January 24h, 2016—3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Welcome to St. Nicholas Catholic Church! From Liturgical Publications, Inc. This week at St. Nicholas Mon Jan 25 Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22/Ps 117:1-2/Mk 16:15-18 Tue Jan 26 2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5/Ps 96:1-3, 7-8, 10/Mk 3:31-35 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:20am Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) 7:35am Rosary "So that you may realize the certainty of the teachings you 7:35am Confessions have received." St. Luke began his Gospel by explaining why 8:00am Mass: Barbara Van Natta he wrote it. His intention was to provide a written account "of 8:35am Fatima Rosary Group the events that have been fulfilled among us." But he didn't Wed Jan 27 2 Sm 7:4-17/Ps 89:4-5, 27-30/Mk 4:1-20 write simply to make a historical record; he wrote in order to 8:15am Mass: at Holy Cross (our Parish school) bolster the confidence of the Christian community. He 4:45-5:30pm Confessions 6:30pm Religious Education Classes wanted to offer them a resource for realizing that what they 7:00pm Choir Practice—Adult had been taught was legitimate. This is why he investigated Thu Jan 28 2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29/Ps 132:1-5, 11-14/Mk 4:21-25 "everything accurately anew" and wrote it down "in an 7:20am Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) orderly sequence." 7:35am Rosary 7:35am Confessions This passage helps us understand the relationship between 8:00am Mass: Jeff and Melanie Anderson sacred tradition and sacred Scripture. As Catholics, we believe 3:30pm Choir Practice—Children that the Bible is an essential part of divine revelation that 7:00pm RCIA Class goes hand in hand with the teachings that were established Fri Jan 29 2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17/Ps 51:3-7, 10-11/Mk 4:26-34 by Jesus and passed on by his apostles. The "Catechism of the 7:20am Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) Catholic Church" tells us that the church "does not derive her 7:35am Rosary 7:35am Confessions certainty about all revealed truths from the holy Scriptures 8:00am Mass: Brian Wagner alone. Both Scripture and Tradition must be accepted and 6:00pm Young Adult Ski Outing, Buck Hill honored with equal sentiments of devotion and Sat Jan 30 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17/Ps 51:12-17/Mk 4:35-41 reverence" (#82). Here, Luke emphasizes that what he writes Food Shelf Weekend is a confirmation of what was already being taught. 7:35am Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) 8:00am Mass: Irene Tonkovic+ This fact should help us appreciate the gift of the Bible. This 8:35am Rosary inspired collection of books exists to help us practice our faith 8:35am Confessions and to bring us into a deeper understanding of the revealed 9:00am Pro-Life Rosary in Chapel word of God. Although the Bible is not the only source of 12:00pm First Reconciliation revelation, it does help us to have what Luke calls "certainty" 3:30pm Confessions 5:00pm Mass: Stuart & Joyce Russell+ regarding our faith. We do hear Bible readings at Mass, but Sun Jan 31 Jer 1:4-5, 17-19/Ps 71:1-6, 15-17/1 Cor 12:31--13:13 we would do well to read the Bible on our own as well. Let us Food Shelf Weekend not miss the opportunity to hear God's word speaking to us 7:20am Liturgy of the Hours (Morning Prayer) every day. 7:35am Rosary 8:00am Mass: Jacob Keating 9:35am Rosary 10:00am Mass: For the Parish We are very excited to announce that beginning March, 2016 Stewardship… the bulletin will be printed in full color by J.S. Paluch Company. While there will be an increase in cost to advertisers, there are A Way of Life! the added benefits of online publicity with direct links to their websites and the option of color ads. If you have not yet completed your form, please do so. There are forms in each pew and a box located in the back of church to de- The bulletin will continue to be produced in house and the ad- posit your forms. You may also complete your Stewardship form vertising revenue will cover the cost for J.S. Paluch Company on our parish website. with a potential rebate to the parish. It is very important that we hear from all of our families so that we may strengthen and grow our ministries here at St. Nicholas. The Stewardship Committee will be following up with all families who do not turn in their forms so please do take time to do this today. Thank you for your continued support! www.stncc.net Twitter.com/Stnccnet Instagram.com/stnccnet Facebook.com/stncc.net St. Nicholas Catholic Church Elko New Market, MN Our Parish School News St. Nicholas News & Events LNMV Religious Education: Classes held at the Catholic Education Center (CEC) home of Holy Cross Catholic School Regular Classes Wednesday, Jan. 27th, 2016 from 6:30-7:45pm Today marks the beginning of Catholic Schools Week. Stu- Regular Classes Wednesday, Feb. 3rd, 2016 from 6:30-7:45pm dents will be celebrating with special activities, speakers, ser- vice projects, and dress-up days. Catholic education is an in- Help wanted: We are in need of substitute catechists on vestment in a child’s spiritual and academic formation, and Wednesday nights. If you would be interested in helping out 2 or the students and staff of Holy Cross are grateful for your sup- 3 Wednesday nights through the end of April, please contact port. Kathy Chlan at [email protected] for details. First Reconciliation interviews will take place during class times Wed. Jan. 27th. First Reconciliation will be held in our church on Saturday, Janu- ary 30th, 2016 at 12:00 noon. Steubenville Summer Retreat! High schoolers are invited to Holy Cross Catholic School students are selling $5 raffle tickets attend the Steubenville retreat from January 15th to February 28th. The raffle is fully sup- this coming July 29-31 at the Uni- ported by Catholic United Financial and all proceeds go direct- versity of St Thomas. Info is on ly to the school. Please help us reach our goal of $12,000 by the parish website, http:// purchasing tickets from a student or calling the school for a www.stncc.net/youth-group. Turn in your deposits soon to re- book of tickets. Prizes include a 2016 Jeep Compass or serve a spot. First come, first served! Contact stnick- $20,000 cash, trips, ipads and gift cards! [email protected] for more info. Dead Theologians Society: Grades 9-12 are invited to attend the meeting of the Dead Theologians Society. The next meeting is Sunday, Feb. 14th from 6:00-9:00 p.m. at the St. Nicholas Cam- pus. (Confirmation students, this will count for one Faith Enrich- ment event.) Food Shelf Weekend: St. Nicholas will be hold- ing food drives the last full weekend of every month. All donations will be going to the Scott County Food Shelf. Mark your calendar for the next Food Shelf weekend: January 30/31. Please bring food and drop in the alcoves on the sides of church. Thank you! Thank you to all who have sent in Box Tops for Education. Holy Cross Catholic School received a check for $938.60 earlier this month. This was collected from April 2015-November 2015. Elko New Market Knights of Columbus are The next turn in date is at the end of February. Please contin- hosting a Pancake and Sausage Breakfast on ue to collect and turn in Box Tops. Also you can refer to Holy Sunday, January 24th, from 8:00 - 12:00. Cross Catholic School webpage (Parent Page/Fundraising) for Everyone is welcome! more ways to help Holy Cross with product turn in items. Again a big THANK YOU! www.stncc.net Twitter.com/Stnccnet Instagram.com/stnccnet Facebook.com/stncc.net St. Nicholas Catholic Church Elko New Market, MN St. Nicholas News & Events Continued A message from Archbishop Bernard Hebda The 2016 Catholic Services Appeal will begin at the end of January. As the interim Shepherd of the Archdiocese, I strongly encourage you to participate in the Appeal. I wholeheartedly support the Appeal and will make my personal pledge to it. Last year the Appeal fell short of its goal and the collective ministries of the Archdiocese, like Catholic Char- ities and Catholic grade schools, were underfunded. I am calling on you to join me in doing our part so that those important ministries of the Archdiocese—outreach and programs that go beyond what any one parish could organize and support on its own—can be fully funded. The sick, the imprisoned, the student in need, those in the missions, the seminarians, the poor, the homeless, and the hungry are all counting on us. Mindful in this Year of Mercy of the many blessings that we have received, let us commit to being instruments of our God’s tender- ness and mercy in the lives of our brothers and sisters in need. Please be assured in advance of my gratitude for your participation in the Catholic Services Appeal as well as a remembrance in my daily prayers. Appeal for the 17 Collective Ministries of the Archdiocese that no one parish can support on its own.
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