MIgeniiritrIRMIPCIrDepottio NAS KANEOHE The Post Ofttoe--will be Ir'''''""'"'`'-' The Naval Air Station Hob- closRATY1480, H01181Vill ay 0 Kt LE i dbayilyShoTphewilhl wind ce K hours are 4)1630 tient ILo 2100. Saturda lialirAw 0,(%soollow.oooj HOME FOR FLEET AIR WING TWO g.(.0.0.,......1 VOLUME VII SATURDAY, MAY 4, 1946 NUMBER 17 LIEUTENANT HERE COMMENDATION FROM GETS PERFECT SCORE PICTURE OF THE WEEK ADMIRAL TAFFINDER ON DRIVERS TEST GIVEN TO COMDR. LEO Lt. (jg) J. W. Churchill, a flyer Commander Clyde W. Leo, with VPB 27, made a perfect score Ship's Service Officer, received a in the recent Safety Campaign. letter of commendation from Vice Lt. Churchill, who comes from Admiral Taffinder, former Com- Ravenna, Ohio, came on this sta- mandant 14th ND. The letter was tion March 1 of this year and is presented to him by Captain M. Assistant Gunnery Officer with his E. Crist at a meeting of depart- squadron. While working for a ment heads April 2. transportation firm in his home Commander Leo reported at yn, Churchill learned the im- Kaneohe in July 1945 for duty as , ..ilance of safe driving. When Officer-in-Charge of BOQ where, asked what he thought was the under the stress of wartime con- basic thing in good driving, ditions, he rapidly and efficiently Churchill said, "When driving a raised the standards of service and car, just think of that and noth- food even though the station, at ing else." that time, housed and fed approxi- The tests are still being given mately 2000 officers. In Decem- to all personnel and are required ber he was assigned the duty of of all users of vehicles for recrea- reorganizing Ship's Service Store tion. The beginning portion of to meet peacetime needs. Again the course which runs each morn- his resourcefulness and efficiency ing from Monday to Friday, in- proved noteworthy. clusive, is devoted to lectures and Commander Leo's varied exper- movies. In this phase of the pro- ience in hotel work has especially gram the students review territor- fitted him for these billets. As ial and station traffic regulations, manager or consultant, he has the physical requirements for been associated with approximate- good driving practices, see films ly seventy-five hotels throughout on traffic safety and on what to do the United States, including: The an accident takes place. They Commodore Hotel, New York also told how to correct while City; Mayflower Hotel, Washing- driving for any physical handicaps ton, D. C.; Peabody Hotel, Mem- they may have. At the end of this phis, Tenn.; The Adolphus in Dal- course a written examination is las, Texas; Clarendon Hotel, Day- given. tona Beach, Fla.; and the Severin Hotel, Indianapolis, Indiana. TROUBLE CALLS Although Commander Leo was Public Works Department re- born in Greensburg, Indiana, he ceives frequent trouble calls con- (Continued On Page 8) cerning lights after the civilian employees have left for the day. FLAG AT HALF MAST It is requested that those respon- This striking shot of silhouetted palms is the first winner in the FOR JUSTICE STONE sible check their lights each morn- "Picture of the Week." It was made by AMM3c Reuben D. Lindsay In respect to the late Chief ing and again before 1500 so as to uho has just left the station for the staging center. Justice Harlan F. Stone, colors at give the Public Works Department The picture was made at the Breakers in Waikiki in the late after- shore stations will be displayed an opportunity to adjust any dif- noon with a box camera on Verichrome film. at half-mast until May 22. Chief ficulties during the normal work Lindsay, who is from Tulsa. Oklahoma, entered the Navy in Decem- Justice Stone died Monday, April day. ber 1943. He plans to attend the University of Chicago In the fall. 22, of a cerebral hemorrhage. Funeral rites were held in Wash- MOTHER'S DAY LUAU Entries for the "Picture of the Week" contest should be in by 1200 asked to ington April 25. On Sunday, May 12, there will each Friday. Prints will be returned to the owners, who are put their name and department on the back. The seventy-three year old chief be a Mother's Day Luau at Luau justice was the last of the original starting at 1300. All hands Prints should be sent to the Public Information Office or the Klipper Beach "nine old men" to serve on the are welcome and refreshments Office in the Administration Building or to the Public Information mail will be served. box in Central Files. Supreme Court Bench. MAY 1 5.1946 'agy _ THE KLIPPER Saturday, May 4, 1946 VARIETY SHOW, "JEST IN FUN" PLAYS AT INSIDE THEATER "Jest In Fun," the variety show which played at the Inside Theater Tuesday, April 23, was one of the best variety shows that USO has sent out on tour. Again Raymond Pike's juggling was the hit of the show, and round after round of applause brought him back out on the stage for bows. Mr. Pike was transferred from the "Watcha' Know Joe" troupe to this unit. Hepburn which was quite amus- First on the bill was Charley lag, and then continued on with and Jack Brick in the comedy imitations of Lionel Barrymore, trampoline act. Jack did straight James Cagney, Peter Lorre, The acrobatics and Charley did a com- Ink-Spots, and topped them all with an excellent imitation of Ed- edy routine. Jack Brick was for- ward G. Robinson. It seems Mr. merly a Chief Specialist (A) sta- Robinson was in some kind of tioned at Kaneohe NAS in 1943. "jam" and he was being queried Next was Wauneva Bell who as to his whereabouts on the night sang David Rose's "Holiday for of . etc. He finally broke down and admitted that he "shoved his Strings" and "Tonight We Love." mother-in-law into the furnace." Miss Bell also blended her pleas- When asked why he did it, he re- ing voice into a potpourri of "Si- plied, "To hear her sing 'Smoke Juan Natibidad (left) and Victorian Pablo (right), employed by boney," "Tico-Tico," and "Sym- Gets In Your Eyes.' " A bui Ship's Service as full time mechanics, are shown working on one of phony." Miss Bell, a student of of laughter and applause follow'.. the many cars of civilian workers here that come to the Ship's Service singing, dramatics, and languages, this and Mr. Chrystal ended his Garage for repairs. The garage accepts only minor jobs. has made many appearances as a imitations by singing "Ole Man singer MANY CARS REPAIRED AT Miami (CNS)-Bernarr Macfad- and actress. After an au- River" in a rich baritone voice. dition, Leopold Stokowski en- Billy and Idyle Shaw were fair- SHIP'S' SERVICE GARAGE den, publisher and exponent of the gaged Miss Bell for her first pro- The Ship's Service Garage, lo- Body Beautiful, finally divorced ly good in their unicycle act. Mr. fessional appearance at the famed Shaw comically performed on the cated near the Inside Gate at NAS his wife after trying 2 years. The Hollywood Bowl. unicycle while Idyle danced and Kaneohe, repairs an average of charge: She "humiliated" him by Danny Chrystal, gag-master of assisted Mr. Shaw in the comic seventeen automobiles monthly. losing her figure. ceremonies, in addition to some stage business of the act. Cars accepted at the garage are old, and some new jokes, gave out Maxine Conrad sang a medley with some very good imitations. of "Take All of Me," "I'm In The those belonging to Naval person- Richmond, Va (CNS) -The He started with a mock-perfor- Mood For Love," and "Just a nel, their dependents, and civil- Richmond Ministerial Union has mance of the Hollywood-origin- Little Fond Affection." Miss Con- ians attached to this station. Ship's passed a resolution calling on the ated "Command Performance, rad's singing was well applauded Service has seven or eight trucks people of the U. S. to raise funds USA." and her voice technique was that of various makes and these are Opening with Harry von Zell of a well experienced singer. Miss for the rebuilding of Nagasaki Conrad has sung with name sometimes repaired at the garage. and Hiroshima, as the announcer he continued just destroyed by as the actual broadcast would go. bands such as Russ Morgan and The garage operates as a separ- atomic bombs. So far there have He improvised a script between Jan Garber. She has made per- ate department and is not con- been few contributions. Charles Boyer and Katherine (Continued on Page 8) nected with the transportation de- partment on the station. It is run by Ship's Service. Since the war's end, many per- sons permanently stationed here, usually men in the regular Navy, have been purchasing vehicles. Sometimes when these cars are bought, they need repairs or re- placement of broken or missing parts and the men usually bring their work to the garage here. Grease jobs, battery checks, oil changes and tire changes are the most common jobs at the garage. You can also have spark plugs cleaned or have small parts re- placed. The garage is not equip- ped to give complete overhauls or paint jobs. Juan Natibidad and Victoriano Pablo are employed by Ship's Ser- vice as full time mechanics. The At left: The fiery "Senator" Murphy and songstress Maxine Conrad talk it over after the performance. hours are 0800 to 1600 on week- Center: Billy and Idyll Shaw during their unicycle act.
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