1929 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 1029 2241. By Mr. HALL of Illinois: Petition of 143 residents of 2260. Also, petition of citizens of San Diego County, Calif., on Bloomington, McLean County, Ill., urging the passage· of the behalf of an increase in pension to Civil War veterans and Civil War pension bill proposed by the National Tribune, grant­ widows of veterans ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. ing increase of pensions to Civil War veterans and widows of veterans; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 2242. Also, petition of 70 residents of New Holland, Logan SENATE County, Ill., indorsing House bill 2562 and Senate bill 476, for the adjustment of pension rates of veterans of the Spanish­ SATURDAY, December £1, 19£9 Amelican War, Philippine insurrection, and China relief expe- (Leg~Zative day of Friday, December 13, 19!9) dition ; to the Committee on Pensions. · 2243. Also, petition of 33 residents of Lincoln, Logan County, The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration of Ill., favoring increased rate of pension to Spanish War vet­ the recess. erans ; to the Committee on Pensions. Sundry messages in writing were communicated to the Senate 2244. Also, petition of 57 residents of Pontiac, Livingston from the President of the United States by Mr. Latta, one of County, Ill., favoring increased rate of pension to Spanish War his secretaries. veterans; to the Committee on Pensions. THE LmEND OF THE OHRISTMAS TBEE · 2245. Also, petition of Fred Bennet Camp, United Spanish Mr. BLEASE. Mr. President, I have here an article called War Veterans, Pontiac, Ill, favoring increase rate of pension "The Legend of the Christmas Tree," which I have had in my to Spanish War veterans; to the Committee on Pensions. scrapbook for some years. I regret that I have not the name 2246. By Mr. HESS : Petition of various citizens of Cincinnati, of the author. It is very appropriate at this happy season and Ohio, urging . the speedy passage of House bill 2562 ; to the I think it very interesting. I ask that it may be printed in ·the Committee on Pensions. REooRD • . 2247. By Mr. WILLIAM E. HULL: Petition signed by 71 The VICE PRESIDENT. Without objection, it is so ordered. constituents of Peoria, Ill., asking for immediate legislation for The legend is as follows : increase in pensions of Spanish War veterans and their depend­ ents; to the Committee on Pensions. THE LEGEND OB' THE CimiSTMAS TREE 2248. Also, petition signed by 21 constituents, asking for There is a legend that is connected with the Christmas fir tree. immediate legislation for increase in pensions of Spanish War The story is told that Saint Winfred was one day in the woods cutting veterans and their dependents ; to the Committee on Pensions. down one of the sacred oaks of the Druids when a terrific wind blew 2249. By Mr. JOHNSTON of Missouri: Petition of sundry up and felled the tree. As it crashed to the ground it split into four citizens of Laclede County, Mo., praying for the passage of pieces and one p_iece fell in each direction. Directly behind and in the legislation granting increased pensions to Civil War veterans way of the falling oak, rose a ·young fir tree pointing its green spire and· widows of veterans; to the Committee on Increased to the heavens: The oak crashed to the ground, but the fir pointing Pensions. to heaven remained upright and unharmed. When Saint Winfrid saw 2250. By Mr. KOPP: Petition of Messrs. Harvey & Warfel this miraculous escape of the young fir he proclaimed it a holy tree, say­ and many other citizens of Washington, Iowa, and vicinity, ing that it was a sign of endless life because its leaves are green at all urging the passage of legislation to increase the pensions of all times, and that because it pointed to heaven it should be called the veterans of the Spanish-American War and widows of veterans; tree of the Christ Child. Then he called up-on the people and told to the Committee on Pensions. them to gather about it with joy in their hearts and he bade each 2251. By Mr. LAMPERT: Petitions signed by citizens of man take to his own home a young fir tree which should be stood in Ripon, Wis., requesting immediate and favorable consideration the center of the home where it should shelter nothing but loving gifts. of House bill 2562 and Senate bill 476, providing for increased And so to-day when we celebrate our Christmas festival, the fir tree rates of pension to the men who served in the armed forces of bears and shelters our gifts of love. the United States during the Spanish War period; to the Com­ The origin of the Christmas tree is not exactly known. It is thought mittee on Pensions. that it may be in some way connected with the great tree Yggdrasil, of 2252. By Mr. McKEOWN: Petition of Ander J. Heatley, Scandinavian mythology. This tree was thought to be a gigantic ever­ Charles L. Orr, and other citizens of Holdenville, Okla., urging green tree coming from the center of the eart.b.. In its branches were speedy consideration of House bill 2562, providing for increased the dwelling places of tlle gods, men, giants, and dwat:fs. The roots rates of pension for the men who served in the armed forces of were highly symbolic, and above in the branches a stag fed ceaselessly the United States during the Spanish War period; to the Com­ upon the leaves, as the year feeds upon the endless stream of time, and mittee on Pensions. four other stags consumed the buds as the seasons consume the days 2253. By Mr. MAGRADY: Petition submitted by Charles H. and the hours. Higher up the SUD eagle built his nest, and there wera Small, commander Camp No. 65, United Spanish War Veterans, other animals who each stood for something of the wonder of the Danville, Pa., signed by 174 other citizens of Danville, urging world. The golden balls and pretty toys which we hang upon our tree speedy enactment of more liberal pension legislation for Spanish­ are relics of the old symbols of the moon and sun and stars and other American War veterans; to the Connnittee on Pensions. characters which had their connection with this old mythological tree. 2254. Also, petition submitted by George W. Fry and numer­ Some peOple think the Christmas tree idea ts a survival of the pine ous other citizens Qf Exchange, Montour County, P.a., favoring trees of the Roman Saturnalia which were decorated during the Roman increased pensions for Civil War veterans and widows of vet­ holiday with images of Bacchus. But the custom may go back even erans ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. further than that, for the old Egyptians used to deeorate their homes 2255. By Mr. MANLOVE: Petition of B. E. Berry, Mrs. Frank in the winter with branches of· the date palm, which thought symbolized Edwards, ·w. G. Wood, ~Arthur McNatt, W. H. Lynch, M. D. immoytality and heaven. In the Middle Ages people thought that a cer­ Todd, S. P. Frost, and 56 other· citizens of Aurora, Mo., urging tain holiness was invested in an illuminated tree: The first real Christ­ the support· of Congress in behalf of increased rates of pension mas tree, however, can be traced back to about 1600, when it was intro­ to the men who served in the a'rnled forces of the United States duced in Germany. For about 200 . years the German Rhine Valley during the Spanish-American War; to the Committee on Invalid children were the only ones who enjoyed the Christmas tree, but in Pensions. about 1800 the custom was taken up all over Germany and it soon 2256. By Mr. MAPES : Petition of 81 residents of Grand spread to other countries, and to-day there is a Christmas tree in almost Rapids, Mich., recommending the enactn:ient by Congress of leg­ every Christian home the world over. islation for the further relief of veterans of the Civil War and The VICE PRESIDENT. The Senate Will receive a message widows of veterans ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. from the House of Representatives. 2257. By Mr. PALMER: Petition of Charles E. Palmer, of Fristoe, Mo., and 60 other leading citizens of the community, MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE urging the passage of more favorable legislation for the Spaiiish A message from the House of Representatives by :Mr. Chaffee, War veterans ; to the Committee on Pensions. one of its clerks, announced that the- House had passed the bill 2258. By Mr. ROBINSON of Iowa: Petition urging the imme­ ( S. 2768) to extend the time for completing the construction of diate passage of the pension bills pending before Congress pro­ a bridge across the Columbia River between Longview, Wash., viding for increased rates of pension to the men who served in and Rainier, Oreg. the armed forces of the United States during the SP.al)ish W.ar The message also announced that the House had passed a bill period, signed by F. C. Burdt, 2242 Prince Street; Dubuqu~, (H. R. 7491) making appropriations for the Department of Iowa, and about 50 other citizens of Dubuque, Iowa; to the Agriculture for the fiscal year endin-g June 30, 1931, and for Committee on Pensions. other purposes, in which it requested the concurrence of the 2259. By Mr. SWING: Petition of citizens of San Diego; Calif., Senate. favoring an increase in pension to Spanish War veterans and The message communicated to the Senate the intelligence of widows of veterans ; to the Committee on Pensions.
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