Devoted Presented Fairly, Clearly o ||M. Community ItUerert And Impartially Each Week |;,,ll Local Coverage Complete News Pictures Carteret, Now Jersey, Thursday, February 11, 1965 KillrrHi „ 2nd (Ins Mill PRICE TEN CENTS At I' o., Cirttrot, N. J. Faithful Priests Our ,iul duties fill a parish priest's day. Prelim ""Tii'ot all. He works seven days a week, LAMB PLEDGES EXPANSION OF FACILITIES •"ti,r unpredictable hours of a country Foster Wheeler CAHTEHKT - lie-elected to k:o\\[ wink, Carteret Little Mr. Macklow were Mr. Iamb's All budget items were de- .)„ energy of a mailman, passing from a third term on the Board of League and is past president running mates feated; capital outlay, yes 808: 1 ,„ another, being touched by each but Education, Joseph P. Lamb, of the Carleret Jewish War Total Votes: Lamb, 1482, no, 1.042; current expenses, Budget president of the. board yester- .':l>iiiii'(l liy none. Veterans Harold (loss, a absentee vote. 4; total 1,486; yes, 883; no, 1,030; foreign Wins Jap Order day said the board will con- born, yes, 903; no. 939. These civic leader for many years is Ro$s, 1,474. absentees 6, total, * • • tinue an intelligent approach figures include the absentee president of the Carteret Li- 1,480; Maddow 1.337. absentees to administrative, budgetary ballots. While Mr. Lamb was . ,„ miimate glimpse of a parish prlests's brary Board He has been a 9; 'ital, 1.346: Ellwand Colgan, and education.il problems of highly gratified at his re-elec- ' 7'irtcrrt Press reporter called at the scout leader, active in the 1.026, absentees 9.. total 1,035; Is Aired tion, he regretted that all hud- For $2 Million the public school system. Little League ind was one o{ ,. st Joseph's Parish, the largest in the Edward Fa|k (191. absentees 1, get items were defeated. A Also elected were Harold V Thr small rectory, suitable for one or the founders of the Carteret total 892; Gerald Candito, D3B, new election is to be held Ronrclct Sees Re (lUCed Mflddow, active for years in Youth Center. Mr. Ross and absentees. 5, total 841, mn J N now houses four of them. The parish Municipal Spending •wn'fast. currently has some 2,200 famll- CAHTEKET - The Carter* plant of Foster-Wheeler Corpor- ?i«wiwiifji*f; \<i)r This Year ,,n priest Is called In Sunday to help ation <viil supply equipment valued at an estimated $2 million , Masses in connection with an Export-Import Bank loan to help finance CARTEHET - A tempoimy operating budget (or jmuiklpfll expansion of a Japanese power station, it was announced purposes of $1,333,804.00 for -the. Monday by Representative Edward J. Patten iD-N,l>. fiscal >e:ir - $12,000 less tha* ,,,t<n is Rev. Anthony M. Oaydos. OSM, Congressman Patten, who represents the 15th District Mid- last yenr was discussed before ' ,^istunts arp Rev. Patrick M Lyons, dlesex County, was informed of tlie transaction in the nations Ihe public at a lengthy session in i>, Victor M. Orabrlan, OSM and Rev. capital hy the Export-Import Bank of Washington, the Hornugh Council Chambers M Rvan. OSM., all members of the According tn information received by ConEressnian Patten lust nifiht. Councilman Charles Boncelet, ,ii l,.i Thr reporter managed to halt the Foster-Wheeler plant in Carleret will supply a condenser ( valued at about tl million and a hiuh-pressure heater als- however, declared that this oper- • li'-ihrion for" a brief chat He has beon worth approximately $1 miHion. ational budget was part one of, i; 11 years There can be no telling of two phases of the proposal, stat* The Kxport-lmport Rank authorized a $24.6 million loan ti in>: that the capital, mandatory, ,-. dav in a priest's life" he said, "with- the Tokyo Klectric Power Co.. Inc. The loan will aid in finan n1.! complftement. For In a busy Cath- and statutory expenses in the , ring major plant expansion of the Anegasaki Power Static- (it her portion not brought before) !•, tdrir duties intertwine located on Ihe southeastern shore of Tokyo Bay, Hie public at this time would be over sM.imo less that last year for n total s-.ivinR of about $50,000. , ;i is in) by 8:80 a.m. for the morning Mayor Andrew Banick made it. ! firs! Mass. After breakfast, calls are Flower Arrangement cif.-ir to Ihe interested persona i, to the homes of the sick or visits to present at the preliminary hearing CAKTEHKT - Mrs. Marge Mekilo of Whittier Street, (a, that the figures were not definite Father Oaydos estimated that during and could he changed either way' in- made some 1.000 calls to hospitals. teret, will give a demonstration ot "Artificial Floral Arranu, ing' at the Columbus-Cleveland PTA Mwt'ns held at th when the budget is submitted to nnot measure the hours. From early the people next Vyednesday at the Cnlumtnis School. Kebruary 18. al 8 p.m. i HVlock at nl*ht he Is .busy, But the irst official hearing. i Mrs. Mskilo has been wtji known for her beautiful displa;, v'hili' many departments show- not end there. Often In the small hours 'or several years, and many discriminating homemakers hav decreases, the most important iiinm. the rectory phone rings A pa- mirchascd her creations to (trace their .homes. liielory increase is indicated :•• riving 'The Ait of floral arranging is not one to be taken lightly. the fact that an overall $200 rtrtlM Mrs Mekiln "There must, of necessity, be a proportion aise was requested for aB ate balamc achieved, depending on the flowers one selects to wroush employees, including po- ,>i running the parochial schools, the display and th* piece of furniture upon which it is set. as well ice and firemen. Councilman Charles Bohanek >n<i all details with the operation of the i ;« the choice of colors used to compliment the surroundings." ndicated that $200 was not enous")i tlio task of Father Oaydos There is or "the firemen and suggested* teachers, maintenance people, cafe- ;hat their raise be $300 per year, i and general supervision. nd then Councilman Nicholas Fund Raising Drive Del Vacchio, head of the police • « • committe asked that the police | CAHTEKKT - A fund raising committee has been formed for be given a blanket $300 more p?r ; busy day for ill the priests. There are I the purpOM' ol raising funds (or Sister Mary Louis, OP, now ear, plus $50 additional for up- im to be Heard, baptisms, funerals, with «ome other religious workers and travel to South America Children's Dental Health keep of their uniforms. The latter i< Hf-ly Communion for the inform, mar- to do mission work At last night's meeting the members agreed indicated that even this was too ;>.'r.: participation In the various church Rationed at Media. Pa. Sister Mary Louis. P.P., will be leaving low since he felt a $550 raise .At linns. the United State* of America the latter part of March along would be more nnprwhte in line to present a puppet show in the near future, all proceeds going iWeek is Marked at School with other municipalities. to Stater Mary Louis. O.P. The mayor indicated that a.$200 general raise for all employees eom# to call at the rec- tion is far more important than treatment. was sufficient and if the pro- (lav They came to seek advice for an CARTERET — All public school's in the bor- School nurses impressed upon the Carteret posed finished budget showed any iiotv of retaona. A distraught mother ough this week observed National Children's figures higher than this he would Mik about a wanrtrd child. An «no- Health Board Warning : Health Week with special programs. The children that as a result of proper care they can veto it. ^turbed foeng fwSsn tasks pface. A feof the w«>k was to inform the. public of be spared serious, dental problems. ,. ... Those in (ABTF.UFT ~ Health Officer Nicholas J. Ric« »ted atten- ception tn nfalry of the a* Photo shows Mfs. Bronia Wolski; Columbia :!oM Mrixjgh rfvldttits ihtit in wwdaftve <t«!i *«rte Whites, ^ t&rrtai' hiuith. notably Joseph Lazar, former all incidences of communicable diseases must be reported to The Carteret schools are currently making a school nurse, demonstrating proper dental Councilman Alexander Such, for- mer Mayor Stephen Skiba. Mr,. the Board of Health here. special effort to teach the children how to take health, care to the fourth grade pupils of Mrs. It is the responsibility of the physician, parent, school nurse Frank Neves, Charles McKernnn -proper care of their teeth, stressing that preven- Edna Minnis at Columbus School. and Ray Commerford. or other individuals to report known cases of diseases. Upon < veiling prayers, the busy St. Joieph's It was Commerford who made receipt at reports, the Health,Dept will isolate or quarantine said that all department tick's • mirage to sit down to their dinner, prac- the .patient and also iupp!y a release form stating when the a most important point when he ' <>ne meal together They may dlacuss patient may return to school or continue to resume normal Carteret Police should be present at the hearings of the day and things to be done for activities. Achievers Center For Tinkering? so they could be questioned by the ": the evening. The parish has a Holy public. The mayor agreed that It is not the duty or responsibility of a physician to render CARTERET - This borough could use a Center for Tink- this was a' fine suggestion ailtt .-- wty St Vincent de Paul, Altar and a release to a patient Tlie release of an isolated or quarantined Group Wins ering.
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