THE INDEPENDENT TO UNCOVER NEWSPAPER SERVING THE TRUTH NOTRE DAME AND AND REPORT SAINT Mary’s IT ACCURATELY VOLUME 48, ISSUE 108 | MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2014 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM Life celebrated at memorial mass Professor Friends remember Connor Sorensen as tough, passionate, selfless discusses By JACK ROONEY Associate News Editor U.S. Connor Sorensen was a fighter. Friends said he fought empire playfully in annual games of Humans vs. Zombies on Notre By JACK ROONEY Dame’s campus. In a more lit- Associate News Editor eral sense, Sorensen fought against lifelong lung disease On Friday, Laura Briggs, a and numerous health issues, professor of women, gender a battle he ultimately lost Dec. and sexuality studies at the 20, 2013. University of Massachusetts Friends and family gathered Amherst, delivered a lecture in the Morrissey Manor chapel titled “Imperialism as a Way of Sunday afternoon to celebrate Life: Thinking Sex and Gender and remember Sorensen, who Photo courtesy of Matt Jewel in American Empire,” in which Connor Sorensen graduated from Notre Dame in November before he passed away on Dec. 20. Sorensen she argued for the necessity of see SORENSEN PAGE 4 was known as “the science guy” among his friends and lived in Morrissey Manor. feminism in scholarship and activism. The lecture was the key- note address of the two-day American empire conference, IBM VP discusses future of computers which was sponsored by sev- eral Notre Dame departments By JESSICA MERDES that brings speakers to campus that matters to us and the world”, “Instead of building machines within the College of Arts and News Writer who will explore issues, ideas and Gordon said. to do what we want, we want to Letters. trends likely to affect society in He said their goal is to push the build machines that we can tell Briggs framed her argument John Gordon, vice president of the next decade. Gordon’s is the world forward and show dedica- what to do.” Gordon said. within the field of U.S. empire marketing and strategy at IBM’s fourth lecture in the series. tion to every client’s success. He said the goal of IBM is to studies, which was the focus Watson Solutions Divisions said Gordon is a graduate of Notre “IBM is unique in that we have create a system that learns and of the conference and said the the question at IBM right now is: Dame in philosophy and com- a sense of trust and personal re- grows by experience. scholarship within the field is how do we start applying tech- puter science who has been sponsibility in all relationships, “We want to create a system influential, though it is hard of- nology to solve problems, creat- working in the technology world which greatly helps us develop that augments human cognition ten difficult to see the results. ing something meaningful that since receiving his MBA from the professional relationships and — systems that don’t just give “We live and work in the belly would have an impact on people’s University of Texas at Austin. push past problems,” Gordon output but explain it,” Gordon of a great war-and-money-mak- lives? In his speech, Gordon dis- said. said. ing machine and if we’re serious Gordon spoke Friday in Jordan cussed the future of computer Gordon said the world is at the He said this system would en- about challenging it, we’re go- Auditorium at the Mendoza systems and software — how it is initial cusp of a new era of com- compass a whole new system of ing to feel the sting,” Briggs said. College of Business as part of a changing and how it is expected puting: the cognitive area of com- reasoning that can help us figure “No one is going to thank us for one-credit course called “Notre to change over the next decade. puting, which will have profound out what is out there. Gordon said our services as intellectuals, Dame Ten Years Hence Speaker “With the help of 400,000 em- effects on the opportunities avail- Series: The Future of Energy” ployees, we focus on innovation able for people and businesses. see GORDON PAGE 5 see EMPIRE PAGE 5 Students join Hannah and Friends dance party By CHELSEY FATTAL Once a month, Hannah and into the Hannah & Friends orga- News Writer Friends holds a dance party at its nization because of a dance party, 30-acre farm in South Bend. Saint she attended during her freshman Hannah and Friends’ “March Mary’s and Notre Dame students year. Dance Party” brought student joined in on Saturday. “It’s great,” Emily Small, a first volunteers and disabled partici- Student coordinator Emily year at Saint Mary’s College, said. pants together to stomp, jump and Hazen, a Saint Mary’s junior, visits “It’s so happy here!” groove Saturday. local grade schools to help spread Small and her two friends, Kelly Hannah and Friends is a na- the message to “be a friend to all O’Reilly and Meghan McDonough, tional organization that works to people with all different abilities.” attended the dance party because improve the lives of children and “We’re just working to help they wanted a different service adults with special needs. Saint spread their [Hannah & Friends] experience. Mary’s students visit the residen- message of awareness and com- “The best part is the atmo- tial home owned by Hannah and passion on SMC and ND’s campus- sphere,” McDonough said. CHELSEY FATTAL | The Observer Friends every Wednesday to volun- es,” Hazen said. An attendee of the Hannah and Friends dance party poses next to a teer with special needs residents. Hazen said she was first drawn see DANCE PAGE 5 banner Saturday. WOMEN’S WEEK PAGE 3 EARTH HOUR PAGE 6 PIÑATA REVIEW PAGE 9 WOMEN’S BASKETBALL PAGE 16 WOMEN’S SWIMMING PAGE 16 2 THE OBSERVER | MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2014 | NDSMCOBSERVER.COM TODAY Have a question you want answered? QUESTION OF THE DAY: Email [email protected] ndsmcobserver.com What was your reaction to hearing that Dayton upset Syracuse Saturday night? P.O. Box 779, Notre Dame, IN 46556 024 South Dining Hall, Notre Dame, IN 46556 Editor-in-Chief Frank Wamsley Stephen Fox Ann Marie Jakubowski Managing Editor Business Manager freshman junior Brian Hartnett Peter Woo Duncan Hall off campus Asst. Managing Editor: Isaac Lorton Asst. Managing Editor: Kevin Song “I didn’t see it coming.” “I was kinda bummed. It hurt my Asst. 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Box 779 024 South Dining hall Jewell Loyd, Michaela Mabrey and Ariel Braker, members of the women’s basketball team, answer questions from the media after a Notre Dame, IN 46556-077 93-42 win over Robert Morris University on Saturday. The Irish will play Arizona State University tonight at 6:30 p.m. The Observer is a member of the Associated Press. All reproduction rights are reserved. Today’s Staff Want your event included here? News Sports Meg Handelman Vicky Jacobson Email [email protected] Emily McConville Mike Ginocchio THE NEXT FIVE DAYS: Kayla Mullen Renee Griffin Graphics Scene Maria Massa Allie Tollaksen Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Photo Viewpoint Jodi Lo Gabriela Leskur “Behind the Kitchen Women’s Softball “The Death of God & “Travails of the Irish ND Relay for Life Door” Melissa Cook Stadium the War on Terror” Language” Compton Family Ice Hesburgh Library 6 p.m.-8 p.m.
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