Published by the Ukrainian National Associatibn Inc., a fraternal non-profit association| rainian Weekly Vol. LVI No. 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 6, 1988 25 cents New unofficial Lviv journals Meshko arrives in Australia JERSEY CITY, N.J. - Oksana invitation from her niece, Maya Hrudka focus on culture, religious rights Meshko, 83, a founding member and of Melbourne. Ms. Hrudka was assisted chairperson of the Ukrainian Helsinki in her i4-year-oid efforts to obtain a Group, arrived in Melbourne, Austra­ visa for Ms. Meshko by the Committee lia, on Thursday, February 25, on a in Defense of Human and National three-month visa for medical treatment. Rights in Ukraine, according to Dr. She is visiting Australia thanks to-an (Continued on page 3) A lifetime later, the freedom fight goes on Editors of three new unofHclal journals being published in Lviv, Ukraine: (from left) їгупа Stasiv Kalynets, Mykhatlo Osadchy and ivaii Неї. JERSEY CITY, N.J. - News has phedra (Cathedral), the third unofficial terichi,^d the We?i o^ the урреагалсе n^ jouniul ii) appeal in Lviv, wa^ pub­ three new unofficial journals in Lviv. lished under the aegis of the Ukrainian bringing to four the total of such Association of Independent Creative publicaiions testing the limits of glas- Intelligentsia (L'ANTJ), according to nost m that western Ukrainian city, the Ukrainian Central information Ser­ according to var'-ous sources. vice in London. The three new publications, in addi­ Mykhailo Osadchy, a 51-year-old tion to the first such journal, The poet, literary critic and former political Ukrainian Herald, which reappeared in prisoner, serves as chief editor of the August after a 15-year interruption, new literary and cultural journal, attempt to cover the socio-political, created to publicize the works and cultural and religious aspects of move­ activities of members of UANTI who ments seeking to speed up the process of hail from all over the Ukrainian SSR, democratization, called for by General and focus on the arts in general, past Secretary Mikhail Gorbachev. and present, all over the republic. The second journal, Yevshan-Ziilia, A permanent feature of this new commenced publication in the fall. unofficial journal will reportedly be a Iryna Stasiv Kalyneis, a poet, ethno­ section titled, ''Problems and Discus­ grapher and cultural rights advocate, sions." who was imprisoned for her activity in The first issue contains the following: the 1970s, ischief editor of the journal, "Franko," a philosophical poem by le Airport yesterday: freedom which focuses on current Ukrainian Ukrainian literary critic Yevhen Sver- cultural, literary and artistic life in Lviv, stiuk; "Autumne Magdalene," a poem Reproduction of a news story about Oksana Meshko's arrival in Australia which according to several sources. (Continued on page 13) appeared in the newspaper The Age. According to an account by Stefania Hulyk Hnatenko, a cultural rights activist from Lviv who recently immi­ Lev Lukianenko reported extremely ill grated to the United States, the 47-year- old Mrs. Kalynets has "surrounded NEW YORK - Lev Lukianenko, krainian Helsinki Group. herself with young people" concerned a lawyer and founding member of the Mrs. Lukianenko had visited her with cultural rights of Ukrainians, in Ukrainian Helsinki Group just re­ husband after he arrived on January order to fulfill her main purpose in cently transferred to the Tomsk 30 at his place of exile in the Tomsk starting up such a journal. The poet о blast where he is to serve a five-year oblast (636614 Tomskaya Oblast, hopes to reflect what is happening in all term of "internal" exile, is in extre­ Parabylskyi Raion, Pos. Berezov- aspects of the arts, which have been mely poor health. ska). revitalized due to the population's According to Oksana Meshko, At the time the inmates of the hopes in glasnost, in the western Ukrai­ current chairperson of the Ukrainian notorious camp 36-1 in Kuchino - nian city, she said. Helsinki Group who arrived in Aus­ where five inmates have died since tralia for medical treatment, Mr. The first issue reportedly contains 1980 - were being transferred to Lukianenko is forced to work al­ camp 35, also in the Perm region, poems by the late Vasyl Stus; an article though he is of retirement age. As a on the late Ukrainian Cubist sculptor Mr. Lukianenko began his long trip result he was taken from his place of to Tomsk. This was on December 8, Alexander Archipenko by Roman work directly to the hospital. Figol, an art critic; prose by Mrs. 1987, four days before he was due to Kalynets; a review and discussion of a Ms. Meshko's information about complete his term of imprisonment. recent exhibit of works by artist Lu- the status of her fellow Helsinki The arduous trip took nearly two bomyr Medvid by Bohdan Horyn, an monitor comes from Mr. Lukia- months, and Mr. Lukianenko arrived art historian and curator at the Lviv Art nenko's wife, Nadia. Ms. Meshko exhausted. Gallery; a humorous article about met with Mrs. Lukianenko before According to official documents, George Kulchytsky, a Ukrainian Kozak she left on her long journey to Mr. Lukianenko was assigned "se­ who introduced coffee to Vienna 200 Australia. The information was then vere-regimen exile." Such a designa­ years ago; and other entries. reported by the New York-based tion is unheard of, explained the External Representation of the U- Lev Lukianenko In January, the first issue of Ka- (Continued on page 3) THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY. MARCH 6, 1988 No. 10 A GLIMPSE OF SOVIET REALITY Activist widow of Lviv artist moves to U.S. witli family Ukrainian Culturological Club NEW YORK - Stefania Hulyk Hnatenko, a Ukrainian cultural rights breaks new ground for glasnost advocate from the western Ukrainian city of Lviv, arrived in New York on by Bohdan Nahaylo turological Club differed from anything February 12 with her mother and son, that readers of Vechirnyi Kiev had been Nazar, following an 11-year-effort to PART I accustomed to. A certain Oleksandr win permission to emigrate from the Pasinchuk, for instance, described Mr. Soviet Union. The Ukrainian Culturological Club, Shvets' article as "repugnant, provo­ The 42-year-old art scholar is the an informal group, has generated con­ cative and chauvinistic." Anatoliy widow of the late Ukrainian artist siderable controversy on the pages of Savchuk called the denunciation "slan­ Valeriy Hnatenko, who died of cancer Kiev's evening newspaper. The result derous," while V. Kuznetsov asked why at the age of 40 last spring, only weeks has been a remarkably open and novel Mr. Shvets considered that only he had after the family had finally received a exchange of views on topics that until "the right to tell the truth, while every­ visa to emigrate. The family postponed recently were off limits. Meanwhile, one else had to listen." Calling on the its departure and left Lviv on February although this unofficial association of newspaper to break with "stereotypes," 7 of this year. They came to the United patriotically-minded Ukrainians has Mr. Kuznetsov went on to argue that States via Rome to be reunited with now been implicitly attacked by the "restructuring" had not happened just family members, including an aunt who Ukrainian Party leader himself, it not of its own accord and that dissidents lives in Texas, three weeks ago. only continues its beleaguered existence and former political prisoners, includ­ Mrs. Hnatenko has been active but is developing new forms of indepen­ ing leaders of the Ukrainian Culturo­ in the Ukrainian cultural and human dent cultural activity; . ^ logical Club, had helped pave the way rights movements since her student days Stefania Hulyk Hnatenko for it. in the late 1960s and early 1970s. Born Founded last summer A fourth respondent, who was one of in Terebovlia, a town in the Ternopil from Bessarabia, was suspended from several who preferred to remain region, Mrs. Hnatenko studied at the the same institute in 1973 because of his The informal Ukrainian Culturolo­ anonymous, pointed out how unfair Institute of Applied and Decorative association with members of the crea­ gical Club was founded at the beginning glasnost was in practice: those attacking Arts in Lviv. She was suspended in tive intelligentsia of Lviv who were of last summer by a group of patrioti­ the Ukrainian Culturological Club were 1971, however, for aiding the families of arrested in a mass round-up the pre­ cally-minded citizens of Kiev - some of armed with the official press, while the Ukrainian political prisoners and for vious year. Both Mr. and Mrs. Hna­ whom are former political prisoners — club's members were deprived on an her part in the formation that year of a tenko refused to testify against their intent on revitalizing Ukrainian cultural equal opportunity to present their case group in defense of the newly arrested dissident friends or cooperate at all with and public life. before society. Everyone who read Mr. Nina Strokata, the Ukrainian national authorities, despite continued harass­ After the appearance of a lengthy Shvets' article, the anonymous author rights activist from Odessa. ment and threats of arrest. denunciation of the unofficial group in claimed, agreed that "'democratization The late Mr. Hnatenko, who hailed (Continued on page 13) the October 19, 1987 issue of Kiev's has been stopped.' " Unless the news­ daily Vechirnyi Kiev, it seemed as if paper took Mr. Shvets to task in its official toleration of the club was about pages, he continued, it would be evident Ogonyok publishes letter abOUttaniinfe to end. This impression was streng­ "that everything associated with re­ LONDON - Another issue of clover powder with flour and we would thened when, a month later, the Ukrai­ structuring is a shameless lie." Ogonyok, the flagship of glasnost live off this.
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