ISSN 0853-7380 E-ISSN 2252-696X Accredited by the Ministry of Research and Technology / National Agency for Research and Innovation Decree Number: 85/M/KPT/2020 Volume 25 Number 4 December 2020 JITV Volume 25 Number 4 Page: 147-218 Bogor, December 2020 ISSN 0853-7380 Indonesian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences ISSN 0853-7380 JITV Volume 25 Number 4 Page 147-218 Bogor, December 2020 E-ISSN 2252-696X Editor PREFACE Advisor: Head of Indonesian Center for Animal Research and Development In this edition, Volume 25 No 4, we proudly present Chief Editor: articles from animal and veterinary sciences including Prof. Dr. Ismeth Inounu, M.S. (Animal Breeding and Genetics) genetics; reproduction, feed technology, and veterinary. The articles published in this edition are: Associate Editor: “Genetic and Non-Genetic Effects on Semen Dr. Simson Tarigan (Pathology) Characteristics of Bali Cattle (Bos javanicus)”; Dr. Endang Romjali (Animal Breeding and Genetics) “Improving the Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acid on the In Dr. Ir. R.A. Yeni Widiawati (Animal Feed and Nutrition) Vitro Maturation of Oocytes”; “Reproduction Status and Population Dynamic of Kuantan Cattle in the Kuantan Singingi Regency Novel Mutation of Exon 5 Prolactin Editorial Boards: ”; “ Gene in IPB-D1 Chicken ; Effect of Averrhoa bilimbi Dr. Cristina Tlustos (Food Science, Nutrition, Dietetics) ” “ Prof. Dra. R. Iis Arifiantini Fruit Filtrate and Shrimp Paste Mixture on Performance, Prof. Dr. I. Wayan Teguh Wibawan (Parasitology and Micology) Gut Microbes and Blood Profile of Broilers, Gut Dr. Susan Jean Baigent (Avian Viral Disease) Microbes and Blood Profile of Broilers”, “Chemical Prof. Dr. Endang T Margawati (Biotechnology) Quality of Culled Duck Meatball (Anasplathyryncos) Dr. Ir. Tike Sartika (Animal Breeding and Genetics) Substituted with Edamame Flour (Glycine max (L) Dr. Ir. Aryogi, MP (Animal Breeding and Genetics) Merril) Filler”, and “Effects of Probiotic, Prebiotic, and Dr. Vikas Vohra (Animal Breeding and Animal Genetics) Synbiotic Mixed Culture Based on Wheat Pollard on Dr. Elizabeth Wina (Animal Feed and Nutrition) Productivity of Kampung’s Chicken”. Prof. Dr. Cece Sumantri (Animal Breeding and Genetics) We extent high appreciation to all peer reviewers who Dr. Raphaella Widiastuti (Toxicology and Mycology) make this journal academically high value. Hopefully, Dr. Dwi Yulistiani (Ruminant Nutrition) these articles would offer any benefit to readers and the end-users of technological innovation, and attract interests from scientists to contribute their papers to the Indonesian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences. Technical Editors: Nandi Hendriana, S.T., M.Kom. Rahmawati Elvianora Pulungan Cahyatina Tri Rahayu, S.Pt Chief Editor English Editor: Ir. Nurhasanah Hidajati Bogor, December 2020 Published by: Indonesian Center for Animal Research and Development Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development, Ministry of Agriculture Collaborated with: Indonesian Society of Animal Science Secretariat of IJAVS: Jalan Raya Pajajaran Kav. E-59, Bogor 16128 - Indonesia Telephone +62-251- 8322185 Fax +62-251-8380588 E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Website: http://medpub.litbang.pertanian.go.id/index.php/jitv Indonesian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences is published four times a year in March, June, September and December. Complete paper may be accessed through: http://medpub.litbang.pertanian.go.id/index.php/jitv or http://peternakan.litbang.pertanian.go.id/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=3633&Itemid=119 or through database CAB DIRECT (www.cabdirect.org) or Indonesian Scientific Journal Database (isjd.pdii.lipi.go.id) Indonesian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences Volume 25, Number 4, December 2020 ISSN 0853-7380 E-ISSN 2252-696X LIST OF CONTENT Page Genetic and Non-Genetic Effects on Semen Characteristics of Bali Cattle (Bos javanicus) Sitanggang G, Arifiantini RI, Jakaria J ........................................................................... 147-152 Improving the Effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acid on the In Vitro Maturation of Oocytes Ghorbani Vahed M, Khanbabaee R, Shariati M, Edalatmanesh MA ................................ 153-161 Reproduction Status and Population Dynamic of Kuantan Cattle in the Kuantan Singingi Regency Yendraliza, Muhamad Rodiallah, Tri Astuti, Elfawati ...................................................... 162-172 Novel Mutation of Exon 5 Prolactin Gene in IPB-D1 Chicken Rohmah L, Sumantri C, Darwati S ………………………………………...…..………... 173-181 Effect of Averrhoa bilimbi Fruit Filtrate and Shrimp Paste Mixture on Performance, Gut Microbes and Blood Profile of Broilers Mareta I, Nathaniel G, Yudiarti T, Widiastuti E, Wahyuni HI, Sugiharto S ………....... 182-189 Chemical Quality of Culled Duck Meatball (Anasplathyryncos) Substituted with Edamame Flour (Glycine max (L) Merril) Filler Prayitno, AH, Rahman, TN ....................................................................................……... 190-194 Effects of Probiotic, Prebiotic, and Synbiotic Mixed Culture Based on Wheat Pollard on Productivity of Kampung’s Chicken Utama CS, Zuprizal, Hanim C, Wihandoyo ...................................................................... 195-205 Author Index 206-207 Key Words Index 208-209 Abstract of IJAVS Vol 25 209-218 Acknowledgement Sitanggang et al. Genetic and non-genetic effects on semen characteristics of Bali cattle (Bos javanicus) Genetic and Non-Genetic Effects on Semen Characteristics of Bali Cattle (Bos javanicus) Sitanggang G1, Arifiantini RI2, Jakaria J3 1Directorate General of Livestock and Animal Health, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Indonesia Jl. Harsono RM No. 3 Ragunan, Pasar Minggu, Jakarta Selatan 12550, Indonesia 2Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, IPB University, Jl. Agatis, Dramaga Campus, Bogor 16680, Indonesia 3Department of Animal Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University Jl. Agatis, Dramaga Campus, Bogor 16680, Indonesia Email: [email protected] (received 20-07-2020; revised 15-08-2020; accepted 22-09-2020) ABSTRAK Sitanggang G, Arifiantini RI, Jakaria J. 2020. Pengaruh genetik dan non genetik karakteristik semen sapi Bali (Bos javanicus). JITV 25(4): 147-152. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1433/jitv.v25i4.2526 Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi pengaruh faktor genetik dan non-genetik terhadap karakteristik semen meliputi volume semen, konsentrasi spermatozoa, jumlah total spermatozoa dan motilitas spermatozoa sapi Bali. Data semen (volume semen, konsentrasi spermatozoa, jumlah total spermatozoa dan motilitas spermatozoa) diperoleh dari Balai Besar Inseminasi Buatan Singosari, Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Sapi yang digunakan berjumlah 17 ekor dengan total 3.847 ejakulat pada tahun 2014 sampai 2016. Data dianalisis dengan metode restricted maximum likelihood (REML) menggunakan mixed model dengan individu sapi sebagai pengaruh acak, sementara umur, musim, frekuensi ejakulasi dan interval penampungan sebagai pengaruh tetap. Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa umur berpengaruh nyata (P<0,01) terhadap semua karakteristik semen. Musim hanya berpengaruh terhadap motilitas spermatozoa (P<0,01). Frekuensi ejakulasi dan interval penampungan berpengaruh nyata terhadap semua karakteristik semen (P<0,01), kecuali motilitas spermatozoa. Ripitabilitas volume semen, konsentrasi spermatozoa, jumlah total spermatozoa dan motilitas spermatozoa masing-masing sebesar 0,43; 0,35; 0,32 dan 0,31. Disimpulkan bahwa umur, frekuensi ejakulasi dan interval penampungan sangat berpengaruh terhadap karakteristik semen sapi Bali. Ripitabilitas karakteristik semen termasuk sedang sampai tinggi. Kata Kunci: Sapi Bali, Non-Genetik, Ripitabilitas, Karakteristik Semen ABSTRACT Sitanggang G, Arifiantini RI, Jakaria J. 2020. Genetic and non-genetic effects on semen characteristics of Bali cattle (Bos javanicus). JITV 25(4): 147-152. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1433/jitv.v25i4.2526 The objective of this study was to evaluate effect of genetic and non-genetic factors on semen characteristics including ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, total sperm number and sperm motility of Bali cattle. Semen data were collected from the National Centre of Artificial Insemination at Singosari, Malang, East Java, Indonesia. A total of 3,847 ejaculates of 17 Bali bulls from 2014 to 2016 were collected and evaluated. Data were analyzed by restricted maximum likelihood (REML) method using mixed models which the bull was a random effect, while age of bull, season of collection, frequency of ejaculation and collection intervals were the fixed effects. Results showed that age significantly affected all semen characteristics (P<0.01). Season affected only on sperm motility (P<0.01). Effect of frequency of ejaculation and collection intervals was significant on all studied variables (P<0.01), except sperm motility. Repeatability of ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, total sperm number and sperm motility was 0.43; 0.35; 0.32 and 0.31, respectively. It is concluded that age, frequency of ejaculation and collection intervals were the most factors affected semen characteristics of Bali cattle. Repeatability estimations of semen characteristics were moderate to high. Key Words: Bali Cattle, Non-Genetic, Repeatability, Semen Characteristics INTRODUCTION and Agriculture Organization as a world breed (FAO 2007). Bali cattle were spread in almost all Indonesian Bali cattle (Bos javanicus) is an Indonesian native provinces. In 2011, the population of Bali cattle was cattle domesticated from direct
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