I" ;Plays Criminology Professor Spa2tadiet C enthusiast, the Industrial am ose a mem Speaks This Morning 49 41W ,, SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 11 1962 No. 103 ,teen tes0 Mkit, transistors aid Prof. Joseph D. Lohman, dean...- committee, is free to students, tion, and he has been a consultant of the School of Criminology at !faculty and the public. to the police departments of many nit an area IN wee University of California, will dis- Dean Lohman, a recognized au- ' major U.S. cities, including Chica- Judiciary mounted, Drive DmmeYerfs cuss "Crime and Law in the New thority in a number of fields in- I go. Washington. D.C., New Orleans, Blood a long native Denver. Aims. Community" this morning at 11:30 eluding criminology, has had and his Pittsburgh, in Concert Hall. Iand distinguished career. Dean Lohman served as sheriff ystal set Studies Earn Hears Case His lecture, under the auspices His writings on crime, human re- of Cook county, Ill., from 1954 to 1 other 14," of the SJS police school, the Sociol- lations, and community problems 1958, when he was elected treas- year. Sias,: New An SJS freshman. isi,i .5 laap- ogy department and the college lee- have been read throughout the nit- urer of the state. He resigned the neehartisg. Record For in Spartan prehended last week latter post last year to join the e the 1923 A of 300 pints of blood has been set for the April 26 blood Membership bookstore for apparently stealine Berkeley school faculty. gear, is a .rt, here by Ski Maestre, co-chairman of the drive sponsored by some stationery, appeared befoo Among the dean's published writ- ion of trans., As9 community services committee and the Air Force ROTC. Dr. Frederick C. Dommeyer, the ASB judiciary yesterday in a ings is "The Police and Minority ansparent siaestre said this semester's drive will attempt to break last fails head of the SJS Philosophy de- ASB Amendment Vote closed session meeting. Groups," now generally regarded hanisms. total of 227 pints. SJS has contributed 8160 pints of blood in partment, was recently elected to The second-semester freshman as the definitive work in this field. of Phil ist four years. membership in the Parapsycho- teVOl was stopped by a plainclothes man His report "Segregation in Wash- W004 .:mdents may donate blood between the hours of 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at logical association. last Wednesday outside Spartan ington" won him the Edward Ber- uses. *Hoover Hall, 328 S. Eighth at. Election to membership in the Ends This Afternoon bookstore after he had switched a nays award for outstanding action ernistic eue;', Students wishing to donate blood association is based on original pack of more expensive stationery Voting goes into its second and lified the results of the first elec- research in 1949. In 1953, Dean Ind meats r./ must be at least 18 years old. Stu- research in the parapsychological Trimillos Gets to a leas expensive stationery box. day today on three proposed tion because of election code Lohman won the Department of uristic desien-, Ric dents under 21 must have a con- final The student told the judiciary the Army Medal of Freedom for ;tiled bowl reslease slip signed amendments to the ASB constitu- violations by the election board. s by he committed the act simply U.N. the randparent tion. Two of the proposed changes his work as consultant to the shape ,a1 From Society; "without thinking." V500 Polls will open from 9:30 a.m. call for lowering of the percentage repatriaton group during the Ko- Release slips may be obtained He said he just couldn't make to 9:30 p.m. in front of the caf- of ASH signatures required on rean conflict. at al o2u4tside 25the up his mind over what stationery willcafeteria eteria. petitions for ASB government ac- Dean Lohman has also served as Ill SiS Wi nner 11-13, and They he Sale wanted. The special election, second of for re-set- director of the American Correc- be accepted the day of the drive tion, and the third calls cardo "Ric" Trimillos, senior He admitted to the judiciary the semester, was called by Stu- tional assn., president of the Illi- at Hoover Hall. ting of ASB elections to an earlier , c major, was awarded a that he had enough money at the dent Council, after the group nul- nois Academy of Criminology, and morrow date in the semester. fellowship from Minimum weight for donors is time to buy both types of sta- as a member of the editorial board e5e0 national The first proposal would lower Phi national scholar- 110 pounds. tionery. of the Journal of Criminal Law, Y in Tyrur Kappa the percentage of signatures society yesterday. Two plaques The student said that he hadn't Criminology, and Police Science. ci" and honor will be awarded to Student Council needed on petitions asking for a G. Bruntz, the intended to go to the bookstore The Dean earned a B.A. in 1930 ? but a fiat Dr. George profes- fraternal and non-fraternal special election from 15 to 10 history, political science organization and deliberately take the sta- 3 proposed legislatice directi VP at the University of Denver. an ied medal: of on campus with the cent. ,ionery. which would require student per in the book , aducation and chairman of highest percentage of its mem- M.A. at the University of Wiscon- He repeated that he "ju.st didn't body officers to submit annual Another change would allow an sale toms:, aiS fellowship committee, an- bers donating blood. sin the following year. and was a Trimillos think about it." written reports on their respec- initiative measure to be placed be- graduate fellow at University of trtan books', 'rd that was the The fraternity plaque was won is expected to come fore the ASH after being re- bed student at the college to re- last semester by Theta Chi and The student, who told the Ju- tive offices Chicago in 1931-32. by the As- quested by apetition signed by 10 he award, other plaque by the Air Force iiciary that he had held three class before Student Council this af- Students gives cent of the student body in- .s fellowship will be used by ROTC, alfices in high school, said that ternoon at 2:30 at the group's per 1 by department the incident had cut his pride weekly meeting in the College stead of the presently required I'S in 37 depart. ,cipient for a year's graduate The Air Force ROTC has always Murderess' Guilt East-West deeply in himself. He added that Union. 15 per cent. ;ors were asked - at the center in been a consistent winner in this rateeory, Maestre he knew he had done wrongly by Submitted by con n c il vice The third change asks that not only fore*. added. DR. FREDERICK C. DOMMEYER taking the stationery. chairman Jud Clark, the direc- election of executive officers and for the enjoy. ;roiling. the son of Mr. and ... Philosophy department heed Weighed In Talk Emil Trimillos of Santa The judiciary told the student tive would require reports cover- Student Council members take Is, according to Mrs. r . Was Lizzy Borden really guilty field. Dr. Domineyer's professional that it will recommend action to ing: duties of the office, a check- place between six and eight weeks list chairman Clara, was born in San Jose and lms HighlightTo Iof murder? interests are basically in Philos- Dean Stanley Benz, who will in list of the details of operation, before the end of the semester. sas graduated from San Jose 1 This question will be investi- set school in 1958. He will be ophy. but during the last 20 years turn report the Judiciary's find- and a review of the programs Presently, the constitution IORIZON hien gated today at the 12:30 book talk he has done a great deal of work ings to Pres. John T. Wahlquist. undertaken during the terns of these elections at between four !UPI Quinn graduated from SJS in June with Gilbert, Sullivan when Dr. Robert Gordon. associate in parapsychology. President Wahlquist will render of lice. 1 and six weeks from the end of the ;led in brass degree. iprofessor of English, rev iews as In 1955-36. Dr. Dommeyer car- the rintil asniester. its He plans to study for a master's Biographies of tr nliiat erti of "Lizzy Borden. the Untold Story" Monica re. ried on some studies in precog- quit the &nee in Asian music at the East- English operetta will he shown to- in rooms A and B of the cafeteria. beach nition which led to two articles spearing in the West center. Later, Trimillos morrow on the classic-films series The book, written by Edward in the Journal of the American Shaces ’.1?.?! hopes to earn a doctorate and presentation "Gilbert and Sulli- Raclin covers the case history of Society for Psychical Research. Intercultural Council To Map teach college. van." 1Lizzy Borden. who, in 1892, was During the past year While it strident at San Jose The film will he shown tomorrow he has been arrested as the prime suspect in doing . State. Trimillos has been active afternoon at 3:30 in Concert Hall research on the place ef the hatchet-slaying of her wealthy in student government, student and again at 7 p.m. in Morris parapsychology in the u niversitie he Day! Dr. Joseph B. Rhine of Duke International Week Plans Tonight, musical groups and service organ- Dailey auditorium.
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