll be a large pressureire for1 a jobs bill... bul il A O has to Ix) a1 rtreasonable size, quick WASHINGTON - Thele inumber of ^ \uto'X salees up, G.jM to caill back worken American workers receivliliving regular enough, andd inol Just make-work amingham. inlerest ratesis oori new car loans. Il has Incn c re a se d jq Ijs." state unemployment benefilellts dropped ByMlCHEHELINE MAYN/VRD reopening of GM's mothballed Fram la n t In New ils f ir s t q u a rte•ter r c a r building p la n s 27 perceiMnlover .. , below the 4 million m arltk forf( thc first UPI Auto0 WV riter Mass,, plant.t. th e only rem a in in g c a r p la n l a s t y e a r 's disnIsmal ' figures. T h e o v e raill ll jjo b le ss r a te w a s 10.8 time since last July, thctie U b o r De- E n g la n d . fitly h a s 1G3.000 w o rk e rs on lalayoff j percent for DecDecemlxsr. wilh January partm ent reported Thursdasday. DETROllOIT - Spurred by sales incret;reases. Gen- GM Presidildent IT. James McDonaldd :said the GM cuiTcnlly issembly scheduledled to l)e released by the At the sam e tim e, the department’sdef eral MotoiItors Corp. announced Thursdirsday it will callbacks artire made possible by an incincrca..e In .Alwut 9.000M ’workers will return to as£ Iled back Bureau oiuboriborStatisllcsFeb.4. Employment. and TrailTainlng Ad- recall morlore than 21.400 workers from)m Indefinite dealer orderers resulting from an offerf e r o f 11.9 p la n ts w hile ana n o th e r 12,400 a re Ixslng c a lle to componentnt iplants. GM estimated the : ministration said new' c laim s fo r la y o ff in1 th Ih e n e x t th r e e m onths a l se ve n ic a r p la n ts p e rc e n t finanim cingon new car loans, ' - U n a d ju ste<1 d IIIfig u res for re g u la r s ta le 1 for eight will have a "sii■‘sig n ific a n t e m p lo y m e n t impi3 b e n e fits p lu m m e te d lo 491.000491, - l h e a c r o s s thhe e counlry. T h e a u lo mmaker’s sales have risen f pnigrams showedsho Wesl Virginia I lo w est p o in t in 16 m o n th3-during s — the ^ Includedled In the callbacks in six cltcities is the straight lO-diday periods due to its offercr of lower suppliers. again with Ihehhe highest Insured jobless w ee k e n d e d J a n . 15. ___________ r a le a t 10.55 (percent, followed by ! Despite the apparentt &go^ news. K en tu ck y , Michigan and I e c o n o m is ts w e re n o t re a,<IyloIor«iKl d y i saldJenyJasJasinowski. economists for Jasinowskl. noted the unemploy-a Treasury Se<Secretary Donald Regan On Capitol Hill. House« Speaker Pennsylvania,la. iail 8,G percent; Idaho. ! any long-term slgnifican(:ancc lo Ihc u,c'Natlonalll /\ssociation/ of Manufac- mentm Ixncfit statistics canan b e mis* to ld C o n g re sis s 'Wednesday he expects TlThomas O'Neill said Thursd;aiayhistop Oregon and1 Wisconsin,W ail 8,5 per- d a ta , - lurera. "WhilM e, It may go. down In Ieadbig.-because-they-do-noIe. not.include unemployment2nl lo remain al a "dis- pip r io r ity fo r th e Offth Congreircss. after cent; Alaska.fl;i.f l p e rc e n t; A la b a m a . 7,'J ----------"rrcar‘ii-|s'siiiniofan‘M Ind ailo.1 January, I stillsll Ihlnk unemployment unemployetlur persons whvho have Ire.'Wing" levelk'cl - a ro u n d 10.9 p e rc e n t S<Social Security legislation, willw b e a S5 p e rc e n t, a n d "R"Rhode Island, 7,6 per* that unemployment willII {60 d o w n .’ „ | , i t e a k Uicheltpercenllevel." eex x h a u s te d th e ir benefits, — fo r 1983 a s; a 'whole. blbillion 10 $'/ billion jobs bilJill, Senate cent. r Meyerh'■hoeffer says House; e R e p ui b l i c a n ss d e f e a li t C) ! S 1 c u t s5 a s t e p »backu;v a r d - By BRUCE H;HAMMOND j As an exampimple, Meyerhoeffer said Thnes-N ews writern I several M agic;lc \Valley businesses have l a w m ca k e r p aa y i n c r ee a s e p h __re<(iicstc<i_newic*w_classe.s_in_ c o m p u te r______ B O IS E -■The Tl U gislature has been I operation id >rmlcnxomputerrepalr.' ByMARKSHENEFELT;L T ' ' '■ payp a and .expenses, while opppponenls wametl lhalit morer fcudgel cuts could I . "These arere areas lhat everyday United Press IntematlomIonal charged the drive was poi:o litlca lly p lu n g e th e CollegeCo: of Southern Idaho I businesses are neetling more and motivated and said some mtnembcrs backlomid-li),-19701evelsof furfding, I more, bul weve :simply have not, been BOISE — House Repubpublican lead- jteglilciture desperately needed the higher j^rry Meycsyerhoeffer, CSl's-aclIng I ui)le to expant)and our courses to ac- crs, scoring bloody victoid o rie s on tw o 8 S r - ? allotments.a ll president, gavjave lhat forecast when he com m o< iale lhlsneed.”this hesald.
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