January 2021 NONNONNON PROFITPROFIT PROFIT ORGORG ORG TheTheThe Catholic CatholicCatholic Communicator CommunicatorCommunicator USUSUS POSTAGEPOSTAGE POSTAGE PAIDPAID PAID AA A newsletternewsletter newsletter forfor for thethe the supporterssupporters supporters andand and listenerslisteners listeners ofof of CatholicCatholic Catholic RadioRadio Radio inin in SouthSouth South CarolinaCarolina Carolina GREER,SCGREER,SCGREER,SC ExerptsExerpts Exerpts fromfrom from BecomingBecoming Becoming aa a pro-lifepro-life pro-life generationgeneration generation PERMITPERMITPERMIT NO.NO. NO. 2121 21 Vol.Vol.Vol.Vol. 6,6, 17,6, IssueIssue Issue Issue 22 21 WCKI’s New Companion, 105.3 FM TheTheThe followingfollowing following articlearticle article containscontains contains exerptsexerpts exerpts thethethe pro-lifepro-life pro-life movement.movement. movement. MediatrixMediatrixMediatrix SC,SC, SC, Inc.Inc. Inc. FebruaryFebruaryFebruaryJanuary 2009 20092021 2009 Greer, SC - Catholic Radio in South Carolina is projected to complete construction on an FM ReturnReturnReturn serviceservice service requestedrequested requested fromfromfrom StephanieStephanie Stephanie Wood’sWood’s Wood’s article.Thearticle.The article.The fullfull full PracticePracticePractice chastitychastity chastity POPOPO BoxBox Box 905905 905 translator (repeater signal) at the WCKI-AM site in Greer. Call sign, W287DJ is available at 105.3 versionversionversion cancan can bebe be foundfound found onon on herher her WebWeb Web site,site, site, TheTheThe numbernumber number oneone one thingthing thing ourour our generagenera genera-- - Greer,Greer,Greer, SCSC SC 2965229652 29652 FM and will permanently serve the Upstate. Of course, the AM signal (1300) will remain available www.nextwavefaithful.com.www.nextwavefaithful.com.www.nextwavefaithful.com.as well. tiontiontion cancan can dodo do forfor for thethe the pro-lifepro-life pro-life movemove move-- - mentmentment isis is staystay stay chastechaste chaste andand and savesave save sexsex sex OnOnOn JanuaryJanuary January 22,22, 22, thethe the U.S.U.S. U.S. comcom com-- - Catholic Content onforfor LPFMfor marriage.marriage. marriage. Radio TheThe The RoeRoe Roe in v.v. v. Wade Wade SCWade p:p: p: 864/877-8458864/877-8458 864/877-8458 memoratedmemoratedmemorated thethe the anniversaryanniversary anniversary ofof of Low Power FM (LPFM) radio service was createddecisiondecisiondecision by the Federal waswas was fueledfueled fueledCommunications inin in largelarge large part partCommission part byby by www.catholicradiosc.comwww.catholicradioinsc.comwww.catholicradiosc.comwww.catholicradiosc.com thethethe RoeRoe Roe v.v. v. WadeWade Wade SupremeSupreme Supreme CourtCourt Court (FCC) in January 2000. LPFM stations are authorizedthethethe sexualforsexual sexual noncommercial, promiscuitypromiscuity promiscuity educational ofof of thethe the broadcasting 1960s.1960s. 1960s. www.facebook.com/Catholicradioinsc decision,decision,decision, whichwhich which legalizedlegalized legalized abortionabortion abortion only and operate with an effective radiated powerTheTheThe of 100primaryprimary primary watts wayorway wayless. toto toThe endend end approximate abortionabortion abortion isserviceis is ininin ourour our country.country. country. OneOne One thirdthird third ofof of ourour our range of a 100 watt station is 5.6 kilometers butto tocanto startstart extendstart aa a counter-sexualcounter-sexualout counter-sexual to as much as tenrevolution:revolution: revolution: miles from the generationgenerationgeneration hashas has beenbeen been murderedmurdered murdered byby by signal source. In 2019, the following stations broadcastingtototo restorerestore restore Catholic thethe the sacrednesssacredness sacrednesscontent were of ofgranted of sexsex sex to tolicense to abortionabortionabortion sincesince since 1973;1973; 1973; that’sthat’s that’s overover over 4747 47 renewal: thethethe sacramentsacrament sacrament ofof of marriagemarriage marriage andand and thethe the millionmillionmillion babiesbabies babies inin in AmericaAmerica America alone.alone. alone. Columbia (east side) - St. Joseph’s Catholic Schoolprocreationprocreationprocreation – WZJO-LP ofof 90.9of children.children. children. FM ColumbiaTheTheThe battlebattle battle (west forfor side)for thethe the - unbornSt.unborn unborn Peter’s isis Catholic is trulytruly truly School – WROP-LP 92.7 FM ourourourDaniel generation’sgeneration’s generation’s Island/Mount civilcivil Pleasantcivil rightsrights rights – Bishopmovemove move -England- - Prayer PrayerHighPrayer School andand and – sidewalkWBEI-LPsidewalk sidewalk 102.9 counselingcounseling counseling FM (MOVING) YouYouYou don’tdon’t don’t havehave have toto to bebe be anan an adultadult adult toto to ment.ment.ment.Florence JesusJesus Jesus - Columbus isis is callingcalling calling Club usus ofus toFlorenceto to taketake take (Knights of Columbus) – WFOC-LP 93.3 FM ThisThisThis issueissue issue ofof of thethe the newsletternewsletter newsletter isis is mademade made possiblepossible possible byby by thethe the contributionscontributions contributions ofof of thesethese these underwriters:underwriters: underwriters: pray,pray,pray, handhand hand outout out literature,literature, literature, oror or dodo do sideside side-- - upupupGreenville thisthis this crosscross cross (Simpsonville/Mauldin inin in thethe the 21st21st 21st centurycentury century area located at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church) - walkwalkwalk counselingcounseling counseling outsideoutside outside anan an abortionabortion abortion AKJAKJAKJ Consulting,Consulting, Consulting, Inc.Inc. Inc. PolydeckPolydeckPolydeck ScreenScreen Screen Corp.Corp. Corp. TheTheThe CatholicCatholic Catholic ShoppeShoppe Shoppe andandandMonsignor turnturn turn ourour ourAndrew societysociety society K. Gwynn right-side-up.right-side-up. right-side-up. (Knights of Columbus) – WGWY-LP 107.7 FM clinicclinicclinic oror or PlannedPlanned Planned ParenthoodParenthood Parenthood center.center. center. P.O.P.O.P.O. BoxBox Box 883883Listen 883 to Catholic179017901790 DewberryDewberry Dewberry Radio Rd.Rd. Rd. on your Phone180180180 N.N. N. Dean Dean Dean StreetStreet Street FollowingFollowingFollowingRidgeland/Bluffton/Hilton areare are somesome some practicalpractical practicalHead - John waysways ways Paul II Catholic School - WXJP-LP 94.9 FM Spartanburg,Spartanburg,Spartanburg, SCSC SC 2930729307 29307 Mauldin,Mauldin,Mauldin, SCSC SC 29662-088329662-0883 29662-0883 Spartanburg,Spartanburg,Spartanburg, SCSC SC 2930229302 29302 tototoSpartanburg bebe be effectiveeffective effective - St. warriorswarriors Paulwarriors the Apostle forfor for ChristChrist Christ Catholic inin in School – WSEJ-LP continued96.7continuedcontinued FM onon on pagepage page 22 2 For standard864-430-4877864-430-4877 864-430-4877cell phones or landlines: Just dialp:p: p:NEW 864-579-4594864-579-4594 864-579-4594 NUMBER 1 (605) 313-0891 (Poweredp:p: p: 864-585-2667864-585-2667 864-585-2667 by Zeno Media®), and your phone becomes a personal Catholic Radio listening device. There is no extra charge for this service but your normal www.polydeckscreen.comwww.polydeckscreen.comwww.polydeckscreen.com call rates and limits do apply. Many plans have unlimited long distance or calling, socatholicshoppesc.comcatholicshoppesc.com youcatholicshoppesc.com can listen essentially for free. NewNewNew bishopbishop bishopBumper namednamed named Stickers forfor for SouthSouth South Available CarolinaCarolina Carolina diocesediocese dioceseNow Check yourExtremeExtremeExtreme calling VisionVision planVision to Studios Studiosbe Studios sure. Dr.Dr.Dr. AnnAnn Ann BynumBynum Bynum Versalus,Versalus,Versalus, LtdLtd Ltd PopePopePope BenedictBenedict Benedict XVIXVI XVI namednamed named RobertRobert Robert E.E. E. Guglielmone,Guglielmone, Guglielmone, 63,63, 63, toto to bebe be thethe the newnew new P.O.P.O.P.O. BoxBox Box 170301170301 170301 HollyHollyHolly TreeTree Tree FamilyFamily Family DentalDental Dental 77 7S.S. S. LaurensLaurens Laurens StreetStreet Street bishopbishopbishop ofof of thethe the diocesediocese diocese ofof of Charelston,Charelston, Charelston, S.C.S.C. S.C. TheThe The diocesediocese diocese hashas has beenbeen been withoutwithout without aa a SpartanburgSpartanburgSpartanburg SC,SC, SC, 2930129301 29301 133413341334 SouthSouth South HighwayHighway Highway 1414 14 Use TuneIn® Radio App for smart phones and special applications: Whether it’s smartphones,SuiteSuiteSuite tablets, 100100 100 digital radios bishopbishopbishop sincesince since BishopBishop Bishop RobertRobert Robert BakerBaker Baker movedmoved moved toto to thethe the diocesediocese diocese ofof of Birmingham,Birmingham, Birmingham, p:p: p: 864-590-9970864-590-9970 864-590-9970 Simpsonville,Simpsonville,Simpsonville, SCSC SC 2968129681 29681 or smart TVs, the TuneIn® Radio App allows you to listen to us. Download the free appGreenville,Greenville,Greenville, from your SC SCphone’s SC 2960129601 29601 app store. p:p: p: 864-297-5585864-297-5585 864-297-5585 Ala.,Ala.,Ala., inin in OctoberOctober October 2007.2007. 2007. Then perform a station search by typing “WCKI” in the App’s search engine and our logo will 864-271-7233864-271-7233pop 864-271-7233 up. Click on it and you’ll Guglielmone,Guglielmone,Guglielmone, whowho who waswas was ordainedordained ordained aa a priestpriest priest inin in 1978,1978, 1978, hashas has spentspent spent mostmost most ofof of hishis his be able to listen to our streaming audio. hollytreefamilydental.comhollytreefamilydental.comhollytreefamilydental.com
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