132 Gloucester - Highnam - Newent - Dymock - Ledbury Timetable valid from 05/01/2020 until further notice. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Service Restrictions SH Sch Gloucester, Transport Hub (Bay G) 0745 0745 § Gloucester, by St Oswald’s Priory Ruins 0746 0746 § Gloucester, opp West End Parade 0748 0748 § Over, opp Horseshoe Drive 0750 0750 § Highnam, after Highnam Corner 0753 0753 § Highnam, nr Village Hall 0754 0754 § Highnam, before Turners Close 0754 0754 § Highnam, after Brimsome Meadow 0756 0756 § Highnam, by Wetherleigh Drive 0756 0756 § Highnam, after The Range 0758 0758 Highnam, before Stores 0759 0759 § Highnam, opp The Green 0759 0759 § Rudford, nr Woodside Cottages 0801 0801 § Rudford, corner of Whitehall Lane 0802 0802 § Rudford, corner of Tibberton Turn 0803 0803 § Rudford, after Barber’s Bridge 0804 0804 § Highleadon, opp Upleadon Turn 0805 0805 § Highleadon, opp Mayview 0806 0806 § Malswick, opp Redding Villa 0807 0807 § Malswick, by The Alderleys 0807 0807 § Malswick, opp Mill 0808 0808 § Malswick, nr Rymes Place Farm 0809 0809 § Malswick, corner of Kent’s Green Turn 0809 0809 § Malswick, nr Malswick Farm Lane 0810 0810 § Malswick, opp Upleadon Turn 0811 0811 § Newent, after Onslow Road 0812 0812 § Newent, before The Black Dog 0813 0813 Newent, by The Library 0814 0814 § Newent, opp Lakeside 0814 0814 § Newent, nr Fire Station 0814 0814 § Newent, opp Three Ashes Lane 0815 0815 § Newent, before Coldharbour Lane 0816 0816 § Botloe’s Green, before Birches Lane Turn 0817 0817 § Castletump, opp Three Choirs 0818 0818 § Castletump, by Bentleys 0818 0818 § Dymock, opp Cricket Club 0821 0821 Dymock, before St Mary’s Church 0822 0822 § Dymock, before Garage 0822 0822 § Dymock, after The Crypt 0822 0822 § Dymock, nr Shakesfield 0823 0823 § Dymock, opp Windcross Farm 0824 0824 § Tillers Green, by Tiller’s Farm 0825 0825 § Donnington, Greenway Poets’ Path (N-bound) 0827 0827 § Donnington, opp Church Turn 0829 0829 Ledbury - Deer Park, adj Martins Way 0834 0834 § Ledbury - Deer Park, adj Bramley Close 0834 0834 § Ledbury - Deer Park, adj Ferndown Road 0835 0835 § Ledbury - Deer Park, adj Orchard Place 0835 0836 § Ledbury - Deer Park, opp Dunns Copse 0836 0837 Ledbury, adj John Masefield School 0839 § Ledbury, The Southend (adj 40) 0837 0840 § Ledbury, adj Memorial 0838 0841 § Ledbury, Bye Street (W-bound) 0838 0842 Ledbury, Tesco (entrance) 0841 0846 Service Restrictions: SH - Herefordshire School Holidays Sch - Herefordshire School Days Notes: § - Time at this stop is indicative. You are advised to be at any stop several minutes before the times shown 132 Ledbury - Dymock - Newent - Highnam - Gloucester Timetable valid from 05/01/2020 until further notice. Direction of stops: where shown (eg: W-bound) this is the compass direction towards which the bus is pointing when it stops Mondays to Fridays Service Restrictions SH Sch Ledbury, Tesco (entrance) 1515 1515 Ledbury, adj Market House 1519 1519 § Ledbury, The Southend (opp 43) 1520 1525 Ledbury, adj John Masefield School 1529 § Ledbury - Deer Park, adj Dunns Copse 1521 1530 § Ledbury - Deer Park, opp Orchard Place 1522 1531 § Ledbury - Deer Park, opp Ferndown Road 1522 1532 § Ledbury - Deer Park, opp Bramley Close 1523 1533 Ledbury - Deer Park, adj Martins Way 1524 1534 § Ledbury - Deer Park, adj Hazle Close 1524 1534 § Donnington, adj Church Turn 1529 1539 § Donnington, Greenway Poets’ Path (S-bound) 1531 1541 § Tillers Green, opp Tiller’s Farm 1533 1543 § Dymock, by Windcross Farm 1534 1544 § Dymock, by Shakesfield 1535 1545 § Dymock, opp The Crypt 1536 1546 § Dymock, opp Garage 1536 1546 Dymock, o/s St Mary’s Church 1537 1547 § Dymock, nr Cricket Club 1537 1547 § Castletump, opp Bentleys 1541 1551 § Castletump, by Three Choirs 1542 1552 § Botloe’s Green, after Birches Lane Turn 1542 1552 § Newent, opp Coldharbour Lane 1544 1554 § Newent, after Three Ashes Lane 1545 1555 § Newent, by Fire Station 1547 1557 § Newent, after Lakeside 1547 1557 Newent, nr The Co-Op 1548 1558 § Newent, after The Black Dog 1548 1558 § Newent, before Onslow Road 1549 1559 § Malswick, corner of Upleadon Turn 1550 1600 § Malswick, by Malswick Farm Lane 1551 1601 § Malswick, nr Kent’s Green Turn 1551 1601 § Malswick, o/s Rymes Place Farm 1552 1602 § Malswick, by Mill 1553 1603 § Malswick, opp The Alderleys 1554 1604 § Malswick, nr Redding Villa 1554 1604 § Highleadon, nr Mayview 1555 1605 § Highleadon, after Upleadon Turn 1556 1606 § Rudford, before Barber’s Bridge 1557 1607 § Rudford, after Tibberton Turn 1558 1608 § Rudford, opp Whitehall Lane 1559 1609 § Rudford, opp Woodside Cottages 1600 1610 § Highnam, by The Green 1602 1612 Highnam, opp Stores 1603 1613 § Highnam, opp The Range 1603 1613 § Highnam, opp Wetherleigh Drive 1605 1615 § Highnam, before Brimsome Meadow 1605 1615 § Highnam, after Turners Close 1606 1616 § Highnam, nr Holy Innocents’ Church 1607 1617 § Highnam, before Highnam Corner 1608 1618 § Over, corner of Horseshoe Drive 1611 1621 § Gloucester, by West End Parade 1613 1623 § Gloucester, Soldiers of Gloucestershire 1616 1626 § Gloucester, o/s The Warehouse 1616 1626 § Gloucester, opp St Michael’s Square 1616 1626 § Gloucester, Boots (Stop Z1) 1617 1627 Gloucester, at Transport Hub arrival 1618 1628 Service Restrictions: SH - Herefordshire School Holidays Sch - Herefordshire School Days Notes: § - Time at this stop is indicative. You are advised to be at any stop several minutes before the times shown Data Provided by National Public Transport Information (National PTI) - 45 - 11/12/19 132 Gloucester - Highnam - Newent - Dymock - Ledbury Stagecoach West For times of the next departures from a particular stop you can use traveline-txt - by sending the SMS code to 84268. Add the service number after the code if you just want a specific service - eg: buctdgtd 60. The return message from traveline-txt will show the next three departures, and it currently costs 25p plus any message sending charge. Departure times will be real-time predictions where available, or scheduled departure times if not. You can also get the same information by using the SMS code at www.nextbuses.mobi (only normal browsing charges apply) or through several iPhone or Android apps that offer access to NextBuses. NOTE: SMS codes are different in each direction. Make sure you choose the right direction from these lists. SMS Code Stop Name Street ATCO Code glojagpm Gloucester, Transport Hub (Bay G) 160000634 gloawtgw Gloucester, by St Oswald’s Priory Ruins Priory Road 1600GLB497 gloawjpd Gloucester, opp West End Parade Westgate Street 1600GLB511 gloawgpa Over, opp Horseshoe Drive A40 1600GL3657 gloatpmg Highnam, after Highnam Corner Newent Road 1600GL2483 gloatmjw Highnam, nr Village Hall Newent Road 1600GL2479 gloatmpj Highnam, before Turners Close Oakridge 1600GL2497 gloatpmp Highnam, after Brimsome Meadow Oakridge 1600GL2481 gloatpwg Highnam, by Wetherleigh Drive Oakridge 1600GL2499 gloatmpm Highnam, after The Range Oakridge 1600GL2485 gloatmgt Highnam, before Stores Maidenhall 1600GL2489 gloatmdg Highnam, opp The Green 1600GL5695 gloatgtw Rudford, nr Woodside Cottages B4215 1600GLF007 gloatgdt Rudford, corner of Whitehall Lane B4215 1600GLF009 gloatdpj Rudford, corner of Tibberton Turn B4215 1600GLF011 gloatdmw Rudford, after Barber’s Bridge B4215 1600GLF005 gloatdgm Highleadon, opp Upleadon Turn Main Road B4215 1600GL2477 gloatagt Highleadon, opp Mayview B4215 1600GLF031 gloapwjd Malswick, opp Redding Villa B4215 1600GLF015 gloaptwt Malswick, by The Alderleys B4215 1600GLF017 gloaptgj Malswick, opp Mill B4215 1600GLF019 gloapjgw Malswick, nr Rymes Place Farm B4215 1600GLF021 gloapdpg Malswick, corner of Kent’s Green Turn B4215 1600GLF023 gloapdad Malswick, nr Malswick Farm Lane B4215 1600GLF025 gloapamd Malswick, opp Upleadon Turn B4215 1600GLF027 gloamwgm Newent, after Onslow Road Gloucester Street 1600GLF029 gloamwag Newent, before The Black Dog Gloucester Street 1600GL3441 gloamtjt Newent, by The Library High Street 1600GL3447 gloamtgp Newent, opp Lakeside High Street 1600GL3449 gloamtgt Newent, nr Fire Station Bridge Street 1600GLF174 gloamtda Newent, opp Three Ashes Lane B4215 1600GLF647 gloampwp Newent, before Coldharbour Lane B4215 1600GLF645 gloampmp Botloe’s Green, before Birches Lane Turn B4215 1600GLN061 gloampjw Castletump, opp Three Choirs Dymock Road 1600GLN059 gloampjd Castletump, by Bentleys 1600GLN057 gloamjpd Dymock, opp Cricket Club Newent Road 1600GL1735 gloamgwj Dymock, before St Mary’s Church The Village 1600GLN068 gloamgmp Dymock, before Garage The Village 1600GLN065 gloamgjm Dymock, after The Crypt The Village 1600GLN063 gloamdwp Dymock, nr Shakesfield B4215 Leominster Road 1600GL4167 glogmdmg Dymock, opp Windcross Farm Leominster Road 1600GLA36611 glogmdma Tillers Green, by Tiller’s Farm Main Road 1600GLA36609 heragadw Donnington, Greenway Poets’ Path (N-bound) B4216 2090A132100 heratdmg Donnington, opp Church Turn B4216 2090A016030 heradgjg Ledbury - Deer Park, adj Martins Way Biddulph Way 2090A067901 herapajt Ledbury - Deer Park, adj Bramley Close 2090A20160 herapajd Ledbury - Deer Park, adj Ferndown Road Biddulph Way 2090A20152 herapajw Ledbury - Deer Park, adj Orchard Place Biddulph Way 2090A20162 herapama Ledbury - Deer Park, opp Dunns Copse Biddulph Way 2090A20164 herapdtw Ledbury, adj John Masefield School 2090A203100 herapamg Ledbury, The Southend (adj 40) The Southend. A449 2090A20169 heraptwj Ledbury, adj Memorial High Street 2090A044400 heratgjp Ledbury,
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