... ------------- 65— 30632-ia,2/-i5/-2002 ------------------- www^itiaRicval/alley.com ____ _SMI____ _ . _ J I M PA R K E 3627 E YANDELiL L n * TX 7 9 9 0 3 E L P A S O m i e 1 l e s ■ "■ ■ ^ T ▼ -MJw in Falls, Idadaho/97th year, N o.)■ 1 0 2 ______________________ ■ • F r i dJay^priU i ?2P0?" —G o o d m o) r R N i N G - ^ ---------------- ~M oist> t u r e ; — r ^ W E A T H K R T oday: d a j Partly = ^ fw m F W 0 ^ doud)udy today .. conce ^ andtd tonight, ^ 4 B b h i g hSh66,low < 42. persis P age A2 M a g i c V a u.LEY. in Idaaho Jerom e appeal: An1 aiappeals coun said a Jeromele iman con-____________ I W c s t r i ^ o■ u ju i c liw c st_______________________ victed of aggravateded batteiy I ----- should have had aps• psychologi- p a r t o f . state t a t draws — cal evaluation. P a g e B l M m o .sc C0 I1CIK 'c r n The Tlme»-New» and M o n k y Th* Ateoclated Pretirete_________ __ Down:d A lioiSE - Waiure r su|>|)ly coiull- H p tions hitvo iiiiprowioved I'roin a yi-ai warning ugo ovL'r much ofif Idlilalm. Itm ilii^ from rem itin Itelinv aveni General im Only liiis (if railrain {liirinn tlu- , Electric 9^H next six weeks catcan assure ade- H and more aSH quatv water for■ tmmany irrigators. * accounting • sta te officials s;iy> •**'6SJ “We've still gottot ;a loi of issues worries hanging out therhere." said Hal sent the Anderson, the chairmanclia of the Vifading H H Idaho Water a deep dive a S S u p p l y P fr Reservoir by G VX Ccmimittee. E Page El I ^ H Qk Enough fereservoir si - A2 * ” imceriainiy a X - ^ rem ains that a> ofe the panel of expei(pens will meet V, again in tnid-May,ly, rty|)ically a ses- st sion held only in ;years |)osing fe ____ serious dniught con'conditions, stock niarket into a c Snowpack andd streaniflowst s in Thursday Steve aufer from the Idaho Departmentnt ofo Environmental Quality, righl;ht, point! out to MIke Schroedeader the direction the water tabliable flowe Into the epringt at eiu<Hue Ihc basins north'th i>r th e m ain U k ei. wheirhera tha city of Twin Falli get*I ItsIte water. The cKy, elate a£encincy and offlclali fronf Jerome CcCounty are working together to protect wellheeds. Salmon River conti[intiiuie to nm at aro u n d 120 jiercencent of average, while those in the western and southwestern pari>arts of the stati- W e e k e n d below the river artaro at the aver- H Ar<rea’s hig nitrattelevelI draws iinterest age. t But across souilitiiiliern Idaho, up H By Julie PePence cr. He has suid studies sh'show througli ilie Ujipcrper Snake River Tlmft»Nawawa wrttar titrates from the waste of cmrattle Basin and hack intoint the leiitral State cites ddecades of aggriculture ^inly go down a maximum ofof 40 mountains, condit'iditions ure run- Ihe Magic inches. n J ning 75 percent; tuto 85 p ercent of iUreteU } FALLS - City a n d coun* :ials arc concerned that practice; furinding deadlirin e lcx)m s Local DEQ official Stcleve iiormal. eliairpiinrj- hm iha inrrmrl' Uaufer s a id t ^ d t y ’s wells-at-start .WhUoiwitvr tinth u r\^ a st y<wr - 6S k — S nitrate levels in theote. 'Quality officials said. out plans, collrollecting w ater at about 50 fefeet. and providing a m\ich longer . Page Cl Twent!nty-five percent-of the Several Twin Falls andid Jerom e T he assessnssment has enabled NitratesN cannot he filteredd out whitewater renea —:----------------- : "domesticticTvellsnnthe-county '.....d • ty a nd county offidols-tclook peo- statetjfficialsilsio determine the— ofd[)f drinking wateri-------- . — ..the situation stillill dousd n ot assure h a v e a t 1least half the amount pie from the state DEQ ooffice on hot spois'forhi’high n itrate levels in ButB in addition to learn*ning farmers and ranch allow edi byb law, but there are at a tour Thursday of Twiivin Falls’ the state. The;hey blame high con- aboutabo water contamination, localk the state the kindind of w aier so|)- ■ least sixX <documented wells that eiglit wells. Together thejey arc all ccntraiionsof of commerdal fertii- offidalsoffi aro learning more ababout ply they need furfor nonuiili opera- Voices of spring: Hi< have actu:tually exceeded the legal working on water qualityity assess- izers on field:Ids, seeping private ' thoviow the oquifcr works. Anmd a tions. VallQr Chorale will i limit. m ents and protection planans. septic tanks andoi legume produc- patternpati they are finding incn:reas- The Bureau of Reclainaiion A cco>rding rd to thc U.S. The DEQ and dty andid county tion in Twinn FallsI County over :nglying disturbing is farm Ploase seesee WATER.t P.ieeA2 ^ E n v iro)nmentai n i Protection officials from around ththe state many decadesles for high nitrates. svninvitdiing from flo ^ irrigatioiion to A g en cyy, , one health risk from have been required byy federal And now, largirge confined onimal sprijprihklers. drinkingslg w ater w ith rdcrates that law since 1996 to work•k on th e feeding operatrations are contribut- “We’re'* very worried abi a re too hi,high is th at infants aren’t assessm ents. Protection plplans arc ing lu the probloblem, Risley said. ipspr r in k le r s ,” s a id A rt Bro>IZ Sawtoc)0± * able to geget e n o u ^ oxygen and as n ot m andatory, b ut Davie/id Risley “(Farmers)rs) are allowed to JerJerome County’s planning( uan d a resultIt (can suffer from "blue of th e DEQ said it is dcfirfirihely to spread wastee ono th e fields a t thc zonitoning director. S p o r t s baby symyndrbme.” The condition cities’ and counties’ advui'antagc to rate nf 150 percentpe of what the TT he reason is the public relrcfe gets ne leads to:o imental retardation or cooperate. Access to stat;ate fund- plants actuallyUy use,” h e said. inon irrigation to recharge i ev e n dealeath. There is also evi- ing for public projectsts can be Lewis Eilers,>rs, Idaho Dairymen’s uiquifer. q t Though sprinkTinf _ . dence ththat it can damage the compromised', but in acaddition, AssociationI executivee; director, mot chief raranger ny «: The Magic health of;of young ruminants, Idaho federal funds will simimply be hns disputeded that waste from Please see NITRATES. PageigeA2 Bstarts up its. Departmtment of Environmental unavailable soon for citiiities with- CAFOs gets} intoit the groundwa- Tlie Tlme»Newe aturd^y. P ag eD l,D 6 TWIN FALUS> - Ai new m anag kQ or will soon he lieiitlinghe up the P d p a n y J / J SawHHith National 1 idge-ordders-cor The U.S. — te:.E n erg y By Jennifelifer Sandmarui Thehe Idaho Estimates havehi ranged from reachedrea thc allowed amounm t o f ■ 100,000. s t a r t your engines:in u e s to lose Tlma^Navtowa wrttef D e pj a r tm e n t 600,000 to 1.31.3 million to as many 100 announced I o f E n v iro n - as 2 million tii 'lliursday’s court order r«]u VallQr Speedway st( I tires. Lincoln County 'I .^urcs •rhursili.y Ihc ■ ^teat SHOSl)SHONE - A judge on ■ m e3 n t a 1 intended to allowal rrR to store no FloydFlo to rem ove all of the tire? ^ appointineiil ■ 17th season on Satuditonalsays. Thursdajiay ordered the owner of Q ualiility won more than 100,0001C tires at the The^ only response from FlFloyd of Kuih ■ p P age A6 the Shoslo^one tire pile to remove the ininjunction site, to irequests by Tlte Timcs-Neuaitisfor Monahan as H th ed res\» within 90 days. againinst ITR Tire piles> posep< an environmen- commentcor has been an appat[u/erit Sawtooth ■ Fifth1 IDistrict Judge R. Barry default. tal and humiiman health hazard. attemptatt< to distance himself■from fi supervisor. ■ —O p t n t o n Wood in Lincoln County ordered \ owner They offer breedingbr grounds for ITR.rn In on e-mail, Floyd toldId th e S h e w ill ■ that tireire removal begin within 1 Floyd of insects and1 rodents,r are highly newspapernc^ that the tire remi W o m e i o v e r w a s t e ; moval move to mRuthp MoiMtian 2 seven dadays and that Idaho Ti^c npa has combustibleB anda can cause inex- agreementj,gi made with the i: Idaho from Department contini«Jon..A3^ Recoveryeiy Inc. pay a $20,000 fine, respond* tinguishable,B, toxic t fires. wwa: as m ade with ri'R, not himse Utah, where shee i-iis Ogilen ranger cre^bility over was id froze IT R ’s e q u ip m en t 0 the legal Thursday’s^s ruling results from “Thc.< agreem ent was knowiiwn to fo r th e W asatch C INEEL, to d ^ edit to prevent the company Tomon 1 against ITR’s failureire to comply with u “ “ "“ • i i Nam] all parties that it,wus IdahoI) ’Tire Forest.
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