Catch Some Fun in ACKLEY | ALEXANDER | COULTER | DOWS | GENEVA | HAMPTON | HANSELL | LATIMER | POPEJOY | SHEFFIELD 2016 VISITOR’S GUIDE EVENTS, ENTERTAINMENT, DINING, SHOPPING & MORE Beeds Lake State Park WWW.FRANKLINCOUNTYTOURISM.COM • in • Franklin County 5 First St. SW Hampton IA 50441 641.456.5668 [email protected] As you look for activities in and around the county, look no further than the HAMPTON CHRONICLE welcome to & The Sheffield Press We are honored to be the county’s most trusted media source*. As you turn the pages of our publications you’ll Ɠnd the most up to date news anywhere. You can Ɠnd us online at hamptonchronicle.com or shefƓeldpress.com, on Facebook, or available for sale on newsstand locations throughout the county. We’re thrilled you’ve chosen to visit Franklin County and look forward to another visit in the very near future. In the mean time, stay in touch! Ryan L. Harvey, President/CEO Mid-America Publishing Corporation THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPERS forfor FFranklinranklin CountyCounty HAMPTON CHRONICLE 641-456-2585 | 9 2nd St. NW, Hampton SHEFFIELD PRESS *Results are from the 641-892-4636 | 303 Gilman St., ShefƓeld 2014 Downtown Hampton Market survey WWW.FRANKLINCOUNTYTOURISM.COM FRANKLIN COUNTY VISITOR’S GUIDE | 2016 1 A Big Franklin County Welcome! Franklin County Court House, Photo by Nick Pedley Welcome to the 2016 Greater Franklin County Visitor’s Dear Visitors and Readers, guide. Thank You so much for your interest in Frank- We are excited to share with you the many venues and lin County and all it has to off er. We have an amaz- events greater Franklin County has to off er. The greater ing rural atmosphere that we invite you to share. There Franklin County area includes the ci es of Hampton, Shef- are a variety of historic and tourism sites and events fi eld, La mer, Coulter, Alexander, Geneva and Popejoy. through out the county and throughout the year The school districts of Hampton-Dumont Community, CAL that will surely peak the interest of almost everyone. Community and West Fork Community School systems. Hampton off ers a variety of unique specialty shops Main Street Iowa has designated our historic county in our downtown district as well as outlying areas. The seat down town area a Main Street Iowa district. I might Geneva Market and the 3 County Garage Sale off er fl ea add, one of the most beau ful downtown squares in the market lovers a con nuous array of vintage, salvage, an- state of Iowa. Franklin County is diverse in business and ques and hand cra ed items. These all put the fun fac- culture with a wide variety of venues to shop, eat, and ex- tor and adventure back in the shopping experience. plore. Two of our special treats are the Townsend Win- Our mission as the greater Franklin County chamber is ery and the Rus c Brew. Both off er their own won- working together by suppor ng and encouraging growth derful beverages and amazing atmosphere with in the downtown district and beyond. The many volun- their own blends of entertainment and ac vi es. teers that serve on the various boards and commi ees of If history intrigues you, we have a wealth of historic Franklin County is the life’s blood of our county and the buildings as well as the Franklin County Historical Society, great pride that shows throughout the ci es and commu- the Harriman-Nielsen Historic Farm, the G.A.R. Memo- ni es of our county. rial Hall, the Windsor Theatre, and the Franklin County We invite you to use our visitor’s guide as a tool to enjoy Court House, just to name a few. The Franklin County what our county has to off er throughout the year. There Fair off ers history in mo on with Grandpa’s Farm and is always something going on in Franklin County. Spring, the Pioneer Village. As well as na onal talent, rodeos, summer, fall or winter you can fi nd events that are unique car racing, vendors booths, 4H and of course fair food! to Franklin County. We feature awesome outdoor events and facili es In the center of the visitor’s guide you will fi nd a list- for the outdoor enthusiast, from biking, walking, or run- ing by category of the businesses that are Franklin County ning on the Rolling Prairie Trail to camping at the many Chamber members. Or you can check us out on Facebook county parks and Beeds Lake State Park. Hunters and at www.facebook.com/Greater Franklin County, or www. fi sherman will enjoy the diverse and seasonal wildlife hamptoniowa.org. If you have ques ons give us a call at off ered in the many high quality natural resource areas. Center 1 at 641-456-5668. Please take a moment to browse thru our brochure, Welcome and enjoy your me in Franklin County, Iowa. visit our website and Facebook page, or call for a more personal referral. We know you will not be disappointed in Donnis Borcherding Franklin County, Iowa. So come catch some fun with us! President Greater Franklin County Chamber of Commerce Judy Wrolson Vice President/Opera ons President of Franklin County Tourism 1st Security Bank and Trust Country Heritage Bed and Breakfast/Owner 2 FRANKLIN COUNTY VISITOR’S GUIDE | 2016 WWW.FRANKLINCOUNTYTOURISM.COM CONTENTS 2 Welcome to Franklin County 4 Visitor Resources: Government Listings ATTRACTIONS 7 North Hansell Shooting complex 8 Golf courses in Franklin County 9 Rolling Prairie Trail 10 Beeds Lake State Park 13 Hampton Parks 16 City Parks: Hampton, Latimer, Coulter, Hansell, We hope you’ll enjoy shopping, dining Sheffield, Popejoy, Geneva, Ackley, Dows. and even banking locally with us! 21 Park Events 23 Franklin County Parks Our Lobby Hours: BUSINESS Monday thru Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. 28 Greater Franklin County Chamber members business directory: Lodging, Retail, Vehicle, Professional, Drive-thru: 8:30 a.m. - 5: 00 p.m. Construction, Organizations, Churches. Saturday: 8:30 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. 37 Franklin County: Better for business, Better for life. 39 Franklin County Transportation map 40 City of Hampton Street Map 24 / 7 ATM ENTERTAINMENT Available for withdrawals & deposits. 41 Franklin County Fair 2016 Safe, secure & conveniently located in our south entry. 42 Harriman-Nielsen Festival 43 2016 Events Calendar HISTORY 47 Franklin County Historical sites ON THE COVER Beeds Lake State Park 211 First Ave N.W. 641-456-4793 Bottom pictures, from left: • Spillway at Beeds Lake State Park firstbankhampton.com • Bikers at the Sheffield Park of Progress Member FDIC • Historical Windsor Theatre • Street festival in Hampton Produced by Mid-America Publishing March, 2016 9 Second Street NW – Hampton, IA 50441 641-456-2585 WWW.FRANKLINCOUNTYTOURISM.COM FRANKLIN COUNTY VISITOR’S GUIDE | 2016 3 Visitor Resources FRANKLIN COUNTY MORE COUNTY DEPARTMENTS CITY OF ALEXANDER FRANKLIN COUNTY BOARD OF COMMUNITY RESOURCE CENTER MAYOR SUPERVISORS - ELECTED 641-456-2128 Darrel Baxter District 1, Mike Nolte • 641-456-5444 CONSERVATION & PARKS COUNCIL District 2, Gary McVicker • 641-456-3916 641-456-4375 Jacob McNutt, Thomas Schear, Jeannie District 3, Corey Eberling • 641-892-4726 EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY Arends, Quinton Bohman and Virgil. 641-456-6035 Larsen. The board meets Mondays at 8:30 a.m. in ENGINEER’S OFFICE Council meets fi rst Tuesday at 5:30 p.m. the supervisors’ boardroom, lower level of 641-456-4671 the courthouse, 12 1st Ave. NW, Hampton. ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH & SANITATION CITY CLERK Supervisors’ boardroom • 641-456-5624 641-425-8394 Kristy McNutt EXTENSION SERVICE Mail: PO Box 1, Alexander, IA 50420 FRANKLIN COUNTY ASSESSOR 641-456-4811 Mobile: 515-571-1120 Gwana Wirtjes GIS & MAPPING [email protected] 12 - 1st Ave. NW, PO Box 575 641-456-6045 Hampton, IA 50441 HOME CARE SERVICES CITY OF COULTER Phone: 641-456-5118 641-456-5830 MAYOR Fax: 641-456-6005 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Mark Brown • 641-866-6701 641-456-6044 COUNCIL FRANKLIN COUNTY ATTORNEY PLANNING & PROGRAMMING Kevin Erickson, Donna Lohrbach, Dallas Brent J. Symens 641-456-2128 Paris, Dan Tilkes, Anthony Stadtlander. 24½ 1st St. NW, PO Box 315 PUBLIC HEALTH Council meets the second Wednesday at Hampton, IA 50441 641-456-5820 6:30 p.m. Phone: 641-456-4658 VETERANS AFFAIRS 641-456-5670 CITY CLERK FRANKLIN COUNTY AUDITOR ZONING LaDonna Jorges Michelle Giddings 641-456-2128 Mail: PO Box 5, Coulter, IA 50431 12 - 1st Ave NW, PO Box 26 Phone: 641-866-6942 Hampton, IA 50441 CITY OF ACKLEY Email: [email protected] Phone: 641-456-5622 MAYOR Fax: 641-456-6001 Erik Graham CITY OF DOWS COUNCIL MAYOR STATE OF IOWA CLERK OF COURT Susan Ibeling, Al Jones, Joe Wessels, Larry Klatt • 641-373-6981 Deb Bausman Dale Brass and Robert Harms. COUNCIL PO Box 28 Council meets second Wednesday of Judy Gorder, Megan Hessler, Margaret Hampton, IA 50441 month at 7 p.m. Worden, Loren Lienemann and Don Phone: 641-456-5626 Lane. Fax: 641-456-5628 CITY CLERK Council meets fi rst Monday at 7 p.m. Cyndee Roskens FRANKLIN COUNTY RECORDER CITY HALL: 208 State, Ackley, IA 50601 CITY CLERK Toni Wilkinson Phone: 641-847-3332 Jeanette Wenzel 12 1st Ave NW, PO Box 26 Email: [email protected] Mail: PO Box 395, Dows, IA 50071 Hampton, IA 50441 Phone: 515-852-4327 Phone: 641-456-5675 CITY ADMINISTRATOR/ECONOMIC Email: [email protected] Fax: 641-456-6009 DEVELOPMENT Jefferson Fosbender • 641-847-2214 CITY OF GENEVA FRANKLIN COUNTY SHERIFF Email: [email protected] MAYOR Larry Richtsmeier Sean Porter PO Box 57 COUNCIL Hampton, IA 50441 Brody Bertram, Jim Zacharias, Todd Phone: 641-456-2731 (dispatch) Pilchard, Stephen Love and Lydia 641-456-6035 (offi ce) Mennenga.
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