In This Number Important Factors in the Construction of a Super­ Heterodyne. A Universal Amplifier. Complete I nstructions for Building a Sure - Fire Reflex Set. Radio Age Data Sheets. Corrected List of U. S., Canadian and Cuban Broadcasting Stations. How the Fight to Tax Radio Failed. pjckups and Hookups by Our Readefi. Up-to-the-Minute News Pictures. Au then tic Radio Diagrams. Other Timely Features. Your Radio Problems Solved for 30 Cents in Stamps F YOU a re constructing a receiVIng set, and you need help in the way of clear diagrams and I full detailed descriptions you may have it by return mail. \Ve have laid aside a limited number of back numbers of Radio Age for you. Below we are listing the hook-ups and circuit diagrams to be found in these magazines. Select the ones you want, enclose 30 cents in stamps for each one desired. \Ve advise immediate attention to this as the stock of back numbers of several issues already has been exhausted. May, 1922 January, 1924 -How to make a. simple Crystal Set for $6. -Tuning Out Interference-Wave Traps-Eliminators- Filters. wJk~~rtic1e which was announced from stations WJAZ. woe and -A Junior Super-Heterodyne. October, 1922 -Push-Pull Amplifier. -How to make a Tube Unit for $23 to $37. -Rosenbloom Circuit. -How to make an Audio Frequency Amplifying Trans- former. February, 1924 -How to make a battery charger. -Improved Reinartz Circuit. November, 1922 -Interference rejectors. -Photo-electric Detector Tubes. -Single Tube Heterodyne. -Design of a portable short-wave radio wave meter. -How antenna functions. -Adding two audio stages to selective receiver which began as a crystal set. -Superdyne receiver. May, 1923 -How to make the Erla single-tube reflex receiver. March, 1924 -How to make a portable Reinartz set for summer use. -An Eight-Tube Super-Heterodyne. -A simple, low loss tuner. -Junior Heterodyne Transformers. -A Tuned Radio Frequency Amplifier. June, 1923 -How to make the Kopprasch Receiver. -How to build the new Kaufman receiver. -Adding Radio Frequency to the Variometer Set. -What about your antenna? -Simple Reflex Set. April, 1924 July, 1923 -An Efficient Super-Heterodyne (fully illustrated). -The Grimes inverse duplex system. -Selecting the Right Receiver. - How to read and follow symbols. -A Ten-Dollar Receiver. -Proper antenna for tuning. -Anti-Body Capacity Hook-ups. -Radio Frequency Amplification. -Reftexing the Three-Circuit Tuner. -Index and first two instalments of Radio Age Data September, 1923 Sheets. -Simple Radio Frequency Receiver. May, 1924 - Construction of a Simple Portable Set. - An Ideal Set for the Summer Camper. December, 1923 - A Traveling Man's Receiver. -Building the Haynes Receiver. - Radio Panels. - Combined Amplifier and Loud Speaker. - Making a Baset-\Veave Tuner. -A selective Crystal Receive r. -Third Instalment of Radio Age Data Sheets. RADIO AGE. Inc. 500-510 North Dearborn Street CHICAGO, ILL. dio COInpanion A six-tube set completely self-contained! No need to open case to operate No exterior loop or antenna required Zenith - MacMillan's Choice Encased in a Light T.raveling Bag! Here's a six-tube radio set that's entirely panionshlP it could give you on your self-contained-tubes, "A" batteries, motor parties-at the bathing beach. Pic­ "B" batteries, loud speaker and loop ture the enjoyment it could bring your antenna complete, and it's a Zenith! guests at the house-party or the week­ Packed into a small, beautifully finished end gathering. traveling case-much smaller than the Again, think how such a set would average suitcase-this new Zenith is the while away a lonesome evening in that most compact set ever made giving dreary out-of-town hotel- what a god­ clarity, quality, volume and distance. send it would be to that invalid mother -to that dear relative or friend who must Do you see those two little buttons close to the handle? Those are the spend w eeks and months in the hospital! controls. In order to operate the new But if you have already been initiated Zenith Radio Companion you simply tum into the wonders of the Zenith, you don't the controls to bring in the station you need be told the extraordinary use you could get from this new m odel or the fu n it could want-then for maximum volume you give y ou. swing the case so that the loop is facing Just the knowledge that you cou Id pick u p this that particular station. You will be aston­ beautifully finished case -even as you would pick ished at the clearness with which the u p your hand bag-and take it with you across city, country, lakes, mountains, and still turn those music and the voices come through - and two controls and be able to liste n at a moment's in what volume ! notice t o t he· world you have left behind-that Think what it would mean to you to though t alone should be enough to sugges t th e infinite delights p rovided by this new Zenith 'Radio be able to take one of these new Zeniths Com panion with you on your travels and outings. You will want to know more of this remarkable A real radio set-the exclusive choice of set-so ligh t and com pact, so easy to opera te, so Donald B. MacMillan for his Arctic ex­ wonderfully convenient. You will want to see it pedition-yet so compact that it takes up fo r yourself, at t he very earliest moment. N o ear­ p h on es,you u ndersta n d. N o outside antenna. Yet no more space than a light traveling bag! clarity, volume, quality, dis ... Think of the fun you could have w ith tance ! A real Zenith, packed th is set- the dance music you could listen '1nto a tr aveli ng case! Your name and address l-;ENITH ;;DIO C~RPORA TION,- l to on moonlit nights-the orchestras that on the cou pon, and the cau .. I D ept.2 - F , 328 S. Michiga n Ave., Chicago, III. I would play for you a s you and your pals pon placed in the mail, will Gentlemen: I gathered round the camp fire-the com- b ring you full particulars. I Please sen d m e illus tra ted litera ture on Zenith t R adio, including full pa rticula rs of the new Z e nith I I R adio Com panion. I Zenith Radio Corporation I Name .............................................................. I Rt:celvlne: the latest mar.. k e t report s . the lates t McCormick Building I I news deve)()pments, w ith I Address ............................................. ............... I the aid oftheZen\th Rad io Companion, Chicago, Illinois I ......... '='==='==.:::==='::'=J Always A/ en/ion RAD IO AGE Wizen Writing 10 Advertisers 2 RADIO AGE f or June, 1924 The ~lagazine of the Hour RADIO AGE A Chat With The Alagazine of the Hour the Editor Established March, 1922 1------_____________________________________________________ 1 HILE there may be a slack­ I ing up of const;uction work T?o/U11/e 3 JUNE,192-1 NUlIlber 6 W during the hotter weeks of Summer, -it is already quite evident as we go to press that the radio public is not losing its interest in CONTENTS reading about radio. It does not seem to require much training be­ Page fore the fan is able to get amuse­ Important Factors in the Construction of a Super- ment and real instruction out of the Heterodyne .... ............................ 5 mere studying of wiring diagrams. By F. D. Pearne \\'hile the practice of one's knowl­ Automatic Filament Control ................... 8 edge of hook-ups may be tem­ By Roscoe Bundy porarily suspended, there is still a deal of enjoyment in contemplating A Universal Amplifier. ..................' ....... 9 the theories. By Felix ' A nderson That is why we are again offer­ A ll Together for a Radio Summer .............. 11 ing, in this June number, a variety A Sure F ire Reflex Set. .. : _ ................... 13 of technical articles with the usual By R. J. Robbins helpful illustrations. Broadcaster \\Tins Copyright Suit. ............. 17 I t is apparent that much of the public interest IS centered on the The \,Vhy of the Heterodyne ................... 19 By John B. R athbun super-heterodyne. This outfit, here­ tofore ayoided by many because of A dding Radio and A udio to Baby Heterodyne ... 21 the expense involved tn putchas­ By John B. R athbun ing a sufficient number of tubes \ Vhat the Broadcasters A re D oing . .. .. ..... 23 and other accessories, is being sim­ Radiotoria Is . .... ........ ... ...... ........ 25 plified with a Y1eW to reducing the number of tubes needed. It is only P ickups and I-l ookups .... ... .. ...... .. ....... 27 a question of time when the supe~­ By Our Readers • h eterodyne will be within the reach Radio Age Data Sheets ....... ... .......... 37, 39 of the average fan, hoth as to cost Radio \ \Till Kot Be Taxed ..................... 38 and to construction and operation. T he Trouble Shooter ......................... .42 l\1eanwhile the regenerative, the \\' ith the l\ Ia nufacturers ...................... .46 Reinartz and several others of the standard circuits, such as the re­ Corrected L ist of Broadcasting Stations ......... 50 flex, claim the attention of a vast 11======================================== !lumber of home experimenters. The old fable that something" may be invented tomorrow that Radio Age is published monthly by will make the receiver of today RADIO AGE, Inc. look like a wheelbarrow in an auto­ mobile show, IS still popping up Ad vertisin g, Editorial and Publication Offices, occasionally. Let us make the pre­ 500 N . Dearborn St., Chicago diction that for a long time to come new developments in radio wil! L oUIS L.
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