INDEX to History of Corinth, Vermont:1764-1964 (updated January 2016*) Photos, figures, and illustrations are indicated by page numbers in italics. Please also note that this index was prepared 50 years after publication of the book. Names were often repeated within families, and in some cases it was difficult to determine a person's generation. *Although the index does not include the name of each person listed in the genealogy section of the book, this updated version includes family names within that section. Comments and suggested corrections should be sent to Jennifer Spanier: [email protected]. A A. M. Minerva Chapter No. 68, 213 "Aaron Slick from Punkin Crick" (play), 273, 278, 279 Abeel, Garret, xxiii, xxv, xxvi acetylene lights, 215 Adams, J. Q., 294 Adams, Joel, 78, 107, 204–205 Aiken, James, 99. See also Akin, James Aiken, John, 83–84 Aiken, William S., 294 Aiken family records, 307 Aikens, B. F., 151 Aikin, Benjamin F., 294 Ainsworth's Tavern House, 89 Akin, James, 40, 53, 56. See also Aiken, James Alden Slack house and farm, 127, 180 Aldrich, Wailes, 108 Alexander, Elijah, xviii Allen, Elijah, 72, 78, 79, 107 Allen, Ira, 99 Alonzo Dickey Place, 51 Alton Davis Place, 180 American Revolutionary War, 41–45 American Woolen Company, 175 Amherst, Jeffrey, 38 Andrews, Nathaniel, 80, 211, 294 Andrews family records, 307 "Annie's Grave" (song), 257, 275, 282 Annis, James, 294 Antilla, Fred and Lydia, and family, 236 Appalachian Sulphide Corporation, 172 apple cider or cider brandy, 162, 253, 260 apple hoarding story, 245 apple parings, 189 apple trees, 161 Armond, John (Armon), 2, 98, 100, 107, 207, 299 Armstrong-Martin family, 51–52 Association of Pewholders, 118 Astin, Daniel, xviii Athenian Hall, 220–221 Atkins, Vanness, 294 Atkins family records, 307 Atkinson, Capt., 100 Atkinson, Theodore, Hon., xviii, xxii, xxiii, 2–3 Atkinson, Theodore, Jr., xviii, xix, xxii, xxiii, 2–3 "Aunt Dinah's Quilting Party" (song), 282 Austin, George A., 294 autographs, 254–257 automobiles, first, 215, 216, 221 autumn, 18 Avery, A. S., 294 Avery, Abner S., 294 Avery, Alvah, 129, 294 Avery, Amos, 107 Avery, Andrew, 107, 299 Avery, Charles, 294 Avery, Christopher, 34, 105, 106, 129, 206, 209, 294 Avery, Cortis H., 294 Avery, E. J., 212 Avery, Elias, 129 Avery, George, 265 Avery, George S., 294 Avery, Hiram, 294 Avery, John, 107 Avery, Melwell M., 294 Avery, Nathaniel, 230 Avery, Noah L., 294 Avery, Orin A., 294 Avery, Osgood I., 294 Avery, W. B. D., 212–213 Avery, William B. D., 294 Avery family records, 307–310 Ayer, John, 107 Ayer, Richard, 78, 89, 117 Ayers, Richard, 107, 299 B Bachelder, Rev. Daniel, 127 Baglay, William, 125–126 Bagley, John F., 294 Bagley family records, 310 Bailey, James, 299 Bailey, Jesse, 293 Bailey, Jesse, Jr., 294 Bailey, Joel, 294 Bailey family records, 310 baked Indian pudding, 250 Baker, William, 227 Balcom, Elijah, 78. See also Balkum, Elijah Balcom, Elisha, 77 Baldwin, Benjamin, 53 Baldwin, Dr., 91 Baldwin, F., 131 Balkum, Elijah, 299. See also Balcom, Elijah Ball, Arthur J., 297 Ballard, Elder, 127 Banfield (Banfill) family records, 311 Banfill, Anna (daughter of George), 115 Banfill, Anna (wife of George), 115 Banfill, Reuben, 115 Banfill (Banfield), George children of, 115 as delinquent tax payer, 100 on gore petition, 52 land purchase by, 97, 108 on list of freemen, 78 as Town Clerk, 54–55, 302 Banister, William, 104 Banks, Alba M., 294 Banks, Bentley, 294 Banks, George E., 294 Banks, Thomas, 294 Banks family records, 311–312 Baptist churches. See First Free Will Baptist Church in West Corinth; Meadow Meetinghouse Barber, Charles, 170 Barber, Mrs. A. E., 133 Barker, Alexander T., 294 barley crops, 160, 161 barn raising, 245–246 Barnat, Samuel, 52 Barnes, Harrison G. O., 294 Barnes, Joel, 114, 125 Barnes, Mansfield T., 294 Barnes, Peter, 205–206 Barnes and Sons, 168 Barnes family records, 312 Barnett, David, 108 Barre, Vermont, 26 Barrel, Nathaniel, xviii, xxii, xxiii, 2–3 Barret, John, 62 Barron, Col. William, 193 Barron, Gen. Micah, 184 Barron, John, 53 Barron, William, 184 Barry, Simon, 299. See also Berry, Simon Barstow, Henry C., 294 Barton, Judith Williams, 282 baseball, 195, 283 Basstow, Russell A., 294 Batchelder, Lewis, 294 Bath, New Hampshire, 227 Batten's Cider Mill, Waits River, VT, 196 Battle of Bennington, 60 Bayley, Capt. Frye, 60 Bayley, Capt. John, 60 Bayley, Enoch, xviii Bayley, Gen. Jonathan, 38, 43, 62, 63 Bayley, James, 78 Bayley, Webster, 83 Bear Notch, 26 Bear Notch Road, 207 Beard, Henry C., 294 Beard, Oscar M., 294 bears, 17, 26, 219 Beech Hollow, 29 Beede, Hezekiah, 103 Beede family records, 312 Bell Sargent Fellowship, 124 Bellows, Joseph, xviii Bennet, William, 77, 83, 299 Bennington, Vermont, 1 Berlin, Vermont, 52 Berry, David, 78, 107, 139 Berry, Ebenezer, 293 Berry, Simon, 100, 293. See also Barry, Simon Berry, Thomas, 106, 293 Berry family records, 312 Berry's Texaco Station, 172 Bible, willing of, 113 bibliography, brief, 501 Bicentennial. See Corinth Bicentennial Bickford, John, 89, 113, 114 Bickford, Paul, 107 Bickford family records, 312–313 Bicknell, Joseph, 169 Bierce, John H., 297 Bigelow, Joshua, 107 Bigsby, Solomon, 294 Bill's Brook, 16 Bitch Hollow, 29 Bixby, Ebenezer, 100, 107, 299 Bixby, Harold F., 297 Bixby family records, 313 blackberry picking, 32–33 blackberry syrup, 252 Blacklock, John, xxiii, xxv, xxvi Blacksmith Shop float, 277, 290 blacksmiths, 79, 99, 114, 175, 223, 232 Blaisdell, Betsey, 112 Blake, Almira Torrey, 124–125, 192–193, 194, 198, 199–200, 200 Blake, Charles Metcalf, 192–193, 194 Blake, Elijah, 114, 121 Blake, Gilbert, 294 Blake, Mary Roxanna, 194 Blake, Nathan, I, 193 Blake, Nathan, III church participation, 113, 121, 124–125 eating in the kitchen story, 223 family history, 193–194 residence near Boston, 192 store ownership, 184–186 Blake, Nathan, IV, 186, 192–193, 194, 199–200, 200, 222, 301 Blake, Orrin, 294 Blake, R. H., 258 Blake, Robert C., 297 Blake, Sophia Chandler, 194 Blake, Susan Ann, 193–194 Blake, Susan Torrey, 124, 192, 193–194, 199, 223 Blake, William, 193 Blake family records, 313–314, 313–315 Blake Memorial Library, 191–203 in 1902, 191, 193, 198 in 1949, 198 dedication of original library, 124, 193, 198 dedication of present library, 198 destruction by fire, 198 endowment, 198–199 Felix Gondrot Room, 198–199, 199 mission of, 199–200 as site of former church, 132 Blanchard, Simeon, 294 Blank, Dr. Eugene, 201 Bliss, Willis R., 294 Bliss family records, 315–316 blockhouses in American Revolution, 42. See also Fort Hill; Fort Wait Blood, Horace, 235 Bluebirds 4-H Club, 215 Boardman, A. H., 140 Boardman, Amos, 293 Boardman, Thomas, 129 bobbin manufacturing, 173–175, 178 boiled Indian pudding, 251 Bolles (Bowles), Rev. Nathaniel, 128, 129 Bolton, Harry J., 297 Bombard family records, 316 Bond, Calvin T., 294 Bond, Frank, 253 Bond, George W., 294 Bond, John A., 297 Bond, John G., 294 Bond family records, 316–317 boots, 162 The Borough (Burrow), 25 Boston Stage Road, 239 Boston Tea Party, 41 Bowen, Eleanor, 119 Bowen, Enoch, 293 Bowen, Ernest M., 173, 302 Bowen, Jeremiah, 98, 293 Bowen, John, 107 Bowen, Peter, 98, 107, 299 Bowen, Timothy, 294 Bowen, William, 139 Bowen family records, 317–319 Bowen Shop, 173 Bowen-Hunter Bobbin Company, 173–174, 174 Bowles, Elden, 140 Boyce family records, 319 Boynton, Rev. Charles, 224 Boys and Girls Home Projects Club, 215 Bradbury, Alice, 225 Bradbury, Convers, 294 Bradbury, David, 129 Bradford, Vermont, 14, 15, 44, 83 Bradford Academy, 155, 156, 157 Bradford Creamery, 164 Bradford Legion and Auxiliary Color Guard, 276, 283 Bradstreet, Jonathan, xviii Brainerd, Carol, 52, 273, 275, 279 Brainerd, Colleen, 52, 273, 275, 279 Brainerd, Florence, 52 Brainerd, Harry, 52, 176, 182, 273 Brainerd, Janice, 52, 273, 275, 279 Brainerd, Joan, 52, 273 Brainerd, Leon, 302 Brainerd, P. Charles, 297 Brainerd, Virginia, 52 Brainerd family records, 319–320 Braman, Henry, 294 Braman, John R., 294 bread stuffing, 251 Breckenridge, Capt., 43, 62 bricklayers, 81 brickyards, 86 Bridgham, Nathan, xviii Brikford, Addison M., 294 British patrols, 57, 58, 62 Broadwell, Henry, xxiii, xxv, xxvi Brock family records, 320 Bromley, Kent, 297 Brook Road, 16, 209 Brooks, Joseph M., 294 brooks and streams, 16 Brookside Cider Mill, 173 Brown, Benjamin, 25, 89, 106, 108, 266, 293 Brown, Cyrus H., 294 Brown, Daniel, 78, 106, 180, 246, 293 Brown, Delotia, 266 Brown, Eddie M., 297 Brown, Edmund, 60 Brown, Jacob, 88 Brown, John, 78, 97, 107, 294 Brown, John, 2nd, 25 Brown, John F., 294 Brown, Mary, 108 Brown, Oliver W., 294 Brown, Peter, 299 Brown, S. C., 294 Brown, Susannah, 246–247 Brown family records, 320–322 Bruleigh, Mervil C., 298 Bruleigh, Robert H., 298 Bruleigh family records, 322 Buckingham, Jedediah, 104 Buckley, Charles, 55 Bugbee, Albert, 132 Bugbee, Justin, 294 Bugbee family records, 323 Bunker Hill, 60 Burbank, Esther, 111 Burger, Gilbert, xxiii, xxv, xxvi Burgess Carriage Shop, 164, 168 Burgess family records, 323 Burgin, Abel, 132 Burgin, John, 84 Burgin, Walter, 226 Burgin, William, 294 Burgin family records, 323–324 Burnham, Charles, 87 Burnham, Josiah, 294 Burnham family records, 324 Burroughs, Betsey, 267 Burroughs, Calvin W., 294 Burroughs, Elmer, 176 Burroughs, Moses, 267 Burroughs, Mrs. Raymond, 203 Burroughs estate, 127 Burroughs family records, 324–325 The Burrough (Burrow), 25 Burt, Samuel W., 294 burying cloths, 118 businesses in Corinth in 1964, 172–176 Butler, Kenneth C., 175, 199, 243 Butler, Nathan J., 175, 199, 297 Butler, Richard O., 298 Butler, Simon, xviii Butler, Sue, 273, 282 Butler family records, 325–326 butter making, 166, 189 Butterfield, Sue Sawyer, 199 Butterfield family records, 326 C C. C. Sargent Store, 5, 95 C.
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