PAINT THE CAMPUS BOO STUDENTS AND ALUMNI FILLED FOUNTAIN PLAZA PARTICIPATING IN A COSTUME CONTEST, FACE PAINTING, BALLOON ANIMAL MAKING AND CANVAS PAINTING SET UP BY THE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION THURSDAY NIGHT. TIMEKO DAVIS FACE-PAINTS A HALLOWEEN SKULL ONTO HOLLY GO’S JAW. PHOTOS BY SAIRA SIKANDAR Friday, October 28, 2016 VOL. 84 NO. 038 AFRAID OF SPIDERS? SIX AWFUL OUTFITS YOU’LL SEE THIS YOU’RE NOT ALONE. PAGE 3 HALLOWEEN PAGE 4 TIGERS HOPE TO SCARE A VICTORY OUT OF TULSA PAGE 8 SIX SPOOKY THINGS TO SEE ON CAMPUS PAGE 5 SIX PLACES TO GO THIS HALLOWEEN WEEKEND PAGE 2 DESIGNED BY ALANA KING AND JONATHAN CAPRIEL 2 I FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2016 WWW.DAILYHELMSMAN.COM Six things to do on Halloween other than trick-or-treating food in an abandoned church. dancing and having a good time. encouraged to dress up for the Jonathan Capriel By Alexis Young Editor-in-Chief [email protected] The church has three floors There was plenty of room for role. Players can bring their own [email protected] with a different DJ for each floor. people to move around, and I masks and even wear makeup if Gus Carrington Managing Editor Fall is here and Halloween This year, the party will feature liked that I was able to move to a they choose too. [email protected] is around the corner, The Daily a fourth DJ to enhance the mu- different floor if I wanted to hear Zombies can bite (shoot) and Mitchell Koch Helmsman has come up with six sic. U of M’s Iota Phi Theta and different music.” convert other players into zom- Managing Editor different events you may enjoy. Omega Psi Phi fraternities will Zombie Laser Tag bies. Survivors who are “bitten” [email protected] Cooper Street Massacre be hosting the event Saturday If partying isn’t your forte, you have to put on zombie masks Alex Ellington Design Editor Party at 1015 Cooper St in the historic can always slay some zombies at and attempt to convert remain- [email protected] For college students look- Cooper Young district. Shelby Farms. Battle Front Laser ing survivors into zombies. Alana King ing for a late night party where Junior Kierra Hutcherson Tag & Paintball presents Zombie Brian Lockhart, representa- Design Editor [email protected] they can dress up as their favor- said last year’s Halloween party Laser tag, which goes on the en- tive of Battle Front Laser Tag, ite characters, the third annual was the best event of the fall tire month of October. said the event is a great turnout Chip Williams Sports Editor Cooper Street Massacre Party is semester. The event allows players to each year. [email protected] the perfect event. “I’ve went each year and it’s choose between being a zom- “On average we get about 500 Raven Copeland Copy Editor Each year, hundreds of stu- always been a great experience,” bie or a survivor. Survivors use people to play in the month, and [email protected] dents from University of Mem- Hutcherson said. “The min- swat laser tag guns to destroy we typically have more people Jackie Quintanar phis and neighboring colleges ute you walk in, you’re greeted brain hungry zombies. Players Copy Editor see on page [email protected] enjoy a night of good music and by people in scary costumes who choose to be zombies are HALLOWEEN 7 Candy Justice General Manager What is your biggest fear? AdvertisingBob Willis Manager Sharon Whitaker Administrative/Sales ANNE CATHERINE DEMERE | STAFF Brittany Lee Advertising Production About us The Daily Helmsman is a designated public forum. Students have authority to make all content decisions without censorship or advance approval. The Daily Helmsman is pleased to make a maximum of 10 copies of each issue available to a reader for free. Additional copies are $1. Partial printing and distribution costs are provided by an allocation from the Student Activity Fee. Contact us 3711 Veterans Ave. 113 Meeman Journalism Bldg. University of Memphis “I’m scared of “Failure in anything “Scary movies, es- “Those weird Memphis, TN 38152 heights. Specifically, I set my mind to.” pecially when they’re clowns that are [email protected] falling off something gory.” everywhere.” really high.” Newsroom 901-678-2192 Advertising 901-678-2191 - Taylor Washington, --Antuane Jubert, nursing, 20 -Joy Heath, - Keenon Robinson, psychology , 22 linguistics, 25 education, 22 Corrections The Daily Helms- T HE DAILY HELMSMAN Classi eds man is committed to To place your ad or for more information, please contact The Daily Helmsman at providing fair and (901) 678-2191 or come to 113 Meeman Journalism Bldg. Memphis, TN 38152-3290 PRICES: Classifi ed Line Ads: (per issue) $10 for the fi rst 50 words and 10¢ for each additional word. Prepayment is required at time of insertion. Payment can accurate coverage be made by cash, or check or money order made payable to The Daily Helmsman. Abbreviations count as a spelled word, hyphenated words count as one word, of the University telephone numbers count as one word. of Memphis and Display Classifi ed Ads: (per issue) $10 per column inch. Ads are limited to one column width of 1 and 1/2 inches. Minimum ad size accepted is 1 col. x 2 inches. Maximum ad size surrounding area. accepted is 1 col. x 4 inches. Deadline to place an ad is noon two business days prior to publication. We take correc- JJHELP WANTED JHELP WANTED tions very seri- SERVICE STAFF APPLICA- we will call you to set up an in- ously. If you notice File Clerk TIONS being accepted at Fire- terview. birds Wood Fired Grill, 8470 mistakes or have Highway 64. We are looking for Needed teamwork-oriented profession- any comments als with a passion for service please email us E. Memphis law firm seeks & hospitality who want to work G O person to assist attorneys in a fun, casual/upscale envi- at news@daily- in filing, mail and light ronment. Must have serving data entry. experience. Applicants should helmsman.com have knowledge of beer, wine Must be organized TIGERs or contact our & liquor. Firebirds is a team of and dependable individuals who have fun while editor-in-chief at Full and part-time taking service seriously. Please no emails or phone calls. Apply jonathancapriel@ positions online at: http://fi rebirdscareers. GO! gmail.com. Email résumé to com/, choose Memphis location. [email protected] After reviewing your application, tweet us at @dailyhelmsman THE UNIVERSITY OF MEMPHIS FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2016 I 3 Beware of Plastic Spiders: For millions with arachnophobia, Halloween is a nightmare By Carmyn Oliver According to the Na- could be poisonous. And Not only is it an irrational we need them to tell us [email protected] tional Institute of Mental after I do kill it, I start to fear, but it interferes with when some things are not Health, the fear of spiders itch a little.” how you cope with your safe,” Whelan said. “Pho- He felt his heart skip (arachnophobia) is the Only 12 out of 40,000 life.” bias on the other hand, a beat. His eyes had wid- third-most common pho- species of spiders can Whelan said individu- whether it be spiders, el- ened. His body began to bia among adults, behind cause serious harm to hu- als with phobias are more evators or even travelling, tingle and get itchy all over fear of public speaking and man adults, but for true sensitive to the world and can limit a person from as he walked into Dunkin’ fear of death. arachnophobics, it doesn’t are more anxious and tend their job, having fun or Donuts on Poplar Avenue Considering how preva- matter. Their fear is not to pay more attention to even having family time.” and saw that his boss had lent spider decorations are just a fear of real spiders subtle cues. Harden, however, is spider decorations all over this time of year, Hallow- but also pictures of spiders “A spider crawling in doubtful he will ever be the store for Halloween. een can be a rough time and plastic spider toys or your direction is a fear that cured of his phobia of “I’ve always had a pho- for arachnophobics. decorations — an irratio- can be turned into a pho- spiders. bia of spiders for as long Chemistry major, Nicho- nal fear. bia,” Whelan said. “When “I would love to be cured as I can remember,” Jared le Cheatham, 22, reacts in Jim Whelan, a psycholo- a person sees a spider of my phobia, but I am Harden, 23, dance major an entirely different way gy professor at the U of M, they run from it, and it is sure that would mean ac- at the University of Mem- than Harden when she said fear and phobias are rewarding because they tually facing it in some phis, said. “The decora- sees a spider. not the same things. avoided the spider.” way,” Harden said. “I do not tive spiders on the wall at “I wouldn’t necessarily “A fear is just a cogni- Whelan said there are believe that I would ever work are pretty unsettling. say that I have a phobia of tive, emotional response phobia treatments such as have the courage to look When I first saw them, I them, but I am still fearful to risk or danger that pre- self-help books and pro- directly at a spider or have panicked a little, but now of spiders,” Cheatham said. pares our bodies to avoid fessional help from well- one touch me or anything.
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