t h e w e a t h e r Forecast by U. S. Weather Bureau, H artford. N E T P R E S S Conn. State Linrary-^Comp. AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION for the Month of October, 1939 Ooudy and cooler tonight and 5,522 Sunday, probably occasional rain. Member* of the Audit Bureau of Circulations PRICE THREE CENTS FOURTEEN PAGES SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1929. (Classified Advertising on Page 12) VOL. XLIV., NO. 29. J THRILLS? LOTS OF THEM! M AN ATTACKS FAIR AIR TRAVELER CENSURE -kS> VOTE ON RAILMERGERS A DILIGENT WRITER. FAILTOTAKE 1 New York, Nov. 2.— (-A-P) TWOQRLSON Letter and postal card writing HISCASETO 1 OF SEN. BINGHAM F0RW H 0LEU.S.I seems to be a favorite pastime for air passengers. CENTffiSTREET A survey made recently by the Colonial Airways system showed H lG H ffi COURT NOWjNWORKSi the average was two letters and FOR MONDAY three postal cards per passenger each trip. Miss Grace Giglio ond Miss “Women write more than any Former Cabinet Officer Con­ t Matter to Be Presented to | other passengers,” said Wilson CHENEY TAX LIST I Absence of Several Sena­ Lloyd, district tnanager here, Eleanor Bidwell Fight Off “Young men write------- to a certain fident He Will Be Vindi- Congress at Regular Ses­ extent, but older men do little Assailant; Tried to Carry tors Causes Norris to vorresponding while in the air. , cated; Mrs. Fall Says They SHOWS REDUCTION They are either engaged m , cpjored* ^ Postpone Discussion; sio n -E astern Plan Is AI-; studying business reports or en- , -tropidgil One Girl Into the Woods. joying" the view.’ ________ ^ Will Never Give Up Fight. r Turns Down Suggestions ready in Good Shape, \ '9H Attacked by an apparently crazed Drops Over Half Million But Washington, Nov. 2.— (AP) — \ middle aged man as they were on I That His Resolution Be Washington, Nov. 2.— Plans for, EHIBITION HOME Convicted of bribery but vigorously 9 their way to visit a g^rl friend last Sewer District List Is unification of railroads that would j asserting his innocence, Albert B. evening a few steps beyond the virtually make over the transporta-, Fall, secretai. of the interior in Edgewood Hotel on Center street, Modified. \ V Grace Giglio, 17. daughter of Mr. Filed; See Increase. tion map of the nation are under ^ OPENS TOMORROW Harding Cabinet, today rested his W i -/ arid Mrs. James D. Giglio, 207 consideration by the Interstate Com- ■ hope of vindication upon an appeal Spruce street, and Eleanor Bidwell, ■Washington. Nov. 2.— (A P .l—< Consenting to defer consideration merce Commission. to higgler courts. 16, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Despite the fact that the listing rrof'e^j'or of the resolution of censure for After years of delay, the first Beyond the Supreme Court of the F. Bidwell. 82 Chestnut street, of its largest tax payer, the Cheney fought off their assailant. The man Senator Bingham, Republican, Con­ Herald-Elizabeth Park Mod­ District of Columbia, in which re ©UtU. step in the proposal .to increase a/i; Vale had succeeded in lifting the Giglio Brothers corporation, shows a re­ necticut, Senator Norris of Nebras­ was found guilty of accept.ng a railroad efficiency through merging girl clear of the ground evidently in- duction of more than half a million ka gave notice today he would de­ bribe of $100,000 from Edwai-1 L .'am el Ready for Inspection at tending to carry her off to the i mand a vote on it Monday. various lines is expected to be tak­ I Doheny, in return for executit|^i the dollars, in mill business appraisal, woods in the rear of the houses at j Senator Fess of Ohio, the Repub­ en shortly after Congress convenes I famous lease on the Elkhills Naval largely because of a diminished that point. i lican whip, announced he would be oU reserve lay but two tribunals— In regular session with the submis­ 2 P. M. Sunday. I Picks Her Up volume of stock on hand, the grand ready for a vote on Monday and the District of Columbia Court of sion by the commission of its own the -- --------4. Q j The girls were about opposite the j list of the town of Manchester, it is Senate is expected to go on record the i .A-Ppeals and the Supreme Court hotel walk when they heard the | the matter then. The resolution proposal for consolidations Tomorrow. Sunday, at 2P - ^ne j United St "es. now estimated, will be in excess of on sound of quick steps coming from | an in- can be ‘ ---------- R.■ Porter,. I Herald-Elizabeth Park Exhibition ^ retraction of his appeal would $54,000,000 and will show is a privileged one and Commissioner Claude behind them but thinking that of last expects this to be ready before the , be opened for Public in- { ^ suspension of the one crease over the grand list brought up at any time, someone was about to pass them Senator Norris informed the Sen­ and soon there- i gpgction. Everything is in readiness dpnrencesentence and a fine of year. , !j lirst of the year year jail continued on. When they had reach­ Cheney Brothers’ list was filed ate that several members were believed '.he commission j gygnt and it is expected that but the former c."’nnet after it is $ 100,000, ed the deeper shadows just beyond forced to be absent today and had will act upon the drafts submitted i number of officer went purposefully forward with the assessors late yesterday the hotel the man who had remained afternoon and shows a total of $15,- requested that he postpone the vote. S'thTroadrthTmseives' for unifica-1 tbrou^h thriiouse during the after- i ^.t^b^his efforts to"obtain an ultimate i V behind them suddenly reached over 889,225 of taxable property. Last Will Not Soften It tion tnrough■ stock^ control andl^Qgjjana | g.nd eveningevening. All of [ exoneration. and grabbed the Giglio girl around others | Sn Mexico year the concern’s list was $16,471,- Norris has turned down sugges­ leases of more than 60,000 miles of | officials and many the shoulders and encircled her legs 787. a shrinkage of $582,562. Most tions so far for modification of his WIFE CONFIDENT. viator in with, Ipev^hin^ with his other arm, sweeping her off trackage, involving over ten billion prominent in ^H -erto at- ' fr&tuie' of this derives, it Is explained, from resolution, which would have the dollars in property investment and [ have been invited to at , Washington, Nov. 2— (A P )— Mrs. her feet. the present policy of the company in Senate condemn Bingham for plac­ other billions in annual revenues. tend. .u ' Albert B. Fall, said today she is go- Give Battle In case of rain tomorrow the i borne with her husband Before he reached the edge of the shipping goods directly after manu­ ing Charles L. Eyanson, assistant In the East opening will be postponed until the , confident in their fu- ^omn of the colorful chapters In the adventurous life of Senator sidewalk on his way to the woods facture instead of carrying large to the president of the Connecticut Division of the eastern section ol next fair day. ture rs she was the day they were B ln gL m are pictured here— jungle explorer, Yale professor, soldier and just beyondi the Bidwell girl gave quantities of stock in the mills here. Manufacturers’ Association, upon the country into a lystem of ni^-jor The actual figures on tliis item are, the payroll of the Senate while he The Furnishings j ,„arried nearly fifty years a p . war-time aviator in France. • him battle hitting him in the face trunK lines is to the fore now, with Everything is in r, adiness and the | gyoyed by a fervent belief th p and stomach. She courageously for this year, $5,948,588, as against was assisting Bingham on the fi­ $6,486,160 last year, a decrease of fo ;r proposals for unifying these exhibitors finished moving in and ] identify him as a I continued her attack, with the man nance committee in writing the tar­ hues indefinitely before the commis^ arranging their various things to-j .be said today that “the I trying to defend himself, and at the $537,572. iff bill. Sion. At the same time the proposed dav Watkins Brothers are furnish- ^bite flag of surrender shall never same time make away with Grace, Greatly offsetting this, however, is One of the modification proposals disposition by the commission of ing the house whicnwhich includes rurugs, p , | ^ Q^g° ^ndand mine’mine” and with who was struggling violently and the fact that this year the property would eliminate the name of Sena­ the eastern lines is being watched draperies and furniture. M. H. | ^g assurance she told of plans to Senate Fight Tame screaming in his arms. of the South Manchester Sanitary tor Bingham from the resolution carefully in railroad circles. Con­ Strfckland is showing an oil jg, all directions” toward his Run Away and Sewer District, a Cheney sub­ and have the condemnation apply solidation has not reached so p e a .- a G. E. .refrigerator and a washing vindication. , With a violent lurch the older girl sidiary, is entered for taxation at an to the practice. Another would sub­ ly into the west as yet, althpgh machine; Kemp Inc., They will return to the home in For State*s Senator succeeded in escaping from his appraisal of $245,758.
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