IER 7, 1939 • - - ReM Lose I, Fair, Cooler ' .. tlon \ Drop Full Game Of Lead All IOWA-Fair today and tomor­ Cards Beat Cubs row; cooler &oday; somewha.t r (See Story, Pa.. e 4) warmer tomorrow ia northwest.. I --, Iowa City'. Morning Newspaper FIVE CENTS Tbe ANOclated I'ren IOWA CITY, lOWA FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1939 Tbe A_dilled Pre , VOLUME xxxvm NUM'BER 195 'Spirit of Victory' Apparent In ROOSEVELT CONSIDERS SPECIAL SESSION Berlin; Polish Forces Crumble By LOUIS P. LOCHNER White House Submarine Europe's War Europe's BERLIN, Sept. 7 (AP) - A spirit of victory was in ." the air in Berlin tonight as the result of German army re­ Reports No Warfare Hits,American .. ports of sweeping gains against a crumbling Polish adver­ War Fronts- sary. Decision,Made Near Winner During Dinner Tables Developments German armies had clamped Polish forces in three great • • • acr~ss the country vises, one of which was reported inexorably clamping down Kaiser's War, It Of The Day on Warsaw with the main jaw of th advance only 20 miles President Studies Ouce Again Appears Despite Surpluses, Overseas from the capital's northern limit. Duke 0/ Windsor New Support For Official reports said the army of Adolf Hitler was con­ Advancing Prices Housewives Hoard, verging from three sides upon the city of Poznan. a city of By The .AssocIated Press Back to England 'Cu.h and Carry' By The ABIIoclated Press Of Commodities GeTman submarine warfare, Prices Skyrocket PARIS-French general stall 275,000 population and farthest west of any Polish-held ter­ CANNES, France, Sept, 7 which' almost won the World war WASHINGTON, Sept. 7 (AP)- say s German reinforcements I'itOl'Y. The towns of Wa­ BY RICIIARD L. TU~NER for Kaiser Wilhelm, became an NEW YORK, Sept. 7 (AP) - (AP)-The duke of Windsor and Cash-and·carry sale of arms to rushed to northern flank 01 west­ grow/ee, 28 miles northeast, WASHINGTON, Sept. 7 (AP)- important element of the new The European war hit the Ameri· his Amel'ican-born duchess, for Europe's warring nations appeared ern front to meet French ad­ ond Obornik, 18 miles north President Roosevelt has been European conflict last night as can family dinner table, a national whose love he abdicated the B rit- tonight to have gained additional vances; Fench armies penetrate of Poznan had been captured. at least six more allied ships were survey today disclosed. German territory nine miles, oc­ sounding out congressional leaders attacked in the Atlantic by the Throughout the nation, retail ish throne, will return to Eng- support since congress adjourned (is had the town of Koxmin, cupy stateiically located German ,i.! 43 miles south. To the west 01 both parties on the possibility universally feared U-boats. staple food. prices soared. Sugar, land tomorrow, a spokesman an- in August without making any forest of Bienwald; "Marked ac­ of calling congress into special Two of these, the British treight- flour, lard, butter, meats jumped, nounced today. change in the neutrality act. of Poznan the Germans also tivity on both .sides"; British ex­ were declared to be progres­ session to revamp the neutrality ers Manaar and Olive grove, were mostly about 10 to 25 per cent It was reported an important Much sentiment along this line peditionary force ot undisclosed sing. reported sunk. No immediate word over last week, sometimes much strength lands in France; Pre- ' act, but the White House said to- was received of the fate of the higher, special "duty" awaited the for- was disclosed in a survey of con· In the advance on Lodz, 80 mier Dnladier considers forma­ day that no decision had been others, the British Pukkastan 'lind Rationing of supplies to house' mer monarch who has not seen gress members here and at their tion of nationol unity govern- miles southwest of Warsaw. leached. F',ench Tamara, also freighters. wives by retail grocers was com~ his homeland in almost three homes, ,after it was learned that ment. the Germans were reported , Step!1en Early, presidential sec- Still another freighter, the Cun- man practice in many cities, Some years of self-imposed exile, The President Roosevelt was confer- to have captured the town of ard Royal Sceptre, was added to cities reported a sudden, tempor~ ring with congressional leaders on Rawa-Mazowieck. l'etary, said his chief "has not de- the roll of victims by the British ary shortage of basic staples, nature of the task to be given th e pOSSI'b'l' I Ity 0f ca U'eng a special BASEL-French heavy artUlery 'ie Gamelin cided the date of the call, the date ministry of information, which an- The housewives complained to th duke in Britain's war-time session to revise the neutrality act. hammers main lor&s of G e r - lander Franco. or convening, or whether ne will nounced also that the Corinthic officials _ in New York Mayor government was not diSClosed. -- many's Sle,frled line from Lau­ Fie I d*** Marshal Hermann call Congress back," had been attacked but reached LaGuardia received 5,000 individ- -- 'Weak Economy terboure to the Sur frontier. Wilhelm Goering told his air Early summoned newspapermen pc·,t safely, ual complaints in two days. Many A.mericas Open force: "Mastery of the air in to his office make this state- • • • city, state and national officials that the Lau· to Will Ruin Reich' BERLIN - Germany considers the ea t is yours. No enemy k 7 herself completely victorious In , ! of Quebec are ment after Senator McNary of Previously listed were the Doa- ordered investigations to c h e c Markets to U. S. OMAHA, Sept, (AP) _ Dr. plane was able to touch the O~egon, t;le Republican leader, allison (British) liner Athenla- profiteering. But wholesale gro· BUENOS AIRES, Sept. 7 (AP) Poland; nazi armies clamp Poles t land. 'd t S I 0 til t h Walter A. Weisskopf, Viennese defen e of German air space." h ad sal a a em, re., a e Berlin has denied she was tor- cery men blamed housewives _ The A r g e n tin e government, in three .-reat vises, one within . Even the Westerplatte, the had received a telephone call from pedoed-and the frei .. hter Bosnia. themselves. feeling the need of products for- economist who~e appointment to 20 miles of Warsaw; ,ovemment LOUIS P. , Lochner tiny Polish munitions station the chief executive suggesting Tbe total lOss of Ufe to date was Emer ..ency Supplies merly imported from European the University of Omaha faculty silent on western froat conrllct; in Danzig harbor, had faIlen after ix days of assault. that congress meet September 18, undetermined, but the Donaldson Week·end war news sent tnem nations now at war, tonight issued was announced yesterday, be­ presses for quick conquest or (No direct word has been heard from Warsaw since OJSCUSS neutrality only, and ad- Hne reported about 128 passea.. el'll scurrying to put away emergency a decree which partly reopened Poland; claims 25,000 prisoners lieves the present European war 12:25 p.m. Wednesday - 5:25 a.m., when it was re- journ as quickly as possible. With and crew members of ~e HOO-odd supplies of storable food, it was the doors to United States trade taken. c.s:r. - cannot last as long as the World __ ported the Poles were "fighting like lions" 330 nlile north , malee On art J 1111 of this, McNary agreed, aboard the Atherua stlo were said, and the sudden rush pre- closed last December. war because 9f weakness in the depend on Prices Studied missiDl'. One member of the Bos- cipitated local shortages. The decree, w h i c h may 10re- German economy. LONDON _ Prime Minister of Warsaw to save their capital. famed hotel This development came toward nla crew was klJIed; at least tWl' Many nationa~ state and city snadow the conclusion of a mu· "Already under the nazi regime Chamberlain says nation can (It was believed that the Poznan and Warsaw radio 'Y. embodi_ the close of a day which found of the Manaar were dead and 40 ofllCi<,l1s, and wholesale food deal- tualJi satisfactory trade treaty the economic j;ituatidn in Ger­ "rest asslJred" Britain's navy will statipns had been abundoned. 'I'ho e at Krakow and Kato­ J ~ president f; tudying advancing werc mlsstll", ~rs said there waS' no reason noYl n1)W under negotiatioll, pel'mils the ~CIOVS Slit\(- many is nearing the point where "increasingly bring under cortu'ol" wice.have been taken by the Gel'mans. \ltlce't at certain foodstuffs and Even before yesterday'. rapid- for a general price rise. There entry of such North American nementond it collapsed in 1918," Dr. Weiss­ Germany'.g submarine aJdes; two (Budapest reported that a broadcast from Lwow, the goods, fire developmen&s, British Prime are ample supplies of food of all merchandise as fuels, electrical ,",OlPitolity. kopf declared. "Rationing has British ships Sink; royal air corps only remafning Polish station), in southea tern Poland about Enlarging his cabinet tor the Minister Chamberlain reported to sorts, they said, plenty for all de~ appliances, chemicals, drugs and reported making two hits in spec- 125 miles from Warsaw, today appealed to the populace to dUration of the emergency and the house of 'commons that "three mands and mQre. newsprint which under the import been going on for months, but tacular raid on German ships in "stem the new march of barbarism and anti-christianity in i:;suing regulations under the neu- or four" British ships besides the Chiefly in the case of sugar, licensing system in effect since De· In the first World war it didn't traJlty hws to permit tne grant- Athenla had been sunk by 8ub- some said, there appeared to be cember could find no market in begin until after 1915," Kiel canal; government advised E,urope." iug of short-term credits to belli- marines and declared the "devel- definite underlying reasons for a Argentina.
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