SAGA presents a bizarre—yet plausible—new theory on the murders of Pres. John F. Kennedy, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Sen. Robert F. Kennedy THE TERRIFYING MYSTERY OF AMERICAS OCCULT ASSASSINS ■ The cheering crowd was innocent- guard, frowned. By Roy Norton ly happy when the slim, boyish pol- "It's all right," Kennedy said. itician stepped onto the rostrum of He stepped through a swinging door the hotel ballroom. After a few hum- into the hot, odorous corridor where orous remarks and some serious his life would end. As Kennedy PA statements, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy stopped to shake hands with a per- thanked his loyal workers for his spiring dishwasher, a young man CU -7Q YoU victory in the California primary. steadied his gun hand on the edge Ts ,5 On to the White House!" shout- of a serving counter. Sirhan Sirhan, ed an enthusiastic campaign work- a short, Jordanian immigrant, fired er. point-blank at Senator Kennedy. A The frenzied crowd cheered. "I .22 caliber bullet tore into Kennedy's think we can end the divisions in right armpit. Another slug shattered the United States today," Kennedy his skull and penetrated his brain. said. "We can end the violence." Olympic champion, Rafer John- After a few final remarks, Bobby son, and Los Angeles Ram's line- Kennedy stepped down and headed man, Roosevelt Grier, grabbed the toward the press room in the Am- assassin. Sirhan Strhan was bassador Hotel in Los Angeles. He slammed back, disarmed, and glanced at the crowd that clogged spread-eagled on a table. Johnson the main entrance of the ballroom and Grier protected Sirhan from and turned toward the back entrance. Kennedy's grief-stricken supporters, "Let's go out the back," Kennedy angry, screaming men who might said. have killed the assassin with their Bill Barry, the Senator's body- bare hands. 28 0 SAGA "I can explain! Let me =plain!" was a favorite of the Kennedys. mity of the murder seemingly failed Sirhan shouted. "I can explain!" However, if we go back in his- to penetrate his conscious mind. Sir- As Senator Kennedy was rushed tory, the inscription has an omi- han acted as if he had been hyp- to a hospital, investigators explored nous, much more deadly meaning. notized, then abruptly awakened the confusing details of the assas- It adds a frightening, occult ele- from a trance. sination. One, item that was over- ment to the assassination of Sen- Following his arraignment in Los looked in the horrible aftermath was ator Kennedy. ". The Once and Angeles, Sirhan Sirhan calmly re- a ritualistic, occult element in the Future King" heralded the handi- quested a copy of The Secret Doc- case. Senator Kennedy was just a work of Satan during ancient times. trine by Madame H. P. Blavataky. few inches from Sirhan when the In the eyes of his minions, both The book was published in the assassin Fired his pistol. The young mortal and immortal, Satan is the 1890s by the controversial Madame Senator fell a few inches from a "once and future king" of the Earth. Blavatsky, who claimed to be a large, white ice cabinet. A strange The goat god, Pan, was dealt a disciple of a group of "secret mas- inscription, almost like an epitaph severe blow by Christianity; yet, ters." The Secret Doctrine is like on a gravestone, was scrawled in devil worshippers throughout the a bible to many fervent occultists crayon on the front door of the world fervently hope to revive their around the world. cabinet. It read: pagan cult someday. It may also have shocked ortho- .. The Once and Future Kingl" If this was the only occult element dox materialists when news leaked Who wrote those strange words in the assassination of Senator Ken- out that Sirhan Sirktan's defense at- on the ice cabinet? The inscription nedy, we could admit to coincidence. torneys considered basing their case has never been explained to the After his shooting of Kennedy, Sir- in court on an unusual assertion. public. At first glance, we might han Sirhan appeared to be in a state They debated that Sirhan Sirhan had assume these words are a reference of tranquility. "Let me explain!" been possessed by the evil spirit of to King Arthur and his magical he shouted, as if words could ex- a dead Arab nationalist. "They court at Camelot. The play, Camelot, plain the horrible deed. The enor- hoped to prove that Sirhan was un- SAGA ❑ 29 der the total control of this fanatical spirit when he killed Senator Ken- Many assassinations of important po- nedy," said a Los Angeles police litical figures throughout history have official. A new weird, chilling theory has contained weird occult aspects that been advanced In recent months to link the occult with various assas- the authorities either overlooked or sinations throughout history. A few years ago, when the world seemed suppressed. For example, Sen. Robert logical and simple, people would have scoffed at the thought of a F. Kennedy, killed by a young Jordan- human mind controlled by outside ian immigrant, fell near a crayon- forces. Now, with new mechanical, electrical, and chemical advances of scrawled inscription to ". The mind control, and programmed be- havior, we can no longer be cer- Once and Future King!", an ominous tain of anything. Is it possible that Sirhan Sirhan reference to a society of demonic indi- was controlled by some undefinable, obsessive, force? Lee Harvey Os- viduals. Later, the Senator's assassin wald, the assassin of Pres. John F. Kennedy, believed there was a requested a book that occultists bizarre, international secret society around the world regard as their T,Actegq of demonic individuals. "They are the devilmen," Oswald said. "bible." And President Kennedy's Prior to that infamous week in 1963, Oswald spoke often of an "in- killer believed in "international devil- ternational league of people" who had willingly allowed the Devil to men." Are these assassins just psy- I possess them so that they might do his Satanic bidding—for their per- chotics—or are they controlled by sonal profit. Oswald believed these devilmen were, in effect, a secret some undefinable, obsessive force? A world power that operated behind wealth of evidence, that has been sup- the scenes. The group was supposed to have members in key positions pressed by government investigators in each of the world's governments. Since the Warren Report was re- but is presented here for the first time, leased, a growing band of critics have exposed the flaws in that of- seems to point to the latter! ficial investigation. A public opin- ion poll revealed that only 35 per- ren Report failed to follow several a retired businessman, recalled Fer- cent of Americans believed the War- leads. Ferrie died before he could rie's fanaticism in those days: "He ren Report told the full story about be interrogated by New Orleans dis- had all of his hair then. I hardly the murder of Pres. John F. Ken- trict attorney, Jim Garrison, a lead- recognized his photographs in the nedy. We are concerned here with ing critic of the Warren Report. newspapers," Wampler stated. "I the links between Oswald, pilot David Ferrie was a slight, hawk-faced was interested in flying, but when Ferrie, and Oswald's killer, Jack man. There is no record of his ac- Ferrie and I got to talking it always Ruby. New evidence indicates each tivities for several years in the 1950s; moved into witchcraft, demonology, of these men was involved in occult rumors claim he flew U-2 spy planes and dark forces that could control activities. for the CIA during this time, Ferrie people's minds. Most of the time I David Ferrle, now deceased, turned up with all of the hair miss- didn't know what he was talking stopped studying for the priesthood ing from his body, an occupational about; it was completely beyond in the late 1940s. Later, he posed hazard from flying at high altitudes. me. as a fraudulent psychiatrist, work- "He wore a cheap red wig and false "Ferrie was well-educated. He was ed as a private detective, and even- eyebrows," said an acquaintance. a widely read individual," Wam- tually obtained a commercial pilot's "He looked like something out of pler continued. "He was obsessed license. Ferrie was an instructor in a Marx brothers movie." with a belief that God and Satan were the Civil Air Patrol in New Orleans. In the late 40s, Ferrie flew com- waging a battle for control of the One of his pupils was Lee Harvey mercial planes out of the airports world. At times, he seemed to have Oswald. Unofficial investigators be- around Columbus, Ohio. He is re- an almost Satanic idea about life. lieve the bizarre little man was in- membered as a man with a deep Other times, he seemed religious in volved in the assassination of Pres- Interest In the occult, hypnotism, and an orthodox manner. He used to ident Kennedy, although the War- similar subjects. W. A. Wampler, say that the priests in the Inquisition 30 ❑ SAGA had not eliminated the `Evil One.' baby," reported an independent in- He said the Devil was real. Satan vestigator. "New Orleans has al- and his demons had formed an un- ways been a haven for homosexuals, derground movement and demonic witch doctors, and voodoo is still hordes would appear again in the strong down here. There are rem- James Earl future." ants of old Dr. John's voodoo cults Wampler felt there was a pos- out in the boondocks.
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