![Legal Framework of the Water Sector in Vietnam Prepared for [7] Nguyen, T.P.L](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
J. Viet. Env. 2012, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 27-44 Legal framework of the water sector in Vietnam: achievements and challenges Khung pháp lý về tài nguyên nước ở Việt Nam: thành tựu và thử thách Policy paper Nguyen, Thi Phuong Loan C enter for Development Research, University of Bonn, Walter- Flex- Str. 3, 53113 Bonn, Germany Since 1986 and especially during the early 90s, environmental protection has become a constitu- tional principle in Vietnam as regulated by Articles 17 and 29 of the 1992 Constitution. The first Law on Environmental Protection, passed by the National Assembly on December 27, 1993 creat- ed a foundation for environmental legislation becoming an important field in Vietnam’s legal sys- tem. In the following, Vietnam enacted its very first Law on Water Resources (No. 08/1998/QH10) in January 1999 aiming to provide a foundational framework for managing the water sector in Vietnam. In recent years, the legislative framework on water resources manage- ment has further developed. Important water-related regulations on the guidance and implementa- tion of the Law on Water Resources have been issued and often amended to meet the requirements of the country’s development, and its international integration. To date, Vietnam’s legislation on the water sector consists of a complex system of legal documents issued by different state agen- cies. Though legislation of water sector management in Vietnam has greatly improved during the last decade, it has obviously not yet come to full fruition. Hence, the paper intends to provide an overview of achievements as well as problems and conflicting issues within Vietnam’s current wa- ter sector management legislation. Kể từ năm 1986, đặc biệt là những năm đầu của thập kỷ 90, bảo vệ môi trường đã trở thành nguyên tắc hiến định (được quy định tại Điều 17 và 29 Hiến pháp 1992). Luật Bảo vệ môi trường đầu tiên được Quốc hội thông qua ngày 27 tháng 12 năm 1993 đã đặt nền móng cho việc hình thành hệ thống pháp luật về môi trường ở Việt Nam. Tiếp theo đó, ngày 20 tháng 05 năm 1998, Quốc hội nước Cộng hòa xã hội Việt Nam khóa X, kỳ họp thứ 3 đã thông qua văn bản luật đầu tiên về tài nguyên nước - Luật Tài nguyên nước số 08/1998/QH10 hình thành một nền tảng pháp lý cho hệ thống pháp luật bảo vệ nguồn tài nguyên nước ở Việt Nam. Trong những năm gần đây, hầu hết các văn bản dưới luật quan trọng và cần thiết cho việc hướng dẫn thi hành Luật Tài nguyên nước đã được ban hành và không ngừng được sửa đổi, bổ sung nhằm đáp ứng nhu cầu phát triển và hội nhập quốc tế của đất nước trong nhiều lĩnh vực khác nhau. Tuy nhiên, khung pháp lý hiện hành về tài nguyên nước ở Việt Nam bao gồm một hệ thống các văn bản quy phạm pháp luật khá phức tạp, nhiều tầng nấc, được ban hành bởi nhiều cơ quan có thẩm quyền khác nhau. Mặc dù hệ thống pháp luật về tài nguyên nước đã được liên tục sửa đổi, bổ sung và hoàn thiện trong suốt một thập kỷ qua, nhưng rõ ràng vẫn chưa thực sự đi vào cuộc sống. Bài viết dưới đây đề cập chủ yến đến một số các thành tựu cũng như những vấn đề mâu thuẫn hiện tại của pháp luật bảo vệ nguồn tài nguyên nước ở Việt Nam. Keywords: Mekong Delta; water resources management; state management; legal framework Introduction Law on Water Resources No. 08/1998/QH10 issued on May 20, 1998, has created the foundation for the legal In order to ensure the sustainable exploitation and use of system on water resource protection in Vietnam. After ten water resources Vietnam has started to elaborate a legal years of implementation, this law represents a major step framework of the water sector during recent years. The forward on integrated water resources management. Re- quired secondary regulations covering most water-related * Corresponding author http://www.openaccess.tu-dresden.de/ojs/index.php/jve/ E-mail: [email protected] 27 ISSN: 2193-6471 J. Viet. Env. 2012, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 27-44 protection issues have been adopted and frequently development and its international integration in different amended to meet the requirements of the country’s devel- issues regarding environmental protection, in particular opment, and its international integration in different as- water resources protection: the Ordinance on Natural pects. However, due to the pressures of industrialization Resources Tax (amended) 1998, Ordinance on Exploita- and modernization, water resources have not been devel- tion and Protection of Irrigation Works 2001, the Law on oped in a sustainable and integrated manner; socio- Land 2003, the Law on Fisheries 2003, the Law on Inland economic development has not been aligned with the Waterway Navigation 2004, the Law on Dykes 2006, and water sources capacity to meet the point of view of the especially the Law on Environmental Protection 2005 “National strategy on water resources to 2020” approved (which replaced the Law on Environmental Protection by the Prime Minister’s Decision (No. 81/2006/QD-TTg). 1993). These legal documents have an inseparable rela- The escalating exploitation and use of water resources as tionship with the legislation on the water sector (see chap- well as the discharging of untreated wastewater into water ter 2). sources have caused serious levels of water pollution, degradation and exhaustion; the use of water sources is no Apart from the legal groundwork for managing the water longer harmonized with the interests of local communi- sector (the Law on Water Resources and the Decree ties. Although the legislation has greatly improved during 179/CP) and respective laws/ordinances, important sec- the last decade, it has obviously not yet had the desired ondary regulations have been developed to provide fur- effect. The current legal system for the protection of water ther provisions for protecting the country’s water re- resources in Vietnam therefore seems to be insufficient. sources. In recent years, over 300 legal documents re- The main aim of the paper is thus to clarify and determine quired to implement the Law on Water Resources have the need for a new comprehensive Law on Water Re- been developed as secondary regulations to protect and sources. In detail, this paper consists of the following sustainably develop water resources from a range of dif- chapters: The first chapter provides a brief overview on ferent legal viewpoints. Overviews of the secondary regu- the position and role of the legislation on the water sector lations on exploitation and utilization, the protection of in Vietnam. Chapter two consists of a comprehensive water resources and sanctions against violations – as well overview of the key regulations for water resources man- as dispute settlement within the water sector – are provid- agement in Vietnam, while the third chapter is dedicated ed in-depth in chapter 2. An overview of the position and to the state management system of Vietnam’s water sec- key dimensions of water sector legislation in Vietnam is tor. Finally, the achievements and main challenges of the provided in chart 1 (see Annex). current legislation on water sector are identified in the final chapter. 2. Key regulations for the water re- sources management in Vietnam 1. Position and role of legislation on the water sector Vietnam’s legislation on the water sector consists of a complex system of legal documents issued by different In January 1999, Vietnam enacted its very first Law on state agencies. Like other legal fields, the groundwork of Water Resources No. 08/1998/QH10, which was adopted the legislation for the water sector is many-faceted. Nu- in May 1998 to provide a foundational framework for merous water-related legal documents are specified by managing the water sector. The law outlined state man- general laws and ordinances. Other regulations are sys- agement, exploitation and utilization, the protection of tematized and prescribed by specific secondary regula- water resources and sanctions against violations, as well tions. as international relations in water resources management. To guide the Law on Water Resources’ implementation, Above all, as specified in Article 29 of the 1992 Consti- Decree No. 179/1999/ND-CP was promulgated by the tution* (amended), the task to protect the environment is Government on December 30, 1999, and prescribed in a constitutional obligation: “…all state agencies, armed detail state management, exploitation and utilization, the forces units, economic organizations, social organizations protection of water resources, especially relating to the and individuals have to observe state regulations on the discharge of wastewater into water sources, and the grant- radical utilization of natural resources and protecting the ing of permit(s) related to water resources, as well as the environment. Any acts resulting in the depletion and de- prevention of, combat against and overcoming of harmful struction of the environment are strictly prohibited”. This effects caused by water. These two legal documents cre- regulation created the constitutional foundation for com- ated a legal basis for the management of the water sector municating to all subjects in charge of environmental in Vietnam. Accordingly, water resources are under the development the obligation to protect the environment. ownership of the entire population and uniformly man- Besides, the 1992 Constitution (amended) also stipulated aged by the state. All organizations and individuals have through Article 17 that “…land, forest, rivers and lakes, the right to exploit and use water resources to meet their water resources, underground natural resources, re- daily life and production demands. Besides, they are also sources in the territorial water, etc.
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