& m te**l5 Edilorial JECTICUT -IBflARY,Right To Know 10 1958 (Eouttfrttrut Bailor Gkmjmf (See Page 2) HArUrOKLfc Fair and Cooler . 'Serving Storrs Since 1896' COINJlUUtlUiT STORRS. CONNECTICUT. Offices in Student Union Building No 36 VOLUME CXII Complete UPI Wire Service FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1958 Schuman Criticizes Budgets Cut ASG Faces Deficit AmAmerican Kelations o With Russia, China Senate Reduces Future Cutbacks To Affect ROBENA O'MALLEY situation with relation to the By American build up and protec- Staff Writer tion of Formosa and Nation- WHUS Coverage Various Campus Activities ■■Something is definitely al, st held islands off the Chi- The Senate has been.drawing nese mainland "unnatural." nance Chairman of the Student bv ROBERT DECKERT getl and not with a realistic wrong in the American attitude By RUTH HUSAR appraisal ol ihe present situa- With ".Schuman analogy, he Senate, locommcnded that both Staff Writer On its reserve and surplus towards Russia and China." Associate Editor tion, This statement was made by asked how the American peo- I events and the The Associated Student Gov- funds since 1952. At that time phone be deleted from the bud- A M MOB PORTION of lasl the ASG vv.is receiving the J,lr. Frederick' L. Schuman, one ple would have felt if after Hie In a divided question the Stu- ernment must cut coats dras semeatei - deficit conies iioi i gej! Whole of the ten dollar annual of the foremost American au- Civil War. Jefferson Davis with dent Senate has voted to cut the lically or face a large deficit 530 unsold 1958 Nutmegs, Sels i he aid of England had estab- SENATOR CROSS stated that student activity lee levied on thorities on International Poli- special events progiams of ,ii I ,. end of the veai. sccoi d- berg recommended Uiai this the outside phone would be ade- all Students, When the Student tics, Wednesday night while ad lished a stronghold on an is WHUS and to maintain the in- mg to William Selsberg, Stu- year's number of copies ol Nu dressing a crowd of over 450 land approximately the same side phone of the radio station. quate to cover the needs of the dent Senate Central Treasurer Union Building was opened in megs IN- reduced bj 500 copies 1952, Ihe fee was split and four University students, facultv distance from Boston Bay as This includes basketball games station. In presenting the fins ihe largest number ol copies Formosa is from China with and the remaining away foot- Marv Weinbeig replied that in ine Senate Wednes- dollars of this fee was given ever sold, he noted, WSS [lOfl 10 the Hill. the purpose of closing the bay ball games. Ihe inside phone is needed In tight, Selsberg stated thai i spies, yel this semester's sun to trade and raiding the U. S. The Senate reserve and sur- MARV WEENBEBG, station facilitate communication be- the present Senate Inherited •> has budgeted lot 1500. 'i hough mainland. He apologized to Jef- manager of WHUS. made this tween service converters and deficit of 12,384.90 from the the contracts have already i>ci plus funds were $21,151.1.) St ferson Davis for using his statement to the Connecticut ihe radio station. Tile phone is irevious hodv. This, coupled signed. Selsberg declared thai mat time. Since then there has name calling him a "mistaken Daily Campus concerning this also peeded, he went on, to serv- with a projei ted deficit of flO ductlon could probably be been a steady decrease until but honest man" and to the budget cut ice request shows which the 000 by the end of this yen worked out with the printer, Ihe projected deficit estimated British, who in his opinion, for the end of this year. "What many people have station has. would leave Ihe Senate In very Selsberg also recommended 'would never do such an Idiotic feared for a long while has fi- The phone costs amounts to serious financial straits if cuts THE SENATE lias sought a thing.'' $4 j>cr month. thai Ihe budgets of all the nally become a grim reality: are not made at this time. other organizations be re-oval in Ihe activities fee Since HE WENT ON to slate that namely the Student Senate Fi- Senator Wholey went on to Selsberg attributed the> pre* uated In order to make cuts, IIn split in 1993. Citing finan- the "intolerable situation" in nance Committee has shown its say that the special events cov- ent dlflcil spending to underes In the case of the Daily Cam cial difficulties, ihe Senate has China would have to come to lack of knowledge In dealing ered by the radio station are lunation of income and nverc.v. pus. Selsberg stated thai these sent a number Ol offinal and an end. and before long the with budgets and student fund- a duplication of effort. He went penditiire of the approval bud CUtS could be accomplished unofficial requests to the Board I'nited States would have to on to say that events such a« of Trustees, by placing the Senate's semester WILLIAM SELSBERG get, n is in the undereatima either by cutting out a week ■ the People's Republic of budget in such a precarious po- football and basketball games Idmiiiii I'lmlii — OleSMI lion thai the greatest source . i so of is-ues or by cutting The latest action in Ihe long China. sition that the only way to save which the station would be cov- of en or lies, he declared He the Campus down lo three oi dispute was the recent vote by Pointing out what happened face and existence for them- ering as its special events are Senator Bates stated that cited the Daily Campus as the lour issues a week. Recommen- ihe Senate to make a last ap- in the Korean episode, he said selves is to revoke budgets that coveied by outside stations. from the financial report given only major organization thi-i dations on wins were submit peal to Ihe Board of Trustees that it was time the United they have already been appro- UVinberg replied that cutting by the Central Treasurer II usually submits a realistic ap- ted bv Ihe Finance Committee. for an Increase this year. This - government realized H pi iated. The reason for this these programs would be cut- was evident that the Student pralsal of estimated Income. 'See Wills Cutback, page I I report is still pending in the Senate must cut down; there could not stop Communist cut is not because of the in- ling down an important audi- \1 >st organizations submit c\ ANOTHKK LABGE source of Senate. ence factor. He went on to say lore, it Is necessary to cut China by force. He continued efficiency of the organizations tremely unrealistic estimations deficit, Selsberg said, was ihe Manv Senators have indicated "that the United States must who will bear the brunt; but that the programming of these down such services. 01 income. He recommended .ia«s (unctions. The classes are thai they believe that the lee change their attitude in inter- rather because of the bad bud- events may be a duplication but Senator Green made a mo- thai much lighter control be I great drain on the Senate - spin itself was illegal and the so is the newspaper to an ex- FREDERICK L. SCHUMAN national policy." getry of the Finance Commit- tion to divide Ihe question exercised by the Finance Com- finances and almost invariably ASG has legal control over this *. realism in foreign policy" No longer are we the domin- tee. Now the services to the tent. Which resulted In a separate mittee over estimated budgets; go over their budgets. Lost fee. Though a past ruling by CC'imput 1'hiilii — Kr.lm I i ant power in the world. Russia students will be hurt." THE COST of the special vole being taken of each point he also said that cstimaiions vear's class weekeniis were fai the Attorney C.eneral was is our equal, not our inferior. events was budgeted as $24."'.55. of the question. are usually based on past bud against the students, other law- members and local residents. " Originally Robert Cross, Fi- over Iheir budgets. Selsberg Regarding China, especially, he recommended that the Senate yers have indicated that the In summarizing our relation feels that we must reverse our with Russia, Schuman went drop the classes and let them issue is still in doubt. attitude. He asks why should be provided by other means. A back to the Russian Revolution we support the almost defunct of 1918. According to him. our system of class dues is a pos- Unitarians Meet Nationalist Government which sible answer to this problem. first mistakes were: One. send- Uconn Elects Natalie Esposito I >r. Charles McLaughlin, a repiesenss only a small major- ing troops and supporting Bad budgeting is common lo ity of the Chinese people. He member of Ihe Department of troops of other nations in try- most of Ihe organizations, he Knglish at the University of further stales that if our states- noted. He cited the Photopoot ing to defeat the revolutionary men were realistic, they would Connecticut, will address the government and reinstate the as being an example of poor Unitarian fellowship group this Czarist government; two, wait- see that the forces of Chiang budgeting. Creater ilemization Kai-Shek will never be able To Reign Over Military Ball Sunday at 11 a.m. at the Storrs ing sixteen yean before recog- and explanation of items would Grammar School. nizing the new Russian go to regain the Chinese Main- be a great help to the finan land.
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