REPUBLIC OF NAURU Published by Authority No 14th October 1968 G.N. No.185/1968 APPOINTJ'.1ENT OF SECRETARY FOR ,II'{PUpTRY AND ISLAND DEVELOPMENT It is notified for general information that the Cabinet has appointed 11r. Kenneth Robert Sydney MILLER to the pOfii tion of Secretary for Lltlustry and Island Development. The appointment is effective from 20th September, 1968. ~ Dated this 14th day of October, 1968. Q.V.L. Weston CHIEF SECRETARY G.N. No.186/1968 PUBLIC SERVICE ORDINANCE 1961-1962 The provisional promotion of the officer listed below is confirmed with effect from the date shown:­ HEALTH DEPARTMENT ABA DIEMA DENAGABWIDA Nurse (Male) $1320-1440(S) as X-Ray Technician $1522-1642(S) + Hazard allowance $70 p.a. with effect from 17/9/1968. Dated this 9th day of October 1968. Q.. V.L. Weston PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSIONER • G.N. No.187/1968 CORRIGENDA Page 4 of Gazette No.34 of 1968 is corrected by omitting the list of proposed owners of PL. Portion 4 at Anabar, which was formerly owned by the late Eigare, and by replacing it with the following list of proposed owners:- Danang D. 1/1 '5 •Ika D. 1/15 Victor E. 1/30 Lily S. Harris 1/30 2. ~)~"'I .• Octob~.A, 1968 Na:ury Page 5 of that Gazette is corrected by omitting the name of PL Portion 165 in Buada, which appeared as IBugere:LE;t" and which was formerly owned by the late Eidiribaina Thoma, and tf by replacing it with the correct name "Bugeroro • Page 5 of that Gazette is further corrected by omitting the Land Record Folio Number shown for PL Portion 90 in Buada, which is known as "Adungidungin" and which was formerly owned by the late Eidiribaina Thoma, and by replacing it with the correct Land Record Folio Number, which is 81. -. ~J- 3. G.N. No.188/1968 PECEASED ESTATES # ~ The Nauru Lands Committee, having made all due enquires, hereby determines the following Deceased Estates and ,t~ phosphate royalties as appears below~ ~ ESTATE OF LATE MARIA ITSlMAERA -<. Portion CL Name of Former Share Gaz. Land Record Royal- B.P.C. Admin'. Proposed Owners No. PL Lang Owner No. Vol. 1'olio ties No .. No. in ta.<lual shares PhosIlhate Land~.- A.iv~ PL ~ateibogoade Maria 1/4­ 6/62 15 210 - - Dugia Rubeni t Itsimaera Eidiobobwe Gadangouwa (dec1d) Jerry Itsimaera Eidereibobwe Itsimaera Alf Itsimaera Eidowonok Bam Clarinda Daniel Tsimede Itsimaera Itsimaera (LTO) t Coconut Land - Nibok i CL lAnobobwija Maria All 9/62 12 18-:­ I As for Portion No.456 Itsimaera ! - - (dec 1 d) t I Phos~.hate Lands - Nibok I PL !Amero Maria 1/5 9/61 12 79 I 1213 As for Portion No.4-56 Itsimaera ! 1302 (dec'd) i PL ~amen Maria 1/5 9/61 12 99 1307 As for Portion No.4-56 Itsimaera (dec t d) I PL fA.ti Maria t 1/5 53/60 12 124 1502 As for Portion No.4-56 Itsimaera f (dec'd) I ,~l\\ PL Ati Maria 1/15 37/67 12 I 80 .. 1214 As for Portion No.4-56 " , , Itsimaera I "J (dec'd) ,(J .rt¥'" y 0 Portion CL Name of Former Share Gaz. Land Record Royal- B.P.C. Admin" Proposed Owners No. PL Land O~er No. Vol. Folio tie_s No. No. in e~ual shares Coconut Land - Nibok 236 CL Ati Maria All 53/64 12 237 As for Portion No.456 Itsimaera - - (dectd) - - .---..­ ~~y other rema1n1ng blocks of land owned or shared by late Maria Itsimaera, should now be owned and shared by Dugia Rubenit1 Eidiobobwe Gadangouwa, Jerry Itsimaera, Eideriebobwe Itsimaera, AIf Itsimaera, Eidowonok Bam, Clarinda Daniel, Tsimede Itsimaera and Itsima·~ra for the dUration of his life time only. Upon his death, his shares will revert to Dugia Rubenit, ~idiobobwe Gadangauwa, Jerry Itsimaera, Eidereibobwe Itsimaera, Alf Itsimaera, Eidowonok Bam, Clarinda Daniel, Tsimede Itsimaera in equal shares. -I I ESTATE OF LATE EGARANIN ABAWO PhosQhate Lands - Yaren 324 I PL I Mera Egaranin 1/5 I 55/65 17 75 629 1084 Deliah Dorodeab Abawo Aglgia Abawo (dec'd) Atagamoun Abawo Ii Eigogo Abawo (LTO) 325 PL Mera Egaranin 1/25 I 55/65 17 76 650 1085 As for Portion No.324 Abawo (dec'd) Phosphatei Lands• - iMeneng 245 PL I Ungow Egaranin 1/5 I 55/65 11 247 388 823 As for Portion No.324 Abawo ("ec'd) 319 PL I Urob Egaranin 1/10 I 55/65 18 71 686 1122 As for Portion No.324 Abawo 914 1353 (dec'd) 253 PL Anemet Egaran1n 1/10 55/65 18 5 617 1052 As for Portion NOo324 ",,' Abawo (dec t d) i-) (J ,t} 1 5", Portion CL Name of Former Gaz. Land Record Royal- B. P.C. Admin .. Proposed Owners Share No. Vol. Folio No. PL Land Owner c ties No. No. in eaual shares Phos~hate Lands - Meneng (Cont'd) 331 PL K1wowo Egaranin 1/45 <)<)/65 83 926 1365 As for Portion No.324 Abawo 1~ (dec'd) Coconut Land - Menen~ 52 CL Awidaingaing Egaranin 1/5 55/65 1 1 52 - As for Portion No.324 Abawo - (dec'd) Coconut Lands - Yaren I I 177 CL Idagamwara Egaranin 1/45 55/65 14 178 - As for Portion No.324 Abawo - (dec'd) • 171 CL Areb Egaranin 1/45 55/65 14 172 I As for Portion No.324 Abawo - 1 ­ (dec'd) I 176 CL I dagamvlar a t;garan<.n 1/45 55/65 14 177 I As for Portion No.324 Abawo - ­ (dec'd) - -- -------- I Any other remaining blocks of land owned or shared by late Egaranin Abawo should now be owned and shared equally by Deliah Dorodeab, Atagamoun Abawo, Agigia Abawo, and Eigogo Abawo for the dUration of her lifetime only. Upon her death, her shares will revert to Deliah Dorodeab, Atagamoun Abawo, and Agigia Abawo in equal shares. ----------------------------------------------------,-----------~---------------- -----­ ~ -Ii () :1), 6. ~STATE OF LATE ~IGM~OA HERMAN Portion CL Name of Former Share Gaz. Land Record Royal­ B.P.C. Admin. Proposed Owners No. PL Land Owner ~ 1--- No. Vol. Folio ties Nq. No. in eaual shares Phosphate Lands - Nibok 766 1202 74 PL Oininibok Eigamoa 1/30 45/59 12 74 Gareth Herman Herman 1181 1620 Agnes Herman (dec d) (LTO)' 122 PL Anibaro Eigamoa 1/9 26/59 12 123 1062 1501 As for Portion No. 74 Herman (dec d) (LTO)' Phosphate Lands - Uaboe 14 PI Kurin Eigamoa 1/12 26/59 13 14 304 739 As for Portion No. 74 Herman (dectd) (LTD) 6 PL Kurin Eigamoa 1/12 26/59 13 6 296 731 As for Portion No. 74 Herman (decfd) (LTD) 56 PL Yapijuw Eigamoa 1/4 28/58 13 56 1083 1522 Dagauwe Hedmon Herman Augustine Hedmon (dec'd) Martina Ika Coconut Land - Uaboe Hercules Akeyman 115 CL l.fueoen Eigamoa 1/15 33/60 13 115 As for Portion No. 74 Herman - - (dectd) (LTO) , ,1 I i .,.! () ill 7. CL Name of Former Gaz. Land Record Royal- B.P .. C. ' Admino -P"roposed Owners PortioD Share Vol. Folio ties No. No. ,in egual shares PL Land Owner o. No. No. I Cocom t Lands - Aniba"'e 23 CL Merubo Eigamoa 1/16 26/61 4 24 - - s for Portion No. 56 Herman (dec'd) 27 CL Merubo Eigamoa 1/16 26/61 4 28 - s for Portion No. 56 Herman - (dec I d) 21 CL Aratteng Eigamoa 1/16 26/61 4 21 - - s for Portion No. 56 Herman (dec'd) 23A CL Aratteng Eigamoa 1/16 26/61 4 23 - s for Portton No. 56 Herman - (dec'd) Coconut Lands - Ewa I 148 CL Bogetsirir Eigamoa 1/16 53/64 9 148 - - s for Portion No. 56 Herman j (dec'd) 166 CL Anna Eigamoa 1/24 47/67 9 166 I - s for Portion No. 56 Herman I - (dec'd) I Pho~nhate Lands - Bait~ I 195 PL Anakawiduwa Eigamoa 1/4 130/67 I 5 197 - I ­ s for Portion No. 56 Herman I (dec'd) I I 196 PL Anoror Eigamoa 1/4 30/67 5 198 - - s for Portion No. 56 Herman i (dec'd) 205 PL Eatetedij Eigamoa 1/4 63/67 5 207 s for Portion No. 56 Herman - - (dec'd) ;\ :J, () ',,, 8. Portion CL Name of Former Share Gaz. Land Record Royal -repoco Admine Proposed Owners No. PL Land Owner No. Vol. Folio tie~L. No No. in_egual shru;:es Phos~hate Land - Buada 1029 172 PL Atenani Ei& All 47/34 7 173 597 As for Portion No. 56 HE 891 1330 (c ) PGosgrate Land - Ewa 57 PL Abaraiami Ei~ 1/4 36/:fi ~9-j57 758 1194 As for Portion No. 56 HE (c ) Phos~ha~e Lands - A..'1ib..@LE2, 218 PL Atekapara Ei~ 1/20 41/37 4 220 ~ As for Portion No. 56 He] I ( dE Ii 216 PL Irotsin Eii 1/20 41/37 4 218 As for Portion No. 56 H~ ( ( ) I • I 9ocJ2gut Lands - Baiti I l~ , 148 l CL Mwiruru Eil 1/4 44/58 5 I 150 j ~ As for Portion No. 56 H~ I ( ( .) I 119 CL Agoro Eil 1/4 44/58 5 I 121 As for Portion No. 56 HI i l " ( ( .) I 134 CL Aturobu or Eii 1/6 26/59 I 5 I 136 As for Portion No.7'.. Oquabab I HI ( I .) 1 145 CL Mwaruru Eii 1/6 26/59 5 147 As for Portion No. 74 H, (I .) " (LTO) I I ,I ~~.. (), ~. 9. Record B.PcC.
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