E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 112 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 157 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, MARCH 14, 2011 No. 38 House of Representatives The House met at noon and was I have visited Japan twice, once back rifice our values and our future all in called to order by the Speaker pro tem- in 2007 and again in 2009 when I took the name of deficit reduction. pore (Mr. CAMPBELL). my oldest son. It’s a beautiful country; Where Americans value health pro- f and I know the people of Japan to be a tections, the Republican CR slashes resilient, generous, and hardworking funding for food safety inspection, DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO people. In this time of inexpressible community health centers, women’s TEMPORE suffering and need, please know that health programs, and the National In- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- the people of South Carolina and the stitutes of Health. fore the House the following commu- people of America stand with the citi- Where Americans value national se- nication from the Speaker: zens of Japan. curity, the Republican plan eliminates WASHINGTON, DC, May God bless them, and may God funding for local police officers and March 14, 2011. continue to bless America. firefighters protecting our commu- I hereby appoint the Honorable JOHN f nities and slashes funding for nuclear CAMPBELL to act as Speaker pro tempore on nonproliferation, air marshals, and this day. FUNDING THE FEDERAL Customs and Border Protection. Where JOHN A. BOEHNER, GOVERNMENT Americans value the sacrifice our men Speaker of the House of Representatives. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The and women in uniform make to protect f Chair recognizes the gentleman from us, the Republican plan slashes funding MORNING-HOUR DEBATE Virginia (Mr. CONNOLLY) for 5 minutes. to assist homeless veterans. Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. Where Americans value a focus on The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Speaker, the year-long continuing res- job creation, the Republican plan ant to the order of the House of Janu- olution the Republicans in this House slashes funds for job training and dra- ary 5, 2011, the Chair will now recog- passed last month on a straight party- matically reduces educational support. nize Members from lists submitted by line vote represents misguided values. Where Americans value transportation the majority and minority leaders for House Republicans sought to cut an ar- improvements, the Republican plan morning-hour debate. bitrary amount of funding and did so slashes funding for infrastructure im- The Chair will alternate recognition with a meat ax, indiscriminately at- provements and eliminates the Federal between the parties, with each party tacking worthwhile investments, giv- commitment to the Washington Metro- limited to 1 hour and each Member ing no concern to the tremendously politan Area Transit Authority. other than the majority and minority negative impact this irresponsible at- Where Americans value clean air and leaders and the minority whip limited tack will have on our economy. In the water, the Republican plan destroys to 5 minutes each, but in no event shall race for ever-increasing and arbitrary the Nation’s long-fought environment debate continue beyond 1:50 p.m. cuts, they have demonstrated they protections. In fact, according to the f know the cost of everything and the organization Republicans for Environ- value of nothing. mental Protection, the Republican CONDOLENCES TO THE PEOPLE OF Moody’s Analytics said that this ap- plan represents an unprecedented as- JAPAN proach would cost the Nation 700,000 sault on America’s environment. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The jobs. The Economic Policy Institute The Republican plan defunds the Chair recognizes the gentleman from said 800,000 jobs. Goldman Sachs said landmark Chesapeake Bay restoration South Carolina (Mr. DUNCAN) for 1 the long-term Republican plan would effort, a joint effort of localities, minute. lower economic growth by 2 percent States, and the Federal Government to Mr. DUNCAN of South Carolina. I while increasing unemployment by 1 protect and preserve America’s largest rise today to speak on behalf of the percent. Even the conservative Club for estuary. In fact, that plan goes further people of the Third Congressional Dis- Growth called it a ‘‘mistake,’’ stating and repeals longstanding Clean Water trict of South Carolina to express our that ‘‘cutting spending is important, Act health protections, such as the condolences to the people of Japan in but economic growth is even more im- ability to enact standards for arsenic the wake of the 8.9 magnitude earth- portant.’’ pollution, lead pollution, and acid mine quake that struck off the northeast The need for fiscal discipline, of drainage in water supplies. coast of Japan this past Friday and the course, is clear. We must return to a The Republican plan also repeals devastating tsunami that claimed the long-term path of fiscal responsibility much of the Clean Air Act, including lives of thousands of people. to reduce deficits, but we must not sac- the EPA’s ability to protect us from b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1773 . VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:41 Mar 15, 2011 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A14MR7.000 H14MRPT1 pwalker on DSKD5P82C1PROD with HOUSE H1774 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE March 14, 2011 mercury pollution, soot, and green- Amen. the Energy and Commerce Committee, house gases. In fact, the CR even re- f once again we’re asking the White peals the ability to monitor and track House to voluntarily provide us that greenhouse gases, presumably because THE JOURNAL information. And what did they re- if you are not allowed to verify a po- The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- spond? They said it would be too ‘‘vast tential problem, it must not exist. ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- and expensive.’’ So they acknowledged Where Americans value energy inde- ceedings and announces to the House the information is there; they just pendence, the Republican plan endan- his approval thereof. don’t want to go get it. gers our security. Through the existing Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Is this the type of transparency that Clean Air Act, we are reducing our Na- nal stands approved. the President campaigned on? I think tion’s dependence on foreign oil Mr. CAMPBELL. Mr. Speaker, pursu- not. through improved fuel efficiency stand- ant to clause 1, rule I, I demand a vote It’s time for the White House to ards. An agreement to improve fuel ef- on agreeing to the Speaker’s approval make those documents available to ficiency by 30 percent by 2016 will re- of the Journal. those of us in the House who have been sult in American car owners saving The SPEAKER. The question is on asking for them for almost 2 years’ $3,000 per vehicle and will reduce the the Speaker’s approval of the Journal. time. Transparency is, indeed, a two- Nation’s oil dependence by 77 billion The question was taken; and the way street. gallons of gasoline for vehicles pro- Speaker announced that the ayes ap- duced from 2012 through 2016. This effi- peared to have it. f ciency improvement will keep $9.9 bil- Mr. CAMPBELL. Mr. Speaker, I ob- lion from being sent to OPEC countries ject to the vote on the ground that a HONORING THE MEMORY OF like Libya and Iran unless the Repub- quorum is not present and make the DAVID BRODER, DEAN OF THE lican plan succeeds in overturning point of order that a quorum is not WASHINGTON PRESS CORPS those efforts. present. (Mr. DREIER asked and was given Mr. Speaker, the continuing resolu- The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause 8, permission to address the House for 1 tion passed 2 weeks ago is not respon- rule XX, further proceedings on this minute and to revise and extend his re- sible. It sacrifices our Nation’s values, question will be postponed. marks.) our health, our security, our economy, The point of no quorum is considered Mr. DREIER. Mr. Speaker, back in our transportation needs, our environ- withdrawn. 1979, after I had narrowly lost my first mental plans, and hundreds of thou- f election to Congress, I came to Wash- sands of jobs. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ington, and I went to The Washington But now we have a chance to work Post and I had the opportunity to meet together in a bipartisan fashion—Re- The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman David Broder, the dean of the Wash- publicans and Democrats working with from Texas (Mr. BURGESS) come for- ington press corps. the Senate—to reduce the deficit and ward and lead the House in the Pledge Mr. Broder very kindly took me on a in a conscientious manner. Let’s work of Allegiance. tour of The Washington Post news- together to reach a compromise on Mr. BURGESS led the Pledge of Alle- room, spent about a half hour with me, funding the Federal Government that giance as follows: and that meeting left an indelible im- addresses the Nation’s debt while pre- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the pression on me. serving American values. United States of America, and to the Repub- I read the words of the writer and lic for which it stands, one nation under God, f indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
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