1 Report to Rapport au: Transportation Committee Comité des transports June 13, 2014 13 juin 2014 Submitted by Soumis par: Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager / Directrice municipale adjointe, Planning and Infrastructure / Urbanisme et Infrastructure Contact Person Personne ressource: Vivi Chi, Manager / Gestionnaire, Transportation Planning/Planification des transports, Planning and Growth Management / Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance (613) 580-2424, 21877, [email protected] Ward: BAY (7) / BAIE (7), COLLEGE (8) RIVIERE (17), CAPITAL (17) / / COLLÈGE (8), KNOXDALE- CAPITALE (17) MERIVALE (9), RIVER (16) / File Number: ACS2014-PAI-PGM-0163 SUBJECT: Baseline Road Rapid Transit (Bayshore – Prince of Wales Drive) Planning and Environmental Assessment (EA) Study – Addendum to the Statement of Work OBJET: Étude de planification et d’évaluation environnementale (ÉE) du couloir de transport en commun rapide du chemin Baseline (de la station Bayshore à la promenade Prince of Wales) – Addenda à l’énoncé de travail REPORT RECOMMENDATION That the Transportation Committee approve the Addendum to the Statement of Work for Baseline Road Rapid Transit (Bayshore Station– Prince of Wales Drive) 2 Planning and Environmental Assessment Study to extend the study area limits from Prince of Wales Drive to the Southeast Transitway. RECOMMANDATION DU RAPPORT Que le Comité des transports approuve l’addenda à l’énoncé de travail visant l’étude de planification et d’évaluation environnementale du couloir de transport en commun rapide du chemin Baseline (de la station Bayshore à la promenade Prince of Wales), afin de prolonger les limites du secteur d’étude de la promenade Prince of Wales au Transitway Sud-Est. BACKGROUND On February 2, 2011, Transportation Committee approved the statement of work for Baseline Road Planning and Environmental Assessment Study (Bayshore Station to Prince of Wales Drive). Figure 1 shows the study area. Figure 1: Study Area On November 26, 2013, Council approved the 2013 Transportation Master Plan (TMP) which identifies a city-wide network of Rapid Transit and Transit Priority corridors. 3 Following are the main features of the 2013 TMP as they relate to the current Baseline Road Rapid Transit Environmental Assessment (EA) Study: The section east of Baseline Station to Prince of Wales Drive is designated as Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) with exclusive bus lanes in each direction, and at-grade crossings; The TMP also includes a BRT along Heron Road between Prince of Wales Drive and Southeast Transitway to provide a connection with the O-Train line at Confederation Station. This section of Heron Road is currently beyond the scope of the Baseline Road Rapid Transit EA Study; and Accelerating extension of Light Rail Confederation Line from Lincoln Fields to Bayshore Station as part of the Stage 2 expansion of Ottawa’s Light Rail Transit (LRT) network and creation of a BRT/LRT transfer station at Bayshore. This issue is being addressed through the on-going coordination of the Baseline Road BRT and the Western LRT studies. DISCUSSION The results of the technical analysis and evaluation conducted to date as part of the Baseline Road Rapid Transit EA Study indicate that median bus lanes offer significant transit travel time savings. Hence a median bus lane design option is being considered as an ultimate solution for the Baseline Road BRT corridor. In 2012, as part of Transit Priority measures, curb-side bus lanes were implemented on both sides of Heron Road (east of Prince of Wales Drive) between the Rideau Canal and Data Centre Road through a reallocation of existing traffic lanes. As the proposed and existing design solutions west and east of Prince of Wales Drive differ (median and curb-side bus lanes, respectively), there are two ways to address this situation: Introduce a transition (from median to curb) near the Prince of Wales intersection, or Investigate a bus lane design solution further east of Prince of Wales. Understanding the implications east of Prince of Wales Drive, and the potential impacts on the intersection, will allow the City to make an informed decision on how the BRT facility along Baseline Road and Heron Road will be implemented. 4 It is, therefore, recommended that study area limits be extended easterly (Figure 1) to investigate a bus lane design option between Prince of Wales Drive and the Southeast Transitway as part of the ongoing Baseline Road Rapid Transit Planning and EA Study. The analysis will also address following issues: Additional transit priority and/or turn lanes at Prince of Wales to accommodate other OC Transpo bus routes, which turn at this intersection; Traffic and transit operational issues at the Riverside Drive/Heron Road and Heron Road/Data Centre Road intersections; Station/stop locations which integrate with existing and future development in the federal Confederation Heights employment node, and link with potential improvements to pathway connectivity, including potential re-use of existing underground passages that connect to bus stops in the vicinity of the Heron Road/Riverside Drive intersection; Review of existing structures (overpasses and underpasses) between Prince of Wales Drive and Data Centre Road to inform the development of design alternatives and solutions; Provision of improved pedestrian and cycling infrastructure (i.e. segregated cycle track); Improved connectivity with the Confederation O-Train Station; and The ability to provide an improved connection to the Southeast Transitway. Expanding the study area will address previous comments raised by the study’s Consultation Group (CG) members and the public regarding the need to extend the Rapid Transit corridor to provide a connection to the O-Train line and Southeast Transitway at Confederation and Heron Stations, respectively. The above extension will also require an additional Public Open House likely in Q1 of 2015. The last round of CG meetings was completed on May 27, 2014 followed by an Open House on June 2, 2014 in which stakeholders were notified of the potential study scope change, subject to Transportation Committee approval. The expanded scope will be added to the current study assignment, with an overall study completion date still late 2015. 5 RURAL IMPLICATIONS There are no direct rural implications associated with this proposal. CONSULTATION Consultation is an integral part of the ongoing EA Study and includes meetings with key stakeholders through the Agency Consultation Group (ACG), Business Consultation Group (BCG), Public Consultation Group (PCG), and with the general public through Public Open Houses. The key stakeholders list will be expanded further to include pertinent government agencies, businesses, Community Associations and the general public within the extended study area limits. Additional meetings will be undertaken as required to bring the new participants up-to-date on the study. COMMENTS BY THE WARD COUNCILLORS Councillor Taylor provided the following comment: “"I am aware of and support the proposed extension of the study area in the interests of obtaining the most comprehensive understanding of mobility within the corridor." Councillor Chiarelli provided the following comment: “I concur with the extension of the EA study.” Councillor Egli provided the following comment: “I am supportive of this addition to the study as a means to further enhance transit options in the City.” Councillor Chernushenko provided the following comment: “I support the proposed extension to the study area limits and investigation of the bus lane design options.” LEGAL IMPLICATIONS There are no legal impediments to implementing the recommendation in this report. RISK MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS There are no risks associated with this report. 6 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Estimated costs to complete the EA for the extended study limit will be $300 thousand plus applicable taxes. Funds are available in account 905435 Rapid Transit EAs for this scope change. Cost to implement this project (including the expanded study area) must respect the 2013 TMP’s Affordability Plan that identified a cost envelope for this project. ACCESSIBILITY IMPACTS The design of rapid transit station(s) and transfer facilities will conform to City policies and provincial statutes regarding accessibility. ENVIRONMENTAL IMPLICATIONS The extended study area includes a Rideau River crossing east of Prince of Wales Drive which is designated as a Scenic Entry Route. The EA Study will examine and evaluate the project’s effects on the social, cultural, physical and natural environments within the extended study area. Appropriate mitigation measures will be developed and post mitigation environmental effects will be determined conforming to City, Provincial and Federal environmental policies, standards, regulations and legislation. TECHNOLOGY IMPLICATIONS Information Technology and Planning and Growth Management have agreed that for Land Use reports from Development Review Services and Policy Development and Urban Design Branches, there is no technology component. TERM OF COUNCIL PRIORITIES The work summarized in this report is supportive of the following Term of Council Priorities: TM1 Ensure sustainable transit services TM2 Maximize density in and around transit stations TM3 Provide infrastructure to support mobility choices TM4 Promote alternative mobility choices GP3 Make sustainable choices 7 DISPOSITION Following Transportation Committee’s approval of the Addendum to the Statement of Work, the scope of current Baseline Road Rapid Transit Planning and EA Study will be amended accordingly and added to the current study’s consultant assignment. Supply Management Branch was consulted and concurs with this approach. .
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