WS RAMESH ASHWIN & KARANTH CHARTERED ACCO UNTANTS Firm Reg. No: 010680S CERTIFICATE We have audited the accounts of Selco Foundation, located at # 690, 1st Floor, 15th Cross, 2nd Phase, JP Nagar, and Bangalore 560078. FCRA registration number being 094421581 dated 02.12.2014 and Trust Reg no 142-2010-11 Bangalore, Karnataka for the financial year ending the 31st March 2019 and examined all relevant books and vouchers and certify that according to the audited accounts: 1. The brought forward foreign contribution at the beginning of the financial year was Rs. 32,31,99,526/-. 2. Foreign contribution of Rs. 32,20,50,909/- (Including Bank interest earned of Rs. 2,53,18,390/-, Interest received from other sources of Rs. 14,243/-, Asset received in kind Rs 4,50,000/-) was received by the Trust during the financial year 2018-19. 3. The balance of unutilized foreign contribution with the Trust at the end of the financial year 31st March 2019 was Rs. 36,76,42,013/- 4. Certified that the Trust has maintained the accounts of foreign contribution and records relating thereto in the manner specified in section 19 of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 (42 of 2010) read with rule 17 of the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Rules, 2011. 5. The information in this certificate and in the enclosed Balance Sheet and statement of Receipt and Payment is correct as checked by us. 6. The Trust has utilized the foreign contribution received for the purposes it is registered under Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010. Place: Bangalore Date: 21.12.2019 For Ramesh Ashwin and Karanth Chartered Accountants F.R.No: 010680S Prashanth Karanth Partner M.No:214235 UDIN: 19214235AAA3AN3565 No.37/E, 2nd Floor, Beside Surana College, South End Road, Near South End Circle, Basavanagudi, Bangalore-560004. Phone: 080 - 40918409. Email: [email protected] ruus RAMESH ASHWTN A KARANTTT Partners CHARTERED A C CO TIMTAMTS Ramesh B N (M.No : 015170) Mob:9448458958 Firm Reg. No:0L06805 Ashwin B R (M.No :2L41991Mob: 9885415958 Prashanth Karanth (M.No: 274235) Isdobz 98862M946 INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT To the Members of SELCO Foundation - Opinion We have audited the Financial Statements of SELCO Foundation, which comprises the Batance Sheet as at 31st March 7019, and the Statement of lncome and Expenditure and receipts and payment accounts for the year then ended, and notes to the financial statements, inctuding a summary of significant accounting poticies. ln our opinion, the accompanying financial statements give a true and fair view of the financiat position of the entity as at March 31, 2019, and of its financial performance for the year then ended in accordance with the Accounting Standards issued by the lnstitute of Chartered Accountants of lndia (lCAl). Basis for Opinion We conducted our audit in accordance with the Standards on Auditing (SAs) issued by lCAl. Our responsibitities under those standards are further described in the Auditor's Responsibitities for the Audjt of the Financial Statements section of our report. We are independent of the entity in accordance with the Code of Ethics issued by lCAl and we have fulfitted our other ethica[ responsibilities in accordance with the Code of Ethics. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our opinion. Responsibilities of Management and Those Charged with Governance for the Financial Statements Management is responsibte for the preparation of these financial statements that give a true and fair view of the state of affairs, results of operations and cash ftows of the entity in accordance with the accounting principtes generatty accepted in lndia. This responsibitity inctudes the design, imptementation and maintenance of internal control retevant to the preparation and presentation of the financiat statements that give a true and fair view and are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. ln preparing the financial statements, management is responsibte for assessing the entity's abitity to continue as a going concern, disctosing, as appticabte, matters related to going concern and using the going concern basis of accounting untess management either intends to tiquidate the entity or to cease operations, or has no reatistic atternative but to do so. Those charged with governance are responsibte for overseeing the financiaI reporting process. Auditor's Responsibilities for the Audit of the Financial statements Our objectives are to obtain reasonabte assurance about whether the financial statements as a whole are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error, and to issue an auditor's report that inctudes our opinion. Reasonabte assurance is a high levet of assurance, but is not a guarantee that an audit conducted in accordance with SAs witt atways detect a material misstatement when it exists. Misstatements can arise from fraud or error and are considered materia[ if, individuatty or in the aggregate, they coutd reasonabty be expected to inftuence the economic decisions of users taken on the basis of these financiaI statements For Ramesh Ashwin & Karanth Chartered Accountants F.R No. 0106805 'ashanth Karanth Partner M No. 214235 UDIN: 19214235A AANU4338 Place: Bangatore Date:13109/2019 SE-Leg- .Flo ul dat-io-n-[Ee8A _:_A-e q ou_nt) X--6-90-. 1 s t fl s s.r.-151l{ros-s-2ruLP-haseJP McaL jaryalarel6 0 0-Zg Bdarxe $reelas_a_t_3_1sl_ Mareh 2-0 19 31 019 2018 Schedule FTJ N DS_AND. LIABI LITI ES Non Corpus F'uncl 40,27,97,412 '33,t9,06,697 'I'otal Liabilities 7,97,472 L&OsE-Bry &ASSETS Fixed Assets 57 ,7 4,4.98 45,74,052 CurrentAssets, Loans & Advances Lash arrcl l.iirrtk llalancc 36,76,4.2,01'3 '-t'1.,3 t,99 ,526 Current Assets 3,98,7'.3,8L9 1,gtj,Ll,tlt I.ess Current Liabilities & Provisions 7,04,92,918 1,56,77,991 Net Current Assets 39,70,22.9t4 Total Assets 40,27.97 .412 See acr:ompanying notes to the finanr:ial statements As pcr our report of t:vur tlate Fol SliLCO F0UN llAl'l0N For Ranrcslr Ashwirr & Kalarrth Charteretl Accountant.s No:0i0680f l)LfrJL,)*-!4@* 'frrrstce Trustec I Karanth rtir e r .No: 214235 ief Hxccutrve 0fliccr rager Finanr:e Irl;lce : Bangalore Date:13/09/2019 SELCO Foundation (FCRA - Account) # 690. 1st Floor, 1Sth Cross. 2nd Phase, IP Nagar. Bangalore 560078 Esoue-&-Expctrditue-Aqe.qun!&ilhe-ycal ended-3 [st-!4a-reb20-1-9 3L/03/2O7e 31/03/zOtB Particulars Schedule Amount(Rs) Amount(Rs) INCOME Grant Received - Foreigrr 6 29,62,68,276 46,47,87,594 Interest received - Banks 2,36,06,768 1,44,57,448 lnterest received - other source 14,243 44,062 Grant received in kind - foreign 4,50,000 Total Income 32,03,39,287 47,92,83,t04 EXPENDITURE '23,36,94,61.3 Project Cost 7 21.,81.,79,031 Research & Development Costs 19,86,L60 3r,55,662, Administration Costs B 2,75,82,060 2,t3,44,364 Depreciation 2 t7,01,321 t2,07,673 Total Expenditure 24,94,48,572 25,94,02,:t1? Surphs 7 ,08,90,7 15 2t,98,80,792 Provision for Taxation Surplus fCarried to Balance Sheet) 7 ,08,90,715 21,98,80,792 See accompanying notes to the financial statements As per our report of even date FoI SELCO F0UNDATI0N For Ramesh Ashwin & Karanth Cha l'tered Accounta nts #,'|5P",,l,tJ"'$W I /// tM )*-6!r----nr*. /f \Rglyta'.No:214235 Chief Executive Officer Sr Madeer Finance and HR t Place:Bangalore A;, ft\ Date : 13/09/2019 / '--,; 'do SELCO Foundation (FCRA - Account) # 690. 1st Floor. 1Sth Cross. 2nd Phase. JP Nagar. Bangalore 560078 Receipts And Pavments Accounts For The Year Ended 31.03'2019 Particulars Amount(Rs) AmountIRs) Ooenins Balance 9,91,0 Cash Bank 11,16,347 Fixed Deposit 32,20,73,268 Receiots durins the vear Grant Received 29,62,68,276 Interest received - From Banks 2,53,18,390 Interest received - From Other Sources 74,243 Net Receipts 32,L6,0o,909 TOTAL 64,48,00,434 Payments during the year Project Costs 21.,86,78,696 Administrative Costs 5,32,54,787 Fixed Asset purchased 24,51.,766 TDS FY 20t8-1.9 23,63,172 Loanq and advances paid 4,10,000 Net Payments 27 ,7 t,58,42L Closins Balance 10,353 Cash Bank 36,93,456 Fixed Deposit 36,39,38,204 Iotal 64,48,O0,434 For SELCO FOUNDATI0N As per Our report ofeven date For Ramesh Ashwin & I(aranth Chartered Accountants, Prashanth Karanth ,ytwt a./ Partner M No. 214235 a,d^----J'- F.R No. 0106805 - I SELCO Foundation (FCRA - Account) # 690. 1st Floor. 1Sth Cross, 2nd Phasc-lP Nagar.llanlglore 560078 Schedules_foilnins panf-of the accounts Particulars 31 9 '.tt /03 /?ottJ Schedule 1 Non corpus F'und Opening tsalance 3 3,1 9,06,697 1 1,20,2 5,905 Add: Profit tbr the period 7 ,08,90,7"t5 21,98,A0,792 f0tal 40,7.7,97 ,+t2 i13,t9,06,697 Schedule 3 Cash and Bank Balance Cash on Hand - IjCRA 10,353 9,910 Bank Ealance Syndicate Bank 02532010000030 Uiire 43,243 4-1,7 77 Syrrdicate FCRA A/c 042520 10067978 30,24,726 6,71,775 syndicate Bank TJSAID 4252010076849 36,603 35,408 -0425201 0081750 (GlZ) Syndiate Bank 5,87,772 3,65,019 Syndicate Bank 01 1 I 2200020295 Manipal 2,317 2,369 Bank Fixed Deposit 36,00,67,557 31,82,64,'32+ FD against Guarantees 38,70,648 38,08,944 Total 36,76,42,O73 32,37,99,526 Schedule 4 Ctrrent Assets 'l'ax Deducted at Source 51,36,628 28,19,160 Loans and advances 27,69,523 40,94,9',20 Gratuity lnvestment 66,448 14,98,8',23 lnterest on FD - Receivable 52,58,585 69,24,602 Project Advances 2,40,360 30,71,430 Rent Advance 2,64,02.,175 I +,02,17 5 Total 3,94,73,4t9 L,9B,tt,tll Sqhedule 5 Current Liabilities Tour & Travelling 1,02,t22 Audit fees i,03,500 1,1 2,1t]5 'l'DS - Salary 7,92,882 2,48,7'-20 TDS Rent 194 | 5,528 25,032 TDS - Professional 4,92,278 4,70,780
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