From Cell to Society 2020 KI’S NEW PROFESSORS ON THEIR RESEARCH MEET THE PRIZEWINNERS COVER IMAGE: Coronavirus and white blood cells. Photo: Getty Images From Cell to Society 2020 Human egg cell. Photo: Getty Images Contents FOREWORD Ole Petter Ottersen President 4 PROFESSORS Eleni Aklillu Professor of Tropical Pharmacology 8 Maria Bradley Professor of Dermatology and Venereology 9 Yenan Bryceson Professor of Translational Immunology 10 Henrik Engblom Professor of Clinical Physiology 11 Fang Fang Professor of Epidemiology 12 Erika Franzén Professor of Physiotherapy 13 Susanne Guidetti Professor of Occupational Therapy 14 Maria Hagströmer Professor of Physiotherapy 15 Inger Kull Professor of Health Care Science 16 Andreas Olsson Professor of Psychology 17 Christian Rück Professor of Psychiatry 18 Johan von Schreeb Professor of Global Disaster Medicine 19 Olof Sköldenberg Professor of Orthopaedics 20 Eric Westman Professor of Neurogeriatrics 21 ADJUNCT PROFESSORS, VISITING PROFESSORS AND FOREIGN ADJUNCT PROFESSORS Torkel Brismar Adjunct Professor 24 Paul Gerdhem Adjunct Professor 24 Erik Hedman-Lagerlöf Adjunct Professor 25 Baldvin Jónsson Adjunct Professor 25 Anna Norhammar Adjunct Professor 26 Michael Uhlin Adjunct Professor 26 Eva Weidenhielm Broström Adjunct Professor 27 András Matolcsy Visiting Professor 28 Martin Widschwendter Visiting Professor 28 Peter Visscher Foreign Adjunct Professor 29 Naomi Wray Foreign Adjunct Professor 29 PRIZES AND AWARDS The Grand Silver Medal 32 The Dimitris N Chorafas Prize 34 The Med Dr Axel Hirsch Prize 34 Håkan Mogren Foundation Award 35 Karolinska Institutet’s Pedagogical Prize 35 Lennart Nilsson Award 36 PRIZES AND AWARDS Foreword We live in a time where the exceptional has be- As professors, you serve as important role come the new normal, where things previously models for our students and your younger col- taken for granted have become almost unthink- leagues. As we strive for the advancement of able, and where we have been forced to reevaluate knowledge and improved health, there are also and reprioritise our workdays and weekends, other perspectives that need to be fully integra- professional life and leisure-time activities. The ted with our core activities and operations. We coronavirus pandemic will undoubtedly mark must attend to the need for sustainable deve- our society for a very long time to come. Our lopment and equity, and we must adhere to our need to understand, to acquire knowledge, and core values that emphasise respect for others to find solutions is enormous. For a medical uni- and solidarity with the disadvantaged. Take this versity such as Karolinska Institutet, the ongoing responsibility upon yourself – and take it fully. pandemic has highlighted our mission: to strive For several years, Karolinska Institutet has for a better health for all. been on a journey of transformation. We have I am always proud of what we, here at Karo- invested significant amounts to modernise linska Institutet, achieve together. Progress takes and update our premises and infrastructure, place in a wide variety of research fields every implemented major changes to our organisation, day, and our students are constantly acquiring tightened our internal regulations and adopted new knowledge. Still, the transformation and the a long-term strategic plan: Strategy 2030. momentum that we have experienced since the All this has been done so that Karolinska beginning of 2020 are unprecedented. Institutet can respond optimally to today’s and KI´s vision statement reads: tomorrow’s needs for the development of know- We are advancing knowledge about life and ledge. We have come a long way when it comes striving towards better health for all. to infrastructure and campus development. In short: Knowledge and health are in focus But more important than modern premises with – now more than ever. That is why, for me, it advanced technology are the people who work is an extraordinary honour this particular year in them. All of you creative, curious, enthusiastic to congratulate those of you who have now at- and extremely competent people. tained the highest academic university position. In this 25th issue of “From Cell to Society,” As you now advance to become professors, you we present our new professors, adjunct profes- have proved that you are successful in your re- sors and visiting professors as well as esteemed spective fields. Through your research you have individuals who have been awarded prizes for showed that knowledge is the key to a society’s their services and achievements. I wish you all development and that by working together – in the very best in your new assignments. the region, in Sweden and globally – we can gain significant advancements by constantly pushing back the frontier of science and knowledge. Stockholm, October 2020 With your expertise and insight you are important to Karolinska Institutet and for the society at large. I have no doubt that you take this responsibility very seriously, and that you, as individuals and collectively, will do all you can to promote health on the regional level as well as Ole Petter Ottersen nationally and globally. President, Karolinska Institutet 4 FROM CELL TO SOCIETY 2020 PRIZES AND AWARDS Knowledge and health are in focus – now more than ever. That is why, for me, it is an extraordinary honour this particular year to con- gratulate those of you who have now attained the highest academic university position. FROM CELL TO SOCIETY 2020 5 Photo: Erik Flyg Neural network. Photo: Getty Images PROFESSORS PROFESSORS Better utilisation of drugs in low-income countries Guidelines for treatment are often established based on drug development and research performed in relation to the Western world. Eleni Aklillu wants to contribute to the appropriate use of drugs adapted for conditions in sub-Saharan Africa. What are you researching? Our overall goal, which we are Eleni Aklillu “I am a pharmacologist by profession succeeding with, is to contribute to and my research is focused on how to better recommendations about how Professor of Tropical improve the utilisation and effective- medicines should be used in sub- Pharmacology at the Department ness of drugs for the treatment and Saharan Africa. One good example of Laboratory Medicine prevention of major infectious diseases is our study of how two important in low-income countries, especially in drugs used to treat tuberculosis and Eleni Aklillu was born in Ethiopia in sub-Saharan Africa. This particularly HIV should be combined when 1965. She studied pharmacy at Addis applies to treatment and prevention of patients are taking both drugs. This Ababa University, graduating in 1987. HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria, and had previously been studied in white Through educational collaboration parasitic diseases such as elephantiasis, and Asian populations; however, we between Addis Ababa University and bilharzia and river blindness. The last saw that these drugs interact and me- KI, she obtained a master’s degree in three diseases mentioned belong to a tabolise differently in black Africans, biochemistry in 1996. group of parasitic diseases usually refer- leading to toxic levels in the blood. Aklillu defended her doctoral thesis red to as Neglected Tropical Diseases.” Our findings led to new recommen- obtaining a PhD in molecular genetics dations from the WHO.” from KI in 2003, and subsequently Why is there a need for became engaged in research at the this research? What will happen in the future? Department of Laboratory Medicine. “Two important reasons are comorbi- “We will continue our research on Aklillu became an associate professor dity and polypharmacy, that is when medicines for infectious diseases, in 2009. Aklillu has been a member a patient has multiple infections and but we are also expanding to non- of the Swedish Research Council’s chronic diseases (comorbidity) and is communicable diseases, such as Committee for Development Research receiving multiple drug therapies at the treatments for cancer and diabetes. since 2016, and during 2014–2018 was same time (polypharmacy), which in- Here too there are substantial needs. Vice Chair of the Scientific Advisory crease the risk of negative side effects. In addition, I am working at KI, as Committee for EDCTP – European and In sub-Saharan Africa, it is common well as nationally and at the EU level, Developing Countries Clinical Trials for patients to have HIV infection in to develop research collaborations Partnership. Professor Aklillu is a mem- combination with tuberculosis or mal- between European and African ber of the steering committee for KI’s aria. There is also greater human gen- universities. My own research career Centre for Malaria Research. etic variation in sub-Saharan Africa began in such a joint collaboration Eleni Aklillu was appointed Professor than in the rest of the world, and I and it is important for me to contri- of Tropical Pharmacology at Karolinska am one of the first to study how this bute to more people obtaining the Institutet on July 1, 2020. impacts the effects of drug therapies. same opportunities.” 8 FROM CELL TO SOCIETY 2020 PROFESSORS Studying genetic causes of atopic dermatitis When the skin barrier is defect, inflammatory skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis can arise. Maria Bradley is engaged in research focusing on the genetic causes of the disease and how they vary in populations in different parts of the world. What are you researching? in eczema patients in Africa. The Maria Bradley “My research is focused on inflam- fact that mutations, and thus disease matory skin disorders, atopic eczema mechanisms, differ means that future Professor of Dermatology and in particular. This is a public health treatments may need to be indivi- Venereology at the Department disease that affects 20 percent of dually adapted. Currently, we are of Medicine, Solna Swedish children and 10 percent of pursuing studies focusing on how the adult population, and that very the skin’s flora of microorganisms, Maria Bradley was born in Stockholm negatively affects the quality of life.
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