THE [IVING CHURCH AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY SUPPORTING CATHOLIC ANGLICANISM• APRIL13 , 2008 ♦ $2 . 50 ~~- , , 7 ,/ I • I ', .,, ., 1 1,-;;., / . / , I ,. August 10: NEW! Architecture & Restoration SAME RATES AS 2007! Cost is only $9.60 per ~eek to run a lis · . ,· .,_, ..~ ... '• ,,:"-·"'" '""~ c,,_:· . ,·· -~- ·.r• -:·~,;, "":;;"',· , '. ·~;_ ;..., . -~ ~ QUE S TfO~ -g-? , . 4; . ~; .- contactAmber M1ina, Advertising Alis PH:,~l4r276.5420 ext>12 or ext: 16 $,: TH E THELIVING CHURCH magazine is published by the Living Church Foundation, LIVING CHURCH Inc. The historic mission of the Living Church Foundation is to promote and An independent weekly serving support Catholic Anglicanism within the Episcopal Church. Episcopalians since 1878 DavidA. Kalvelage E.wcuti1•eEditor Betty Glatzel THIS WEEK GeneralManager John Schuessler Managing Editor Steve Waring News Editor AmyGrau Graphic Artist Tom Parker Advertising Manager Thais Jackson Fulfillment Manager Renee Weber Marketing/PromotionDirector MichaelO 'Loughlin Directorof AssociatedPubl-i cations BOARDO F DIRECTORS The Rev. ThomasA. Fraser Riverside, Ill. (President) MiriamK. Stauff Wauwatosa,Wis. (Vice Pr esident) Daniel Muth St. Leonard,Md. (Secretary) Howard M. Tischler Albuquerque, N.M.(Treas urer) The Rt. Rev.Bertram N. Herlong Franklin,Tenn. The Rev.Jay C. James Raleigh,N. C. The Rt. Rev. D. Bruce MacPherson Alexandria,La. Richard Mammana,Jr . News Opinion Stamford,Co nn. Thomas Riley 6 Retired Bishop of Quincy 9 Editor's Column Vienna,Va. Miss Augusta D. Roddis Faces Ecclesiastical Court Oh Yes They Did Marshfield, Wis. Editorial and Business offices: 10 Editorials 816 E. Juneau Avenue Inconsistent Treatment Milwaukee, WI 53202-2793 Mailingadd ress: P.O. 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Subs crib ers, when sub mitting address changes, please aJlow 3-4 weeks for change to take effect. 5 Short & Sharp THE LIVINGC HURCH (ISSN0024-5240) is pub­ lished by THE LIVINGCHURCH FOUNDATION, 14 People & Places INC., a non-profit organization servingthe Church. All gifts to the Foundation are tax-deductible. Onthe Cover ©2008 TheLiving Chwrll Foundation, loc. Caroline Fuller and her mother, Julie , participate in the Easter All rights reserved. No reproduction in whole or part egg hunt at Middleham & St. Peter's Church, Lusby, Md . can be madewitnout pemtission of Tur.LivIN<: CHI JRCH. Volume 236 Number 15 Hugh Davies photo APRIL 13. 2008 · THE LIVING CHURCH 3 DEDICATEDTOSTAINED SUNDAY'S READINGS GLASSEXCELLENCE FORMORE THAN A CENrURYROHLFS TheShepherd of the Sheep & THEPAYNE STUDIOHAVE 'He calls his own sheep by name and BEENCREATING leads them out' (John 10:3) & CONSERVING STAINEDGLASS The FourthSunday of Easter(Year A), April 13, 2008 BCP:Acts 6:1-9; 7:2a,51-60 or Neh. 9:6-15 ; Psalm 23; 1 Pet. 2:19-25 or Acts 6:1- WINDOWS 9; 7:2a,51-60; John 10:1-1 0 WORLDWIDE. RCL:Acts 2:42-47; Psalm 23; 1 Pet. 2:19-25; John 10:1-10 One doesn't encounter many shep­ anything. Not under any circum­ FORMORE INFORMATION & LITERATURE herds in contemporary America. Sure, stances. PLEASEWRITE , PAX,PHONE OR E-MAIL TO: there are countless church leaders As a shepherd lmows the sheep, so RohlfsStudio Inc. who style themselves as pastors. And the sheep lmow and trust the shep­ 783 South. 3rd. Ave. there are even a few who take for herd, much as a dog or cat lmows and MountVernon, NY 10550 _., ••, -- themselves a major trapping of shep­ trusts its owner/friend. The owner FAX- 914-699-7091 herds, the crook Yet these people, at calls and the pet comes running. And 800-969-41o6 least in the mainline churches , are the owner leaves home and family ,o S O,c anything but shepherds in the biblical behind to search for the canine or :°I':"..~; BE SURETO sense. feline friend that is lost. "[T]he sheep : ~ VISITOUR WEBSITE Pastors/bishops , at least in the West­ hear his voice. He calls his own sheep ~ ~ ~ www.Rohlfstudio.comern world, tend to be high indeed in by name and leads them out. When he .,;;~~;.:.::1·." e-mail:[email protected] the social and economic food chain. has brought out all his own, he goes Traditional•Contemporary • Restorations Yet shepherds in the biblical world ahead of them, and the sheep follow (and in much of the third world today, him because they know his voice. from the Middle East and through They will not follow a stranger, but Guildof the LivingRosary Central to Southern Africa) are the they will run from him because they very bottom of civil society, much like do not lmow the voice of strangers" Pray one decade daily. used car salespeople and professional (John 10:3-5). Nineteen others join you politicians are to us today. The sheep are of ultimate value to a This writer was befriended by a real shepherd. None is ever expendable, to comprise an entire rosary shepherd in a real third-world country much as this writer's pet cat is an of intercession. some time ago. He apparently lived indispensible family member, to be right in the field where he worked, and guarded and protected at all cost. In a More information? that being in a former British protec­ sense, moreover , a shepherd loves the www.guildlivingrosary.com torate, we were able to communicate sheep as much as an owner does the in English. The man had several dozen household pet. Both are willing to risk sheep, and these represented the all to assure the well being of each. SHRINE OF OUR LADY whole of his earthly net worth. So What a powerful image this is of OF CLEMENCY when one of his sheep charged off how much Jesus, our shepherd, values Continuous Novena daily at 5.45pm from the rest, you bet he left all to find and loves each one of us. And what Send your prayer requests to the lost one. This shepherd was so welcome assurance it is of the security Canon Gordon Reid poor that he couldn't afford to lose and protection he offers all of us. S.Clement's Church, 2013 Appletree St. Philadelphia , PA 19103 LookIt Up www.s-clements.org How does Psalm 23 expand on the imagery of today's gospel? ThinkAbout It How might we, as Christ's risen body, be called upon to respond to those who wander from the Church? AN EPISCOPAL SEMINARY 2777 MISSION ROAD NASHOTAH , WI 53058-9793 NextSunday The FifthSunday of Easter(Year A), April 20, 2008 n in TheLiving Church are available . clergyand churchdiscounts . BCP: Acts 17:1-15 or Deut. 6:20-25; Psalm 66:1-11 or 66: 1-8; 1 Pet. 2:1-10 or Acts 17:1-15; John 14:1-14 RCL:Acts 7:55-60; Psalm 31:1-5, 15-16; 1 Pet. 2:2-10; John 14:1-14 4 TH E LIVING CHURCH · APRIL 13. 2008 SHORT & SHARP THI· 1'1:1 lO\\'SHIP OF ST ALBAN A'.\!D ST SERG!l ' S <111,/ST V LA DI M I R's O JU II O DO X TH E O LOG I CAL SE M I NA RY a conference in Crestwood , New York 'Hearing'God's Voice to mark the 80th annivers ary of the fellowship SACRED ATTENTION: A Spiritual Practice for Finding God in the Moment. By Margaret Rome,Constantinople & D. McGee. Skylight Paths. Pp. 144. $19.99. ISBN 978-1-59473-232-4. Canterbury-Motherchurches? A member of St. Paul's Church, Townsend, Wash., the SPEAKERS author writes about how she has discov­ Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) • Metropolitan Philip (Saliba) • Bishop ered God communicat­ Hilarion (Alfeyev) • Very Rev. Patrick Henry Reardon • Very Rev. John ing all the time, but Erickson • Rev. Richard John Neuhaus • Rev. Ralph T. Walker hearing him requires slowing down and pay­ WORKSHOPS GIVEN BY LEADING THEOLOGIANS ing attention to the details. She places personal stories in June 4-8, 2008 the context of the the liturgical calen­ registrationand accommodationsare limited - register today! dar, but this book can be entered at WWW.SVOTS.EDU • EVENTS@SVOTS . EDU • 914-961-8313 X323 any point. Two of the chapters were shaped from articles she wrote for THE LIVING CHURCH. BEYOND SMELLS AND BELLS: The Wonder and Power of Christian Liturgy. By Mark THE LIVING CHURCH Galli. Paraclete Press. Pp. 224. $16.95, paper. ISBN 978-1-55725-521-1. Subscribe online www.livingchurch.org The senior managing editor of or call us toll-free 1-800-211-2771 Christianity Today draws on 20 years of experience as an Angli­ can in writing to those who may be attracted to the liturgy but don't understand it. He intro­ WIPPELJ:S duces the purpose and meaning of the liturgy and writes THE COMPLETE SERVICE TO CHURCH & CLERGY SINCE 1 789 about its power to transform people. Also included are a "liturgy primer," sa(es a comparison of liturgy across sev­ Our peop(e eral traditions , and an explanation of the Christian year.
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