October 12, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE 22575 from a career which has included a IN RECOGNITION OF BEN JOHNSON all areas of academic leadership, teach- Purple Heart, a world championship, ∑ Mr. LEVIN. Mr. President, it gives ing and teacher development, and and nearly 30 years of exemplary serv- me great pleasure to acknowledge a school curriculum. In other words, ice as a District Court Judge in the distinguished public servant and tire- Blue Ribbon Schools are recognized be- State of Michigan. Throughout each less advocate for our nation’s cities, cause they are the finest public and phase of this career, he has been a lead- Ben Johnson. The people in my home- private secondary schools our Nation er and an inspiration to those around town of Detroit, Michigan, realize that has to offer. They are the schools that him. ours is a nation of cities. Later this set the standard for which others During World War II, Judge Cifelli month, many individuals will gather strive. I am very proud to report that nine of the 198 Blue Ribbon Schools served in the United States Marine there to celebrate the career of this named by Secretary Richard W. Riley Corps in the Pacific theater of oper- man who devoted his life to ensuring for 1999–2000 are located in the State of ations, and was awarded the Purple that all Americans are able to share in Michigan, and I rise today to recognize Heart for bravery. Upon returning our nation’s wealth and prosperity. Glenn W. Levey Middle School in home, he attended school at the Uni- Ben Johnson has dedicated his pro- Southfield, Michigan, one of these nine versity of Notre Dame, where he played fessional life to expanding opportunity schools. tackle for four undefeated football for all Americans. For over two dec- teams. Following graduation, he played ades, he has tirelessly worked to assist Glenn W. Levey Middle School takes professional football, and was a mem- communities, particularly minority pride in its tradition of addressing the ber of the 1952 World Champion Detroit communities, in their efforts to fully learning needs of the whole child at a Lions, the Green Bay Packers, the participate in the pursuit of the Amer- crucial stage in his or her development. Philadelphia Eagles and the Pittsburgh ican dream. The staff is firmly commited to edu- Since 1993, Mr. Johnson has honor- Steelers. cating all students through a chal- ably served in the Clinton Administra- lenging curriculum, a strong academic Following his professional football tion. During his tenure in this Admin- program, and a collaborative profes- career, Judge Cifelli worked as a cas- istration, he worked in the Office of sional development program. This pro- ualty insurance agent and investigator Public Liaison, and served as both a gram takes into account the multiple and a labor relations representative for Special and a Deputy Assistant to the needs of a middle-school population, the Ford Motor Company. In 1972, the President. Currently, Ben Johnson needs which Levey has long worked to citizens of the State of Michigan’s 48th serves as the Assistant to the Presi- meet. District elected him to serve as their dent and Director of The White House Levey was one of the first schools in District Court Judge. Office on the President’s One America the district to implement interdiscipli- During his time on the bench, Mr. Initiative. The One America Initiative nary teaming, block scheduling, and to Cifelli has been credited with initiating office he oversees is the first free- align its curriculum with state and na- and implementing the Court’s small standing White House office estab- tional standards. It is one of a select claims mediation procedures, staffed lished to close opportunity gaps that group of schools in the United States by volunteer attorneys. He has also exist for minorities and the under- to successfully implement an IMAST created the Volunteer in Probation served in this nation. In all of these ca- (Integrated Mathematics, Science and Program, which involves citizens as pacities, he has shown a steadfast com- Technology) Program. As a result of its probation officers, and been responsible mitment to ensure economic opportu- success in these areas, Levey was one for the establishment of many proce- nities for all people. of the first schools in its district to ac- Serving in the Clinton Administra- dures and standards for the Court’s op- quire North Central Accreditation, tion was not Mr. Johnson’s first job at eration. To say the least, he has indeli- NCA, receiving the highest scores in 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. During the bly left his mark upon the 48th Circuit every NCA category. Carter Administration he was Director Court. The staff and students of Levey Mid- of Consumer Programs and Special As- dle School are proud of its history as a Judge Cifelli is a member of the sistant to Esther Peterson, the Special leading middle school, and the fact American and Michigan Bar Associa- Assistant to the President for Con- that it has been a catalyst for change tions, the American Judges’ Associa- sumer Affairs. In the years between his inside the district and beyond. The tion, the Justinian Society of Jurists service at the White House, Mr. John- staff and the community continue to and the American Judicature Society. son served in a variety of capacities set higher standards and hold greater He is also a member of the Italian within the District of Columbia’s city expectations. With supportive parents, American Foundation, the Oakland government, and worked to ensure that hardworking students, and a skilled County Association for Retarded Citi- the residents of our nation’s capital and dedicated staff, I am confident that zens, and is a former board member of lived in an efficient, safe and clean Levey Middle School will continue to Families in Transition and the Jewish city. set the precedent for years to come. Association for Residential Care. Ben Johnson can take pride in his I applaud the students, parents, fac- Judge Cifelli has often been recog- long career of service and dedication to assisting minorities and the under- ulty and administration of Glenn W. nized for his efforts. In 1994, he was Levey Middle School, for I believe this named Italian American Man of the served in our nation. He has been a vocal advocate for the people of De- is an award which speaks more to the Year. In 1997, he was the recipient of effort of a united community than it the Eleanor Roosevelt Humanitarian troit and all the United States. I know my colleagues will join me in saluting does to the work of a few individuals. Award from the State of Israel Bonds. With that having been said, I would And in 1998, he received the Law En- Ben Johnson, and in wishing him well in the years ahead.∑ like to recognize Dr. Linda Paramore- forcement Award. Ford, the Principal of Glenn W. Levey f I would like to thank Judge Cifelli Middle School, whose dedication to for a lifetime of extraordinary achieve- GLENN W. LEVEY MIDDLE SCHOOL making her school one of the finest in ment. Wherever he has gone, he has NAMED 1999–2000 BLUE RIBBON our Nation has been instrumental in stood as a role model within the com- SCHOOL creating this community. On behalf of munity, and his leadership will be dear- ∑ Mr. ABRAHAM. Mr. President, in the entire United States Senate, I con- ly missed. On behalf of the entire 1982, the United States Department of gratulate Glenn W. Levey Middle United States Senate, I congratulate Education initiated its Blue Ribbon School on being named a Blue Ribbon the Honorable Gus Cifelli on a wonder- Schools Program. In each year since, School for 1999–2000, and wish the ful and successful career, and wish him the Department has recognized schools school continued success in the fu- the best of luck in retirement.∑ throughout the country which excel in ture.∑ VerDate jul 14 2003 10:47 Jan 05, 2005 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00138 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR00\S12OC0.005 S12OC0.
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